A. Vocational
3« Aesthetic
c. Painting and Sculpture
"- ■" '* -■^^-^■^-i* ■ •
The Sentinel. Jan. 29. 1915. t^^ " f^U. rp-^j 1077s
LOUIS Rimaj's paihtings on shhibition
Another honor has been conferred on Louis Ritman, the young Chicago artist
whose picture was among those selected for purchase by the Friends of i^erican
HaiTington Mann, celebrated English portrait artist, visited a studio where
Hitman's pictures were on exhibition. He exp^ressed admiration for them, and
invited Ritman to send three tp next season's exhibition of the Society of
Artists, Sculptors and Sngravers in London.
Arrangements are bing made to set aside a room in the Art Institute for an
exhibition of Hitman's paintings beginning February 2.
II A 3 e JEWISH "^
Chicago Trllwine, Sept. 20, 1937. -^
Scixlptor H* H, Parks of 1843 Uiehigan Avenue has Just finished a Paris plaster model -^
of a statue of Uiehael Beese, to be erected next spring on the walk leading to the \
Michael Reese Hospital on the lake front, near Twenty-nineth Street. Joseph Bosen-
berg, who lired in San Francisco » a son of Jacob Bosenberg of 1626 Michigan Avenuot
was a nephew of Michael Beese 8uid in his will provided that $10^000 of his noaey
should be paid for a statue of his uncle t to be placed in the hospital grounds* The
executors gave the cofflmission to Mr* Parks, who has designed a standing figure of
Michael Beese eight feet high* The statue is to be of bronze, cast in Chicago or in
Borne* The simplicity of the life of Mr* Beese is copied in the plaster figure* The
dress is simple, the folds of the frock coat being carelessly drawn back, the right
hand resting on the hips and the left foot thrown forward* In making the model Mr#
Parks was guided by a photograph of Mr* Beese taken about five years before his death*
The bronse figure will rest on a pedestal of Bovano granite, from Italy, twelve feet
high and sixteen feet square* The bronze statue will cost about $7^000*
■•,. ,.V
II A 3 c
The Reform Advocate, Wlc. of May 7, IS?-!, Vol. 73, t).U21.
The ejinual exhibit of the works of Chicap-o Jewish artists rill he on dis- 5 ' -^
play at the Culture Cluh Center, 75 W. Rajidolph street, from Hay 7 to 12»
There are forty-two rrtists represented this yerr. It is the largest exhibit i^
ever undertaken and sioonsored by the Jewish 7/omen's Art Club, i'roin r> general
art viewpoint , the character of the paintings is on a very high ^n^ unique
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The Reform Advocate ^ Volume 71; V/eek of June Ze^ 1926*... I^age 741,
Aaron Lebedinskyt seventeen years old Jewish boytwho came to America from ^
Russia three years agOt enjoys the distinction of being the only public school
pupil ever awarded a scholarship to the Art Institute^
• , ^
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II A 3 c
Chicago Hetrew Institute Observer, June S, I926.
From June 5 to Jxine lU, Chic8>^o will have the unusual opportunity of view-
ing the famous Palestine Exhibit of Arts and Crafts assembled \inder the
personal direction of Dr. Boris Shartz, Director of the Berzalel School
of Palestine.
The Exhibit was shown in England, France, and Cermany before it was brought
to the United States. Paintings, sculpture, rugs, metal works, ivories,
bronzes, reliefs and plaques, illustrated books, embroideries decorated
titles, etc., will be exhibited.
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The Forward. November 26. 1923. ^^P^' ('i-U PROJ. 302^5
t:':^"*^:-. u -'■: .-. ■■.• - ■ ■" . • ■by
,.: - " - U, Tolohin.
^:'.. >^i;,xjJ^
A Je^vish woman of Chicago, a mother of two grown children, is now "being
admired by the greatest sculptors of the land for her wonderful achievement*
Mrs# Elizabeth Nathanson, who Is widely known in many art circles of Chicago,
as a greet critic e.nd lover of art, has perfected the art of sculpture by
inventing a natural mask, revealing the exact features of a person accurate-
v.-.^/\;v;^ 1. ly and permanently*
She practiced on n^ r own daughter, Pauline, who acted as her mother's model* . .
':!^^MM- ^rs. Nathanson brought plester and other necessary materials and began working
with trembling hands on the beautiful face of her daughter^ And after apply-
- 5
i ing her entire knowledge thereto, the mask was made*
1 ;
The Foil's. rd. November 26, 1923.
WFA (ILL,) PROJ. 30275
At first, famous sculptors of Chicago, were astonished by the work of Mrs.
Mathanson. It later beceme very popular among the wealthy class. Beginning
with Ue.yor Dever and ending with the multi-millionaire, Harold McCormick, and
his v/ife, (Mrs») Ganna -Tolska.*.*. everybody €oon began to desire to have
masks made by UrSm Nethanson.
However, the Jevdsh sculptress ignores everything. It is too dear to her for
commercial purposes. She views it only from an artistic stand point*
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Ibrsiard, May 1, 1923. .... ,,j^.. . pj^Qj 3^2;^
A Jewish art exhibition - the pictures of the famous Jewish artist, Satil Raskin,
airranged by the Women's Art Club — branch of the Culture League; every day and
night until Sunday, May 6, at the National Socialist Institute.
Wednesday ni^t at 8 a lecture at the exhibition: a lecture by Saul Raskin.
Subject: Where to Look and Understand Art. Admission Free.
II A 3 c JEYiriSE
Daily Jewish Courier, Jiine 9, 1919,
As is knovm to the readers of the Courier > two pictures in I«ir. Block's
recent exhibit at Chicago's Arts Club were interesting and impressive
portraits of Jev/ish types: "The V/riter," and "The Psalm Singer."
Besides two non-Jewish art connoisseurs, there were many amateur
judges present. Of his masterpieces, the Jewish painter Block said,
"that he hoped they might land in Jev/ish hands."
Last week L'r. 3. B. Komaiko imspected the two pictures and bought them.
We hear that Kr. Komaiko also wishes to obtain a third picture of liir.
Block's known under the title of "The Soul of a Violin," or "The
Transmigration of a Llelody."
II A 5 C
Dally Jewish Courier, May 8, 1919
By Dr. A. luargolln
To the usual patron and observer, the young Jeivlsh painter, I. Mortimer
Block, whose pictures are being exhibited at Chicago *s Art Club, casts
a reflection throughout the whole riotous gallery of symbolic works
and his portraits catch the eye like a red thread, the exoteric, diaspora
characteristic of the artistes conception.
IfThichever, embroidered phantasy of Mr. Block* s many hued collections
you may Inspect, whether the exotic nature studies or his oripiinal
monotypes, you notice almost everywhere a finely colored fantastic
II A 5 C * - 2 - JSVJISH
Daily Jewish Courier, May 8, 1919
veil, or troubled heavens, lone and colorful tremors, or ireful
clouds reflecting a melancholy and hellish atmosphere, all of which are
molded into his landscapes or figures—all colorfully tragic.
Block's brush although free and easy, is also very bold and audacious
in color application* The artist is not ultra-modern but very rich
in originality and decorative technique.
The impressions of his v;ar pictures are not expressed in forms of fiery
envisioned horrors or in gigantic destructive processions, but in quiet
touching sorrow, in silent yet unfailing influence of tears, helplessness
and love throes* imd, therefore, the principal figure of Block's war
images is -woman,; rather than the fighting soldier.
II A 5 C - 3 - JSn'.lSE
Dally Jewish Courier. Ivlay 8, 1919
Woman is the symbol of love and siiffering, the most favorable object
'of the artist's diaspora inspirations.
Block's "War Bride," is a dreamy Lladonna vath a naked baby in her
ariiS, Both faces radiate with holy naivety, appealing even to the coldest
"hearts. On both sides of the "V/ar Bride," v.^atch tv/o black robed figures
of nuns. One, bent, expressing affliction and v/retchedness, the other,
pride ^nd courage. There is no trace of a smile on the entire picture,
not even an illuminating line.
"The Dead City," displays a vxDman in black, a type of chaste v/oman
who stands among the ruins of a former rioviering country, mourning
and praying, iui atmosphere of despair and darkness. On the very top,
peering out of the thin veil is a ray of light, hardly visible. The
eye retains only the darkness and tragedy.
1 > .
II A 5 C
- 4-
Daily Jev/ish Courier, Liay 8, 1919
To Eternal Hope," reveals a decorative symbolic scene of lifers
do\mfall. Above, a red heaven, the sxin setting forever • Beneath,
between tvro dense forests, in the darkness on a quiet stream a
soldier hurries his canoe containing a fallen hero in the black portals
of death.
Blft3k*s allegorical fantasies are also molded from the artist's diaspora
psychology; of torment and sorrov;, of dramatic effects and sentiments
of pity.
"The Fiddler," or more exact "The Transmission of the Fiddle,"
portrays an old man v/ho sits as if glued a lifetime to the same stool,
absorbing the tones of his beloved instrument. The floor and everything
around him is in a state of decay, the earth has grown up around it.
You seem to see the man, his fiddle, and stool become an integration
that continues forever. The man playing his instrument until the
ground itself "swallows" them. Eow beautiful and impressive.
II A 5 C - 5 - JEV/ISE
Daily Jewish Courier, ISaj 8, 1919
The lyric heights of Block* s artistic imagination does not gleam
from his physical or symbolical figures. His crea.tive powers, his
soul, his individuality, the young artist encases in his Jev/ish penal
works, where the diaspora characteristics of his corporealistic
imagination and monotypes have proven to be exceptionally prominent,
rich, decorative, rhythmically formed, and above all original.
Block's ^Diaspora," is not a procession of bent, v/andering beggars
with staffs, but an old, dreaming Jewish shoemaker, deep in thought, a
partriarchal type wearing a skull-cap. He jsits^ all alone on the i^tBps
of his shop, shouldering the yoke of his struggle for the right to
The entire diaspora imprints, the compassion of his nation lies on his
glorious oriental face, his forehead's wrinkles, the deep longing eyes,
II v 5 c - 6 - jl:.jjh
Daily Jev.'iGli Courier, Lay C, 1919
and too, in iiic shadov^.
Block's "Jternal . Wanderer,'' is the antithesis of his paintin.:* the
^Mussian Fanatic'' (I"^asputin) • Those tv'o s^Tiholic heads 5;re, in their
central lino, in riiytliri, and in outor i'*ori7i, siLular. The fanatic
unites, in his -i-lancos, r>orious:ies3 -..itii viclcednes.'v, roli::iouG fervor
v;ith prophetic torror,
"The Jternal .anderer," is a patriarchal beauty, his snooth bright
forehead and nild loncinc and sorrov.l*ul eyes eyrovess sufferin£;;, ani-ziety,
^reat courap:e and forg-ivenes..;. Hot a single vTiTLVlo on tlic old
rabbinical forehead. Is this a rytiiiiic error? No. It is the iron
strength of the diaspora Jer.l
The Scribe," is encrossed in his parclu'ient , his holy task, before him
on the vvooden table. "T}.:e Jewish Nature .irtist," v/ith his free thought,
naive, satisfied look; the s^niibolic acconpan^'ing v.'or.ian's head and the
II A 5 C - 7 - jaVISH
Daily Jewish Courier, May 8, 1919
background^ the old "Diligent l^Ian,'* (picture 26) fettered to his
table near his beloved book; all are alike clothed and shrouded in
diaspora impressionistic strokes with a Jewish charm, form, and
rhythm in the personification, the background are in light and shadow^
The Jewish ix^rtraits, roses of Block's imaginative garden, are
In **Madam Kolish," we recognize immediately the noted, ethereal,
yearning, aristocratic daughter of Zion, in a rich colorful background
of oriental symbolism depicting the historical destruction of Palestine.
The background and all its figures, are woven around the actress in a
reddish-white, strongly visioned stage of nature.
The picture "Moon Shine," is the portrait of a young Jewish dramatic
actress in a New York theater.
II A 3 C - 8 - J5r;JISH
Daily Jewish Courier, May 8, 1919
You see a being vdth wild flying hair and dramatic features. From
the left eye falls a tear. On the face falls light and shadow from the
moon, reflecting on the illuminated picture. So much unhappiness, so
much despair.
In the gallery there are many more personal portraits, as that of
New York's Governor Smith, Dr. S. M. Melonid, Nathan Yud, and others.
The English press points to ou: young Jewish artist as a new light in
the field of American painters. For us Jews, Block is a new modem
diaspora artist, v;hose original creations we welcome with pride,
although the yoimg master has not yet found his path, his "soul's home."
II A 5 c
Dally Jewish Courier, Feb. 13, 1914«
The Chicago Jewry Is now ruled by a holiday spirits From Jerusalem, the
country for which the soul covets and longs, friendly and hearty greetings
came In the form of the exhibit of the Bezalel's antiques, and every Jew,
man or woman, attired In holiday raiment, goes to see it and admire the
fine artistic work the Bezalel Palestine's Art School^ creates for the
Jewish people.
It is a beautiful holiday filling us with hope and comfort • The Bezalel,
with its exhibits, reminds the Jej?s living in Diaspora that the Jewish
spirit is awakening to new life, that there, in Jerusalem, dwell Jewish
artists creating art that will kindle the light of Jewish national raainis-
cence. .
II A 5 c - 2 - JEV/ISH
I C Daily Jewish Courier, Feb, 13, 1914*
And if there are still people who believe that the Jev/s have no art where-
by to express their characteristics and culture, let them visit the Bezalel
athibit and see what the Jei^;ish intellect can create and how far aesthetic
art has advanced among the Jews.
The holiday of the Bezalel Exhibit, becomes even more exalted to us when
we consider the twofold practical value of it. Everybody now has the
opportunity to bring home an embellishment which will beautify it, giving
it a typically Jewish appearance that will always keep him in close con-
tact with the Jewish art temple, and which shall portray to his children
the aesthetics in vdiich the Jews are engaged.
The second value is «ven more important, in that this exhibit demonstrates
that Bezalel is not a dreeun, that Professor Shatz's (the founder) idea of a
Jewish art temple is now a reality, a fact which goads us forward to do
everything within our means to help the Bezalel School stand on a higher
nlane and on firmer foundations.
II A 5 c
- 3 -
Daily Jewish Courier > Feb. 13, 1914
The holiday of the Bezcdel Exhibit in Chicago has proved tliat all Jews
regardless of personal convictions, give the exhibit such a character as
will make Professor Shatz deeply feel that he is not alone, that the
thousands of Jews in Chicago, like the* Jews of other cities and countries,
are taking a warm and active part in this sacred work; that here in Chicago
we know how to estimate and respect that which is so significant to Jewish
That is why the Bezalel is so popular among the Jews in Chicago, Everyone
considers it his duty to attend and to purchase antiques from it.
.. *
II A 3 c JBwisH \::^
The Sentinel t Wk. of April 18, 1913* Vols. 9-10, p*l6. ^
A farewell party was given at the Ball House, Trlday evening. In honor of ^^
S* B* Lender, the yoiing Chicago artist who has won so much distinction \jk
during the last two years. He Is leaving the city for a year's work In
— A. •• • •
1 ■ »" • - • "- '■.-■..
Mr. Lender received his early training In the studio at Bill House. Later
he went to the Art Institute where he was awarded the traveling scholetr-
ship. While still a student, his portrait of Idward Tlmmons was accepted
Iqr the Chicago Society Xxhlbltlon and chosen for the continuous exhibition "
at the Art Institute, '
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II A 3 c
The Reform Advocate > Vol* UU, Wk* of Nov. 23, 1912. p.HjU. o3
The Art Department of the Chicago Woman's Aid has placed on exhibition in
the parlors of Sinai Social Center, a collection of pictures by Jerome
Bloom, a young Chicago artist.
...... • . ' . ■ ■ - V 7 .■
The collection includes a number of oil paintings and etchings. The ekhibit
is open to the public.
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fhe Sentinel > Wk* of August 18, 1911* 7ol8» 3-U, p.2.
Louie Bltiian, a product of Chicago's West Side, has won an enrla'ble naae
for himself In Paris art circles^ He came to America with his parentSt
from Bussla» about three years ago, and studied lettering and decoratlye
^designs at the Chicago Acadengr of Tine Arts; His talents attracted the
kindly Interest of two Chicago artists, P* C* Stohr and Behecca Krutt-
achrltt* "Through their assistance he was ahle to secure commissions for
portraits and had soon sared enough to study In Paris* Two of his plc«*
tures, "She Toilette," and "Sunll^t" were accepted and hong In the Salon
where they attracted conslderahle attention*
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II A ^ c
The Reform Advocr-^te, Vol. Ul, Wk. of Jjine 2U, ISll, P.S3I.
The annual exhioition of paintings "by the students of the Art Institute
contains many canvasses hy Jewish students whtch occupy prominent places*
ATiong the finest are counted the paintings of Sar. Ostrof sl:y, . Jacoh Richard,
Sam Linder end Weisenher^, The last three are portrait painters in oil snd
Ostrofslcy is a masterful figure painter.
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II A 3 c
The Reform Advocate. Vol. 27, Wk, of Apr, 2,190U, p. 136
Harry Penkowsky of the Class of IS95 of the Jewish Training School, has
* captured the competitive prize offered by the Julien School of Paris for the
"best drawirig from a live model. In addition to the money received, he will
"be given the benefit of criticism of the picture from the Paris artists. Artists
as well as students were allowed to compete and about 300 were in the race.
i -
.. '-'."
A. Vocational
3, Aesthetic
d« Theatrical
(1) Drama
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II A 3 d (1) JSiaSR
Forward, Apr. 24, 1931. ''^'''^- ^''-t.) FROj. :i()276
Llaurlce Schwartz, director and actor of the iirt Theatre of llevi York, made
a big hit in Chicago.
In spite of bad conditions, the Art Troupe performed to crowded houses.
The financial success v/as equally as great as the moral one.
Mr. Schwartz played here Scholora ilsh's beautiful drama, ^ncle 'Moses,** ^'The
Man with the Portfolio," "Bloody Laughter," and Leon Cobrin's "Riverside
Drive," a very impressive drama of Jewish Life in i^erica.
\ix. Schwartz and his troupe were received with great enthusiasm by Chicago
Jewish theater lovers • It shows that art lovers were very thirsty for better
II A 3 d (1) - 2 - Jg/aSH
Forward^ Apr. 24, 1931. -'^'^ 'l^*-L,.: PROj. 30275
plays and better acting.
llr. Schwartz and his company were very pleased with the hearty ovations and
applause received from the Chicago public.
After llr. Schwartzes departure from Chicago, the famous Jewish comedienne,
Molli Picon, and her company will be the guest artists for only five per-
II A S d (1)
Forward, Apr* 21, 1931.
Abe Cohan , editor of the Jewish Forwards has written a very enthusiastic
and inspiring recension about the '^Man i<Vith the Portfolio."
It is perhaps the first Jewish play to make a tremendous hit in Soviet
The action takes place in the Soviet union, and portrays very vividly the
life in present Russia.
Mr. Cohan writes:
7There were monents in v;hich the enthusiasm waxed so high that the people
almost jumped from their seats, as if the whole building would crash as a
result of the unexpected surprises and thrills.
WPA (ILL) rR0J:3C275
« 2 - JB^VISH
Forward, Apr. 21, 1931 •
In the third act, when Granatov delivers his speech, Mr, Schwarts reaches
the highest stage of dramatic art. He is simply brilliant in that part.
Miss Stella Adler is also very unusual in her role. l!adaine Appel was
superb in her part; she simply bewitched the audience with her charm and
On the whole the play was interesting and worthwhile in every respect.
Mr. Cohan is recommending every Jew in Chicago not to fail to see this
extraordinary production, "The Man With the Portfolio."
lU :^0:,3C275
II A 5 d (1)
Fon'jard, Apr. 14, 1931 •
WPA (ILL) ^RGJ. 30275
V/elcome Morris Schwarts V/ith Great Enthusiasm
•' Chicago Jewish Theater lovers were in a very good mood yesterday evening
when they gave a hearty and stormy reception to Mr. Lbrris Schwarts and his
artistic trouT)e.
' Schv;arts and his art company played Sholom Ash's play, "Uncle Moses."
"Uncle Moses" is a comedy of Jev/ish life in i\merica. It is highly dramatic
^ and exceedingly romantic. iilxGuisite folk scenes of the life of Jewish v/orkers
are beautifully depicted by the players.
The public has accepted this drama with much excitement.
"Uncle Moses" will be played Saturday and Sunday.
II A 3 d (1) JIflSH
" ^ ^ * ^^^ WPA(iLL)PROJ. 30275
Fonrardt Mar. 22, 1931.
Jewish writers in Aaerica baT6 for a long time cherished the idea of coinpiliog
a Jewish Theater Lexicon* It was felt that the Jewish actor iriio is participating
in the creation of Jewish culture in Aperica^ should have his naae perpetuated
in a hook in order that one might know who he was^ what he had accoiipli shedf
what brought him to the Jewish stage and what he had contril^uted to the derelop-*
ment of the Jewish theater in general.
HoweTer* those who atteaipted to write the lexicon were confronted with all sorts
of difficulties* In order to accomplish the task it is absolutely necessary for
the writer to possess unusual energjTt patiencot and the persistence of a real
idealist* He most haye confidence in himself and he able to perform everything
he undertakes* Such a person is Ur* Zalman Silversweigt the author and editor
of the Yiddish Theater Lexicon*
Mr. SilTsrsweig worked for more than ten years on the compiling of the lexicon*
He gathered material not only from old archives in libraries but from personal
friends among actors and friends of actors* He traveled in almost every country
II A 3 d (1) - 2 - JBflSH
II B 2 d (3)
•e. .. \n.kiy PRCJ. 30275
Torward, Mar* 22» 1931.
of the world irtiere Jewish drafflas are played* Ererynhere he went lb*« Silver*
zwelg gathered inforaationt not only concerning real stars but about mediocre
actors* To hia the actors were not alone iniportant but also the iriiole structure
of the theater*
We snist praise hia for accoaqplishing such a remarkable piece of work* The
first book of the lexicon has Just been released from the press* It contains
names of actors and actresses froa A to Z* By reading the first volume one can
readily see the iaportance of this work for those desiring to study or to get
information on the history of the Yiddish theater^ as well as for those who
interest themselves in the Jewish theater in general*
Anyone who has ever written about the Jewish theater, or its actorst knows very
well how difficult it is to gather information on this subject* We lack data
about the Jewish theater; the information is buried in private archives where
nobody is able to get at it^ and much inforaation is lost; there are no biblio*
graphical notes* But this problea has finally been solved by Ur. Silversweig*
Should one want to write a more extensive biography about Jacob Adler or Si^aund
Uagulesco, one will find plenty of aaterial and bibliographical notes in the
II A 3 d
II B 2 d
- 3 -
Terward, Mar. 23, 1931
WrA (ILL.) PROJ. 3027b
Jevlth Lazicon.
la othar nation* aaeh a work is not accoapllshed by ona oaa Init by a group 9t
man, aach a apaclallat in his field. This (work) is almost like an encyclopedia
and it seaas well-nig^ iaipossible for one person to hare aeeoaqpli shed such an
enormous task.
SoBdrous items are included such ae hlstoryt drama, literature, folklore, science
and arte We regret that this work is of inferior quality* We must not blame
the author for not heing able to present a more perfect work. On the contrary
we must gire him credit^ for after all he was the first one to conceire the idea
of the lexicon and to achieye its goal* One obvious fault is the stress laid on
dates while more important details are omitted, such as the roles played by the
Mr* SilTsrsweig remarks in his preface that he is not a theater critic^ that he
only writes about the achievements of the actors but is unable to discuss the
quality of their acting* Another error made by the author was in allotting the
same space to noted actors and to those of minor standing* The editor of a
lexicon must be iorpartial, but one must recognise facts and extend to the great
actors the deserved amount of attention*
II A 3 d (1) - 4 - JOTISH
II B 2 d (3)
WPA (ILL.) Pi?CJ. 30276
Porwafd, Mar. 22, 1931.
Tor Instance, Tery Tagaa infomation is given about Leon BlanCt who was Tsry
well known* The lexicon only mentions where he was bom and irtien he came to
the Uziited States^ but nothing about his contributions to the Yiddifh stage*
The same may be said about other noted actors and actresses* such as Bina
AbramovitZy Celia Adler* Anna Appel, Bertha Gersteut etc« The question arisest
will readers in Surope get a clear conception of our actors in America* and
their relative importanceT The editor should take these points into consideration
before the last two books are published*
A lexicon is not written in order to satisfy the public* but has a definite
purpose -- to give facts about and praise for those irtio earned it* Ut. Silver*
sweig has been yerj careful, in most instances, in giving dates* He gives a
full list of plays, published and unpublished, indicating the time where and
when each play was performed, but occasionally forgets, or perhaps neglected,
to give the dates; which gives the impression that it is a haphazard piece of
I am only trying to point out a few errors made by the author which could have
been avoided very easily* I am not trying to belittle the value* Mr* Silver-
sweig deserves mnch praise and recognitiout
II A 3 d (1) JE7fISH
Jewish Forward, Mar. 6, 1931* "'^^^ Ol-U PROJ. 30275
The sex play "Should a «7oman Deceive?** made such a big hit in the Lawndale
Theater ).ast week, that it was held over for another week*»*«
The Lawndale Theater was crowded* No doubt CChicago Jewry was very
eager to see a play like this for they never saw one like it* They
have read much about sex plays performed in New York on the Jewish
stage and even there such plays were stopped numerous times in order not
to offend respectable citizens*
This play is not so spicy as its name suggests* One recognizes that it
is a very wholesome drama, and there is nothing vulgar or burlesque in
it* The only thing that is exciting is the heroine's confiding of her
life secrets to her best friend - about her marriage 8 years before
and about remaining childless as a result of having too many abortions*
II A ^ d (1) - 2 - JMISH
Jewish Forward, tar. 6, 1931* "^^ i^'^1^') PKuj.o&^/i
The story of this drama, written by Jacob Goldin, tells of a woman,
happily married, but childless as the result of abortions, whose husband,
very much in love with her, yearns for a child. She decides to go to
Florida for a holiday, telling her husband that she is pregnant, and
there she adopts a baby#
Her doctor, who is in love with her, threatens to tell the truth to her
husband unless she will yield to him.
A year later she herself tells her husband that the baby is an adopted
one. At the final curtain, the audience still does not know, '•Should
A Woman Deceive?**
The husband and wife are still in love with one another; why then, does
he want to leave home rather than accept the adoption of the baby?
II A 3 d (1) - 3 - JEWISH
Jewish Forward, Mar. 6, 1931. WPA (ILL) PROJ.3U^/o
Why do they not discuss their problems frankly? Why was he silent all
those years, and why did she not tell him about her wholesale abortions?
Whan the big scandal occurs over the affair with the doctor, the husband
accepts the adopted son as his heir* The directing by Jacob Cohen is up to
Although advertised in the newspapers as a family drama , it should be
classified) rather, as a melodrama with surprises and miracles • The
leading role is most exquisitely played by the well-known actress,
Celia Adler*** The male lead is played by David Paper* He plays his
role artistically, but somewhat too melodramatically*
The third important role^ that of the doctor, is played by Abraham
il A 5 d (1)
Daily Jewish Courier, Mar. 6, 1923 •
(In jiiglish)
Jacob Ben And, the well-knovm Yiddish and English actor, now appearing in
a Broadway theater in ;:ew York in a German play imported here and made a
hit with his artistic aid, is reported to be on his way to Chicago to ^
further the cause of a Yiddish art theater in this city. It is claimed C
that a sum of i^l50,000 is to be pledged for that cause. .7e v/onder what 5?
the idea is all about? Is it a New York idea, for which we are to pledge £
local contributions, or will this art theater represent a Chicago invest- ^
ment in Jewish art? If the latter, good may be expected; we v^onder where ti
the money will come from. Je do not knov; which persons among our wealthy
men will show this interest in art, nor do we know who the patronizers of
good productions in Yiddish will be. Thus far, the better plays have been
left in the cold and the Jewish audiences of Chicago have seen fit to
II A 5 d (1) - 2 - J^^H
Daily Jewish Courier, Mar. 6, 1923.
patronize plays of little or positively no artistic merit. However, we
shall await developments and pray for Ben Ami's success. Time, which has
deceived us all so many times, may deceive us yet another time.
• —
"^1 J
II A 3 d (1) jmVISH
Daily Jewish Co\irier> Sept. 1, 1922*
Dr. S. 1.:. IJelamed
Chicago is lucky. The actors in all the Jewish theaters located in Jewish
centers are on strike, and the theaters, therefore, cannot open. In Chicago
peace reigns between the Jewish actors and the Jewish theater-ov/ners, andf '^
therefore, the Jev/ish theater will open its doors to the public, v/hereas the ^
Jev/ish theaters in New York are temporarily closed. Llp. Elias Glicknian, -p
the ovmer of the largest Jev/ish theater in Chicago, is, of course, happy o
about the situation and laughs at the theater managers in New York. Had V^
they adopted his policy, perhaps they too would be able to open the doors §
of their theaters today.
The Jewish theater of Chicago is also lucky in having obtained the services
of a truly great artist — Joseph Shengold. His technique is varied; at one
II A 3 d (1) - 2 - JEWISH
Daily Je7/ish Courier, Sept. 1, 1922.
moment, he makes one shudder — at another, one's so\il is frightened and one
sees ghosts whispering.
It is difficult to characterize the art of Joseph Shengold because it is
many-sided. I have seen him in difficult tragic roles v;hich made me cry. -^
I have seen him in very funny rolas and I nearly burst with laughter. I •]
have seen him play dramatic and melodramatic roles v/ith the skill of a *^
master. ^
Mr. Shengold can also sing. He sings Jev/ish melodies as powerfully and o
sweetly as— what shall I say — as my friend Manewich. It is a pleasure to
hear him play and sing, I am sixre that Chicago will enjoy him. fo
I do not knov/ v/hether he will enjoy Chicago. That depends upon you. If
you believe that it is better to go to the Jewish theater to hear a Jewish
word, see Jewish acting, listen to a Jewish song than to sit home and play
II A 5 d (1) - s - JK:aSE
Dally Jev/lsh Courier^ Sept. 1, 1922.
poker — then he will surely enjoy Chicago. Otherv/ise, he will curse the
day he came to Chicaco.
" 1
II A 3 d (1)
• , ^^^^ Oil) PROJ. 30275
Jorward. May l6, 1922. ^^^
Palace Iheatra
The first time in 12 years In Chicago*
Budolph Scbildkraat will play seTen performances onlyi
7rlday» Saturday and Sunday Night
Saturday—and*- Sonday Matinee
Ikele Magjk
Monday Vightl Schildkraat as Tankel SabsoTits
Gfod of Herenge
Tuesday Night I farewell Performance
Schildkraut as Shylock
II A 3 d (1) JEWISH
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30276
roiwrd, April ?Z, 192r2.
The Historj^ of the Jev/ish Theater in Ohicego, "by Yonah Spivak,
The Jewish theater of Chicaii^o is ss old as the Jewish mi^rration from eastern
Euroi^ean countries to this city. It has developed on the sanie "basis as the
Jewish theater of IJew York, The Jewish theater of Chicago also hrd a pre-
historic period leaving no posters or evidence of it.
The old Jewish inhabitants of Chicago tell us that in 13^2 the Jewish theater
occupied a "proninent" place in Jewish life, - in a garret of the Turner Ea,ll
on DeVroven street neax Canal. At that time, all the Jewish stores, shops,
Heorew schools raid synagog^ies were centered in that neighhorhood. The Turner
Hall had catered mostly to weddings and dances and whenever it was vacant,
the Jewish actors of that time took advantage of the opportunity and rented
it for a performance. The manager of that company v-as I'r, G-oluhak. . Mr, G-olu-
"bak's company consisted of men only, "because women, of that time, did not
have aaiy access to the Jewish stage.
Page 2
II A 3 d (1)
V^?A (ILL.) PROJ^ 3Q275
Forward, April 23, 1922.
Although this was only a prel-:de to the real perforrriance , '^.'hen^ in DecernlDer
13S5» the curtain rose in Turner Hall "before a large audience of Jews, Soris
Thomashef S'^^, who came from Hew Yorl^ with the repute of a great actor,
appeared. Boris Thom?,shef S'<y was then -nanaged hy L. and Hyman Ruhenstein.
The plays, Rothchild's Eio^:raphy written oy Thornashef sity' s father, The Orphan
In Peril, that was pcrfor^-ned ''oy the actor Pwudolph l!arks (who is nov' a promi-
nent law;:,'er in Philadelphia) and the Pintele Yid hy Croldfodem, were drama-
But the German proprietor of the Turner Hall "became ohstin^r.te after the first
five performences and did not rent his nlace for Jewish theaters any more,
'bec?:^use of the Jews wai^ting to enter the hall "before the janitor opened the
doors. ;
With this, we close the first chapter of t?xe Jewish "garret-art" in Chicago.
Page 3
II A 3 d (1)
Forwrd, April 23, 19-22.
WPA (ILL.) PROJ 30275
Later JacoL Adler ca^e to ChSca^^o from London, v-ith his compfjay, consisting
of Madame Kenny Liptzin and her hushand, LIr, G-old, Mr, ShaH'Cman and Mr, Han-
nah, who is now practicing law in Chic^co• i'lr. Adler was financed hy a Chicago
Jev na^:ed Drazdowitz and the first rjerforrnance was fciven at "Sam T, Jack's
Opera Honse" "between Dearborn and State streets.
Under Aller's regime a new chapter of Je^-ish a.rt he-^an in Chicaj-^o, Jack's Opera-
House adopted the name of. Adlers Ooera TTcuse. But after the first nerforn^^rice
which ^^as a great success, Madam6 Liptzin departed from Adler as a result of
a quarrel arid v^ppeared under the new management of Attorney Joseph Epstein, at ..
the 12th Street Theater, . •
The baftle "between the two stars caused a crtastrophe and the competition ruined
"both theaters financially, Adler paid little attention to his financia.1 condi-
tion and introduced as his leading^ la(^^ his wife Dinah, In a short ti-ne, his
"biisiness dissolved and he went t^ ITew York and from there hack to London.
Page k
II A 3 d (1)
Vv?A (ILL.) PRO 1. 30275
Fon^arc> April 23, 1522.
In ISSU he returned to Chicaijro, where he united with Boris Thomrshef s'g^. In the
month of of that year they played at the Standard Theater, Ralsted and
ffackson Blvd., together with L'p.daTne Sonya H^Tiovdtz, Bessie Thonf^^shef s^q^, Madame
Epstein, P. G-lil^on, 11. H. Tiplit^lcy, H. Harher, H. Shanlonan and several others.
Hyrnan Ruhenstien named the Standard Theater, "Adler's Opera ^ouse." The huild-
in^^ ras, rerhsps, constructed in the covered ^."rgon days, ?.'hen the pioneers of
Chicago entered it v:ith guns in order to protect themselves from the Indians.
It was dilapidated, aJid its interior w^s particularly/ neglected.
Boris Thomashef slcy and Adler were very husy preparing: for the opening perform-
ance. They decided to paint the chairs themselves. Madame Thomashef sl<:j^ oought
the paint on }.!a.xvrell street ar.d they proceeded the process of painting the
chairs. Large throngs flocked to the theater that evening, filling the house
to the corridors. The curtain rose rrnci the first act "began. Suddenly a ^oman
of the audience, attired in ^hite, yelled out "\^T PAIj^T." Similar remarks hy
the attendants were soon hea.rd. This was the climate of the m.elodramr., erxd when
Page 5
II A 3 d (1)
Forward, April 23, 1522. WPA (ILL) PROJ, 30275
the curtain fell, in the midst of the first act, snarchy prevailed and the
police rere compelled to si^^^cnBl a "riot nail," in fear of a tragic "wind-up."
The Jev^'s of Chicago "boycotted their remeining performances and in a short^e
the existence of "Adler's Opera House" ceased.
The Lyceum Theater, Desplaines end Madison, opened under the mana.gement of
Glickman, on Fehruar^r 3, I9OI, ps a permanent Je^'^'ish theater, with the following
stars: Alice Rothstein, Madame Jsiin:,'' Reinha.rdt, Mr. Schneir, Mr. and Mrs. Praaik,
Mr. and Mrs. Morganhesser, Mr. Goldherg, Mr. Teplitz^^/, Mr. David Shoenholtz,
Mr. Michowitz and Miss Sva Katz: Later rere added to the theater: Mr. ajid
Mrs. Simon, Mr. Oinzherg, Madame Danceman, Mrs. Lowitz, Mr. and Mrs. Shapiro
and Mr. Hoch stein.
At the first performance, Gliclcaan* s Lyceum Theater proved to "be very successful.
All cla^sses in the Jervish population hecame interested in Jewish plays. G-liclcmaji's
Page 6
II A 3 d (1;
Porwar^. April 23. 1922. WPA (ILL.) PROJ. 30275
Lyceum Theater "blossorped for three consecutive years. After tha-t it terminated
as a result of new fire ordinfinces vrhich "became effective.
In May 1903f ^■^^« Adolph G-^rtner c?me to Chicago, as a mem'ber of the G-eriTian
Opera. Company. He immediately turned to Pinchas Thomashef s'c;)'' who was director
of a trou-oe at the 12th Street Theater. Mr. G-artner's audition met with Thomas-
hefs^<j^'s approve! ajid Gartner was placed in the pl?y The Son of a Baron. The
company'' refused to play v^ith him "because he v-^^s not a union ^nan. Th.omashef s'^^
and the union actors carried on a -rreat fight, and finally the actors returiied
to the theaLter, Upon approaching the theater which was loc'red, they viewed a
si£;:n (vritten "by Thomashef sly) reading, "Tonight will "be Dlayed 'Tlie Closed The-
ater' in 5 acts, with a cast of lU hungry actors,"
Then Gartner took over the mana^^ement of t?ie Apollo Theater, at 12th ajid Blue
Island Ave., and united with the "striking" actors, who played on a percentaf^e
A few years later severa.l small cornp^riles "be^f^an playing at the Pavilion Theater
Page 7
II A 3 d (1) JS^ISH
Forward. April 21. 15^2. WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
on Roosevelt Road near Kalsted street. This theater Wc?s for several years,
under the management of !-luni Weisenfreiind (no^^- Paul Wuni) and in this theater
the great talent of Kluni was first exr^osed. G-artner/ at that time, managed
a. Jewish theater, the lletronolitPn, snd when Weisenfreund left, eight years
later, he too': over the managenient of the Pavilion Thea,ter. Then the Jev:s
began entering the Lavndale district, poid he opened the Inde-cendence Theater,
Independence and Roosevelt Eoed.
The opening of the Palace Theater, Blue Island and 12th street, crea,ted a
new epoch in the history of Jewish theater, althou;-;h it did not meet v/ith
great success at fir-st. At that time I'r. Pollay or)ened the Empire Theater
under his management. Ke directed it for two seasons with great a.ctors, hut
met with no success and v/as forced to close.
Then, Bernard Beinstein, well known comedian, attempted to establish a second
Jewish theater on Madison street and Western avenixe , the Imperial, but was
Pa,T:e S
II A 3 d (1)
^ = Poniard. April 23. 19?2. VVFA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
not successful enl the theater was closed in the middle of the season.
Thus, the Palace Theater again reniains alone on the Jewish theatrical field
in Chicago.
II A 3 d (1)
Dally Jewish Courier, Jan. 26, 1922.
Dr. S. 31. Melamed
Hare you ever heard a dead man speak, speak about everything, business , war,
love, and even about the other world? If you have never heard a dead man
speak and you want to witness such a miracle, you now have the opportunity.
This opportunity Is given to you at the Palace Theater, where they are pre^
sentlng Sholom Asoh^s newest plax* **The Dead Han**. ^
Since the friends of "^literature** are always complaining that they get too
little **llterature** and too much melodrama, Ur. ^llasTGllokman decided to
play a trlok on th€m; he would give them an opport\mlty to see a **llterary**
play, and not Just any literary play, but Sholom Asch^s **The Dead Man**.
The author himself says that it, ^The Dead 'Mn , ** will usher in a new period
in the Jewish drama and in the Jewish theater-^and when a merchant says that
n A 3 d (1) - 2 - JEWLSH
Dally Jewish Courier, Jan* 26, 1922.
his merchandise is good, it certainly inust be good.
Anyway, Mr. Ellas Gllcknan has a sense of humor — otherwise he would not hare
presented this very •'literary'^ play in his theater. Well, boys, you wanted
literature — here you have literature, a work by a great Jewish writer — and ^
much good will it do you. ^
"The Dead Man** is a ••literary'* play written by Sholom Asch. A play~whether w
literary or z]ot— should have action and the hero of this play is a corpse* ^
A corpse can do only one thing: lie in the grave* Now, Imagine, vdiat can
a corpse do on a stage? Anybody can play the role of a corpse. You just
lie down on the floor, they cover you with a black clot)i — and you lie
quietly* You do not cough, you do not moan, and you are considered dead*
But frtien a dead man talks, walks, moves around, dreams, together with a
living girl, about love~it indicates that the author did not know how to make
reed people say the same things* A writer who knows how to create living
H A 3 d (1) - 3 - JEWISH
Dally Jeirlsh Coarler, Jan« 26, 1922*
human beings^ does not have to dig oorpses out of grsYea.
A writer who has dug out a corpse and put him on the stage, should not hare
made him wear a soldier* s uniform* If the corpse wears a soldier* s uniform, ^
he should not talk like a hoarse corpse but like a soldier. •« .well, like a ^
dead soldier. You know how a dead soldier speaks? It doesn*t make any p
difference how he speaks or what he says — it will be correct and natural. ^
Ur* Teitelbaom, who played the role of a dead man, played it correctly and ^
naturally, and if he had plajred it in a melodramatic style, like Leon Blank, ^-
it still would have been natural and correct— *can you proTB it wrong? ^
The only good things about Sholom Asoh*s **The Dead Uan^ are the music and
the scenery. But the music does not fit the play and the scenery fits
neither the play nor the music. Otherwise, everything is fine: a dead play,
a dead man, ancient dead ideas, dead dialogue... .how can dead people speak
living dialogue?
H A 3 d (1) - 4 - JEWISH
Dally Jewish Courier^ Jan* 26, 1922.
Sholom Aseh deserres a banciuet fbr having wirltten a three^act play; *'!I3i6
Dead Man** doesn^t have a fourth act. If there had been a fourth act, the
audience, too, would have died and then we would have had a dead theater
and the undertakers would have had a good time. It Is a pity they did not
perform an autopsy upon the **dead man** before they dragged him out of the
grave onto the stage— they would not have been able to resurrect him and
the dead man would not have spoken to us.
My friend Glickman ?anted to square accounts with the lltei^ature-hungry
theatergoers, and, upon my word, he has succeeded admirably. Here Is
literature for you and do not pester me.
Now, having witnessed this •'literary'' play, I must ask Zolotarevsky to par-
don me. Zolotarevsky, you are a second Shakespeare and I am going to see
your "The Price Of A Divorce".
II A 3 d (1) JEWISH
lY Dally Jewish Courier, Jan^ 25, 1922. WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
Shneur Zalman
As you know from my previous articles^ our friend Ezer Gedallah, the
Gollclan-Jewish peanut vendor, is a devotee of the Jewish theater^
There is no good play in the repertory of the Jewish theater that he
has not read and there is no good Jewish actor whom he has not seen*
You, therefore, can imagine how greatly disappointed he was when he
could not attend the performance of Sholom Asch*s macabre drama, "The
Dead L3an,** infcich was presented last Monday night, at the Palace Theater,
by the Dramatic Club, under the direction of Abraham Teitelbaum# Late
Monday night, our friend Ezer Gedaliah went to the literary Klbltzamla
^Translator's note: Coined term to indicate gathering place of kibitzers/^*
There he heard diverse criticisms about the play, the players, the author.
II A 5 d (1) - 2 - JSVaSH
I C WPA (ILL.) PROJ. 30275
17 Daily Jewish Courlert Jan^ 25, 1922.
and eveiything else«
I hope that my one hundred thousand Jewish readers v/ill not mind hearing
'^What the people say"» \/e can learn a great deal more from the opinion
of many people than from the opinion of one critic #
Out Ezer Gedaliah visited each table in the Kibitzarnia, questioned every-
one \fdio was sitting at the tables and listened to their comments^ At the
same time, he was doing a good business selling nuts (at five cents a small
glass). Late at night he went away, a satisfied man.
Yesterday, early in the morning, o\ir Ezer Gedaliah came into the editorial
office, put down his basket of nuts in a corner, sat down at my desk, pulled
a bunch of small pieces of paper out of his pocket, and said: ^^ISr. Shneur
Zalman, please print these notes in the same order they are arranged here*
Here are jPavorable and unfavorable reactions to 'The Dead Man,* The Dramatic
II A 3 d (1) - 3 - JSTISH
lY Daily Jewish Courier > Jan* 25, 1922»
Club, and Sholom Asch* The opinions are of Interest — more or less. Eere
they are:
" 'The ?diole play Is a piece of insolence and the acting is idiotic* The
play has no plot, no movement; it is a piece of lyric poetry, but in spite
of that, it makes one yawn* Most of the players in "The Dead l^n" act as
if they were made of wood; they aren't even able to tell a stoiy* The
decorations and music are 0. K# but they are unnecessary, just as the dead
body is superfluous*
" 'The play should have had four more months of rehearsals* •
" *The play is very ^veak as a drama; it would have been better as a comedy**
" • Shakespeare presents a dead person for a moment only, but a Jew has to
ft f
The decorations are v/onderful, the music is v/onderful, but the play is
II A 5 d (1) - 4 - Ji^'/iaH
IC WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
IV Daily Jev/lsh Courier, Jan. 25, 1922*
no good and tHe acting is no good.'
" 'The play makes good reading for one who has time and is interested in
spiritualism and poetry**
tf t
Beautiful nonsense* •
" *A poetic, spiritualistic bore in three acts plus*' ^^^anslator's note:
It is not clear to me what that meansjj7
^ 'I did not see the play and I do not want to see it* If you know a
foreign language, you do not have to attend the Jewish theater* Most of
the plays have been taken over, adopted, translated and patched up from
other languages. •
" 'I have never experienced the feelings of a dead person and that is why
I do not know about ^The Dead Man^* I do not trust even ny own count r^/man
II A 5 d (1) - 5 - JEl?ISH
I C WPA (ILL) PRO J. 30275
IV Daily Jewish Courier, Jen. 25, 1922»
Przybyazewski /in this mattej^ because he hasn't died yet«* ^^anslator's
note: Przyebyszewski is a Polish writer^/
" 'The play is a remarkable piece of art« One has to be an aesthete to
appreciate it« The masses are more cultured than the intelligentsia;
they do not believe in death* •
•• ' 'I like the play and I would like to see it performed by actors, not by
amateurs, or worse than that**
** 'Let me tell you, it is not bad^*
" 'A symbolic play# A man arrives from the other world and declaimis poetry**
" *It is a pity they did not perform an autopsy upon the dead body; then he
coTild not have been resurrected and we would not have had to see hizn.. •
II A 5 d (1) - 6 - JEiniSH
I c \NPf^ (ILL '^ PRO I '^n?7R
IV Daily Jewish Courier. Jan. 25, 1922. ^ '^ ^J ou^/o
^ •The play reads is/ell; it is quite possible that it would have been a
real failure, if good actors had performed in it.*
^ 'The decorations by Ostrowski are excellent, but the uncultured masses
say that the decorations for last yearns play, "The Rabbi's Daughters,**
were much more beautiful and reailistic*
^ •Teitelbaum in '^The Dead Man" proved that he was an actor in the full
meaning of the word, but he did not have a good supporting cast* Some
fans of the Dramatic Club claim that if Ben Ami had played the role of
the dead man, he \«)uld have been the right person for the right role#*
" • There is only one man who could have played Teitelhaxm's role and that
is the "dead" Eaner whom Goulash, with a long knife in his hand, had chased
down Grand Street, in an attempt to stab Kaner. Kaner had said that Adler
was a bluffer and not an actor* Unfortunately, Eaner doesn't have a
soldier's uniform, and is a minor poet*'
II A 5 d (1) - 7 - JEliTISH
I C WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
IV Daily Jewish Courier^ Jan. 25, 1922.
^ ♦The only talented member of the Dramatic Club is ^^rris/^ Mason* He
plays the part of "Chonon" with discrimination* His intonation, diction,
and language are good* He does not permit himself to be bluffed by a
dead person. He wants, he says, to begin life anew* May he live one
hundred and twenty years and play the part of "living" characters* •
" 'There was only one man who did not play his part correctly* That was
the gravedigger who did not bury the corpse in "the icysterious wonderland"
where the people have the patience to watch a macabre drama on an enpty
stomach* •
" 'One good thing can be said about the members of the Dramatic Club; they
knew all the lines of the play by heart.*
" *The mob scene was good* Proof of this was the fact that the audience
laughed at the most tragic moments* •
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
Dally Jewish Courier > Jan« 25, 1922.
II A 3 d (1) - 8 - masE
I c
" 'I saw only the first act and I do not want to see the other acts be-
cause I am a living business man and dead people do not eat nuts.*
^ 'I shrugged my shoulders, may v/e all know v;hat misery is if v.^ know
whether Asch, himself, knows what he has written**
" 'One thing is sure* "The Dead Man" will not be translated into a for-
eign languai^e* It is not a "God of Vengeance" and the Gentiles cannot
be shown, through /the dialogue of7 ^ ^®^^ person the kind of brothels
that Jews naintain. The Gentiles have plenty of spiritualist literature,
and it is we vftio borrow from thenu*
" »In "The Dead Man," Sholom Asch has shown that he is a great poet and
a keen observer of Jewish misery; he has shown that he is a Jew who can
become enthusiastic about everything* He is the greatest word-artist in
Jewish literature t Every artistic spark in our melancholy Jewish life is
17 Daily Jewish Courier, Jan* 25, 1922*
dear and important to him.*
^ 'The Jewish public can get along very well without Asch, without his
plays, and without the Dramatic Clubs ••
^ *Mm.* ••Write literature for them, act naturally •••••They should live so
if they understand what is being written for them or xvhy it is being played
for them#»
" *A renarkable theatrical work and remarkable acting— nothing like it has
ever been seen in the Jewish theater^'
" •It is nauseating^*
" *I cannot critize Teitelbaum because I have never seen a soldier-corpse
walking among the living and advising them how to live**
II A 3 d (1) - 10 - JBWISH
Tc \NPA (ILL.) PH'-'^ 30275
lY Daily Jewish Coxirier, Jan. 25, 1922.
^ 'The Dramatic Club members are ambitious boys, with a desire for some-
thing more beautiful, \vith a better understanding of life, with an enter-
prising spirits Ifow they are going to show what they can do. Not only
one dead man, but an entire cemetery will act for them.*
" •The Hasidim ball that they gave was a farce* They attracted a crowd,
begged three thousand dollars out of it, and ^ve nothing in return.
Thanks to the financial success of the Hasidim ball, we now have dead
people on the stage to teach the public how to live, instead of how to
die— even vjood alcohol can cause death* •
" •DonH people go to the theatre? WasnH the theatre crowded last Monday?*
" 'For weeks, larger crowds than that ^t Lbnday night's performance of "The
Dead Ilian^ came to see "Shmendrik," but, just the same, "Shmendrik" has
not finished its run, just as "The Dead Man" will do soon.*
TT A S rl n^ - 11 - 3EV/ISH
f C ^ WPAOLLTWOJ. 30275
17 Dally Jewish Courier > Jan. 25, 1922»
w «The ia>b is a fool* It becomes enthusiastic quickly and it cools off
quickly* ^Vhatever you may say about "The Dead llan," one thing is sure;
the public that has seen it did not show any enthusiasm for it* The
cold, scattered applause after the second act proved this*'
" 'Those v/ho are God-anointed poets, are never understood* ♦
" 'A good play, but one cannot make a living out of it*'
" »We are subject to the laws of the world we live in* If the people de-
mand trash, v/e have to give it to them*'
" 'The genius of a woman is in her heart, and the genius of Jewish litera-
ture is in Sholom Asch* '
" 'The truth that a person does not understand is considered by him to be
II A 5 d (1) - 12 - J^'^^SH
I C WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
17 Daily J6V7l3h Courier > Jan* 25, 1922*
a fallacy* Those who have something against Sholon Asch do not under-
stand him, and his art is meaningless to them*'
^ 'I received a free pass to see the show, and, therefore, I would
rather not express my honest opinion* •
w 'Never mind, I wish there were more plays like it, and more players
whose purpose was much finer than that of politicians and beggars**
^ 'Anyway, it is much better to spend an evening among the Dramatic Club
members than to wander around with a Galician Jew, and to make fun of
everything and everybody*'
^ 'I would rather read one phrase by Sholom Asch than ten newspaper articles*'
" 'The innocent laughter of a child is a thousand times sweeter and more
II A 5 d (1) - 13 - JSaiSE
To WPA (ILT3TRm- 30275
IV Dally Jewish Courier, Jan. 25, 1922*
bewitching than the politeness of a prince; and plain jokes told matter-of-
factly, without any fuss, and love songs are more pleasing and more excit-
ing than the (not to be compared) plays of some writers whose names I
will not mention because the playwri^ts* union might excommunicate me»'
" *One doesn't get excited about plays that have been written mechanical-
ly, and presented mechanically; one considers them judiciously, spits
three times, and goes home«*
" ♦Similar works are found anong those of Przybyszewski and other artists;
the dialogue of the dead soldier reminds one of Gtorky's "Once More About
The Devil"**
" 'Przybyszewski, Gorky, and the others can learn a great deal from Asch#*
" 'If they have nothing to eat.«««'
H A 5 d (1) - 14 - JEWISH
IV Daily Jewish Courier. Jan* 25, 1922* WPA (ILL.) PROJ. 30275
^ »Sholom Asch likes to be flattered* •
" 'Oh, DO* He is a very laodest man*'
" •Let him remain a modest man, but he should not write any lODre ^lays
likgT' "The Dead Man;** it is better to write about live thieves like Motke#
You understand? •
•*That is all* No more opinions*"
As you see, my one hundred thousand Jewish readers, you have here various
opinions about "The Dead Han," the Dramatic Club and Sholom Asch; favorable
and unfavorable opinions* I have printed them here exactly as they were
expressed at the literary Kibitzamia* I am sure that those people whose
opinions were wrong, will not be angry with me, and those people whose
opinions were right, will not arrange a banquet v;ith speeches for me, or
present me with a bouquet of f lowers^
II A 5 d (1) - 15 - 3S\7ISH
IC WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
17 Daily Jewish Courier. Jan. 25, 19E2. ""^^ ^ '
May we all live in a better world and among better people tlian we live
in now — in a world of truth, justice and harmony. This wish is extended
to you by my friend, your friend, and everj-^body * s friend.
II A 3 d (1)
II A 2
Dally Jevish Courier. Jan, 19, 1922
The closing of BernstelnU Imperial Theater last Friday was not entirely im-
expected. This year, the Jewish theater business In Chicago, as Is true all :^
oyer America, has not heen particularly good, because of the general economic S
crisis. Mr. Bernstein has Increased the budget of the Jewish theatre to such -rr^
an extent that the additional expenses cannot be met because of the competlon r;
preyalllng among the theaters. He has strained all his resources to maintain -xd
this very expensive Institution, but, unfortunately, he lacks the j|[necessaT^ o
means. He proposed to the actors that they continue the season on a co-opera«* ^o
tlve basis, and offered his services, without pay, so that the eventual profit ^
would belong entirely to the actors* The delegate of the Jewish actor's union, c^
B» Quskln, could not accept this proposition because the *' co-operative principle, **
In theater enterprises. Is contrary to the rules of the union. The Imperial
Theater %ias then closed, and many of the scheduled benefit performances were
II A 3 d (1) • 2 - JEWISH
II A 2
^ Daily Jewish Courier. Jan. 19^ 1922»
transferred to Olickman's Palace Theaten /Translator's note: Ihe rest of the
article was not translated because the subject matter does not fall within
the scope of this proiectjj
%' ? "•.>rr
.V !•'
II A -S d (1)
I X -.
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
ChleagQ Torward Dee. 17. 1921
•*. ■
A night of art the Palace Theatre Monday night* Strindberg's famous play
The gather with the talented artist A* Teitelhanm in the leading role.
Chicago's intelligentsia will be at the Palace to enjoys an evening of art
and pleasure. The entire income goes to the Jewish Socialist Movement*
•» *.,
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II A 3 d (1)
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.■^ V
Pcnmrd, llovem'ber 3f 1921-
David Piijsky in Ollckman's ^
Palace Theatre
Extra Great Literary Art Presentation
Anshel Schnus will present -
David Pinsky^s Masterpiece
Each ffith His God
,7lth Dora ITeissnan & Coaipaa;/.
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
.. This is the first of a series of literary presentr-'.tione which
will "be played vin Glickman^s Palace Theatre*
(Adv. )
./■;>; -"^ •■■1^'
■ ■ • ■. >^
^,/*'/?t...^i .-. .i,=i.-i^ • .;^1^ " -:'it, JU^ liiC-: :!A^
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II A 3 d (1)
\. .•«
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■«> ..."
iir : -v.
it-/' V
v.- '"> • •■■•
■ Forward, iJoveinT:)er 3f 1921.
Gli demands Palace ITheatre
Second Week;
Dora Weissmarx
For Her Children
By Zotarovskj'"
(Adv.) ' '
' ;■• -
' . ■ ';■*■-•
• ...
. 3
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II A 3 cL (1)
Forrard, Novfeinber 1, 1521#
Gliclcnaii^s Palace Iheatre
Tonii^ht i
Dora Welssmaii
Resrectable People
(Common Clay)
Tomorrow night, llcveniber 2; A "benefit for the ChiCc-^^o Ladies •
Gemlllath Hesed Societyi
The Young Bride
- '-f
(Adv. )
"■;:t . .
A,/-:;-iv.-.= >r% -AJr-' :"■ *"'''.• .J*
. K
''f .ri»''. .
^.1 ■ : ■: i
II A 3 cL (1)
forward, Novem'ber 1, 1921.
Bernsteiii's Imperial Theatre
V Tuesday, November 1
Malvina Latel in
The Yeshiva Student
TTednesday evening, l^ovemher 3«
Stron/ter Than Love
/ -.A
^ w ^
;". ■ x "f
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Matinee and Evening
The Disturbed Widoi?
3y K, Eokoff
"'' "^W P«o;. 302;,
Thursday, November U:
Tsipke, the tlTidow
-w . . «t
II A 3 d (1)
I^WABD. September 28, 1921. WPA (ILL) PROj. 3027,^
Palace Theatre - The Home of Jewish Theatre in Chicago
Elli8 ?• Glickmaa presents;
Dora Weisman
with a first-class company of artists, in honor of New Years - for the first time
in Chicago.
A Sister^ s Sacrifice - "by Anshel Shorr
Music by Joseph Eumshinski; arranged ty the author.
Anshel Shorr - Stage Director
Uonday and Tuesday Friday Night Saturday snd Sunday
Matinee and Kight Matinee and Night
II A 5 d (1) j2:;iSH
Daily Jev/ish Courier, Sept* .^2, 1921.
(Editorial in English)
The patronizers of the Yiddish theater nay be prepared for many siirprises the
coming season. The Yiddish theater in Nev; York as well as in Philadelphia and
Chicago, has made rapid strides during', the last year, and has become a great
Jev/ish institution. There are tv/elve permanent Yiddish theaters in New York,
besides there are tv;o Yiddish vaudeville houses, alv/ays playing to capacity
houses. There are in Chicago now three Yiddish theaters. Even St. Louis has g
now a permanent Yiddish theater of its own. All told there are at least tv/enty ^
Yiddish theaters in the United States. All these Yiddish theaters are headed ^
by men and v;omen v/ho knov; the business, and who are devoting all their time and 5^
energy to the development of the Yiddish stage. Recently a fev/ New York Yiddish
irapressarios have imported nev; stars from Europe, and have thus enriched con-
siderably the artistic staff of the Yiddish theaters. There is a tendency in
Jewish theatrical circles in New York to bring over from Europe the great Jev/ish
II A 5 d (1)
Jljij JSH
Dally Jev;ish Courier, Sept. 22, 1921 •
actors of the German stage and to en^af^e them for the Yiddish stage in America.
Needless to say the Yiddish theaters v/ill only gain in prestige and reputation
from the co-operation of the great German Jev;ish artists. The greatest Yiddish
tragedians living, IJadame Bertha Kalish, v/ho is said to be one of the greatest
seven actresses of our time, has also returned to the Yiddish stage after an ^
absence of several years. The many nev/comers and those v/ho have returned to ^
the Yiddish stage, v/ill certainly contribute to raise the artistic level of the r..
Yiddish theater, and will make it vjorth v/hile, even for non-Yiddish speaking Jews ^^
to patronize the Yiddish theater. • '^^
The Yiddish thertergoing public in Chicago v/ill also be satisfied to learn that ;^
the managers of the tv/o principal houses in Chicago Lj:. Bernstein and llr. Glick- g
man, have done their very best to secure for their houses good casts, and a stock -3^
of good plays to be produced here during the coming season. Llr. Bernstein v/ho is
himself one of the most famous comedians on the Yiddish stage, has secured the
service of the v;ell-knov/n tragedienne, Lladaiae Lelvina Lobel, and of l!iss ITellie
Kessman, a comedienne full of vivacity and gracefulness. Llr. Gliclarian has brought
II A 5 d (1) -5- JEl/ISH
Daily Jev/ish Courier, Sept. 32, 1921.
v;ith him from Nev/ York an all-star cast, including Lliss Dora V/eissiaan, an able
and versatile actress, v;ho has often taken audiencies by storm, Llr. Isadore
lleltzer, an eminent comedian, Ljr. David Popper, and Llr. and i.Ji's. Teitlbaum, and
many others. For the first time in the history of the Chicago Jewish theater
v/e v/ill have here tv/o great houses, vying v;ith one another in the production
of good plays and in good acting. This //ill only serve to attract the Jewish ^
theater-goers and to make them patronize more the Yiddish theater* ^
Needless to say that a good Yiddish theater is a great asset to every Jewish com- ^
munity, because the Yiddish theater is not only a temple of art, but is also a g
valuable social factor in the community. i:any Jev/ish organizations live and
thrive because the Jev/ish theater enables then to be financially independent
and to continue their activities. The Yiddish theater is instrumental in securing :
tens of thousands of dollars for Jev;ish charitable and philanthropic purposes,
and therefore it is a blessing to the comiTiunity. The better equipped a Yiddish
theater is, the better a social philanthropic agency it is, and therefore the
development of the Yiddish theater must be looked upon v.lth satisfaction by all
those who take an interest in Je\;ish life.
II A 3 d (1) - 4 - J57/ISH
Daily Jev/ish Courier, Sept. 22, 1921.
There are said to be some ten million Germans in i\irierica. There is not one
independent German theater in the United States, There are only three million
Jevjs in America, and there are tv;enty inde;-!endent Yiddish theaters in the
United States. This is very characteristic of the tendency of our people, and
it r^oes to indicate that v;e clinr; to our institutions.
Vfe hope th5it our Yiddish theatergoers in Chicar:o will patronize the Yiddish
theaters, and that the latter v;ill do their very best tc satisfy the public,
and to marce it consider the Yiddish theater a c^^eat American Jeivish institution.
II A 5 d (1)
Forviard, Sept> 14, 11^21* '-^^^^•^ C^il.) PRHi 'j()'/j$^
Imperial Theatre, i.iadison near ;/estern Ave. lielceiae cur guest the well-
>jao"VYii Jewish artist, !.:iae. :..6lvina Lobel, whc v/ill play the v;hcle season
at the Imperial •
Frido.y night— Saturday end Sunday matinee and night — Stronger Thoji Love — by
Arranged by director, Zigmund ".leintre-ub.
;j: ji A3 d (1)
Ponv&rd, Au^ast 26, 1921 •
Bernstein^s Iji5>erial ^Theatre
Grand Opening - September 1
Joseph Sumishinsky's i/hisicai Comecy
Get tlarrled
Produced By Our Artist
Herr Si.^:mund Weintraut
<j ^j
Pollowime is our Castr
iTellie Cascr.fUi
Ida Dvorka
Bernard Bernstein
Signrand •'•eintrau'b
Uollie Cohen Louis Baliskitzki
Ume. Sheingold Shlono Steinterg
I i i' ' •.■> -
■sir :"^»f^ •:
■-.■ - _
r . "
Page 2.
'■ k-
V-; *r>
* h4
f *
,-r. ■^
? * n:i
/ •
rorward, Ai:;guet 26, 1321.
Our Musical Director; Mr. David Hirsh
Tickets: $*77f $1»0C, and $1*50
Bores $2.00
Jerd sh
WPA (ILL) PROi. 30275
'! «
Tor Benefits Apply to- Mr. Palley,
(Adv. )
• v:
>iv '
'' 'A
I I A 3 d (1)
. ' W?A (ILL) PROJ. 30275
^ goTOard. July ?9, 19?1.
* '• There was a time in Chicago when no one dreajned of one respectable
\ Yiddish Theatrat let alone two» The first will he, as nsual, Slickman^s
"Palace" and the second ;7ill he the "Inrperial" Theatre, located at Madison 3t«
, .>^ * and Western Avenue.
f.^ The "Imperial" Theatre has heen rented hy Joseph Mssler and the -
1 Comedian, Bernard Bernstein* The contract \7aG signed last iVednesday*
l;/^'''. ^■' Por the mciin Engineer for the nev: theatre, negotiations are going on
■ ; " with Jacoh Polls* If he will agree, he will become General Manager of the ; ; ,5^'^^
V- ' theatre, *:he main figure in the lohhy, and the boss of the box-office. -- ■ ^
v;. J J
And now but one question remains S fhat actors will compose the coii>-
panles of both the "Palace" and "Imperial." theatres^
The duel to secure the best actors and actresses will occur between
Glicknan & Bernstein on the Hew York battlefield. ITaturally, the one with
• it -,
il A 3 d (i) ,
Fcnrard, July 29, 1521.
the best weapons aiid the most aan-iunition, will win the fight*
WPA (ILL) PROJ, 30275
Llr« Glickman has anno^jinced that already he lias signed the Corriedian,
Isador Meltser, Becks'- Frani:, and ILx. and I^rs, Teitlebaum of the Vilna Troup.e.
*» .'■
.*•- r
II A 3 d (1)
Jorward June 5, 1921
Gllckmaii*8 Palace Theater
Max Oable and Jenny Ooldetkin
"Mother's Prayer*
Friday, Satnrday and Sundqr
n A 3 d (1)
Forward, May 20, 1921
Glickman's Palace Theatre
The World's ttreatest Artist
Madame Oretta Meyers
i n
"Medda" "by Jacob Gordon
Tues* May 2U, and all week,
(Adv. )
^^^^ OIL) PHOl 30275
II A 3 d (1)
Tonrard Uajr 12» 1921
aiickman*8 Palace Theater
llr« Leon Blank in
"▲ friend in Idfe**
Uonda7, Toesdagr, Wedneedagr, and Thnrsdagr
II A 3 d (1)
Forward lUgr 10. 1921 ^^^'^^ O^O PRGlSOm
Gllolcman^s Palace Theater
Present 8
Leon Blank in
"The Drankard<* written bgr William Siegel
Friday t Saturday, and Sunday
II i. 3 d (1)
Forward Uay 8, 1921
Pala43e Theater
Leon Blank in a special perforoanee
"Ihe Proletarian Curse"
IT ^ -- d il)
II 2 1 d
• * '. ^» ^'
1 r^ '^^
t'V'PA (ILL.) PROj, 3QZ?i
Jc:Co"b Ben -t^ni :.t t^p ;:er"^nrnrncf Siinc''^^, !'-:^ ", ir. t^^r Prince?'- '^e-'^er.
?he Lite^rry Lranrtic So'^iot^r wil^- pr^s-^rt
"At ''ornin-" V I- L. Peretr.
%!! A 3 d (1)
^ *:*;
- ' -• .■ ..'t
JsriSH . 7
% 1
?al&.ce Tlieatie
/V *
ILixvLT ice Schwar t z
'^Tiie SlacksiTiith's D^-o^hter"
Trl . - 3at .-Sun. Svenirigs
SiiiL. Kali nee
. -. ^
^•.■.^'■' ■ ',■ ■ If. .';
■ . - . / ' ■•• \--
IIA 3 d (I)
- w:j
i^lrce. Th'^*' te:
St^rrln." '.'c?nrice Sc'^vr-'^t^ 1- '^In ^^^'^ ClcL 3:-ncw^j,'r'.ic*^ "by I.':.Tirice 5ch"T.rtz
1 >-! r •
Dnd C^^n^hin^ Zt2'.*:''V "^'^ I'p'^ariue Schv; .-^t::
Pipchik, The 'tedious TpIIow "b^ 3. llrvrirr
An AcTr^nB - In on^ act nv y^ol")-- ^^-elcho^i
Co'antr7^en- In one act, st»
* »■» ' ^ ^r
r'^-r "^•Jjr'cc 5.c'hv/::.rts V" I. D. Berkoritz
onr'ry,l.Iaj/ ?•
II A 3 d (1)
Forward. Hay 2, 15^1,
tjjj'K ion
.,r.. (iLL.)PROJ.
Palace Theatre
TiAS:i]ceritz*£ Great Uaster-Fiece
"A Pauper's Lrearn"
otarrir^ Llaui^ice Schwartz
( Adv. )
II A 3 ^ (^)
rorvrar.l. Lay 1, I92I
Palace Tlieatre
- Presents - ' ^
*MciU.lxL^^ tj \^ ..l\* i.11. wu y..^
"It Is Difiicult lo Be a Jevr" - oy
Sliolor. Aleicher.
S^i.odai^, Hay Ist
(Adv. )
II A 3 i (1)
£0r;.7ard, I'ay If 1921.
Play House presents
Jacol:) Ben Ani
1 ^.V, !l
"oainson and Delilc?Jri
i;7ith Pauline Lord and Hotert Heinz
liondajs Hay 2. (Adv.)
II A 3 d (1)
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
FoTOard, April 29, 1921*
Gartners Theater.
Friday night, Saturday matinee and night
The last performance in Gartners Theater
The close of the season
The Galician Musician will be played*
II A 3 d (1) ^sim
Torwards April 23 t 1921
Oertnere Theater
In honor of Passorer
Saturday and Sonday matinee and night.
The beet comedj with an Interesting- plot*
"The Cantor* e Daqghtere** In U acts*
Please come In time ae the eeate are not reserved*
. 7< . ' »f
II A 3 d (1)
For^ar^, March 30, 1921.
Crartner's Theatre
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30271
^Warning to Mothers] Today - Matinee and llight.
We will present Guard Girls Against Dance Halls >
* "* **-■
A Plg7 in U. Acts
Monday and Tuesday*
A New Shame
*'•* • :.. f-".
■ >,
II A 3 "i (1)
Forward, March 2S, 192i.
Palace Theatre
Thursday - Friday Tight £.
Saturday and Sunday Iv:atlnt?e r-nd Ilight, Llarch J^t April 1, 2 and 3»
Bessie Thone.shefsky
Yosele— Cclboynik, in U Acts, oy Borris Thonashefskj'-,
under direction of Jacct Cohen
• . -X
(Adv. )
'j^-^ ' -yj- ■■■■' ■
L.^. i':^'
. > ..'.. \ : .V :
. . : «. ,
r;^-^^ ■■■'■
A ■ ■
1?. <.-.
.V ,•
/. > <
< /
II A3 d (1)
Torjard, March 17, 1921 • ^
Palace Theatre ,
Monday lTl£;ht, ilarch 21st, - Sessie Thomashefsl^y
In Her Success -. . .
The Immigrant illllicnaire
Tiierday night, ilarch 22. L^^dies' lli^ht.
The Best Seat In The House Tor A Lady, 50 Cents.
The 2astard,
hy Jacot Gordon,
Will Be Pla^red.
*: f
■/■--•■r> .A- , ^
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g; •. II A 3 d (1)
■;;^^"-' .
•^ V
Forwro^d, March 12, 1921 •
Palace Theatre
■ Sunday Matinee and ITight - Mme. Valier
■ in
. . Merele 2fres
Monday ITight - Lime. Valier^c Farewell Performance
Kreutzer Sonata
Uext rTeek. Ccmes Bessie Thomashef sky.
Tuesday TTight, March l^i A Perfcrmance in Honor of Our Beloved
Comedian, Mr. David Scheirholz in -
Fathefly Love
Mr. Scheinholz in the main comical role - David Kishke.'
' (Adv. }
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
Mr. Scheinho
1 .-•
• y'' ,. < ■■ v-' .'. , , .'^ • • ^
:v--:'v,* ...» 4V.. „-»J. .
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V >; ;"!
*• •■ -'V
.,-':'■ -\*V
II A 5 d (1)
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
Forward, March 12, 1921.
Gartner's Theatre
Do You Know li^^at Love Means ?
Today, Saturday and Sunday. - Matinee - Hifrht
Gartner's Theatre Will Precent:
Park Love
Monday and Tuesday a new production is beirs prepared
in honor of Pi.irim
'■/-.: :->^
..,■:■.-■- I
: ^.r ,-
II A 5 d (1)
FonT^rd, llarch. c, 1521
Star of Llecca - A Fcrmer Jev,ish Ferform'^r
Mr« Franlc Shmuckler, *he personal representative of Miss Anna Tabal:, told
us the follor;irg regarding the ycing Jevrish Prirr'.a Donna of Uecca, rhich is new
"being played at the Auditorium Theatre. She began her career at eight years of
age and ^vithin the ten years that she has "been on the 3t^;!ge she h^as developed
into one of the most famous of the yo^:iJCl^ prima donnas. Ter years ago, Miss
Tahak appeared in Boris Thamoshifsliy^s Peoples Ther/tre in Blind Love, and then
left 77ith the entire conrpany for Chi-^ago. That was the first tirae Miss Tahak
ever was outside of I7ew York,
II A 3 d (1)
WPA (!LL)PROJ. 30275
Forward, March 5, 1921.
Gartners Theater,
Friday, Saturday and Sunday matinee and night
King Lear
with new costumes and new decorations.
Monday and Tuesday, a new play.
II A 3 d (1)
II A 3 t
WPA (ILL) PROJ- 30275^
Forward, March 2, 1921,
Tomorrow at the Palace Theater, Wednesday ni^ht, March 2nd. Honor perform-
ance for our musical director and composer, David Hirsch.
Chantsha in America - will he played.
Special for this occasion a religious concert hy Cantor A, I. Manovitz, accom-
panied "by a magnificent choir and double orchestra.
Workmen's Circle branches, societiiss, relief vereins, and lodges can buy
through the months of March and April, $310.00 worth of tickets for $100.00
II A 3 d (1)
I £
W?.A (ILL) PROj. 3027-^
Forward. March 2, 1921.
The Mute - hy A. Vaiter, will he played hy the Literary Dramatic Society,
2 P. M. Sunday, March 6th, at the Princess Theater, Clark and Jackson Blvd.
Be prepared with tickets. The entire proceeds go for The Defense League.
II A 3 d (1)
=N?A (!IL)PR0J.3C275
Forward, March 1, 1921,
This week in Glickman's Palace Theater.
Madam Jennie Valier will play, Thursday night, March 3rd, in Jacob Gordon's
Mirele Afres
Friday night, Saturday matinee and night, Sunday matinee and night, March Uth-
5th - 6th
Za Za - hy Bert an and Simon,
The last farewell performance - Monday night, March 7th
SaJcho - hy Jacob Gordon.
• «. <«
II A 3 cL (1)
Forward^ February 22, 1921 WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
Glickman's Palace Theatre
Today - Tuesday, ITovember 22
The Yeshlva Student
Thursday evening, February 2k\ the first performance:
Chayim in America
Friday evening, Saturd^ay and Sunday matinee, and evening:
Madame Jenny Wolier
Miriam EfwcS
By Jacob Grordon
Monday evening, February 2S: One performance only:
Madame X
Page 2
II A 3 d (1)
Porjmrd, February 22, 1921 ^,p,^ ^^^, PRO J, 30275
Wednesday evening, March 2. Evening in honor of our Music
Director and Composeri David Hirsh.
The Play Will Be:
Hantshke in America
(Adv. )
II a 3 d (1)
Fonmrd, Feb. 13, 1921* WPt/V^r^
Glicknian's Palace Theatre
Thursday Evening, February 17
The Greatest Actress on the Yiddish Stage,
Lime Jennie Wolier
Friday evening; Saturday and Sunday Matinees a Evenings
(Adv. )
II A 3 d (1)
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
Forwardt February 11, 1921.
Gartner's Theater.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday matinee and evening
Monday, Tuesday
Fordt the Anti-^Semite
in three acts
Broken Hearts.
II 3 2 d (5)
«— — • ■ ■» «
WPA (!LL>PROJ.3L)27i
Forwards February 6, 1921,
' , For the first time in America, Pride by Sholom Asch, will be produced and un-
der his personal direction* The performance will take place Sunday, Feb. 20th,
in the Princess Theater.
Literary Dramatic Society.
II A 3 d (1)
Forward, February 4, 1921,
Gartner' s Independence Theater.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday matinee and evening
When One Lpves A Lftui .
Monday and Tuesday evening
The 7/edding Day>
WPA(1LUPR^- 302/0
II A 3 d (1) JEWISH
Forward < January 31, 1921.
Glickman^'s Palace Theater*
Tonight -
The Bastard
Tomorrow, Tuesday evening -
The Girl of the West
Thursday and Friday evenings, Saturday and Sunday matinees and evenings
Herr Boris Umashevsky, in
The Cantoris Wife*
II A 3 d (1)
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30276
Forward, January 10, 1521.
Palace Theater. Monday and Tuesday evening, January 10th and 11th, Miss Annie
Meltzer and the entire cast in
Tsiphe the Widow,
Thursday evening, January 13th, Joseph Kessler produces for the first time
The Tiger, hy Coml>lut.
Friday. Saturday and Sunday evenings, Saturday and Sunday matinees - Joseph
Kessler in
The Qreat Question, hy Z. Luhin.
The Bestard, "by Jacob Oordon, will he presented
Tuesday evening, JanuarylSth, in honor of our artist - Jacoh Cohen,
^ ..i'V
II A 3 d (1)
». ■•
^^^^ OIL) PRDJ. 3027^
Porrrard, December 20 » 1920
•' ->
20ME0 and JULIET (In Yiddish)
:■. » .
Shakesperean Play
at the
Palace Theatre
Monday Evening, January 3»
V ^Ji .■ '■':/ • ;-^ry - ;=
II A "^ d (1)
Forward, December 19, 1920.
The Palace Theater presents Joseph Kessler in
"His '.Tife"
Tuesday evening.
II A 3 d (1)
Forward, December 13, 1920.
Palace Theater, presents Joseph Kessler in
The Only Son
yVP." (ILL.) PROJ 30275
Thursday, December 23rd,
11 A 1 d (1)
Forward, December 17, 1920.
Gartners Theater, presents
The Two Brides
Comedy Drama "by M. Cohen, Pridey, SatTirday, and Sunir^y.
fc*^"-' -' ^^^-a*^.**
II A "^ d (1)
Forward, December lU, 1^20.
Gartner's Independence Theater, presents
The Manipc
Wednesday, December l^th.
WPA (ILL) f^ROJ J0275
ILA 1 d (1)
Forward, December 8, 1920,
Bush Tezople Theater, Conrad Ziderman, director, presents Sholom Ash^s
*0od of Revenge"
adults only
Friday, Decemher 10th at 8:15 P. M.
II A 3 d (1)
V A 1
II D 10
Forward, December 7, 1920.
Dwinsk Relief, requests all countrymen and friends to take tickets for the
theater "benefit given Thursday eve. Dec. 19th, at the Palace Theater.
to see
"The Jewish Heart*
II A 1 d (1)
IX B 1 d
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
Forward, Deceoter 7, 1920.
i-> 1-,
The Literary and Dramatic Society will have a visitor in Chicago, the noted
Jewish poet and dramatist, David Pinsky*
In honor of his presence, the society will present his well known drama,
"Everyone With His Gtod" in U acts. It will be presented at the Princess The*
ater, Sunday December 19th.
II A 3 d (1) JBWISH
Forward. 1)6061111)6 r 7t 19?0«
Tuesday 6 veiling December lUth, a play will be given in honor of Anna
Hettzer ->
"The Immigrant Boy**
II A 3 d (1) JEWISH
Forward. December 5, 1920.
A new comedy \>y the well known English author, Montague aiass, entitled "His
Honor A'be Potash" will appear, shortly, at Woods Theater, with Barney Bernard,
II A 3 d (1)
Forward, November 12, 1920.
aiickman's Palace Theater, Today, Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday mati-
nee and evening, for the first time, a great sensational melodrama with music.
The Nestling
in U acts - hy N. Rakoff
Produced "by Jacob Cohen.
II A 3 d fl)
fiPk (ILL,) PROJ. 30275
Forward « November 1, 1920,
Glickman^s Palace Theater
Tuesday evening, November 2nd, Election day
Elias Glickman
as Feitel Pavolia, in the
by Shackovitch
Wednesday evening, November 3rd, Benefit for Carpenters Union, local 504
t«5-v The Power of Love
\ I
Thursday evening, November 4th, Ladies Night
The Yeshiva Student
Friday evening, Saturday matinee and evening and Sunday matinee and evening,
November 5th, 6th and 7th
A Woman *s Secrete
• **-
i.V>i' ~r: ..■■
II A 3 d (1)
P-^rward. Cctoter 2Sth, 19 2Q.
Gartners Theatre
12 and Irdeoendence 31vd,
Have you seen Dar.ce-^zc fr^r. Pcir'i.^? If not, cone to Tr-irt^er'^ Th.e'..itre
Friday, jat-^Arc" y , ^w Junc:r^ ^ir-tinee anc ^•':^:'^ir\^ '^:hen the Danne:ice, from
Paris ^'\^\ "be :erfnr:nec '^ t'-'ree acts 7;ith nuch sin£in.:r anr dancin^c.
!»!ondaj^ to Thursday the Spa'^is'-^. Inniiisition, ■'Tl historic o.jeretta 1^.
four acts -'ill be ^.rtrsenved.
(Adv. )
• 1
II A 3 d (1) Jewish
WPA (iLDPROJ.30?76
FORyARD, October 27, 1920 •
Gliokman*8 Palace Theatre
On Friday evening,
Saturday Matinee, and evening, and Sunday Uatinee, October 29-30-31.
Will be presented for the first time a beautiful life drama •
••Face to Face With Tour Relatives'*
in Poland and Latvia.
II A 3 d (1)
WPA (ILL) PR03. 30275
Forward , October 22, 1920,
Friday evening, Saturday matinee and evening and
Sunday matinee and evening, October 22 - 23 - 24
The Best Farce Comedy
Business and Pleasure
10 good song numbers.
Soon, the greatest sensation in America will be here.
Face to Face.
Chic--ro Fo-w:-rr. O^to'^:>^r '^It^t, IQPO.
WPA (!LL)PR0j.3Q27i
T:A:Lce Theatre
Thurs.^ay,Octol>-r 21. I92O.
This evevAn^i -L-^.'Ues nifht.
The Childrr^n of The Stre-t.
i^v^ry v^rson will get the hest seat ^or . ^0^
II A 3 d (1)
WPA (ILL) PROJ, 30275
Forrard, OctoTDer 19, 1520,
Oartner's Theater,
Today, Wednesday until Thursda^^.
Joseph and His Brothers,
Benefits are Sold from $1CO.OO - $125.00 - and $U5.00
Guaranteed Profits,
n A ? d (1)
II A 3 b
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
J Jewish Forward, September 10, 1920,
The Chicago Dramatic Society has "mounted the rings of the ladder of success"-
it has moved into Wood's Theater in the Loop. They will present their productions,
every two weeks.
They have united with the Socialist Singing Verein, the latter will fill all 5;
choir needs in the various dramas produced hy the Society.
The orchestra will "be the Socialist orchestra.
- ■'<■■
II A 3 d (1)
VVPA (ILL) PROJ. 30276
Jewish Forward, September 3t 1920*
Gartner's "Independence Theater opens this evening with full "Pomp and
( This theater was of a lower class than Glickman's, concerning itself with
comedy and musical comedy only. Its two stars for the 1920-21 season were S&m
Leavenworth and Hyman Frizant, "both comedians).
n A 3 d (1)
Forward. September 3. 13^ •
Elias ?• Glickman, is a Chicago product, He is one of the pioneer the-
ater entrepreneurs in Chicago, and in America and also one of the foremost dramat-
ic artists. Glickman, as manager and proprietor, does not act, often.
"We have nothing of which to he ashamed Everyone acknowledges that the
Palace Theater it the most "beautiful in America When we will enter the Pal-
ace Theater, one shall think he is in a New York Theater.
II A -^ d (1)
WFA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
Jewish Forward, September 3f 1920»
"We have prepared a large repertoire, we have several "beautiful dramas of 0
Ossys Dimov; we will produce his Bronx Express, with the same staging as in New
York, and we also will produce Dimov' s new drama "Stranger than Love?,,.
We have secured the services of the Yiddish-Russian artists, Anastasin Orzhevska
and Leonid Sniegov, who will appear in the outstanding works of Gorki, Artzi-
hasheff , Andrew, and other Russian artists".
Mr, Jacoh Cohen
Grlickman's Theater.
II A 3 d (1)
WPA (lit) PRC3. 3027^
Forward, August 29, 1920.
Grand Opening of Glickinan* s Palace Theater,
Ellas F. Glickman presents the following cast:
Men • Jacob Cohen, David Levenfiin, Elias F, Glickman, Sam Gershonsong, Herr
Fogelnert, David Yanuar, David Sheinholtz, and Joseph iJeinstoch,
Wooaen - Yet la Bloick, Tilly Rabinowitz, Annie Frank, Leah Asther, and Anna
Music Directors and Composers - David Hirsch and Mortimer Glickman*
Friday evening, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday matinee and evening.
Free Love
in 4 acts with music • by !• Koloraonovitch.
II A 3 d (1)
WPA (ILL.) PROJ. mih
Forwards August 22, 1920.
Chicago will have but one Tiddieh Theater this season (1920-21) and that will
be Glickman^s Palace Theater.
II A 3 d (1)
— M^M— — —a—a >'^fci ■ n ^ m*
WPA (ILL) PROi 30275
Forward, August 15, 1920*
The Yiddish theater season (1920-21) will open September 2nd, in the Palace The-
ater, announced Mr* Glickman, manager of the theater •
Mr. Glickman further announces that while in New York, he arranged for a most ex-
cellent cast for the theater and that he also secured a number of new plays*
II A 1 d (1) JEWISH
•,.••■ WPA (ILL.) PROJ. 30276
Forward, Jiine 6, 1920.
Empire Theater.
News. News.
MMe. Bessie Thoraashefski with Sanruel Rosenstein in their last farwell performan-
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night
Minke the Servant Oirl.
n A 3 d (1)
WPA (ILL) PROl 3027b
• Forward, June U, I92O.
Gartners Independent Theater.
Friday and Saturday, June U, and 5. Gartners Theater will present
Off the Beaten Path, ty &arner.
Sunday matinee and nighty June 6
Torn Flowers.
\-'^- '-'^ ■■
II A 3 d (1)
WPA (ILL.) PROJ. 3027i
Porward , May 50, 1920.
Empire Theater.
Today matinee and night, welcome our guest, Mr. Mark Arnstein. The Mggest
sensation of this century. Max Groldherg presents that great artist, Mme.
Bessie Thomasef ski, and the great romantic lover, Mr. Samuel Rosenstein, in
Mark Arnstien' s musical comedy,
Before the Wedding
A large choir from the Chicago Opera Company. A large Symphony Orchestra, un- '
der the direction of David Hirsch.
.'■\ •'
V- '
** 1 ■■
II A 3 d (1)
II B 1 d
WPA (III.) PROJ. 30275
Forward. May 27, I92O,
. ;
In Memory of Jacob Gordon.
Jaco"b Gordon's "best drama - God - Man and Devil, will l3e presented Sunday-
night, May 6th» In the Central Music Hall, Van Buren St. and Michigan Blvd.
under the auspices of the Literary Dramatic Society.
Tickets are 50^ i 83^ and 1.10, including war tax. Tickets can be purchased
at Forward office 1128 Blue Island Ave., D. Stein, 1012 S. Marshfield Ave. ,
L. Herman, I309 S. Karlove Ave., telephone, Lawndale 31^3 f *^^ 2» Shusterman,
1505 S. Ridgeway Ave.
'■■■.. %■-'.
/f ^'■•y :
i-: .\
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\ ■■. ••
II A 3 d (I)
Forward, May 17, 1920. »VPA (IlD PRCJ.302/^
Palace Theater.
Tuesday, 'JZednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday night - Saturday and
Sunday matinee, Edwin A* Relkin presents Boris Thomashef ski and Regina Zuker«
. berg and a company of 25 singers, players and dancers in the new operetta
The Old Melody by Thoraashefski
in 4 acts
Music by Rumshinski - Enlarged Symphony Orchestra.
Next attraction - Leon Blank, Dora 'JZeisraan and Isadore Meltzer in a new play
Blind Men
Lodges, Unions and Relief Societies, you can purchase tickets on percentage
basis, in advance for future attractions.
II A 3 d (1) JBf/ISH
Forward, May 9, 1920 •
At the request of the general public, The Big Prize by Sholorn Alechem, folks
comedy in 4 acts, will be produced in memory of Sholora Alechem, Sunday night,
May 23rd at 8 P. M.
For technical reasons, this performance was postponed from the 16th to the
23r3 of May*
Central Music Hall, Van Buren and Michigem Blvd. Produced by the Literary
Dramatic Society.
L# Herman, business manager. Ben 2ion Gordin, director.
There is a large demand for tickets.
II A 3 d (1)
Forward, Ttoy 6, 1920 •
Palace Theater •
Tonight, Thursday - The last performance of the Moscow artists
The Live Corpse by Tolstoi
Friday and Sunday night, Saturday and Sunday matinee
The Price of a Girl^s Good Time
B» Isadore Lilien
'^^^ OLD PHOl 3027i
Girls under 16 will not be admitted^
Soon we will have Boris Thomashef ski and Company* Leon Blank, Dora 'J7eisman
and Company*
Organizations c€ua buy tickets now, for future attractions, on percentage basis.
II A 3 d (1)
Forward. !iay 1, 1920 •
Gartners Theater.
Friday and Saturday matinee and night, Gartners entire company will present
MaTima^s Millions
Sunday matinee and night
Golden Age
Monday to Thursday
The Sacred Hymn
II A 3 d .(1) JEWISH
II D 10 '^
V A 1
'VPA (ILL.) PROl 30Z7i
Forward, April .26, 1920.
The Chamsker Relief Society.
The Chamsker Relief Society is giving a benefit performance in Palace Theater
Tuesday April 27th.
A Girl frotg the Next fforld will be played.
Miss Meltzer will play the leading role.
You will enjoy this play. Your laughter here will help the unfortunate
across the sea.
The Committee.
II A 3 d ^{1) JEWISH
Forward, April 23, 1920.
Eiiipire Theater. Farewell performance.
ClarA Rafala, Wednesday night, April 28th. This will be the last appearance
of this great artist who is saying farewell to her thousands of friends and
listeners, until next season.
On this occasion our artist will portray characters in the follov/ing 4 acts.
1. Shularnith - 1st act
2. The Stepchild - 2nd act
3. 7/here are our children? • 3rd act
4. Kreitzer Sonata - 4th act.
II A -^ d (1)
WPAriLL) PRO.!, 30275
Forward. April 15, 1920.
Eii5)ire Theater,
Saturday matinee and night. Sunday matinee and night, The Step Child, "by
Isadore Lilien.
• Hme Clara Hafala in her famous role, Yehudith - The Dan^ter of Zion.
I* A ? d (1)
V A 1
Forward, April I5, 1920,
A theatrical performance is to be given by the Witebaker Social League, Fri«
day night, April l6th at the Palace Theater, The Jewish Daughter will be
played for the first time in Chicago.
All Witebaker landsleit are asked to come to this benefit* Tickets can be
purchased Thursday night at Mr. N. Gedski, 361I W. 12th St., and Friday
nigbt at the box office*
With regards
The Committee.
II A 3 d (1)
c- iii«;l oil
Forward, April 1st, 1920
Llonday iTi£:ht, April U* Only One Performance,
lime. Thomashef sky's. The Two Mothers
Tuesday Ili^^t, April 5th.
Benefit Performance In Honor Of Our Le-'dir^ Lady
ilrs* Tetta 31ock
We V7ill present The Slnty^ht^r,
"by Jacob Gordon,
^ith Lime. Yetta Block, in her Great Art Hole as Esterke
r'. -5
,4- >.'
^,:. .■.»■- -
"i *•
I^^ A 3 d (1)
■VPA (ILL) PROI 30271
Forward, January 2, 1920.
Sholom Alechim, the immortal poet, humorist and writer, left us reroem-
hrances to he reed with laughter and tears. The outstanding comedy known as
"The Great Winnings," is being presented for the fourth time by the Literary
and Dramatic Society this Sunday December 5th, 2 p.m. at the Princess Theater,
II A "^,
_ •-;r"'arc . ^cK't^-.i^'er
• "■■' • 111 _ j_
In h-^nor of tbp holiday, Thursd y, "^ric'V > ^--t^irc^c-y,
ar.d 3iind--i.y - '."atlnee and ever/.r^*, Seote-nber 2^ - 2'
i • *_■ t - i ..' ^ ' ' \_» LJ V, X .
X 1.
I L i .-.■ O
in Chic:-:f:o
As V. ^./-n Loves
■^"A^ftt.) pro;. 30275
jar t ne r * c Th e a ^ ^^ ^
--V Si/ . A
<^ t/ 1. O .
Sat'ordoy and Siincay, natin^-'-'^ a^'"' ever*n{^
I Y:ill :iell Yor '!y l.Io-^hcr--' n-L^-
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— 1 •- ^ 1.
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[I A 3 i ('^/
^>> ^Ol.
1 -^ T ."^
W?A (iLl.) PROJ. 30£7i«
» v^ V i. . -■- w •» Vrf <->. U w- —
>-• »
■ ■ -^ r
.•.t Iree
::ne LoT^
rdrr/ matinee -
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: A 3 d (1)
^ ' - '^
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II A 3 CL (1)
Sunday inai^Inee Se: te-'-'bcr 21
... riLL)?R0J.3G274
• y* •
:ie baci^if^ce of Ij^aac
^ X • O >J■^> O •' W>
~ X U t- 1 <j «_*.^. -^ . 1 .. <- . -I ..*. ;L. » M' J- I . , . c -1. w.i^^v
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o7-nda"' e^-'^^ >^
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♦ " r* n '"\ 1 * 1 V , ^ r» ^-
i. ...4.U. CU>
-▼v^ ■?,-'• I ^ -i r. J- .-.
(Adv. )
II A 3 d (1)
1 t
Today' 8 Matinee & Evening
Joseph Kessler in Z Libin's 4 act drama
II A 3 I (1)
FORIARD, September 12, 1919. "^^^ (iU.) PROi 3G27b
The nev theatre in Douglas Park Auditorium opens today under the direction
of Joseph Oberlander and Abraham Mason.
Tonight and Saturday evening, Steinberg's ••Sister versus Sister" will be
presented. Sunday evening a four art drama. **Uen of Sin** will be given.
H A 3 d ( 1)
FORWARD September 12, 1919. - "' L) PRQj 302^5
The actors and the management of Glickman's Palace Theatre are proud of the
fact that they were successful in presenting one drama for an entire two
weeks .
^ This is a cause for painful laughter. In New York, a successful play is good
] for the entire season, and neither the actors nor the management worry about new
works. Even Philadelphia, irtiose Jewish population is 100,000 less, than
Chicago's, provides seven to eight weeks run for various presentations.
II A 3 d (1) jmSH
^ WW«P 8«pt«b«r U, 1919.
^•VP^ (ILL,) PROJ. 3Gm
Last week Eugene Spliraeh, sold a play which
will be shortly produced in the finplre Theatre. The work is modern and
discusses an important problem of life.
U^ 3 d (1)
FORWARD Sept. 10, 1919. ^VPA (ilL) PROj 302/^
Bnpire Theatre
Friday Evening the 12th
Saturday & Sunday Uatinee - and Evening.
September 13 & 14*
Ur. Jacob Silber A Une. Clare Raf&ila
The first time in Chicago.
by Zolataroveky
Great melodrama with music.
II A 3 d (1) JEWISH
FORWARD -September 5, 1919.
ArA {ill,} mjj 3Q275
The two ••Big Brothers, the ••Empire & the Palace" also have a ••Small Brother"
i-Grartner*s ••Independence^^ theatre, Roosevelt Road and Independence Blvd»
Gartner has no pretensions for the bigger things in drama.
li A 3 ci u;
?or.:3"^ Seytw:"cpr 3, 1^1^
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II A 3 d (1)
FORWARD August 21, 1919
Eknpira llieatre
Jacob Sllbert and Clara Rafola
Cliildren Come Kom6| by Zolatorevsky
Directed by Jacob Silbert
We wish to announce to the Chicago Jewish public that we have organized a troupe^ of
first class actor s, all with good voices , capable in song, and all young.
Regard this personnel of the troupe •
Messrs: Mesdames
Jacob Silbert Clara Rafola
Herr. Kroner Rosa Bialis
II A 3 d (1)
Herr. Rosenstein
Herr, Bulman
Herr» Friedman
Herr* Weinstock
Herr. Roeenthcd
Herr* Frizont
Kerr. Epstein
Herr. David Hirsh
FORyARD August 21, 1919 (Empire Theatre) #2
- Music Director
Tilly Rabinowitz
Morris Kroner
Matilda Finkel stein
Rosa Silbert
Union Workmens* Circle branches, Societies, schools, lodges and individuals
can secure benefits by selling tickets for a percentage. Our books are
open for the season 1919-1920.
II A 3 D ( 1)
Forward, Jtaiguet 21, 1919.
Joseph Kessler in Gliclrman* s
Palace Iheatre
Twelfth St. Comer Blue Island Ave.,
First performance of Messrs. Kessler, Levlnson, and
Gllekman. Friday ^ Saturday and Sunday evenings.
Saturday and Simday matinees , August 29- 30.
Ubnday (Labor Cay) Uatinee & Evening.
The first time in Chicago. *«A MAIDENS DREAM**
Great drama in 4 aets with music and dance
by Max Gibbel.
II A 3 D (1)
Forward, August 21, 1919 • #2
The Cast.
Joseph Kessler
David Levinson
Chas* Glickman
H. Goldberg
H. Gershonaen
H« Bakshitzky
H* Shiago
Harry Shore
H* Hockstein
Mme Axelrod
Ume Fanny Reinhardt
Miss Becky Fi-ank
Miss Groffer
Molly Cohen
Dave Calmus
and the most beautiful and beloved soubretto of the Yiddish stage
Miss Annie Meltzer
II A 5 d (1) j::j:.ji3H
II B 2 d (1)
III a Daily Jev/lsh Courier, Aug. 28, 1919.
Dr. 3. M. Melamed
The openin.^ of the Jev/ish theatrical season in Chicago has been for many ^rears
an inspiration to many of our journalists v/ho have used it as an opportunity
to discuss topics of the da:/, as .veil as to make profound and wise observations ^
about the J"ev:ish theater. I hereupon declare that I have no intention of writ- ^^
ing a polemic on the subject of our dramatic literature, because I do not v/ish ^
to injure the Jewish theater v/hich is a popular and highly beneficial public in-
stitution. Ver^' fev; Jewish theaters can withstand objective criticism, and ver^^ :^
few of then are institutions. of art in the true sense of the v;ora. The Jewish £
theater is not to be judged from an aesthetic standpoint but rather from a stand- c>
point of socio-philanthropy, of usefulness, and of f^eneral mass education. ^
Naturally, it is also an amuseiaent center for the Jevjish masses. This guarantees^
its popuLarity, and therefore, it can grow and prosper. The Jewish press in Amer-
ica shows no progress at the present time because of the decline in its circula-
tion, as a result of the cessation of immigration for the past five years. VJhi,le
II A 5 d (1) - 2 - J1].;13H
II B 2 d (1)
III G Daily Jewish Courier, Aur:. 28, 1919.
the Jev;ish press is Inr^-ly de'n-jndent upon riass imiii^ration, the Jo.vish
theater has ^rov/n by leaps and bounds in the last five years. The niiraber of
Je'vish theaters in i\merica has doubled in the laat five ^rears, because the Jev/-
ish theater does not depend urioii Jev;ish irriiiir-ration, .jaericanized and /iiaarican-
bom Jews nlso attend the Je.vish theater regularly, and as our theater is in -^
addition an socio-philanthropic center, it is now the most si^j;nificant 3
institution of the Jev/ish riasjos in /jnerica. That explains vmy our theater ocvju--::i
pies such a prominent placo in our public life and .;hy the nasses are so ^•^reatl^'' p
interested in it. ^
The present tneater oeu.'ion, v;hich bep;ins toiaorrovj throu;^hout /unerica, in ITevv ^
York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltijiore, Chicago, and other cities v.ith a larr:^e S
Jev/isii population, is attracting, the speci.-il attention of the liiasses because a en
keen conpetition has developed every.vhere in regard to the Je-vish theater, and
because a considerable number of new theaters have been opened this year. Quan-
tity alv/ays has a certain attraction for the public and nurabers always impress
it. naturally, it l1..:>o expects a certain _^iiount of/ improvement in the theater
as •: result of this competition because ovor^r'' manar^er v;ill try his best to sat-
II A 5 d (1) - ;5 - JliV/lSH
II B 2 d (1)
III G Daily Jewish Courier, Auc* 28, 1919.
isfy the public.
The increa3inr7: number of Jewish theaters v;ill certainly lead to specialization
in Jewish theatrical art: one theater ;vill devote itself to serious drunia; a
second, to operettas; a third, to psycholo^^-^ical plays; a fourth, to couedies,
etc. It is very likel^r that throufii this procedure the number of Jewish theater- ^
goers v;ill increase. Until nov; the number of Je;;ish theatergoer^^ aiiounted to no ^
more than fifteen per cent of the Jewish population, but as a resilt of this cora- ^
petition, it may rise to twenty per cent, or perhaps to twenty-fivo per cent. <^
The general tendency of the Jcvrish theater today is to bocone more and more an 2
amusement center, especially since a nev; company has been formed in Nev; A^'ork, ^
which will devote itself entirolv to serious drama of literar:'" value.. Many of
our readers will perhep3 bo unable to understand this tendency. They v;ill say
to themselv3s: the times are so deplorable, the lot of oui* people is so trs^gic
that it is impossible to amuse oneself. But that is a v/rong attitude. ;jhen a
Jev/lsh ne./spaper re^d^r is unable to scan tho news v;ithout lurining across items
dealing v/ith the murder of Je;vs and pogroms, he needs a place to v;hich he can
II \ 3 d (1) - 4 - Ju^vISII
II B ^ d (1)
III G Daily Jev/isli Courier, .Va^;. 28, 1919.
escapo fron this pop;ro!n atmosphere* The more con'sistently the Jev/ish
press prints the nev/G of slaughter and pogrom, the more neceGsar^;- an amusement
center like the Jewish theater becomes.
One can, therefore, v;ell imagine that the managers of the Jev/ish theaters will ^
concentrate on light and arausing pi -ys for this coming season and that Boris ^
Thomashevslc:;-, king of the Jewish operetta stars, .vill reign not only on Second :::v
Avenue in Nev; York, but in the provincial tovms as v;ell, p
In Ghicr.go th.:? present season v;ill be an extraordinary one. Three Jewish theaters g
are opening here: the Emr^ire Theater, Glickman's Palace Theater, and Gertner's '""■
~ • CO
Independence Theater, V/e can expect keen competition v;hen the managers present ^
their opening production. Then the real ^ntertainmenj^ offensive v;ill begin, Di
II 3 2 g
FOaVfAPJ)- A-u^ast 12, 1515 •
The Yiddish Folic Sta^e will present a reading froiTi the drama
"Vulaen the Plague Rules" in U acts by David Danlc, Tuesdays August 12,
in Workers Institute, lOOoS Ashland Blvd.
COilE IIT, 32 PHOMPI - because we will have free discussion.
II A 5 d (1) Jir.inSH
Daily Jewish Courier. July 30, 1919*
It appears that Chicago will have two Jewisn theaters next season; one, the
Empire Theater, the other, the Palace Theater. Mr,. Zuckerberg and lur* Palei,
managers of the Empire Theater, announce that ari^angements have been made
for the famous actor Jacob Silberg, and Prima Donna, J^ladam Clara Kafalo, and
other actors to appear at this theater. The opening night has not yet
been set.
lar. Ellis F. Glickman, the leaseholder of the Palace Theater, informs us
that his theater will open on August 29, with a company whose cast he will
announce shortly.
II A 3 d (1)
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
Forward, July U, 1919.
The Closing of the Yiddish Theater Season in Chicago,
By Eugene (Yonoh) •
It is true, that the past season has shown a noticeahly reformed theater,
"but it has yet to reach the high levels which it should attain. It was shajneful
and painful to observe, at times, the idiotic, trashy plays which were presented
and in which great artists made themselves appear ridiculous.
! 1
11 A :> g {^Ij
'*«^•^^ (iLL.) P^<Uj. 30275
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sir-n-r ii^eason (191S> of ^-: :..nlr- r'^v-*:-y
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n A 5 d (1) JEWISH
II D 10
II D 3 Dally Jewish Coxirier. July 1, 1919.
The Smpire Theater ended its season jresterday. In other Jewish communities
the theater is a private enterprise , but in Chicsigo it is a communal institu-
tion* It is the only Jewish center here of literature and art, as well as
of philosophy. Therefore its fate must interest all Chicago Jews who desire
that such a center shall remain in existence.
In the history of the Jewish theater of Chicago, the season just closed yester
day will be considered the most remarkable because it was, from every stand-
point, very fruitful. Never before has Chicago seen so many tioily great
Jewish dramas^ nor greeted so many great artists as it did this past season*
Chicago may be a provincial city, but we doubt very much whether even one
Jewish theater in New York presented any finer performances this last season,
or satisfied their audiences to any greater extent than was done here in
II A 5 d (1) - 2 - JEWISH
II D 10
II D 3 Dally Jewish Courier > J\xLj 1, 1919.
Qiicago. The directors of the Empire Theater , Mr. Tzukerberg and Mr» Falei,
spared no efforts to bring before the Chicago Jewish public the best to be
gotten in the field of theater art and literature* The best actors from
New Torli^ both young and old, played for many months in good plays, which
drew the great masses of people to the theater*
Thus, for the first time we witness Chicago as a theater-loving city in
which Chicago Jews are eager to patronize Jewish theater art if the theater
directors can furnish good actors and good plays*
It can be said, without exaggeration, that more Chicago Jews attended the
Jewish theater this year than in previous years* It is also important to
emphasize this—that throughout the entire season, the Empire Theater presented
no plays that a conservative person could not see or enjoy* Not by sensational,
humorous plays but by good sober dramas and good actors were the theater
directors able to fill their house night after night* The public is indebted
II A 3 d (1) - 3 - imisa
II D 10
II D 3 Dally Jewish Courier > Jiily 1, 1919.
to them for this and thanks should be offered by all who are especially
interested in a good Jewish theater in Chicago.
Because of their excellent accomplishments during this last season, the
Empire Theater has gained the confidence of the great masses as well as of
the educated. We can only hope that in the future the theater directors will
follow in this same direction and will pursue the same principles they
established this last season. Only then will they be certain that the masses
and classes will in the future too be ready to patronize the performances
which last year proved to be a blessing to the Jewish community of Chicago*
Of no less importance than as an cart center is the need of the theater as a
philanthropic center. Many philanthropic societies owe part of their existence
to the Jewish theater. Not all of our readers Icnow that during the last
theater season a sum of two hundred thousand dollars was collected for the
various Jewish philanthropic enterprises. Almost all charitable circles and
many social organizations on Chicago* s West Side haye, through benefit
II A 3 d (1) - 4 - JBinSB
II D 10
II D 3 Dally Jewish Courier , July 1, 1919.
performances in the Empire Theater, collected hugb sums of money which
enabled them to carry on their work* The Chicago committee of the Denver
Sanatorium has in itself , through a number of benefit performances , collected
many thousands of dollars* Many smaller circles , auxiliaries , etc# could
not exist without the theater* In a word, our Jewish theater in Chicago is,
next to the Federated Charities , the largest philanthropic agency in our
community* Therefore » those representing our community must take a greater
interest in the Jewish theater* Th^y should patronize it oftener, and, as
far as possible, ccu:^ for it, that it may have a secure and undisturbed
existence* The better the Jewish theater in Chicago, the more it can accom-
plish for the community, and the more it can contribute in the field of art,
literature, and philanthropy*
Unfortunately, up to the present time, we do not see that the ccxmounitj leaders
have been taking any actiye interest in a Jewish art institution which is
also a great center for every kind of communal activity* Only a numbered
II A 5 d (1) - 5 - JEWISH
II D 10
II D 3 Daily Jewish Coxirier, July 1, 1919.
group of persons who are very much attached to Jewish literat\ire and art^
itopported the Jewish theater's struggle for existence this last season*
If the Jewish theater were only an art institution it could not take the
liberty of demanding patronage of people who are not interested in Jewish
art and literature* But^ as we have shown by cold facts, it is also one
of the greatest philanthropic and socio-economic agencies in the community*
On these grounds it is the honorable duty of our conmninity leaders , who do
not possess sufficient interest in art| to pay more attention to our Jewish
theater since it spares them much work, effort, and anxiety*
In closing we wish to ei^ress, in the name of all friends of Jewish art and
literature, our thanks to the directors of the Empire Theater for their
efforts to lift Jewish theater art in Chicago to a higher leTel, and for
their honest attempts to give the Jewish public in Caiicago the best and
most beautiful which our literature and theater art possess*
Through their successful work, the directors comforted thousands of Jewish
hearts, brought joy and health to broken Jewish souls, and aid to thousands
of needy and unfortunates*
II A 5 d (1)
■• -rriTj
Daily Jev/ish Courier, June oO, 1919.
Toni,c:ht5 our .'^reat ^est artist, the younr actor, Horris Schr;artz, v/ill
present at the Empire Theater Ibsen's fanous draina "Ghosts."
llr. Schvjartz will appear in the difficult leading role of Osv/ald Allwing.
Participating^ in this special production will be the popular and talented
dramatic artist, Lladam Liza Zilbert. She v/ill portray'- the beautiful dramatic
role of Liadam Allwinr,
The actress has to Chica{_jo especially to play in this performance.
VJe are certain that all lovers of classical drama and true art will come today
en masse to pack the jlmpire Theater, and to rreet the ruest artists^
• • •
II A 5 d (1)
Sunday Jewish Courier, June 15, 1919 •
By Dr. S. M. MeloBied
Sonln as a type Is some thousand years old. We Jews, especially, are
famllar with Sonln*s philosophy, which Is also clearly and classically
propounded In the Bible, viz.. Eat and drink because It quickens our senses;
eat and drink, for tomorrow v;e die anjrway. Ludwig IV issued the parable,
"After me the flood, brother; but in the meantime we must live.**
What Artslbashev did to make Sonln Interesting was to place him in a new
sphere. Sonln, the tired Russian Revolutionist, desires suddenly to live
wild and fast, letting others dream of the constitution. The philosophy
of living one's life he teaches to his mother and sister, the latter ruined by
■ ^ ^.v^■^^^:^•l-■' -^ ••«*."* »*V'* .i*.;»***c*j>*-'3>-ti*UU .
n.j ... , c'A
II A 3 d (1) - 2 - J^tflSH \^^, ^7
Siinday Jewish Courier, June 15, 1919 •
a charlatan off icer«
Mr. Anshel Shor, a clever theatrical personage from Philadelphia, dramatized
this novel. Not had, though the novel proper is only a nari^tive with a
moral* In the drama, too, there are no developments of conflict, only
episodes to characterize the personality of Sonin# Therefore, none of the
actors have any great roles except the one who plays the lead, Mr. Samuel
Goldenberg, a very versatile actor*
As an actor, Mr. Gtoldenberg occupies first rank at present in the Jewish
stage. Personally I do not know whether he "'s an engineer or an inventor,
but he certainly is a great technician. He displays his talent not by
great gestures or strong motions, but by small details that create a mosaic
II A g d (1)
- 3 -
Sunday Jewish Courier. June 15, 1919 •
picture which influences less through its colorful tones than through its
fine delicate construction* Besides Mr. Goldenberg has three outstanding
merits, namely, temperament, a lovely means of expression, and a fine
figure. If he does not attract as a lyric tragedian or a grand supple
comedian, he enchants as a clever actor rich in extemporaneous humor. He
sings beautifully and plays well on the clavier.
I could adduce many reasons why it is worth your while to see Samuel
Groldenberg in "Sonin.** But since it is very hot and I am lazy to start
so many themea, I beg that you believe me on my word. Children and girls
under sixteen years not peraiitted, and model people should stay at home.
Of the other members in the troupe who give very good performances, I wish
II A 3 d (1) - 4 - JS?7ISH
Sunday Jewish Courier. June 15, 1919.
to mention Mr. Nathanson, Kr. Ayerlbach, the gifted Becky V/eintraub and
Madame Weintraub. llr. Shveid's role not only brings forth his talent, but
also his temperament* Kay he long live and smoke short pipes, because long
ones are smoked only by suffering personages. The good Izzie Kesier cuts
a splendid officer's figure, and if Becky Frank played Liidame German's
role, it v;ould have been better for all concerned.
There is beautiful singing in the drema, especially by Ayerlbach and Goldenberg.
Good fun is delivered by Mr. Shraukler in his role as Denshtzik. Thank you,
Mr. Goldenbergt Would that the same could be said of all Jewish actors.
II A 5 d (1)
I D 2 a (2)
Daily Jewish Courier, June 12, 1919*
Our last guest artist, Llr. Leon Blank, who has so many admirers in
Chicago, and who always plays here to a full house, has not been suc-
cessful with his latest play. He, personally, acted as usual — just as
the audience likes it. His failure, however, should be charged to his
manager, Mr. Edwin Relkin, and to the New York Actors Union which tricked
him. Mr. Relkin was guilty of sending him to Chicago too soon after his
recent success here, and the Actors Union of sending him poor supporting
actors. The Union seems to pity the unfortunates and receives them into
its folds regardless of ability. Therefore, Mr. Blank was tricked.
Naturally, the Union does not have to worry about its good actors; they
make their own way in life. For that reason, it concentrates on these
others, and when the opportunity presents itself, they are sent out.
II A 5 d (1) - 2 - JSIVISH
I D 2 a (2)
Daily Jewish Courier, June 12, 1919.
This possibly helps the individual player but is a great hindrance to the
Jewish stage, for these players do not hold the Jewish audience. Later,
\fldien a good troupe comes, the public becomes skeptical and unv/illing
to attend, thinking only that they will be fooled again. Such actors
only discredit the stage and its good actors. If the Union had the
interests of the theater at heart, it wDuld be more careful to send out
good supporting actors, and not ^hams'^ who will only ruin the theater.
Vie hope that in the future LIr. Leon Blank will not permit himself to
be led by the nose by either the Actors Union or his manager, Mr. Relkin.
If he cannot get a better troupe than this present one, he should remain
at home and enjoy the much-needed rest he is entitled to after such an
arduous and successful season.
The failure of Mr. Leon Blank is to be regretted since it followed so
close upon his greatest theater success in Chicago. I am referring to
his production of Peretz Hirshbein's ''The Blacksmith's Daughter" supported
by the troupe of Mr* Morris Schwartz. This troupe was triumphantly
II A 5 d (1) - 3 - JS^flSH
I D 2 a (2)
Daily Je\iri.8h Courier > June 12, 1919,
successful. Both the plays that they presented in Chicago, '^The Forsaken
Corner" and "The Blacksmith • s Daughter", were received by the audiences
with indescribable enthusiasm. It appears that our Chicago public
knows how to appreciate good plays and good actors.
In "The Blacksmith's Daughter", Morris Schv/artz and Celia Adler gave
such exceptional performances that the audience was simply enchanted
by their acting. Such scenes as Chicago had never witnessed before
delighted the audiences. The actors were literally carried on the
shoulders of the crowd, while some even stopped to kiss 5tir. Schwartz.
Celia Adler 's acting was one of wonder upon wonder. Often in the same
scene, the entire range of human emotions was brought into play.
Besides, she was original throughout in all her movements. Her role
was so well portrayed that Mr. Hershbein can thank her as much as the
public ^or the success of the perf orraanc^T^.
II A 5 d (1) - 4 - jansH
I D 2 a (2)
Daily Jewish Courier > Jxine 12, 1919.
Mr. Vichial Goldsmith played the role of a grandfather which the audience
enjoyed immensely. Ludwig Zatz proved, with his small part in the foiirth
act, that an artist can create something out of nothing. Feretz Hirshbein
could never have believed that such an insignificant part as played
by Ludwig Zatz in the ^'Blacksmith^s Daughter" could produce so much
genuine humor and laughter. Now we can readily understand what chances
Mr. Leon Blank could afford to have taken with his present troupe after
these productions with Morris Schwartz, Celia Adler, Ludwig Zatz, and
Vichial Gtoldsmith.
II A 3 <l (1)
Forward . June 10, 19^3*
'^^•' C^i ) mL3027i
2inpire Tlier-tre
Edwin Halkln ani AJishel Shore present,, for the first time in Cliicago,
^ the ^reat Jewish Actor - . .
•• Samuel (xoldenterg
Together V/lth
Beckj' Weintraub, 3eck^^ Trarik, 3orris Cverhauch,
IsQ-dor Kasher, Hark S^rade, A. Goldstein,
Zigmund Sl^mugler and Lucy ueruan
Friday and Saturda^^
(Adv. )
ri A 3 d (1)
Chicago Forward June 2, 1919 ^'^'' ^'^^-) ^HOj. 30275
Empire Theatre Edwin Ralkin Presents
The V/ell Known artist - Vr. Leon Blank
In the most successful Comedy, The Shoe Lltker
Tuesday, Yiednesday, and Thursday Evening, In Honor of Shabbuoth
Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday llatinee and Evening.
II A 5 d (1) JS?7ISH
Daily Jewish Courier > May 29, 1919.
By S. M. Melomed
Peretz Hirshbein is one of those writers ;vho has a "cockeyed''
outlook on life and therefore sees things differently from most
other people. He is a Jewish poet from the rural country, not
simply a country man, but a true dyed-in-the-wool one. To this
very day the tones of the village are more familiar to him than
those of the city. By having a perverted outlook on life, and
being one-hundred-per-cent rural, he was able to write "A Forsaken
Corner,** a genuine Jewish fiery-drama of strong dramatic conflicts,
tragic depth, and of unique Jewish beauty. If Peretz Hirshbein
did not write under the influence of Hauptman, then he surely
is a very original realist. His '-Forsaken Corner** reaches the
II A 3 d l^) - 2 - Jg^VISH
Daily Jewish Courier, May 29, 1919.
heights of Hauptman's realism.
If he had the good fortune to be born Hirshbein, we mean by that a
poet with many marvelous talents, he also had the good fortune to
meet Morris Schwartz, Ludwig Zatz, and Celia Adler, uhe three artists
responsible for urbanizing "che country man and for putting life,
motion, and passion into his play.
'*A Forsaken Corner" is a drama in three acts. The first act is more than
a poem, or naive folk lyric. The plot is very simple. Note, the grave-
digger, has a daughter, Tzirele, who falls in love with Noah, the son of
Hyman Hersh, the miller. Both Note and Hyman Hersh are lifelong
enemies unto death, because the grave-digger wishes to quit his work
to become a miller, thus giving Hyraan Hersh competition. Both are
r ■
I t 1
II A 5 d (1) - 3 - JB^VISH
Daily Jewish Courier, May 29, 1919.
strong, passionate, healthy folksmen, and like all country men,
obstinate* They are neighbors who out of pure mutual animosity
wish to do away with one another, stopping at nothing, setting
fire, fighting, etc.
Note, the grave-digger, meets a rich young lumber merchant who
desires to finance his wish provided Note's pretty daughter Tzirele
becomes his wife. But Tzirele loves Noah with the strength and passion
of Nature's children. Noah returns this love. But the mutual deadly
hatred of their fathers lies in their path. This hatred between the
elders begins to assume such proportions that a catastrophe is inevitable.
Tzirele runs away from her father, the grave-digger, and comes to Hyman
Hersh's home where she is sheltered by his wife and son. At this moment
of intense dramatic heights, old Tudrus, the grave-digger's father,
II A 5 d (1) - 4 - JlT^nSH
Daily Jewish Courier, May 29, 1919.
arrives on the scene seeking to bring about peace. Tudrus has his
son in hand, for hd is his con. After much efforts and talk, the
elder succeeds in securing some control over Hyman Hersh, for he,
the old man Tudrus, had officiated at the death of Hersh' s parents,
offering their souls to Heaven. V/hen Hyman Hersh tries to remain obstinate,
the old man cries aloud, "Lowly creature," and Hyman Hersh controls him-
self. In the end Tudrus succeeds in bringing about peace between the two
fathers, thus making it possible for Tzirele's and Noah's heart dreams
to become a reality.
V/e find in this drama a wealth of psychological phrases which are
simple and rapturously beautiful. Here v;e see Note, the grave-digger,
a Jew of about 50, strong, healthy, ;\lld, obstinate, clever, desiring
to use his Strong fists. V/ith a whip in his hand he tries to force
Tzirele to follow in his ways, but, at the crucial moment, in comes
II A 3 d (1)
- 5 -
Daily Jev:ish Courier, iiay 29, 1919.
old Tudrus and reprimands hira, ITcte is still obstinate, .lien Tudrus
shovjs hi.i the vmip, Note beco.-nes a nouse, • • . The big strong Ilote, with
his long beard, stands before his aged father as Tsirele would stand before
him. In this ex:^ression of true Jev;ish respect for parents, lies so much
deep human culture, such as really only the Jev; can portray.
These snail psycholor'iical phrases i.iake the play a Jewish one, and justify
the happy ending. V/ith tv/o pov/erful heroes in the play, there must be a
catastrophe, while a type like Tudrus is only possible among Jews.
Now, tv;enty years after the draiia v/as v/ritten, it is being presented
on the stage. I, at least, have never in my lifetime seen such realistic
and extraordinary artistic actia^ in the Jev/ish theater. Only Max
Reinhardt^s company in Berlin can in their actions call forth so much
illusions as Ivlorris Schwartz and :iis troupe do in this play.
II A 5 d (1) - 6 - ji^/rrsH
Daily Jewish Courier > Ivlay 29, 1919 •
Here Jewish tragedy is not presented with signs and tearing cloth
( for the dead), but by means of wonderful mimic, through candid
worthy acting and rythmic movements.
The greatest surprise in this performance is not the roguish and
beloved Celia Adler; neither is it Morris Schwartz, nor A. Goldshmidt,
who play Hyman Hersh, the miller, and Note, the grave-digger. It is
rather the comedian Ludwig Zatz, who here reveals himself as one of
the greatest tragedians. He plays the old Tudrus. Portraying an
old man can only be accomplished by mimic, not by motions, because
an old man's motions are very slow and not individualistic. All
grandfathers are of the same pattern except that each smells his
tobacco in his own way, such is the standing tradition. Ludwig
Zatz is a master in mimic. His art consists of a variation of expressions
which form slowly and definitely the type of the old Jew, the old father,
the clever elder. As he molds this character, he stands bofgre our eyes / o^
vo •'"/!. p,
II A 5 d (1) - 7 - TfflTISH
Daily Jewish Courier, May 29, 1919.
so true and impressive that we cannot forget the picture he presents,
everything else being soon forgotten except Tudrus as played by Ludwig
Zatz. The old Tudrus is not simply a spirited live figure but also a
deeply tragic one which suppresses its tragedy with the aid of the
psalms. But, v/hen tragedy finally does pierce through suppression,
it is heartbreaking, penetrating our senses and our hearts.
iVhat makes Zatz the great artist is the simple way in which he works.
He can awake the deepest, most touching tones from an ordinary "fiddle^'
with only one string. In general Jewish actors work with drums and
trumpets. Ludwig Zatz plays his most touching role on a small violin
and creates an immense impression /Translators note: All this is
figuratively speaking^ He is therefore unique in his art.
II A 5 d (1) - 8 - JEWISH
Daily Jewish Courier. May 29, 1919.
Of Celia Adler, what more caii we say: "Her talent is inherited.^
She acts with her two large eyes and gracious movements. She is,
in the play, only as she can be, the sweet coimtry maiden, all child,
all girl, all woman. You have to know how to do it. But she knows,
and let the Gods not envy her, though she earns their envy, -
Morris Schwartz and A. Goldshmidt present their roles so artistically
and characteristically that one might question: "V/ho gives the better
performance?" Both present successfully the role of the obstinate
country man in a true rural manner.
If Iferris Stihwartz has reached his goal in acting, he attained it
through mimic, but his duties are not as difficult as that of Ludwig
Zatz, whose role is the stronger. Goldshmidt, on the other hand, v/ho
plays no less brilliantly than Morris Schwartz, must portray motion ^j
II A 5 d (1) - 9 - JEinSH
Daily Jewish Courier. May 29, 1919.
and so outdoes the role of Note, the grave-di ger, with extraordinary
Under the direction of Morris Schwartz, Tanenholtz, playing the iiiiller*s
son, and lover of Tzirele, improved in his art. He plays with a certain
charm, developing his character as the play progresses. In the first
act, Noah is quite a boy, in the last he is all man. His training under
Morris Schwartz has greatly developed his acting ability.
Boris Rozenthal, who plays Chatzkell, the lumberman, has but a small
part from which we cannot ^udge his talents. The same may be said of
the three women in the play, nanely, Rosa Rosenthal, who plays Note
the grave-digger's wife; Sophia Nadalski, as the wife of Hymen Her^,
the miller, and Sarah Filler in the role of a grandmother, a crazdjf
c \
II -i 5
d (1)
- 10 -
Daily Jewish Courier, .iuy
woman v;ho rcaiis the cenetery v;here her children lie buried. The two
mother roles that Peretz Mirshbein created here are too conventional
to give Iladane I^osenthal and Iladane Iladalski a chance to display
their talent. 5arah filler, on the other hand, sets forth a fev/
interesting nhrases.
How will^Chicaco welcone this nev; revelation of Jev/ish dramatic art
and acti^. Does Chicago only v;ish to see Jews in comedy or is it
interested enough to receive such a play as "The forsaken Corner"
as presented by the artistic troupe of Hew York^s Irvine Place
Theater? Unintellicent people need not so to see this play.
II A 3 d (1)
■ -i ■ -i
Chicago Torward Uay 28, I9I9
iBplre Theater
Uonday eTenlsg* Jtoie 2
Maorlee Sohwarts
''The Blaokonlth's Bao^liters"
plus the two fayorites
Celia Adler
Ludvig Satz
(Adv. )
WPA (lLL)PR0j.3G275
II A 3 d (1)
Chicago Forward Majr 28, 1919
Snpire Thef^ter
Today and tomorrow enreaing, fclday, Satiirday and Sunday
Uatinee and Srening
The yonng artist
Maurice Schwartz
and onr two favorites
Cella Adler
Ludvlg Satz
"Aa Abandoned Comer**
WPA(!LUPROJ. 30275
llll^ W?A (ILL) PRO/. 30275
Forward, May 23, I9I9.
He^brew Drama will "be presented in the Douglas Park Auditorium.
A Bi"blical drama in k acts, "by M, Salkind will be presented Sunday, May
25th, "by the students of the B^nai Zion Jewish Day Nursery School, iinder
the supervision of their teacher Miss Bruche Mixeman. The plsy was per-
formed several weeks ago and proved very successful.
II A 3 d (1)
Jorward, May 19, I919.
Empire Theater*
Up stairs and Downstairs
Comedy and Music by Harry Kolomonovich
Produced by Barris Tomashevsky
Music ty Bunshlnky.
WFA (ILL,) PROj. 30276
li A 5 d (1) JgtflSH
Daily Jewish Courier, May 15, 1919,
Madame Melvina Lobel, the well-knovm dramatic actress, and Mr. Samuel Rosen-
stone, the great lover and singer, with a good company of actors and ac-
tresses, are now playing at the Empire Theater. They present '♦The Might of
Conscience,** a sensational life pict\ire in four acts by William Siegel.
Yesterday evening was the first performance. The play appealed strongly to
the audience and is expected to draw more capacity houses. It will also be
given tonight, Friday night, Saturday and Sunday matinee and evening.
In the Lobel-Rosenstone Company we find the soubrette Sadie Shehngold.
II A 3 d (1) JEWISH
WPA (ILL.) PROJ. 30275
Forwards May 12, 19 19*
Empire Theater •
Welcome to Chicago*
Jifaae* Malvina Lobel, r^# Samuel Rosenstein, the well known singer, Miss Sadie
Sheingold, the young soubrette who will play for the first time in Chicago,
The Strength of Conscience
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evening, May 14 - 15 - 16.
Saturday euid Sunday matinee and evening, May 17 - 18»
II A 3 d (1) JEWISH
WPA (ILL) PROi. 30275
Forward, May U, I919,
Two Hassian dramas will be presented in the Empire Theater, by the well
known Russian artists from N. Y. , Chicago, and Detroit.
Monday evening. May 12th, I919.
Lower Depths^
II A 3 d (1)
WPA (ILL) PRQl 30275
Forward. May 3. I919.
Gartners Independence Theater, Friday and Saturday, Whom Does
She Love,_
A drama in 3 acts, Siinday matinee and evening, A Man and His Con-
science ♦
Monday to Thursday, Money Love and Shame, in 3 acts.
II A 5 d (1)
I B 3 a
Daily Jev/ish Courier > Llay 1, 1919.
David Kessler, the noted Jewish actor, and his iiovthy company, are play-
ing at present at the ^rapire Theater,
ilr. Ilessler opened yeoterday evening v;ith "Lost Hope," which took the
audience by storm. The s^me play v/ill be presented tonight and tomorrov/,
Friday evening. ..Iso Saturday and Sunday, natinee and evening.
"Lost Hope," New York critics sa^;-, is one of Z. Libin^s most powerful and
thrilling dramas. It depicts the deplorable family tragedy of an ill-
suited marria e, and the sufferings of a father for his unfortunate child.
In the Kessler company we have the following talent: L'ladame Ray Schnayer,
Liadame Becky .^einshtoib, Becky Frank, i:r. Jacob Frank, iJ?. Louis ITyman,
and, to Chicago theater-goers, that so well knov/n soubrette. Hiss Rosetta
II A 5 d (1)
I B 3 a
- 2 -
Daily Jewish Courier > llay 1, 1919.
lass Rosetta Bialis has played this season at the Eighth Street Theater,
Philadelphia, attaining great success. For next season she v/ill be
Chicaso's o\m, being induced by Llessers. Shugarberg and Paulee to play
in their itepire Theater company.
Mr. David Kessler is one of the most outstanding and significant Jewish
actors that the Jewish stage possesses, and his coming to Chicago should
be acclaimed by everyone.
As expected, the play •♦The Riddle .Voman," in which Lladame Bertha Kalish
portrays the heroine, is a huge success. The V/oods Theater, where it is
now showing, is filled to capacity every night. I.'any admirers of the
great artist must be turned away because the '♦house is sold out.'' To
•» . f
V ■/
II A 3 d (1) - 3 - JEiiJSE
I B 3 a
Daily Jewish Courier. May 1, 1919*
secure a good seat, one must get tickets three or four days in advance.
The press greeted Itodame Kalish with a hearty reception. All critics of
large newspapers in Chicago are enthused by her splendid performance, her
fine diction, and her majestic appearance. LHore people come, not so much to
see the play, than to see Madame Kalish. She is the center of the show*
Messers. Paulee and Shugarberg have this Monday closed the season of their
Empire Theater performances by giving a banq.uet for actors and reporters of
the press. At this affair, l^. Shugarberg announced the coming engagements
for next season to be opened sometime in the last days of August, with a
cast which includes Miss Rosetta Bialis, Mr. and Li!rs. Krohner, Mr. and l-Irs.
Bulman, David Scheinholtz, Vasha Rosenthahl, Harry Hochstone, and the noted
Prima Donna Madame Clara Rafalo.
II A 5 d (1) - 4 - JEV/I3H
I B 3 a
Pail:' Jev/ish Courier, I.'ay 1, 1919.
This is not the comolete ensemble for the ^^pire Theater. I'ore talent
not nor forthconing will soon be announced b;' the Manageinent.
At nres9nt they are busy with ^attractions for the su;irier season, to be
presented first with David Kessler and conpany.
Eighteen performances were presented at the Empire Theater by Leon Blank.
Kis v/as both a moral and a financial success.
During six of the eighteen days, it rained and was generally bad weather,
but the audiences came, filling the theater from end to end.
l»!r. Leon Blank may truly state that the Jewish theater-goers of Chicago
are with and for him, notwithstanding circu:astances outside the theater.
Sorrowful nev;s from across the seas, the various glamorous amusements
* ■ A .?
II A 5 d (1)
I B 3 a
- 5 -
Daily Jewish Courier, I^y 1, 1919.
here have not hindered them f I'on coning to see hin* Jev/ish theater
lovers in Chicago, now ask: **VJhen '.'/ill I'r. Blank visit us again?"
II A 3 d (1)
Torjjard, April 29, I919
Empire Theater.
Edwin A. Relkin presents the greatest Jewish artist David Kessler with an
ensemble of the outstanding actors on the Jewish stage.
Wednesday evening, Saturday and Sunday matinee and evening - May 1 - 2 -
3 - U, The Lost Hope, Life drama in U acts hy Z. Luhin,
II A 3 d (1)
WPA fill,) pro;. 3027'
Forward. April I9, I9I9
Empire Theater. On Monday evening April 2Sth, I919, Mr. Leon Blank will bid
farewell to the public. He will play, "The Wild One."
II A 3 d (1)
Forrard, April 1^, 1S19.
Gartner's Independence Theater
12th St. near Independence Blvd.
Sunday, m-tinee and evening
The great corned;^' laugh
ti-Lv. ± >^i^
WPA (ilL.) ?m. 30275
A Guer,t from the Future Tcrld.
II A 3 d (1)
i'^AOLL) PRO,, 3027
Forward, April 18, 1919.
Gartner •s Independence Theater
I2th St. near Independence Blvd»
In Honor of the Holiday, 7/e will present on
Friday evening and Saturday
A Beautiful Comedy
My Wife^s Family
in 3 acts*
II A 3 d (1)
Forward. April 18, 1919.
Gartner* 8 Independence Theater
12th St. and Independence Blvd.
Monday, Tuesday matinee and evening
VITednesdey and Thursday evening
The most beautiful realistic play
The Picture of Life.
n A 3 d (1)
?T^T en
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
Chico.^o ?orv;:'.r.s April 11th, I5I9.
G-ertner' s Inr'fpendcnce Thf^r.tre
The staff 0* G-ertner^s Ir^^^^Denc^rnce Ther-ter is •vcrhinr v-^ry harr^ to ^et the theater
clean in tir.e for Passov-^r at wh--* ch tine Uv, G-^rtri'='r will ^r^sent Brinc.ely Cossack
as £niest artist.
To-d.-^y an'^ to-morro^r, thp t-ieater is o:^"pring Crime! Piinishnent; and Simr'ay
matinee snd evenine; His First 'iVifp, a rrielocrr'^n-ia l^y S'-nmel Coh'-^n,
II A 3 d (1)
^P^ OIL) FROl 30275
Forward t April 11, 1919,
The Empire Theatre*
The Empire Theatre is proud to present Mr, Leon Blank, a Jewish artist,
in the play -A Friend in Life." It will be shown the 15th, 16th, 18th, 19th
and 20th of April, matinee and evening*
II A 3 d (1)
Forward . April II, 1319.
TiJmpire Theatre.
"Take care of your Daughters**, a musical comedy will be presented for the
first time in the City of Chicago at the Empire Theatre. The play will be
shown on the evening of April 12th, 13th, Friday and Saturday and Sunday 14th,
matinee and evening.
II A 5 d (1)
II B 1 b
Daily Courier > Apr. 10, 1919.
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
Never before has the American stage in Chicaco seen such an array of famous
Jevash actresses as now. The show at the Playhouse, now on its tenth v/eek,
is a success, despite the fact thct the play has little literary value.
The star of the play, Lliss Elizabeth Brice, is alone responsible for this
gigantic success.
Miss Brice possesses all the qualities of a great artist; personality, refine-
ment, character, looks, beauty, grace, and a very sv;eet, mellov/ voice.
Throughout the play, she keeps her audience enchanted with her loveliness, poise
and charm.
Her lively and rhythmic gestures create an enchanted atmosphere which even the
most pessimistic enjoy.
II A 5 d (1) - 2 - Jg;JISH
II B 1 b
WPA iWL) ^'^^y, 2[U]z
Daily Courier > Apr. 10, 1919.
A similar reputation is enjoyed by Ivliss Vivian 3e/^al, who appears as
leading lady in the musical conedy **0, Lady, Lady," at the La Salle Theater.
Hiss Segal has been only three years on the stage and already has made her-
self very popular.
Miss Segal is proud of being the daughter of a Russian Jev/ish immigrant, not
following the custom of many Jewish stage and opera stars who generally hide
their Jev;ishness by changing their names.
Being possessed of a strong and pleasant dramatic voice, Lliss Segal expects
to make grand opera her career.
iie meet other Jewish stars in the dramatic field: one is Miss Frances Lorimar,
whose Jewish name is Adler, niece of the world famous Jewish actor, Jacob
Adler. She climbed the ladder of success step by step, and has been on
the stage for the last ten .yeaifd. Miss Lorimar became famous through a
mere coincidence: once she ha-d to substitute for a famous actress and did it
so well that ever since she has been assigned to star roles.
II A 5 d (1) - 3 - JE^nSR u,PA ,M. , .„., „^.^^
II Bl \> ' ^^'^^'' ^"^^ "^^^275
Daily Courier > Apr. 10, 1919 •
Another great Jewish actress on the American Stage is Hiss Bertha Kalish,
who will start next week at the Vfoods Theater •
Miss Kalish is at present considered the greatest tragedienne on the Ameri-
can stage. She possesses a winning personality.
Liadame Kalish lives in a v/orld of art and beauty. In her spare time, she
takes her brush and paints and draws magnificent sceneries. Some claim that
she has intimate abstractions in colors and hues.
As in New York, her performances in Chicago will be no doubt a success, for
Madame Kalish has here many admirers of art and beauty*
II A 3 d (1)
W?A OIL) p,Oj, 3027i
Forward, .Varch 19, 1919.
The United States Lodge 78, of the Progressive Order of the Tes*?, is giving a
theatrical perforniance tonight, at the
Empire Theater,
pany of the Empire Theater.
The Jewish Crown will be played by the entire com-
All P. 0. 7/. members, come and bring your friends. The box office will be open
after 2 P. lH. to exchange tickets.
II A 3 d (1)
II B 1 d
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
Forwards March 16, 19I9»
Aimounceraent: Grand Celebration. An Anniversary Night*
In honor of the tfen years existence of the Literary Dramatic Society, a celebra-.
tion will take place Saturday night April 5th, when the famous drama that made its
success in New York - The Desolate Spot, in 4 acts, by ?• Hirshbein - will he pre-
sented* The author himself, Mr. Hirshbein, is coming here especially to direct his
drama, which will be given in the Central Music Hall, Van Buren and Michigan sts.
Mr. Hirshbein will speak betv/een the acts. Tickets can be purchased at the For-
ward, at the Cooperative restaurant, and from the members of the Society*
II A 3 d (1)
rorv/- ra
v^ .*y < • X .^ .. i
WPA f!LL,) PRCJ. 3C275
Announce -.c^ts
Ijinjir-: Ilieatre
rue oar*
■Q.PTo-T' f
V^' ^ — \/
» — , n r* j'^ : -•
. . l..<v ^ ^^ - 1 J.. .1. u . 1
-»-, ^^ r^ '•', '> •>•♦ .~i "f
n - 1 T»
^% -.
.-^i-rice ^.^ore
r^oa-n J;^r--Ji Adler
in the le ''in._ role.
' t^ l':o j-nt Ire cr^st .
n A 1 d (1)
II D 10
II D 3
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
^^ )i
1 O'' O
Today anr to-n^rrov - tvo t-:;r-efit ;:crfor ■:-ricef-:
f 0 -* the Denver 3:in:.t''-rii:n f-^r C'*^nr';'notlves.
^■'•'.e j:.'^'.
The P'-nver Sanitaririrn h- :; fro-: 5tr5 "heglnnin^ "been a ,:;r^^ t hel; to
those u.nfortanatec v;ho L:\ffer f ro t th-t irdrstrial disease conscription.
It l*s an irctlt-tion th:^-t ^"ell dercr-^^c^G th^ financial a'.f anc! assistance
of the Je'^lsh niaBses.
famo'is .rtlst Mme. oarvih A:^ler will pla:^ for the first jerformance
,sr-\^v»"^ ""^T^-^r"- "Oa^''^^*''
11 A 3 d (1)
WPA (ILL) PROJ, 30276
Forwards February 28, 19 19*
Anno uncement s •
Zuckerberg back from New York - Will soon open his new bag of tricks.
Something new is expected in the theatrical world* Hrshel Zuckerberg (the
Prime Minister) of the Empire, who was visiting New York for the last two weeks
is returning, with packs and bags of new tricks for the Chicago Jewish theatre
In the Chicago theatrical circles, it is well known, if Zuckerberg is re-
turning from a trip in the east, he must bring with him something new, something
surprising* Zuckerberg tells what he has accomplished in New York* First of
all he divided the heritage with Edwin A Relkin* Relkin will be the King of the
East and Zuckerberg the King of the West* Zuckerberg will send out companies,
from .Chicago to towns and cities in the west* Zuckerberg 's power in the west is
well known by Relkin*
t J - » •-
Page 2
II A 3 djl)
WPA (ILL) PROj. 30275
Forward, February 28, 1919.
For next season Mr. Zuckerberg engaged a well known actress for the Empire,
which is a loss for New York, and that is the famous soubrette, Dora Weisman*
As to plays, Mr. Zuckerberg has arranged with the Author's League of New
York, which peroiits him to present in Chicago all the plays that are being
played in New York*
II ^3 4(1) '^Pw.-.,
P0HWA3DS, -yehraary 2U. 1913. "" ^''-W P%)j. 30^75
Empire Tlieatre
Welcome our guest - Tlie ^^aeen of the Jewish sta^e - Madam Sarah Adler.
A week of Art,
Friday and Saturday night 'Feb, 2S and llarch 1st,
First a-'pearance of our guest artist Lladam Sarah Adler in Count lolstoy^s
Sunday night Mar, 2d - UadaTi Sarah Adler
In JacoT) Gordon's Masterpiece -True Power
Sat. Matinee -Madam Sarah Adler in Grod's Punishment, "by Z.Lebin
Sun, Matinee Madam Sarah Adler, in -Without a Home, "by
Jaco'b Gordon,
ii A ^ a u>
?orv-Tard. ?e"bruar:: 22, 19 19
Gartners Independent Theatre
12th Street near Independence 31vd,
Saturday Free Love by Cohen
Siindac^ The TTeddin^ ITight
(Llatinee ^z ITight)
Matinee at 2:15 P.M.
jlvenin^s at 7-0 ?.'.!.
WPA (ILL) PfiOj. 30275
II A 3 d (1)
^^^^ OIL) PP,Ol 30275
Forward^ February 14, 1919 •
Eknpire Theatre*
— ?
As long as B* Bernstein is in Chicago, we shall laugh* Who else, besides
Bernstein can make the audience so happy?
Friday night, Saturday matinee and night, Sunday matinee and night, February
14th, 15th, and 16th, we present
The Awakening* by Uoses Richter*
Mr* Bernard Bernstein - - - in a comical role*
Mr* David Levenson - - - - in a interesting character role*
MrF* Sally Shore ----- in a brilliant mother role*
Miss Ida Goldstein - - - - -in her exceptional success role*
Mr* Bakshitsky ------ in an interesting father role*
Miss Erber -------- -in a juvenile role*
Mr* Harry Hochstein - - - - in an opportune role, to display his art.
II A 3 d (1)
W?A (ILL) PKDJ. mjb
Forward, February 10, 1919*
BSnpire Theatre, Madison and Hals ted St«
Pauley and Zukerberg, Managers •
Tonight, Madam Clara Rafala - Mr. Morris Kroner with the assistance of the
entire artist cast*
In a Mother^s Heart
Tlie best seats for ladies, 25j^»
II A 3 d (1)
^'^ CU ) PROJ, 30
Forward^ February 9, 1919 •
Gartner's Independence Theatre •
12th St. and Independence Blvd.
Friday and Saturday will be played
Sarah from 12th St> by S. Kohn.
Sunday - Matinee and night
The Sold Soul
Tuesday night, February 11th, a performance to honor Mr* Gartner
The Maniac - by Jacob Gordon, with the consent of
Mr* Jacob P« Adler*
II A 5 d (1) JMJSE
Daily Jewish Courier, June 6, 1918.
Northwest Side Jews Get Their Own Theater
Samuel B. Grossiaan and a company of select actors open toraorrov; night at
the Crown Theater, with Libbin^s "One Law for Both".
It is an old, old rule that your own/tliin^/^^®^^ sweeter than the other
fellow's; that your own is lODre honored and loved than the other fellow's;
that your own is nearest to your heart. We recalled this rule now for this
reason: the Northv/est Side Jews have lived long enough to obtain finally a
theater of their own — a thing that they have v/anted for some time.
Mr. Samuel B. Grossman, an old-time Chicago actor, is the one who has earned
the thanks of the Northwest Side Jews for this gift. And let the Y'Yasher
Ko-ach (literally, Llay He confirm your power, figuratively. Congratulations
2 ^.?.^.
II A 5 d (1) - 2 - jaiiOSH
Daily Jev/lsh Courier, June 6, 1918.
and thanks) be expressed immediately.
Mr. Grpossman has truly estimated the great need that the Jews of that neigh-
borhood have felt for a theater of their own. And he took the trouble to
obtain the biggest and nicest theater that the Northwest Side has, namely,
the Crown Theater, at Division Street and ilshland Avenue. This theater has
sixteen hundred comfortable seats and a large stage. And tomorrow nighty it
will open as a Jewish theater with Z. Libbin*s successful drama of life,
♦'One Law for Both". The play is one of the best that Libbin has written.
And besides tomorrow (Friday) night, it will also be played Saturday liatinee
and evening.
For the Sunday IJatinee and evening performances xir. Grossman has arranged to
present the four-act liusical comedy, '•The Passionate Girl'', by M. Goldberg.
It will imdoubtedly make a great hit with the public because of the fine
songs and even finer humor that this work contains. In a word, this summer
II A 3 d (1) - 3 - ja?ISH
Daily Jev/ish Courier > June 6, 1918.
will be a lively one on the ITorthy/est Side, and we hope that, with God's
help, v;e shall be able to enjoy it.
The certain success of the Crown as a Jewish theater lies not only in the
fact that Lir. Grossman stands at the head of this undertaking and will cer-
tainly direct all his efforts towards satisfying the public. The success is
also guaranteed because together with Mr. Grossman there will always appear
a company of select actors who are particularly well trained to amuse the
public because they have had conside3?able stage experience. The actors are:
Ivtp. Ziggelob and Lliss Rubin, both of New York; Llr. Nusbaum, llr. Yanover, and
many others who are well qualified to perform on the Jev;ish stage.
It is therefore expected that the Jews of the Northwest Side will knov; how to
appreciate their own theater and will actually come tomorrow evening to cele-
brate the opening of the Crown Theater. For tomorrov; will be a holiday on
the Northwest Side; and all must be present at a holiday celebration.
II A 5 d (1)
II B 1 d.
Daily Jewish Courier, Lay 1, 1918.
The faiaous Jevdsh actor, Lr. Jacob Ben iini, arrived in Chicago yesterday and
will be the guest of the local Literary-Dramatic society.
Under the sponsorship of the League of Literary-Dramatic Societies, i^. Ben
Ami will give a perfor/aance at the local haymarket Theater on the eleventh and
twelfth of Liay, presenting Cssip Deenov's ''The Hired Groom". Ke vail begin
shortly to rehearse with the members of the local Dramatic Society, vAio will
appear in this literary and beautiful tragicomedy. lo*. Ben Ami v/ill play the
role of the "hired groom'\
Jacob Ben Arai is one of the most talented young actors in iiiaerica. Although
he has been in /jaerica only a few years, he has attained a great reputation
as an artist. In all the plays in which he appeared in New York he dis-
tinguished himself and made an impression in the theatrical world.
II A 5 d (1) . 2 . Jir.'-ISH
II B 1 d
Daily Jevash Courier, :.xay 1, 1918.
Ee once appeared in Chicago several years af-o and here also met xvith great
' 1
II A 5 d (1)
I A 3
II B 1 e
Daily Jev/ish Courier, Apr. 11, 1918,
Tik; je;7Ish thii.atiijl:; in Chicago
By I* Dua
The local Kayinarket Theatre, under the direction of Jacob Palei and
Joseph Kessler, is about to close its present season as a permanent
Jewish Theatre in Chicago, leaving the stage to the llev; York guests,
who will appear in all their glory before our public in their "success-
ful dramas" which "took New 'iork by storm" earlier in the season.
As is usually the custom, such a situation affords us the opportunity
to give a general review of the plays pre.'ented during the season and
to reviev/ what the theatre gave to the public, and what it received in
Were we to adhere to the established custom, v/e would begin with the
opening of the ..eason seven months ago, and analyze everything v/hich has
been presented since that time.
II A 5 d (1) - 2 - JEWISH
I ±\. '5 Daily Jewish Courier, Apr. 11, 1918.
II B 1 e
But let*s liiake an exception in th-s particular case, and try to satis-
fy ourselves v;ith only a fei; short reiiiarks about the plays given and
the players, who entertained the local public.
Soiae two dozen dramas, melodramas, comedies, operetta.^ and plays of the
old repertoire, as viell as some new classics were presented at the liay-
market Theatre in the past season, -^imone: then were also some literary
plays, which satisfied, more or less, a cultured audience. But when
you examine the complete repertoire, then the '*literary^* pl^^y is complete-
ly lost in the mountain of tra^'h which was constantly presented.
iVho is to be blamed? Certainly not the r.ianagementl The theatrical direct-
ors are businessmen first of all; /"they are^T" people for whom the theater
exist; for profit, and i.iainly frol^i this standpoint is a play accepted or ,
rejected. The taste and likes of the public, upon whom the exi.^t^nce of ■
the theater depends, determine the quality of the J)lay.
♦. -^
II ;. 5 d (1)
I 0
I .. 3
II B 1 e
Daily «^"evdsh Courier, .-^^r. 11, 1918.
Although v;e do not prefer to see it thii:; i/ay, the fact that the
public would rather be entertained by a filtliy play than b^/ a fine literary
one, from which it receives little amusement. This means that the manage-
ment ib coiipelled to present only plays which appeal to the ^-eneral public.
This is an ancient, bitter truth in ref:ara to the Jevlsh Theatre in general
and Chica.'O is no excef^tion.
«;h.en vou bear in n'nd that the theatre ha:"> alv;ays been looked UDon a^^^ an
educational institution for the riia ses, you are overpowered with rloomy
foreboding when vou hear all the cynical songs, the foolish couplets and ; -; v, - a ^
stale v;it, which are iuevit-bly found in the artificial J"ewish Plays. \^^ * " '^^
Usually it is ex*oected that the theater should maintain, to a certain
deo:rce, a local charact.^r to attract t:.e public. In the past season,
when the present h^ymarket L^ana^^ement oi-ned the .Jmpire Theatre, this v/as
the ca;..e. In fact there were presented Leon ZolotokoffTs " Troubadour"
and Jonah Spivak's "Daniel Deronda" — tv;o presentations of a higher quality,
v/ritten by Chicago authors, and which, contrary to general expectations,
II A 5 d (1)
I .^ 3
II 3 1 e
- 4 -
Dail;.'' Jev:ish Courier, .Inr. 11, 1918
were [greatly liked by the local public.
Unfortunately, this cannot bo saicl about the liaynarket Tlieatre's present
season. Local tyr^es ana cliaractcri sties v/.re absent. I.ost of the plays
v;ere iiaported from Ue\ Yor!:, and it seeiaed that Chica{;*o has no productions
of its ov>n, but ha., been fed hy th^^ blessings of that other city.
Did this benefit the local Jev/ish theatre?
V/e*d rather leave it for the public to decide. The public knov;s the answer,
as v;ell as v/e do.
'.vhile on the subject of the Jev;ish liayiiiarket Theater season, v/e v/ish to take
this opTX)rtunitv to sav a fev; words about the actors, v;ho for seven months
played under the direction of I'x. Joseph i^essler. The business manager was
the untirinc Jjcob Falei, vjell-knovm to tlie local public as the most capable
worker in the Chicara Jewish theater.
II A 5 d (1)
I A 3
II B 1 e
- 5 -
Daily Jev;ish Courier, Apr. 11, 1918
Lladam Bella Goodinsky, as the niain "star," ha.' undoubtedly won the r^eat"
est recognition from all vjho love the Jevjish theater^ She appeared during
the season in a number of beautiful roles, thus establishing herself as
a first-rate actress. This is the impression she leaves in Chicago now.
Jacob Hochstein, who played only the first half of the season, v/as as
successful as Liadam Goodinsky. His appearance in first and second roles
in the plays greatly appealed to the local public.
Louis Bockshitsk3^, v/hom tne Chicago public knows well from the previous
two seasons, again v;on well-earned recognition a3 one of the most sympa-
thetic character players, v.ho possesses great talent and understanding.
Benny Adler, also not a newcomer to Chicago, who caiae here in the middle
of the season, again showed what an interesting actor he is, and how much
intelligence he brings to his characterizations.
II A 5 d (1) - 6 - JBIV/ISH
I A 3 Daily Jewish Courier, Apr. 11, 1918.
II B 1 e
Madam Emma Augenbiick, v/hose various talents v/ere seen two years at the
Empire Theatre, has again demonstrated, during this season, hov/ much progress
she has made in her acting, thereby receiving the applause of the audience,
v/ho recognize her as an actress of great interest.
Also I/Ir. David Shoenholtz, the well-knovm Chicago comedian, had a successful
season* The following excelled in their performances;
LIr. and Mrs. Schrage, Mr. Goldstein, Llr. Silverstein, Lliss Helen Siebel, /^^^upi^ %
Miss Rosetta Bialis and Ivir. Augenbiick, who have taken their proper placeslc ^' ^^"/^
on the stage and are trying to satisfy the local theater-going public. x^
In closing the season, the Ilaymarket Theatre v/ill present tomorrow evening,
and Saturday and Sunday iTiatinee and evening, Leon Cobrin's ^Strings of Life,"
with the entire cast.
Next Monday evening, the farewell presentation will be Sigmund Feinman's
"The Mute."
•■■■■■'■■•■■'■■■■■■■■■■'■■■■■• [•.'.'■.';-- . "J. ' '*"- .','^:..i,^:S , '■ .-„ ■>■".'!;- -'V" ■ t •■■■■(■■■■■■■iH
^I WPA (III.) PEQJ.30275
The' Dally World» December 3f 1917« i^^^^^^^ o^ -^^ . ?
■ii-;*-t vv* y
:^^.*.r.., ...^"■-■^ PURPOSES. ■■.•■■■ '■'■''■^y-4f'''-^:Sm'V'-7^-
^'''''S'l$-M0^ (By Joseph Mendelsohn) -
•i-- .-^ ^'*r - . . n« .-. . ._r. l,.t -'■-.■■-.;-».■.-■., .- ■*-.■--.-'■:•
In add! ton to the cultural peart that the Jewish theater plays In the life
of the Jewish populatiottf it is also an importemt faotor in raising
great sums for various philanthropio purposes* r^ f -^^
- • ■ •-■-.--t, ■■ ■ .;-x * . . - » . •
••• .- ■.■'.. '• '■' ■^^■'ii' '■'■ •■
There is hardly an orgahi zati on j'^ lie ginning w^ the Workmen's Circle
down to the smallest vereint that do not ^approach the Jewish theater,
from time to time, as a relief measure in time of need«
Upon a report, by the treasurer^ that there Is a deficit in the treasuryt
an affair is arranged in a Jewish theater and the deficit is covered • If
r an unfortunate incident occurs to a member of an organisatiottf it is under-
stock that the theater must come to his aid; if a verein wishes to enrich
its treasury, there is no better method than to currange a theatrical bene«»
fit affair; if the Denver Sanitarium for Consumptives is in need of moneyt
if. .:■■■:. :•«
_ .- 'i« --■■■
II A 3 d (1)
• '
/*i/< .:'■:'•
X >
f , .'
.'• • IT-' - '. - '<
Ihe Daily Worlds December 3» 1917»
i- 1
m (inji)
T. 'w .I
> , ^>< . • ■ *-
*■-«. rut--*^
!■,'<■ fi^'r- -'
a theatrical performance is presented and money is raised* This methodf^
of raising money* is so popular cuaong the organizations that three evenings^
during the week* throughout the winter season, devoted to various benefits
performances* ^d very seldom does it occur that m benefit does not ^1 ^ v
have succsssful results* v . . .■ ■^ ^■,;^-.-M~^"'^''^
; •-,,•'■ ^ ■•'.' -. „■- .\. ■■'- ' V" -■.. .- '"^ ', .■ .' . .r-^ '^■;^-i'-f':^rf-' ,:- ■ -_
It usually happens, when the aXfair is arranged by a small organizationt^
that the entire house Is not sold out; nevertheless, there remains a
profit* Very small organizations engage only a small part of the theater*.
Y/here does the secret of the success lie, which the benefit performances
constantly meet? ^v. ,-....,/; . ";-..-:-'
.\ '
\ -^
That the Jewish race is £ book has been known in the past* Ttie written
word was ailway the basic foundation of the Jewish race* Willingly or ^^i.
unwillingly* the nation must agree that the Jew contributed a great deal
to science and wisdom* .,;-^^' -^ . .
■i- 7i\
II A 3 d (1) - 3 - Jg-ISH
'VPl /!! f \
The Dally World. December 3, 1917»
Artf in the name of artfis yet a bit foreign to him^ It matters not how
artful, how literary a performance may be, if it does not contain a bit of
substantiality, it will not interest the average Jew»
ThereforOf if a performance is announced for a specific philanthropic purpose,
there remains no doubt the Jew as to whether he shall go« The performance may
not even be successful, it matters little, however, the purpose is important*
There is another reason for the financial success of the benefit performances*
The theater is a panacea for charity purposes in s secretive way: They amuse
themselves and at the same time help somebody* It happens, as if, one knew to
whom the money is contributed* Who ever accepts the donations, does not feel
There are the two secrets upon which the financial success of the theatrical
benefit are based* Therefore the theater is doubly important to Jewish life*
'r .
II A 3 d (1) JgWISH
iChe Dally World, Vor. ik, 1917* ^'P^ (IIU PRCJ. 3(/Z/5
By Joseph Mendel son
A benefit performance In honor of Ur. Joseph Kessler, Star and Director of the
Haymarket Cheatre, will he held this evening*
A part of the history of the Jewish Theatre In Chicago will be associated with
tills evening's affair* It Is* therefore* worthwhile to consider the local
theatre In general* and the role that Ur. Eessler played In Its development for
the past few years*
When speaking of the development of the theatre. It does not only mean the progress
that the theatre has made In Its cultural sense. It also means the niimerlcal ex-
pansion of theatrical attendants, who were attracted by the theatre throughout the
eourse of Its existence.
The cultural side: If one should be strict, uncompromising, the decision could
be es^ressed In one word - poor* And not only In Chicago* The Chicago theatres
derive their benefits from the New Toxk theatres* And If any criticism should be
given. New Tork, with Its art teii;)les. Is above all*
However, this Is not the only reason for the cultural failure of the local theatres*
- 2 -
II A 3 d (1) JBTISH
The Daily World. Kov. lU, 1917# .,,n, ,. , . ^
— ^^^ WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
They, who are Interested in the Jewish Theatre and who are often Ti si tors of the per-
formances, will argue that Joseph Eessler attempted, more than once, to drive trash
from his theatre*
However t the result was - a vacant theatre.
Whose fault was it, the management, the actors? Neither*
The management was interested in one thing only - the financial success of his
theatre* lach play that resulted in a packed house, is considered hy the manage-
ment as the hest in Jewish repertory*
And if the play is actually a litereoy one, the management will certainly not hesi<-
tate to run this play for many wseks, if it only satisfies the treasury*
It is certainly not the actor's fault* They would like to appear in literary plays.
Impersonate types and characters lAo are artistically inclined* Uore than once an
actor boasted that he afip eared in Gordon's repertoire, in Scholom Asch's plays*
Ben Ami, Mark Schwade, and other actors, who possess a sense of fine acting and
who would certainly not like to lose their reputation as intelligent actors, must
still appear in "Hannah in America," and in similar trash.
II A 3 d (1) - 3 - JEWISH
TbB Dally World. Nov. lU, 1917* WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
Consequentl7t nho Is guilty that the theatres are dlss^pearlng? !Ehe theatrical
Here, It Is not a matter of the '^selected/' of the critics of a small Intelli-
gent group, ifho would certainly he pleased to see good literary plays* This
Is only a small group, that would he unable to cover the expeuBBs of a theatre*
It Is a concern of the great massest idio are unable^ as yet, to digest any literary
plays, and are contented with Jazz music and cheap Jokes*
Uany people affirm that the theatre Is a people *s Institution* In what respect?
If the theatre should suffer a material loss, who would come to Its aid? Will
the management be Justified In turning to the Jewxy with lan cppeal for donations?
Would the people respond to such an appeal? No*
!I!he theatre Is a private enterprise* The management Is the exclusive owner of
this enterprise*
This owner seeks to satisfy his "customer." The "customer" demands trash and
trash Is given him*
XA A 3 g \LJ — *t - t<J!
The Dally World. Nov. lU, I917.
m (iiu pnoi s.^^
Who should educate the race? The theatre? Ko«
One» who goes to the theatre enters it with a specific demand. In short t one who
visits the theatre definitely desires, in advcmcst good or poor plays* And the
theatre can do nothing in such case#
The press lectures and debates on literature and drama, on art and plays* All these
are the methods of developing the race and implanting in it something more beautiful,
more literary and more artistic*
There is a theatre here* Thanks to the efforts and abilities of Mr* Joseph Eessler,
Chicago possesses one of the finest Jewish theatres in America*
There is, also, no scarcity of Jewish actors* The presentation of Madame Ooodinsky,
together with Joseph Eessler, is stiffidLent evidence that Mr* Kessler does not spare
any money in order to satisf^y the Chicago Jewiyt
II A 3 d (1)
• 17
Daily Jewish Courier > Aug. 31> 1917«
Kr. Joseph Kessler opens his third season in Chicago in his new home, the j^
Haymarket Theater, with a large company, in Rakoff 's successful drama, S
••VTithout A Mother, •• one of those dramas that keep the onlookers enthused ^
from the time the curtain rises at the beginning of the first act until g
the curtain falls at the end of the last act.
Among Mr# Kessler's troupe of artists are the well-known tragedienne, "^
Madame Bella Godinsky, the character player, Mr. Jacob Hochstein, the ^
soubrette. Miss Rosa Bialis, Mrs. Shraga and others. Of the old artists,
you will find with Mr* Kessler, Madam M. Axelrod, Mr. Lleltzer, L. Bukshisky,
Miss Ziebel, David Scheinholtz, and others •
- 2 -
Daily Jewish Courier, Aug* 3i> 1917 •
The new home for Jewish theater, the Haymarket, is the largest in Chicago,
and the largest Jewish theater in the world, and is of the most magnificent
structure* Mr. Kessler did not spare expense to make this new home for
Jewish theater look its best*
Mr* Kessler, who for the last two years has given Jewish plays in Chicago
and has established a great name and reputation, is positive that the
Jewish public will value his new unde.rtaking and help him make it a sue**
The musical director of the Haymarket Theater is the well-known Lr* David
Hirsch, and the memager is the well-known Mr* Paulay*
r —
II A 3 d (1)
Daily Jewish Courier, Aug. 1, 1917 •
The large Haymarket theater will, from now on, be transformed into a Jewish
theater under the mana2;ement of the well-known Jewish artist, Joseph
Kessler, and the theatrical manager, Kr. J. Paulay. Mr. Kessler came from
New York especially to close the deal and sign the lease with the Hay-
market theater for three years and is immediately going back to engage
a large troupe of good actors for his new theater, which will be the larg-
est Jewish theater in America.
Mr. Kessler will return to ChicarsO, with his new troupe at the end of August
and will open the Haymarket theater on August 31st.
WPA (ILL) PRO J. 30275
II A 5 d (1)
Daily Jewish Courier > Sept. 1, 1916.
Jii^iRj tez>:jjr^ of:^iis tciiicj?it
Tonight the Empire Theatre vill start its nev; so son v.lth Lloshe Richter*!^
play, "Verdacht" (Suspicion) , v:hich v/ill continue tixroU;jh Sunday/ and Ijonda^r.
The Victors Society, torethor v/ith the v;ell-l:nov7n London drai.ntist, Lladam
Minnie .ocLerod, will p.rticipate in thi:s perfomance under the direction of
llr. Joseph Kessler.
Judges Joseph Sabath and Harry I.i. Fisher, and the candidate for jud^e of the
Ilunicipal Court, Philip F. Brerstone, ;;ill speak betv/een the acts.
V. ^
II A 3 d (1) JElflSH
Daily Jewish Courier, Sept. 1, 1916.
i!i:.iPiR5 TH^AT^w opi:ns tootght
The local jinpire Theater will open its new season this evening with Moshe
Richter«s play ''Suspicion," which will also be featured tomorrow, Sunday
and Monday.
The entire company of actors, together with the well-knovm London dramatic
actress, Madame L^innie Axelrod, will take part in this performance under the
direction of Irlr. Joseph Kessler.
Judges Joseph Sabath, Harry :J[. Fisher and Philip P. Bregstone will speak
during the intermission.
II A 5 d (1)
II B 2 d (1)
I B 3 a Sunday Jewish Courier, Aug. 27, 1916. WPA (ILL) Pl\0j.5ui;:
I B 3 b
IV by
Since Chicago became a Jewish city ^^Siis Bieans since Chicago became a city with
a considerable Jewish population/ it has, thus far, been fortunate in having a
Jewish theater every season. Once it happened that a company was engaged in
the middle of a season and immediately following a brief interlude, another
company took its place, enabling \is Jews to enjoy without interruption the music
of •'Shalameth , " "Bar-Kochbah" (a hero in a war waged against the Somans),
••Akedath Yitzhok" (Sacrifice of Isaac), to sympathize with "Mirele Efroth,** to
welcome collectively many plays which New York had eanaarked as "poor" and
"unsuccessful," and, to the contrary, to discard such plays as had in New York
evoked crocodile tears and childish admiration from the residents of tall tenement
houses, people who are honest workers, but who do not always possess aesthetic
Judgment about some thing good, something real.
II A a d (1) - 2 - JEvn:sH
II B 2 d (1)
I B 3 a Siinday Jewish Courier, Aug. 27, 1916. yi'p^ /|m pj-
I B 3 b ' ^'^^'^ ^'^O^SOi:/^
III A The same holds true of actors and actresses. The Chicago Jewish
IV theatergoers have quite independently proclaimed their own stars
and rewarded them with tremendoiis ovations as well as good salaries*
It is a fact that all the great Jewish actors of New York, who have attained
a national reputation, have made their debuts in Chicago. It was the Chicago
Jews who gave them "diplomas,** classifying them as comedians, tragedians,
soubrettes, character actors, etc. All those who attained recognition in Chicago
were later recognized in New York as well as over the entire country. It will
suffice to mention the most prominent of them: Adler, Thomashefsky, Madame
Liptzen and Schneur, who made their first appearances in Chicago. This proves
that Chicago has a keen perception of fine art, and the more it is cultivated,
the keener it becomes.
After many years of experiment, Jewish theater managers and actors have arrived
at the conclusion that the Jewish public of Chicago is steadily turning away
from lewd plays, licentious plays, and other such plays which have, much to our
regret, occupied seats of honor in the Jewish theaters of New York, becoming
II A 5 d (1) - 3 - jiaasH
II B 2 d (1)
I B 3 a Sunday Jewish Courier. Aug. 27, 1916. ^'^'' (i^U PROj, 30275
I B 3 b
III A the yardstick with which the talent of a playwright is measured,
The drama is said to be the most noble expression of life, the mirror
of life, the school in which all phenomena, all events and all aspects of life
are dramatized before our eyes* This is a very good definition of the drama;
therefore may it always remain so.
But when we examine the Jewish repertoire which has been produced in the past
couple of years, we find that ninety-nine per cent of it consists of "meretricious
and obscene plays." If a Gentile were to attend the Jewish theater for curiosity*s
sake, he might think that this was the chief problem of present-*day Jewish life;
that in every Jewish home there are bastards and that prostitution prevails; that
there are no other romantic incidents in Jewish life worthy of being dramatized^
Not only c€in such plays evoke unchaste and evil thoughts among alien theatergoers
who seldom drift into Jewish theaters, but many Jewish theatergoers who are not
II A 5 d (1) - 4 - jmasE
II B 2 d (1)
I B 3 a Sunday Jewish Courier. Aug. 27, 1915. V^^^^ (-''-L.) Pftuj.3027a
I B 3 b
III A too well acquainted with the manifold nature of Jev/ish life may be
IV similarly influenced.
Such plays have been a pestilence, a terrible epidemic in the Jewish district
during the past few years. They have corrupted the aesthetics and debased the
spirit of the public. The dirtier the joke and the more nauseating the plot, the
more people would be attracted, and the greater was proclaimed the ingenuity of
the playwrights*
What should the New York press have done about this situation? Everyone to whom
Jewish family life is sacred and dear will say that the press should have been
the first to denounce these plays as being lewd. It should have urged the public
to keep away from such exceptionally abominable things which are a disgrace to the
Jewish name and to all those who attend the theater. It should also have humiliated
the Jewish theater in the eyes of the public, and should have pilloried all Jewish
managers and players vftio dared to produce such plays.
II A 3 d (1) - 5 - JgyjISH
II B 2 d (1)
I B 3 a Simday Jewish Courier. Aug» 27, 1916* WPA (ILL.) PROJ 302^5
I B 3 b
III A The New Tork press, however, did not do this. On the contraiy, it
17 kept reiterating the wise sayings of these actors and rehashing the
worthless **trlpe** of playwrights; the press cloaked the obscenities
with literary allusions, and lavished high praise upon the worthless plays •
Such plays, however, if they succeeded in being smuggled into the Chicago-Jewish
theaters, were short-lived* After their first or second showing, the manager
put a stop to them lest there be no one attending his theater. This happened
more than once. It indicates that the Chicago- Jewish public knows the difference
between good and bad, and particularly, that it is not influenced by Hester Street
cuid East Broadway in New York.
Mr. Joseph £essler had this experience last season in his finpire Ibeater where
one meretricious New York play after another was removed from the stage because
the public actually made no effort to see them. The better plays, 6U3 well as
several classics, drew full houses, to the surprise of the managers and actors.
II A g d (1) - 6 - JEWISH
II B 2 d (1) .,^ ^
I B 3 a Sunday Jewish Courier > Aug. 27, 1916. '*''' ^^'-^ ^^^^ 3027d
I B 3 b
III A Mr. Kessler, an intelligent and artistic actor and Mr. Polay, an
IV experienced manager in the local Jewish Theater, should not, however,
have been surprised and should not have considered such things unusueil
phenomena, but rather something quite natural.
Most of the Jews in Chiceigo are Americanized and cannot digest the coarse foods
which are served to the "greenhorns" in New York. Jews in Chicago live better
and are less congested. They are not cramped into narrow tenement houses as are
the New York workers to whom the home is a Hell, a toiment, so that they are eager
to escape from their homes, even if it should mean spending a night at a burlesque
show. When a Chicago Jew goes to the Jewish theater, he goes with a view to
enjoying himself in a refined manner.
As a newspaper for the people, the Jewish Courier is always doing a great deal
to refine and improve the taste of the Jewish public in Chicago and to inspire
II A 3 d (1) . 7 - JEWISH
II B 2 d (1)
I B 3 a Sunday Jewlah Courier > Aug* 27, 1916# vVPA (ILL,) PHQj 3027s
I B 3 b
III A the players to become more ambitious so that they will appear in such
17 plays as will be an honor to their reputation.
With reference to this theater season which opens Friday, September 1, Mr* Kessler
should apply all his energies to make the Empire Theater a success and not a
failure, and he will succeed if he stages sober plays which appeal to the taste of
the Chicago Jews.
And speaking about sober plays, we wish to call your attention to the following
sad situation; large sums of money are spent by the theater management on advert
tislng trash, whereas on good plays, no money is spent* The philosophy of the
management is as follows: If an article is good it is self -advertising and we
need not go to any expense to advertise it. But we must boost a poor article
which is not self -advertising.
This, however, is an erroneous notion. The infezlor commodity should not enter
business at all because if it is sold to a customer at a profitable rate, then
II A 3 d (1) - 8 - JEWISH
II B 2 d (l)
I B 3 a Sunday Jewish Courier. Aug* 27, 1916* ^^^^' ^"^'' '""^^^^ 30275
I B 3 b
III A such customers cease to repurcbase such articles for they are con-
17 vinced that they have been defrauded* This is also the reason why a
good play, which succeeds a poor one, draws a small crowd because first,
it is little advertised, and second, the public which was repelled by the previous
poor play loses its confidence in the management and actors*
May this serve Mr* Joseph Kessler, who has become popular among the Jews of
Chicago, as a preface or prologue to the activities of the local theater season,
for which the necessary preparations are being made, because this is the secret
of the success of the theater in Chicago*
The personnel of the fiapire consists of the Following: Male: Joseph Kessler,
Bernard Auerbach, Isadora Meltzer, Morris Groldberg, David Schoenholtz, Bennie
Adler, Jacob Ealich, L* Bakschetsky, Joseph V/einstock, Avling and Philip Augenblik,
Female: Madame Minnie Azelrod, Madame Esther Zabel, Miss Ida Fine and Madame
II A 5 d (1) - 9 - JEVflSE
II B 2 d (1)
I B 3 a Sunday Jewish Courier^ Aug. 27, 1916. ^^'^' u^U PK'Oj. 30276
I B 3 b
III A Let us hope that every member of the cast will faithfully and loyally
IV perform his duty — to the satisfaction of the management and to the
satisfaction of the public which always rewards with honor and money
those who are worthy.
II A 5 d (1)
Daily Jewish Courier^ Aug. 7, 1916. ^^^ ('LL/ FROJ, 30275
Mr. Jacob Polay, manager of the Empire Theatre oxvned by Joseph Kessler, re-
turned last evening from New York v/here he made arrangements with the fol-
lowing actors to open the season about Septembeir 1: Madame Sibel, Ida Fine,
Madame Augenblik, Katie Kaplan, Benjamin Auerbach, Isadore Meltzer, Benny
Adler, Adolph Baksitsky, Jacob Kalich, Philip Augenblik, and David Sheinholtz.
They will be under the supervision of Mr. David Kessler •
II A 3 d (1)
Daily Jewish Labor V^crld, June, 25, 1916. ..,.,. ^^ .
^^PA (ill ) d;?a. ^^2j^
Hr. 8jid I.:rs« JacoL P« Adler, the greatest artists on the Jewish stc.^e, are
ending the season at the Bnapire Theatre, together a ocir.pejiy of first
cle^s artists* Gustav Shacht - Auerbauch - Rubin • Julia Adler - Keshier -
the young artist, Louis Birenbaum and others.
Saturday I^atinee in - "The Stranger^ - by J. Gcrdin
Sunday llatinee - in - ^'The Ivleaiiac** - by J. Gcrdin
Saturday and Sunday night - in - •^A Father »s nearf* - by Prof* Jacobi*
Tickets on sale now at the i-ox office*
II A 5 d (1)
^^^ ^ Daily Jewish Forwards Feb. 12, 1914.
Maguleskoe, the artist of the Jewish stage, is no longer among the living*
And yet it seems as though he is still with us; as though his deeply felt
humor is not yet removed from the Jewish stage; as though his character
portrayals, his artistic mimical contortions, and his pure typically
Jewish acting remain in the treasure of Jewish eternity.
But when we rem.ember his funeral, during v;hich more than forty thousand
Jews accompanied him to his everlasting peace and in which eulogies v^^re
spoken and songs were sung, we become positive that llaguleskoe is no
longer here* Because if vie commence to honor an artist, it is evidence
that he has died# V/hen alive Ma^^uleskoe was a good actor, a great character
U -p-^-
- 2 -
Daily Jewish Forward, Feb. 12, 1914*
player, but the Jewish masses never thought of honoring him then. Did
they show Mm any appreciation for his great services to the Jewish
stage? Certainly not. V/e Jev;s honor our talented only when they are
The fate of artists among Gentiles is comparatively better. They ioiow
how to estimate the greatness of an artist when he is araong the living,
just when the people's recognition gives him courage &nd inspiration to
develop his creative potentialities to a higher degree.
We learn that the poor working girls of Paris have honored Charpenter,
the composer of '^Louise*' and '^Joumen," two operas in which he depicts
the spiritual life of the French working girl. For these operas Charpenter
- 3 - JEWISH
Daily Jewish Fcrward^ Feb* 12, 1914*
created a music the nelodies of which repr-eeent the efforts and ideals of
the working girl. They feted him with a magnificent banquet and presented
him with a sword inlaid 7/ith precious gems.
Thus have these poor girls exalted their poet, vjho lived in the Latin
Q^uarter, the slum section of Paris, wherefrom he attained motifs for his
works •
Kfeiguleskoe was the artist of all the Jewish people. His character roles
were typically Jev;ish and^ through his dramatic playing for a few decades,
he beautified and glorified Jev/ish life. Yet it was not until death had
called him, that the Jews showed their esteem for him. Such is the fate
of a Jev;ish actor*
^ «
II A 3 d (1)
I A 3
Daily Jewish Courier, Dec. 4, 1913#
- '-' P .i '^
The New Drama That Madame K* Liptsen Is Presenting This V/eelc In The Empire
For thousands of years Jewish atheists and foes, who sought to find faults
with the Torah of Moses, pointed to a passage that states, '•he sets the sins
of the father upon the children, and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren
to the third or forth generation. •• The cry arose, - what an unmerciful Grod
to punish the children and grandchildren for the sins of their fathers and
This was one of the principal arguments against the Torah of Moses, and
whosoever it pleased mocked and ridiculed it. Only a few great men, numbered
scholars found at all times in all generations, understood the deep meaning
of these sacred words of our sublime Torah. They knew that these words are
not applied to mean man^s sins against God, but man*s sins against himself.
When a person sins against nature, it means he sins against himself, and
that nature will retaliate to reckon even with him, his children and their
children until the fourth generation. But those who understood dared not
express it because they lived at a time in which ridiculing everything that
was holy was in style.
-r. *
II A 5 d (1) - 2 - JEVnSH
I A 3
Daily Jewish GourlQ-p^ Dec* 4, 1913.
Only tov;ard the end of the nineteenth century did conscientious thinkers
cone to this conclusion based on their most careful observations of life.
They began to notice that bad habits, drunkenness, and vice in the life of
man must eventually show some signs in their children and their children's
children* Life has proven that* The studies of the origin of the "degener-
ates** which are found in every city have furnished the necessary proof*
The proof established, it was next necessary to acquaint the people with
these facts* And the best method of impression is the stage*
Henry Ibsen was the first dramatist to bring this great problem upon the
stage in his drama, **A Doll's House*** But here the only intimation given
was in the person of the doctor* Of late the entire world became interested*
A movement was begun to agitate these facts openly, to prove how detrimental
it was upon children when their fathers or mothers do not know how to care
for themselves in sexual matters, especially if one of them is stricken
with a venereal disease of which he is in ignorance* Children born of
such a marriage suffer from various diseases and rightly deserve the name
of *»Damaged Children***
'•Damaged Children'* is the name of a Jewish drama v^hich deals with this
problem* This drama was freely written around the theme of '*Damaged Groods,**
II A 5 d (1) - 3 - JMISH
I A 3
Daily Jewish Coiirler, Dec* 4, 1913.
a drama which was presented for a period of several weeks at the Blackstone
Theater, and of which a criticism appeared in this newspaper. The drama of
"Damaged Children" is being presented today (Thanksgiving), matinee and
evening, and Saturday and Sunday evenings, in the Empire Theater at Madison
near Halsted* Taking part in this drama are Madame Kennie Liptsen, Mr.
Slias Rothstein, Mr. Jacob Cohen, Mr-. £at2zaan, Madame Simon, etc.
The presentation of this play is something new and different from the usual
themes and presentations being shown in the theaters. Madame Liptsen and
Mr* Rothstein, at the head of their marvelous company of players, are pre-
senting us types such as are seldom seen, but nevertheless are always pre-
sent • "Damaged Children" opens the eyes, showing a new world of which we
until now had no idea existed: a world which deserves more ardent atten-
tion and thought. That is the "Damaged ChJLldren" that Madame Liptsen is
presenting today at the Empire Theater.
II A ^ d (1)
Daily Jewish Courier, October 8, 1913* WPA (ILL) ?ROJ. 30275
The Gartner*8 Pavilion Theater has opened this season with a large
troupiof actors. They have already presented the well known Jewish
comedy of Shimer's ••In Latineren** to a crowded house* They will not
only present comedies, but also dramas that were very successful in
New York, like '•Die Harshendeh** , ••Shclaven** and ••Broken Hearts."
At the head of this troupe are Mr. and Madam Gartner, Herr and Mrs.
Nathanson, Mr. Winestock, Mrs. Finklestein, Herr and Mrs. Leonsky, and
II A ^ d (1) JEm.SK
Daily Jewish Courier. October 7, 1913. ^'PA (ILL) PROJ 3027K
In our local Jewish community there is much rejoicing* Again we have
a truly Jewish theater with Jewish artists who promise to remain here
providing the large Jewish audiences desired them. They do. Theater-
goers approved them as can be witnessed by the large attendance which
fill the theater to capacity. Such were the greetings accorded the
Jewish theater at its opening performances.
Of course we are speaking of the Globe theater and the entire Liptson
troupe which came to bring Chicagoans a truly Jewish theater.
II A -^ d (1) - 2 - JEWISH
Daily Jewish Courier. October 7, 1913. '^^''^^ (!LL) PROJ. 30275
Even at present , New York, as it appears, does not have a truly Jewish
theater to present the finer class of Jewish drama. Her five theaters
feed the public only trash, each succeeding play being worse than the
previous one* Regardless of press criticism these New York managers do
not even make an effort to offer something better to their patrons
than such plays as •'Souls'*, '•Hesurts**, and Dots". Apparently their
audiences are satisfied.
Thus when word was brought that the Liptson troupe headed by Madam
Kenie Liptson, Herr Elias Rothstone, and Jacob Cohen was coming
here to present the better plays of the Jewish repertoire, we were some-
what astonished, even though we have long known that in our region the
Jewish audience has for sometime been seeking the finer and better
qualities that make for a true, earnest, and interesting drama *
II A ^ d (1) - 3 - JEWISH
Daily Jewish Courier^ October 7, 1913. *^P^ (ii-U PROJ. 3G275
The fact is not built on supposition. The Liptson players have always
played Jacob Gordon's finer dramas •• •••••
We feel it is unnecessary to review these plays since they are well
known to all Jewish t heater-goers • They include '•Miraleh Ephris",
••The Unknown**, "The Slaughter", ••Der Momzer", etc. It is also more
or less known that in these plays Madam Liptson presents her strongest
characterizations, those that have brought her fame. The same may
be said of Herr Rothstone, Cohen, Uadam Wellinsky, Katzman, and others*.....
Mr* Rothstone informed us that the company had come for only twelve
weeka in which time they have prepared the very best of drama to oe
shown here. But these twelve weeks can at anytime be extended indef-
initely if the Chicago public will approve such high standards as
will be presented to them on the Jewish stage.
II A 3 d (1) JEWISH
Daily Jewish Courier t September 16, 1913* *^^A (ILL) PRO J 50276
The new Jev/ish Douglas Park Theater, for this season, opened last evening
in a very impressive manner, and the stars, liisha ^ Lucy German, to-
gether with their New York company, have for the first time, appeared
before an overcrowded audience in .7. Siegel's powerful melodrama,
••Rachel's Children" which met with great approbation. All actors were
received with loud apolause at their first oerformance. Upon concluding
the 2nd act, an enthusiastic ceremony was carried through in honor of
the troupe which v/as showered v/ith bouquets of flowers by organizations
and individual patriots.
II A 3 d (1) • 2 - JEWISH
Daily Jewish Courier, September 16, 1913. ''^'f'^ (ilL) PROJ 30275
The representative of the Jewish Actors Union, Rueben Gooskin, who
came especially to the opening of the first cooperative union theater
in Chicago, greeted the audience of the premiere - performance, appeal-
ing for their support for the nev; Jewish theatrical undertaking and
promised the audience an interesting and mirthful season*
A special performance of '•Rachel's Children** will be dramatized this
evening in the Douglas Park Theater for selected guests and representatives
of the Jewish press*
II A 3 d (1)
The Sentinelt Volumes 5-6 1 Week of May 17, 1912 • Page 2.
A permanent Yiddish playhouse will be established by Ellis P« Gliok-
man* He has secured a ten year lease on the Bijou Theater, Halsted
Street and Jackson Boulevard, at a rental of *130,000 for the term*
He will remodel the house at a cost of $15,000«
' 2
'■■^ '}'■-'<('■ jf -^^ ^iV ■
_^Jf ^_-.. - ._
'-•y- . . \<-
IF -..' i-l-Ji'^^-,^
< - <•
II A 3 4 (1)
^'PA OIL) PROJ. 30275
Oonrier, December 22, 1911.
« Bijou Xheatre Opens Tonight
She famous actress t Madame Esther Bachel Eominsky is opening the Bijou
Theatre this eyening, at Hals ted and Jackson Bird. , as a Jewish Theatre*
• * . ' . . . .
The opening-night performance will be Ur. Jacob Gordon* s "Mirelecpos**
Hadam Eaminsk7 plagrs the stellar role, with the assistance of a selected cast
of famous artists, such as Ifessrs* Nathanson and Max Bosenthai*
This is the first time in many years that Jewish Theatre patrons hare had
the opportunity to witness such a great performance, played by such great artists*
This Drama will be played until Monday, with Saturday and Monday matinees.
Mr. Xlias P* Glickman, the Manager of the new Jewish Bijou Theatre, has
great plans in mind. He intends to bring the best Jewish actors to Chicago,
and is at present organizing a first-class company, which will play the irtiole
season, and he, himself, will be among the players*
N •• ,.
,' ^
,- A ^ i J •;
( .;
II A ^ d (1) JEWISH
^^ /iPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
Courier Dec. 5, I9II
Jewish Theatre in Bijou
Ur. Elias f. Olickman, the well known actor, manager, has leased the Bijou
yesterday. This theatre is located at Halsted street and Jackson Blvd. and
will open for business Christmas weekf This will he an exclusively Jewish
theatre* Mr. Glickman is very optimistic over this new venture* He promises
to have the very best of talented Jewish actors on the stagOf He would not
make any promises as to his heinga co^player on the stage with the other actors
but he assures the public that he will always present a first class company
of players* JLlsot from time to tims he will present new blood and talent of
the greatest in dramatic art*
Ur. Glickman, before departing for Kew York yesterday stated, that the Jewish
Societies of Chicago are the ones who were instrumental in his starting a
Jewish Theatre in ChicagOt It is because the success of the theatre benefits
that the different synogogues and charity organizations have by their untireing
efforts induced Mr. Glickman to venture a Jewish theatre*
■; . V 'Stunt
II A 3 d (1)
II D 1
WKA (ILL.) PROJ. 30275
V.-- *»
Courier, Noverater 9, I9II.
To the Lodges and Societies*
This is a letter to officers of the different Jewish charitahle organizations.
Dear Officers: 1 realize that you are aware of the fact that winter is knock-
ing at our doors and you will need lots of funds for your charitahle under-
takings, much more now than at any other time of the year. This is the oppor-
tune time to study and formulate plans for the raising of funds for the ^>
necessities of the poor, this winter. '
> . ^ ' .■ ■ '
As a possilDle method, allow me to suggest a Theater Benefit. As a means of
raising money for charitahle purposes in a large lump sum. Therefore, as I
am manager of the Louis Metropolitan Jewish Theater, the only Jewish Theater
in Chicago, which satisfies the public fuily, permit me to suggest the follow-
ing plan to you gentlemen: We play every evening with matinees Saturdays,
and Sundays, the prices are reasonable, and we always have a capacity house.
, * -J-
> ..
«»_JL_. ,^4, ¥■ *;«•. •'*i!*.ti-
-JJ.:.^. ^ -^■""
Page 2
II A 3 d (1)
II D 1
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
Courier, November 9» 191^^»
Our Theater is ready and willing to serve you "by letting you have as many ^
theater tickets as you desire. You sell them on a commission basis and we
can assure you of very profitable results.
Jacob Louis, Mgr.
Metropolitan Theater.
.■ ,-JS«
II A 3 d (1)
^^^ OIU PRCUl^U,
Courier, October 20, 1911^
Shmi Israel (Hear, Oh Israel) in Metropolitan Theater,
Next Sunday evening the popular Jewish actor, Levenscn, will make his first
appearance in Shrci Israel, at the Metropolitan Theater,
The theater-lovers who understand stage art, are expecting to see something
different when the artist, Mr, Levenson appears on the stage in a role in
which he can display his great histrionic ability.
11 A 3 d (1)
Coorler May I5, I9IO '^^^^ OH.) PR0J,3C275
Bijou Theater Hals ted and Jackeon Blvd«
Ur« and Utb. Jacob Adler in
■God's Punishment"
The first of a large repertoire to l>e presented to Chicago l^ this
fa&ous couple*
-- II A 3 d (1)
II A 1
II A 3 b
^^^ ('LU Pile. 302?t
Courier t May 3, 1910.
Jews in the Theater Professions*
Jews in America and in other countries as well, have perhaps at present more
than their share of representation in the theatrical world. Some of the most fa-
mous producers, managers, ani theater owners in America are Jews. Moving pictures,
which are only beginning to make headway are also controlled by Jews.
Can it be that Jews have a special leaning toward the theater? The opera in Amer-
ica has its greatest support from Jews* Although not many of the operatic stars
are Jews, mast of the musicians and members of the choirs spring from our people*
A prominent theater manager writes in response to our query - "The truth is that
there is something in the theater that attracts Jews. Perhaps it is because the
theater combines art and business, such as no other business contains. My friends
ha/5 told me that the Jew is a natural born actor and where the opportunity for
both business emd art present themselves, the Jew is perfectly at home#
-Page 2 . JgglSH
iiA3iil) WPA (,IU PRCi 3ta
II A 1
II A 3 b
Courier > l!ay 3, 1910.
The Jew is an artist and a poet. This can readily be seen from the great poet-
ic works of our people which .constantly reverberates through hi^toryt The Jew
is also a traditionally good business raan» Therefore the Jew* s adaptability to
the theater can readily be seen***
Another Jewish theater manager writes - **The Jews have stabilized the theater.
Pianagers no longer run away from their corap&iies if they become stranded in some
small town. This practice has been greatly curtailed since the advent of Jews
in the theater management and producing fields."
Still another writes - "I would not like to say that Jews are the greatest actors,
although our people have given the world very fine actors. However, the rank and
file of actors in theaters are composed almost entirely of Jews. It seems to me
that the Jew seeks not the money that he can earn, but the freedom, the spiritual
freedom, and the freedom of the soul. The Je?/ finds that he can more easily
rage o
II A 3 d (1)
II A "l
II ^ 3 b
WPA (ILL) PRO i. 30275
• Courier, May 3, 1910.
develop his personality and individuality on the stage, and that is why he is so
well represented in the acting profession."
No matter how we look at it, the Jew has an active part in the theater world of
today - be it in the grand opera or in the cheap burlesque houses.
(signed) Ben-Levy.
II A 3 d (1)
II A 3 1)
WPA (111.) PROi. 302/5
Courier. April U, I5IO.
Two Yiddish Theaters in Chicago.
Beside the new Palace Theater which is heing "built now, Chicago will have
a new large Yiddish Theater on the West Side.
At last Saturday's concert of Uadaire Kolinsky, at the Auditorium Theater,
^hich was filled to the rafters, an announcement was made that negotiations were
under we.y for the leasing of one of the West Side theaters for Yiddish Produc-
tions. Three "IVest Side theaters are "being considered, and the decision of the
committee will be announced to the puhlic at an early date.
At the same time it was announced that the new Palace Theater was rapidly
nearing completion and will surely he ready for the coming season.
II A 3 d (1) YIDDISH
II D 6
The Dally Jewrish CourlT. Oot* 26, 1908*
WPA (ILL,) PROJ. 30275
Toni^t is the first perfonanoe at the ne«r Ifetropolitan Theatre for
the benefit of the Jewish %elter* The theatre is located at Jefferson
aiki 0' Bryan streets*
The well kaovn maflterpieoo Ban-Hador will be played* All Jews of Qiioago
should do their utmost in order to get these tioketSi so that Father
Abraham's Hotel would profit the most 9 for they are in dire need of funds*
The Jewish belter is the only Jewish institution whioh has at all times
open doors for the hungry and homeless Jews* In order to exist they must
have money* Their expenses are enormoust their inoome is insignifioant*
The perpetuation and maintenanoe of this shelter is grea.tly dependent
upon tonight's and tomorrow's performances* Help us continue the noble
work of the Home* Remember tonight is the benefit for the Jewish Shelter*
. r -
tl A ? d (1)
Courier, 11-14-07
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
The new 12th Street Theatre just east of Halsted Street was
built by the " Western Vaudeville Association*' at an
estimate cost of |23fOOO.OO. No expense was spared to make
it the most beautiful in Chicago* It has a seating capacity
of ^800 people. It is making a special appeal to Jewish
patronage and special attention will be paid to women and
children. Matinees will be given daily at 2:30 P.M.
The policy of the theatre is a seven act vaudeville bill
and a popular movie. Admission 10 cents. Two evening
performances starting at 7:30 and 9:00 O'clock respectively*
t >. . .!'■ r ■ . ■.'. ;
II A 3 d (1)
WPA OIL) PRcj. 30275
The Coarier> November 14, 1907 •
The combined Interests of the large Western Vaudeville Assooiatlon are build-
ing the new Twelfth Street Theatre directly east of Halsted Street, at a cost
of |23,000»00« It will have a seating capacity of eight hundred, with eight
hundred comfortable seats* *
No expense will be spared to make this project a credit to the community*
This theatre will cater mainly to Jewish Patronage and will specially look
after the comfort of women and children* A matinee will be played every day
at 2:30 P*lf« The plays will consist of seven vaudeville acts and additional
showing of movie pictures at each performance*
The pictures will be the same as those being shown at the Majestic and Chi-
cago Opera House* Two p%rformances will begiven every evening at 7:30 P« M**
and 9 P« M« Price of admission lO^ii
The Twelfth Street Theatre is located in the heart of the Jewish Ghetto, and
the theatre hopes to have the Jewish patrons fill the house to capacity at
each performance #
^Vi^'fe .".„•■■.,*'■.
^•,^;-..t^:. ^
II A 3 d (1)
Courier, October I3, 1907*
Next Monday night will be "Shelter Home Night" in Chicago. The International
Theater has been rented for a theatrical production, proceeds going to the
Shelter Home.
Chicago Jewry can best show their appreciation to the Home by coining to the
show end help swell the proceeds.
/ /
II A 3 d (1)
II 2 10
II B 1 e
■ Coiirier. Jaxraan^ 3. 1907. WPA (ILL) PROJ,30275
Morris Rosenfeld Theater Benefit, Big Suc(">ess.
One of the most successful theater "benefits tooV: place last evening, at the
International Theater, where Mr, ond his troupe of actors, pls.yed
the Jewish "King Lear.'* The theater vv.z packed with a highly intelligent
Mr. B. Harwitz, Mr, A, Heller, Mr. Titus, Mr, Sdelman, and others of the
Arrangement Committee -thjanked the puhlic for responding to this "benefit,
as it was for the worthy cause of raisin|^ funds for the assistance of a
sicl^ Jewish poet. Mr, Gliclcman reports a net profit of $600,
•A nujnher of corrpliments were peid Mr, G-liclonan "by the coinpany of actors, '
for the way. Mr, Gliclarxja handled the affair, "bringing it to such a euccess-
fijl conclusion. There was a letter with nany thanlcs from Mr, Heller, expressing
.. t.ii-
II A 3 d (1)
II D 10
II S 1 e
Courier. Jan, 3, I307.
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
his appreciation for the interest Mr. Hosenfeld, ai::d the Chicago Jev/ish
puhlic have tr^Icen in his present condition. He also espressed his grer-t hope
that he will soon sing for his lonely exiled people.
II A 3 d (1) JEWISH
Courier. June 11, 190f. ^^ ('i-U PftO/. 30275 ''
"The Cre.zed One," (Dramatic Review). |
Drajna in four acts Tdv Jacob Gorden. Produced "by G-rand Theater Compajiy at
Academy of liusic,
"The Grazed One" is a pl&y whose content and tendencies are even far more
actuated than in any of Oorden's works for the sta^e. "The Crazed One" is
not a. pl??y wherein action thunders across the stage and thereby detracts
appfeciativeness from the audience, "The Grazed One" is a play which cau-
ses the audience to forget its da^'' to dpy affairs end completely shsorb it-
self in the production.
Is the T3uroose of life to better the well-being of men or is it a needless
and tiresome process, void of a goal? The architectural stnjicture of the
play has many draw-backs; it is not arranged in accordance vith rules of
modern drama, and as such ^onild not be accepted as an artistic work wortV-y
Pase 2
ourier, June 11, 1^0^.
'^PA <JLL.) PROa 30275
of inclusion ih the Jewish theater repertoire. a good rcany: things
it does, however, have its share of Jewish sweetness, witty remarks aJid
The following is the story rr± the play:
Melech Gerber is a rich "business rnan of Soroko, Sussia, wlio c^res not a darji
atout the rest of the world so long as he gets his in the wa;; of profits..
He deals in cow-hides, rarkin^? leather, selling and swindling whoever crosses
his path. He loans money at a'bortive interest rates, md even causes arrests
of fellow Jev;s on false accusations just so his "business "be safe from harm.
G-erher hss two children, Harry and Ben Zion. The first is an ignoranovs,
unable to even sign his najne, "but adept at maJcing money and therefore finds
favor in the eyes of his father. The second son is educated, "but "branded as
"Tlie Crazed One" for stud:i7ing science and the philosophy of t?:e Rajn"bon(liai-
monides). He admonishes his father for his dealings and is caused to flee
from his father's home and go live with his uncle, Israel Jaco'b. Ben Zion
invents a. remarkahle machine, but it is destroyed by his enemies whom he has
Pac-e 3
II A 3 d (1)
Courier , June 11 , I306 .
WPA (ILL) PROJ, 30275
exposed in his writings. Sventually he coriirdts suicide saying, "This world
and its false people are not for De, I have nothing to live for axiong them."
Everj'-thin^: considered, the audience enjoyed the play immensely, v
J. Leibner.
II A 3 d (1) J^:r[3'l
IV Skandinaven (Daily Edition), r^y 10, 1900.
The Director of the Jewish Theater CansevS a Riot
A violent riot occurred at the Jev/ish Theater, Jefferson and C^Trien Streets,
yesterday. Tore than one thousand Jev/s of the neir^hborhood participated in
the riot, anrl the director of the theater, ^ r. Ellis Glickman, was arrested.
Ijt, Joseph Philipson, a department store o^'-ner, vrho has a store in the theater
building, had been trying for 30]^e tine to .^ain control of the nart of the
buildinf*?: occupied by the theater for an extension to his store, and his at-
tempts in this direction were the cause of the riot. The lease of *'r. Glick-
man— who had been in possession of the theater for tv;o 3^ ears , \yhere he had
been giving pla?/s in Yiddish — had expired on ^'ay 1, and T'r. Philipson claimed
that he had sif^ned a lease for the theater v/ith the ovmer of the building,
I'lr. !!• Nathan. L'jf. Glickman declared that he had a verbal contract with
LIr, Nathan for' two more years and refused to vacate.
n WPA o
II :. :^ d (1) - 2 - J~".i^''
X i ^i. ^
17 ::kar:ciaaven (Daily Ilditio^:) , :.:p7 1G, 19nn.
I.-:^. Philipscn T^-ut a larr-e 3i.-r outr^ifle tho t-e^ter offerinr for sale all
the fixtures of the placo, Thir- enraged r. Tlicbnar, ^.vho i:r': ediatel:^^ r'^ade
Tilann fnr revenre. Ir the v^iiidov-js of a saloon, lacated in the r^a^ie binMdin.o',
:.r. "liclria.n exiii^iteo p nnpc- of oia nhoe.-^ and rar-'-ed clothes, v;ith the an- ^,<.
nouncer^ent that the c'e-art-i^^it pt^ro ^^as holrlin- a ^-reat sale. In order to^-^"
hriar^ a c;rcv;d together, he hired a hand t'^ ^la^ the llvolieot turves. ^7. ^
3oon a crov/d of r-oro thap a thousano dwell ero of the C^ei/ish onarter had **'^>«*^-
rabr-ered, overyboriy havjnr '\is or her o\m or^j • ion as to whether I'r* rhilipson
or L:r. r;licl:i:ian vTao> ri'-ht. .;undenlY a -rcun of thof^e ^^^hc v/ere sidinr^ viith
h:r. Glictaan beran to stor:.i the entrances to the store while the adherents of
rhilinson broke into the theater, and for a v;hjle it looked as if the riot
nii^ht assune serious n'ronortions. "j^^e I.axvVell street Police 3tation v/as called,
and a patrol wa,^-on came ^ip with a dozen officers unier the connand of Ser-^eant
Harding. The officers atter.pted to break their wav throuf^h tovrard the door of
the theater, but the crov/d resisted. The policemen pulled cut their clubs,
II A 5 d (1) - :5 -
II :. 2
17 okandinaven (Daily Ildit:'' or) , ll^y in, 1900.
and Serjeant Hnrdinp uolred trie Camalport Avenue Police LUation to r,erA more
77hen this second prou]? of officers aiTived the riot was at it.'^ heirrht. The
Jews had started fifrhtinp- each other, \vonen takinr: "nart as fullv as did the
men. '..T-ien the noise had reached its hi^^hest peak, !'r. OTickr-ian and his group
of actors appeai^ed, all of tliem dressed in theatrical This was the
signal for increased rioting, and the actors v/ere at last conpelled to with-
draw. After a while the policenen nsde the band stop playinr'-, and little by
little the crowd was dis":>ersed, but I.t. Olickman was arrested, charr^ed with
disorderly conduct.
I'r. 3-lickrnan was released by Judr^e Dooley. He has entered suit a.^ainst !>.
Philipson #io caused his arrest, and is de^nanding :*'25,000 for false arrest.
II A ^ d (1)
The Reform Advocate. Wk. of March 2U, 1900, p. 172.
Mr. Glickman has engaged as a member of his company, the talented Mrs, ^
Bertha Tanzman who is well-known in Jewish theatrical circles. She is an I
actress and prima-donna of unusual merit and will he a strong addition to the
stock company on Saturday and Sunday nights. Jacoh Gordon^s "Brudie Lurie'* will
he given in which Mrs. Tanzman makes her first appearance.
, II A 3 d (1)
The Reform Advocate. '^. of Au^st 26, 1S99. P.^7.
On Sunday evening, September 3rd, Mr. Jacob Litt will produce s.t the McVicker's
Theater a new and powerful pipy from the pen of Edwin Arden. The title of the
play is "Zorah," and the sulDject, the persecution of the Jews in Russia.
II A 1 d (1) JEWISH
I^ A 3 d (2)
The Reform Advocate, Wk. of June 2U, 1893. P»37*
It is pleasant news to announce the opening at the Standard Theater, of
a season of opera and drama "by Adler*s New European Dramatic and Burlesque
Co. In the troupe are the well-known Pritz Be rend, Emil Berla, Jos. Oreven
and Aldoph Alfreds. The performances are given in the German- Jewish Jargon.
IT A 3 d (1)
The Occidents May 27, 1887 •
(Opposite McVickers)
Hebrew National Drainatic and Opera Company from London, v/ill continue to .e;i^3je
perforraances under the direction of Mrs« Senis Lipzia, v/ho in Rusrie and
En^.]and as well as in America (ChiC8.p;o), - has made herself beloved knovm.
Sundav, Mav 29,1P87, The Fanatic or. The Two Cune Lemels, (Ne'er-Do-Tells) -,
at Twelfth Street Turner Hall • • «••••«••••••••;
MondaVf May ^0, 1887, Shulamis, or the Dauprhter of Jerusalem
. II A 5 d (1)
The Occident. April 29, 1887.
(Opposite McVickers) ^
Mr. J» Adler of London, has the honor to announce that a company has been ';^
found by the name of the Hebrew National Dramatic and Operatic Stock Company, :3
for the purpose of establishing a Jewish Theater Company in the City of Chicago.
Sunday, May 1, and Friday, May 6,1887, will be nerformed The Merry Gent lenient
a Comic Opera in three acts and six tablezux* •..•••••••••••••••••••••••.•••• •
Sunday, May 8, will be produced for the third time. The False Hig^h Priest, or
The Innocent Victim, a trasredy in five acts with sonp*s, by Dr. Ben Zevi (Odv)
r^ - , , ^ ■►,■ v:-:v, ' . ' ^v'.-V -^It t' '■ -i- ■
•■.n-H^^-. ' .*-^ . *.ig^>-T^*,.r- •■.•^■';"v '-'■
- :mv
:'■■■< -. • -f'
A. Vocational
3. Aesthetic
d. Theatrical
(2) Dancing
"f- '--■■
■wu-\ /:.
II A 3 d (2)
* The Rafom Mvooate. Vol. 75, p. 630, Wk. of June 23, 1928.
Harrietta Louise BerkoirltXt a 19 year old Chicago danoert made her Pco^ish
debttt in the Salle Pleyel*
ULss Berkoiritz is the daughter qf Dr* Joseph BerkowitSt medioal director
of the Chicago Public Health Institute* She is a graduate of the Francis
W* Parker School •
In her performancet Hiss Berkoiritz's beauty and grace excited much com*
ment from critiosy who predicted a brilliant future for her#
'— >
\ f ..
ii^^--,. ^^.
^^ig^iv ''ft-t _' J:\'^.*.i-= 5: v*'Ai^3i' rr.^:L---i.ti*^^V''U '^ t.\r*^^
B. Avocational and
1« Aesthetic
a« Masic
7 <■ .,'■■*-,.-
■ '",. . »v • \
i ;■>•>;
V .• <;■' -i ♦■-
S v
J.'- -♦.
'J. %■•■'-• X
;<;;?';.,- lL:;dli
.4^- /^.i
:> :■ f
V /■*
1 ''•■^t ', ',
II B 1 a
Daily Jewish Forward, Jan. 2, 1924.
The new choir organized last week by the educational committee of the
V/orkmen's Circle, one of Chica^to's largest Jewish organizations, is on a
very good basis. It is rapidly developing with much success.
Friend Paul Lemkoff , the well-known composer and musician, v/ho is v/ell-
e.35>erienced in organizing and directing choirs of adults, was invited as
director of the Workmen's Circle Choir. Registratioie of new members in
the choir can be made at the office of the educational committee, 1224 S.
Albany Avenue.
Members of the choir will not only learn singing but will klso b©l. taught to
read notes in order to acquaint themselves with the theory of music.
/ ■-■■ '-^-
i' .
\--. y
m. -.,
II B 1 a minsR
Dally Jewish Courier. Feb, 6, 1923.
The cantors' concert, ixnder the direction of the famous conductor, Mr. Loew ^
of New York, which took place last Sunday, was a very pleasant surprise to all ^'
lovers of Jewish music in Chicago. The concert, which was organized by the ir=
Douglas Park Day and Night Nursery with the co-operation of all the cantors in <^
Chicago, would have convinced even the most skeptical that there is such a thing S
as Jewish music, which is worth cultivating. The concert proved that Chicago
has cantors of whom it can be proud, as far as voice and musical talent are con-
cerned* Mr. Loew himself was inspired by the material that he found in Chicago,
and he believes that if the cantors would continue to work with the same serious-
ness as they did in preparation for the concert, they could accomplish wonders,
and they would be able to introduce modern Jewish music in Chicago.
The fact that Jewish music has not only a great cultural value, but also a great
II B 1 a - 2 - JEPjnSH
Dally Jewish Courier, Feh. 6, 1923 •
educational value and that It can aid In attracting the youth to Judaism, makes
the continuation of activity by the cantors very desirable.
We hope that this city will appreciate the value of the cantors' talents and
will give their efforts In this field attention and interest. The cantors know
that the famous Loew is always willing to help them and they should take advan- §'
tage of this willingness.
II B 1 a
II B 1 c (1)
W?A-(ilL)PROj. 30275
Forward, October g, I922.
One of the oiitstanding features of the grandios art-evening, which is "being"
arranged "by the Workers Circle League, Tuesday, October I7, in Grliclonan' s
Palace Theater, will he sn oratorio "by the noted coTnposer and conductor,
Peretz Lemlcoff.
Mr, Lemkoff had written this oratorio from a T)oem hearing the title "Lonesome"
"by the famous musician, Solomon Goluh. Famous music critics praise Kr. Lem-
koff's composition very highlj^. This oratorio evokes memories of childhood
and awai^ens the deep hut unattainable desire to become once again a free un-
concerned child. Eight voices will sing this oratorio: Jack Amado, Ubx
Brodslcy, (Jeorge Smith, J. Henderson, Ellen Golden, Mrs. Yeta Tolchin and
Besides this oratorio, two literary one-act drajnas will be presented and also
a musical program of opera arias and Jewish folk-songs
• *
■^ •
WPA (ILL) PKOJ. 30275
Forward, July 7, 1521
The Yiddish Opera Society meets every Thursday evening, in the National
Social Institute, 3322 Douglas Blvd. We invite all Jewish singers. Only
good musicians with good voices and talent should apply.
II B 1 a
II B 2 f
YiPA(llUPROi. 30275
Forward, October 2, I92O,
B, Vladeck, Editor of "Forward", to "be Principal speaker at Arbeiter-
ing (Workers' Circle) School concert.
The Socialist Arbeitering Schools will give a jo5At 'concert at the
Graton Temple (Eighth Street Theater) at Wabash Avenue and Eighth Street.
Children from all the Arbeitering Schools in Chicago will be represented in the
choirs, declamations and dramatic sketches to be presented.
Mr. Vladeck will speak of the significance of the Je?dsh Socialist
Schools, and their influence upon the Jewish Home.
II B 1 a
I i
WPA (ILL.) ?HQj. mib
>*^ -^>
f f.
, ;iep*e'no r ^ : , i
1 '> -^r
A T)eoz foil: concert v/ill ^-c _*. v..^ Sundry ::.f t^^rnoo?^ , ^cto'bcr
»•• -. • c. - -•
Josejh ].Ial':ir, cello
, ,<^, -k- ^ - -^ 4- v» • , ■.■^ '< '^ >-\ ^-^ -_ • « • - *•
II B 1 a
I A 2 a
lor^crc, Septem'b^ir 24, IjZO, ^:>.3.
The childrer, frn-i the Yiddis'-^. Socirlic't 'Vorknen'?. Circle
schools will ures-.ent a concer"t ur.rer """'•'C dircntion of the
Music Director of the scho-^l^, '.\v. lilanischevitz. It will
be held Octoh-r 10, 1^20 in t';e Orion Grotto Tenple, Vabash
Avei'Aie oj 3th Street.
WPA (ILL) PRO J. 3C275
Forward, April 24, 1919*
People* s Music Drama League*
A meeting of the People's Music and Drama League, will take place today at
4 p. m. in the Forward office; all members must be present. A report of the
concert will be given and plans for further work will be laid*
II B 1 a
II B 1 o (1)
The Jev/ish Labor :7orldt February 25, 1919.
The Russian-Little ■Russian Dramat J c ^"^ub, announces that it has united with
Morris Sohaffnert under the name of Jewish Russian Dramatic and Singing Club.
They havt^ determined to have divisioiK*- in the club, one for dramatics and one
for singing.
The organizes club together with the Young Peoples Socialist Club, will run
an affair for the Jev/ish Labor 'Torld.
II B 1 a
II B 1 c (1)
Chicago He'brew Institute Observer, December, I9IS,
Dramatic and Musical Organizations,
The Theater Guild
•Study of Dramatics and Presentation of
Plays 25 Mi:jred. ,
Jewish Literary and Dramatic Society Yiddish Dramatic Art - 65 Mixed.
C. H, I. Orchestra - Postering Love of Good Music
Socialist Singing Society Vocal Music in Yiddish
70 Mixes.
50 Mixed.
■ r- '
II B 1 a
Chicago He'brew Institute Observer, Decem'ber, 19l6«
The Jewish Socialist Singing Society, hy I« B« Ballin.
There were several attempts for the last ten years to hulld up In Chicago ^
singing society in Yiddish, although the existence of small groups of slng^
ers may he traced back to the beginning of this century. The National Singl-
ing Society was the last futile attempt of a score of youths to keep up the
existence of a permanent Jewish singing group* Others tried before and
As it is not my object now to go into any details of the tinderlying causes
for this failure, I Just want to suggest that apparently the main cause may
be looked for in the fact that no organizations of any weight and Importance
were behind them. The groups had to depend largely upon their own resources
for subsistence,' and upon their own Immediate friends to serve as audiences.
With no strong and shining ideal to Inspire, without organizations to depend
Page 2
II B 1 a
Chicago Hebrew Institute Observer, December, I916.
upon on a rainy day, without adequate and capable leaders, their fate could
not be otherwise than sealed* It took the ambitious and virile Jewish Social-
ists to do away with all the obstacles and difficulties, and to organize a
permanent and strong institution of an educational and beneficial character
in the Ghetto.
The Jewish Socialist Singing Society was organized by the City Central Com-
mittee of the Jewish Socialist Party branches, in November, I91U, with a
membership of about fifty, mostly untrained singers, but possessing fair
voices* Its first meetings and rehearsals were held in Maxwell Settlement,
and later on in various halls of the West and North West Sides, They were
crowded with guests and never was the room large enough* The preparations
for the first public concert were elaborate, and noted for their strict
attendance of practically all members. Altruistic exertion and sacrifices of
the leaders permitted to engage a capable instructor, thus contributing
Page 3
II B 1 a
— — — ^ o
Chicago Hetrew Institute Observer, December, I916. ^
largely to the successes of the task* Mr, Jacoh Schafer, the conductor^
himself of proletarian society, Socialist and musician, has given away many
an hour freely and served the Society with fervent devotion. Within several
months he succeeded in creating as harmonious a team as can only be formed
out of workingmen dilettantes.
The day of the first concert, the 11th of April, I915, in the West Side Au-
ditorium, was a real holiday for the members of the Society. They all were
in uniform and beamed like children performing for the first time an impor-
tant duty. It proved to be a moral as well as a financial success. Over
one-thousand people cheered and rejoiced over this accomplishment. Especial-
ly remarkable was the execution of the Marti re r Blut (Martyr • s Blood) , a
poem ^ 0. Liesin, in a difficult musical interpretation, a successful crea-
tion of Mr. Schafer himself. Then a few more concerts followed suit, among
them one coinposed of folk songs, exclusively, tmique of its kind, but most
of the concerts were of popular and classical pieces.
Page U
II B 1 a
Chicago Hebrew Institute Observer, ])ecember, I916.
It is already the tradition of the Society to publish an elaborate and expen-
sive program, containing the text of all the poems and songs, as well as eome
selected articles pertaining to the activities of the Society, and to distri-
Inite them among the audience* One of the most important aims prominently fig-
uring in the Constitution of the Society is to distribute Jewish Socialist
poetry and workingmen^s melodies among the Jewish laboring masses. A program
like this is a heavy expense, and the advertisements gathered from syiqpathi-
zers do not usually cover it in full.
ihe last concert was exclusively devoted to the Russian Revolution, and was
given in the gymnasium of the Hebrew Institute on the 12th of Uay. It was
attended by aa interested and intelligent audience. Again the Marti re r Blut
proved to be the big hit. Ur. Absfield, the tenor, was this time at his best,
and the other soloists gave also a good account of themselves. Miss Boral and
Mr. Manievitch betrayed a deep tinder standing of their respective parts, and
brought the audience to its feet. Plans are underway to publish the music of
the above, as well as of several other productions of Mr. Schafers.
II B 1 a
II B 2 f
Chicago Hebrew Institute O'bserver^ Novem"ber, I9I2.
Piano School,
Chir Piano School was continued throughout the year,- The registration for
the year was 5I - ^*^S female and 5 nale, against 37 l^st year, with a total
attendance of 96S against U5I the year previous. Owing to the great demand
made upon this school it v;as decided to keep the school open five days a
week instead of four as heretofore. While as yet we have not discovered
a Ruhinstein or a Mozart, we have nevertheless enahled a. good many children
to cultivate a taste for music, and in time perhaps even to develop superior
talent, A charge of .25^ per lesson was made.
1912 - 1913
1911 - 1912
16U, ?0
Courier Dec. U, 19U WPA (ILL) ^^ROj. 30275
Jacob Gordon Literary and Drama Club
We take this opportunity of making it known to our Jewish friends that we
have organized a Dramatic club in Chicago* Any young man or young girl who
possesses more or less talent in Dramat who wish to Join otir club, may do
80 at once* There will be no fee charges this month* Our club rooms are in
the Palace Opera Building, Boom 23* Open evening 7*30
II B 1 a ma SE
Courier. November IJ, 1911 WPA ^ILL) PROJ. 30275
Chicago's Cook-Fot
On Thanksgiving evening, November 30th, at the Hebrew In£?titute, a
Memorial Concert will take place for the purpose of raising funds with which
to assist the family of our recently deceased Humorist and Writer, Mr, D.
Mr. Apotheckar was one of the greatest Humorists in our Jewish litera-
ture, and still he could not avoid the lot of the other Jewish writers, and he
left his family destitute.
It is the duty of the Jewish Public to do everything possible to assist
this poor family in their distress. We are patiently awaiting the report of the
Committee, which is workiiig without any letup to make this undertaking a success.
Courier, October I3, 1907,
The Chicago Hebrew Institute is organizing a "Peoples Choir" under the diren-
tion of Isaiah Temple of New York fame. The first meeting will take place
Tuesday evening at S o'clock. All interested in choral work are invited
to attend.
(Signed) Aleph.
II 3 1 a
The Reform Advocate, Wk. of September 3, ISgS. p#U3. ^
It is a matter of great pride to Sinai Congregation that two memhers of
its choir, Wm. Wegener and Mrs, Hemmi, had been selected as soloists for the
recent North-western Saengerfest, held at Davenport, la. Both artists met
with great success at the gathering.
II B 1 a Jg^ISH '!
The Reforra Advocate. 'Vk. of May 23, 1896. p. 294.
Hfeister Robbie, the nine year old son of W. and Llrs» N. V.. Eisendrath,
has composed a waltz, entitled "First Thought V/altz,'' for piano. It is a
clever composition and speaks well for the lad's talent.
r "
r -
II B 1 a
Th» Reform Advocate > Wk. of Deceroter 21, 1895* P»760,
Ume* Pa2inle Bloomfield-Zeisler will give a recital before the Ameteur
Musical Glob at Steinway Hall, Dec* 30th, at 10:30 a.m. The public will be
II B 1 a
The Heform Advocate > Vol, 21 » p. 305» May - Oct, 1B95
The Clay Literary Association was established in Chicago hy eleven
iJewlsh young men in Septemher, 1S59« Th^ object of the Association was to gain
a more intimate union among the young men of Chicago and for the promotion of li-
• • The officers were: Henry U. Hart, President; DtJ* Boehm, Vice-President,
G.A. Levi, Recording Secretary; Martin Barbe, Financial Secretary; and P. S. Mandle,
. .M
II B 1 a
Th# Hafonn Advocate, Wk, of December 9, lg93« p«276«
The pupils of Mr. Mode Wineman will give an afternoon musicale at the ^
residence of Mrs. Oerstel, 3309 S. Park Ave., December l6th. ^
II E 1 a
The Reform Advocate , \/k. of ^ct. 21, 1893 •
The pupils of Si^nund Kahn p;ave a .^ienc recital in Chickering Hall, last
Tuesday evening* The progrejii was made up of classical and modern composi-
II B 1 a
The Refer m Advcce.te^ rfki. of April 2, 1892.
Miss Rosa Coh?^ • , soprano, Mr. rleriaeii Sundeeji, baritone, end Mr. W. S*
Bracken, basse, pupils of Ir. L. A. Phelps, f' an Interesting concert
on Thursday evening at the Atheneura Hall.
II E 1 a
The Reform Advocute, wk. of i-ie.rch o, 18C-2.
A Musicale v;ill be f-iven by Hr. Lode "rfinemDn's pupils en Saturday afternoon,
the 12th inst., st the reaidence cf lirs. W. A. Walter, 3142 Caluinet Ave.
II B 1 a
The Refcm Advocate^ \vk« of January 9, 1892
A f;;reiid testincnial concert v;ill be tendered to L:r« Frenz IVald, the v/ell
knoivn local musician and cr.-^onist cf Zion Temple, at the Auditorium Recital
Among the prcirdnent musicians v;i.c will ap.oear on that occasion are: Eernhard
T'ollenhauer, the celebrated violinist, Leo Llellis, Joseph Silberstein and
Miss Ella Rosenbaun.
II E 1 a
TliB Reform AdvoQate^ wk« cf June 19, 1S91»
The Symphony Club Orchestra rj^ve the fourth ajid final -cncert cf its season
on Tuesday evenin-, at Central Lusic Hall. Director Jacobsohn is developing
the talent at his com and to excellent effect* Von Suppers Overture, **Poet
and Peasent," was surprisingly v^ell done, likewise the nev/ Kensington vmltz
by Liebling. -Ambrose Thcr.ias« overture "Raymond" was fairly well done.
Jerone C*Connell, a new laeniber cf the orchestra essayed the difficult trom-
bone solo, Vfa^^^ner ' s , " Evening Star."
one of the most intar^itiflg features of the evening was a violin solo by
Mrs. E. S. Jacobsohn, Spohr's ••Concert No* S.**
II E 1 a
X A 1 d The Reform Advocate. V/k# of June 12, 1891.
In the violin department cf the Chicar^o Llusical ^ollef,e, seven pupils
were in the contest for the diamond i.iedai, the ;udo;es being Dr# F. Ziegfeld,
August Hyllested, end S. £• Jacobsohn. The Rev. Dr. K. \i. Thomas' prize a
diamond nedal for the best violinist in the college, wb.s awarded to YiTilferd
V\[oolett. The judges found it difficult to decide the awarding of the prize
as ViToolett and Leon Llarx were so nearly equal. Dr. Ziegfeld decided th^t
there should be a diamond medal for Leon Llarx, and announced tliat he v/ould
donate the prize to Iviaster karx. The second prize, the college gold medal
for tlie second best violinist, wb.s awarded to l»iaster Adolph Loeb, end the
third prize, the silver medal, v.dll go to ..Ir. Elijah Courlender. Those who
took part in the contest besides the winners were Henry Eeermoji, IZichael
Lyons, ond Lliss Lenora Jackson.
II B 1 a
The Reform Advocate, Y^. of !.oy 2 9, 1891. "r'
II II <■■■■■»■ ■ iiii .\^r
The Chicago Conservatory aiincunces two i^iore concerts to occur prior to the
close cf the present ten.i, both cf Vvhich will take place at the Columbia ^
Theater^ The dates fixed for these two entertainments are June 11th and
18th« The piano department will furnish one cf the pro.^rams, with the assist-
ance cf pupils from the vcoal and viclin c.eparti.*ents; end the ether program
will be presented by pupils of Sijnor Carpi, assisted by advsjiced pupils of
the piano department*
II E 1 a
The Refoin Advocate, ATc. of April 10, 1891.
lime* Fannie Bloomfield Zeisler was paid a hi£:h compliment last week when she
v;as asked to appear as soloist at the concert of Lenox Lyceum in I^ew York,
April 19, to be given as a f^rand farev/ell to Theodore Thomas^ Irie. Zeisler
was forced to decline, ov;ir^ to her en/^a^enent with the /irnateur Ivlusical Club
of this City, of -^.pril 20.
*.. •
II B 1 a
The RefoiTTi Advocate. '.&. of April 10, 1891
The next meetinc of the Liebling Amateurs will take place at L:r. Liebling*s *>
studio, Kiniball liall, 245 -Vabash Ave, Santurday afternoon, April 11th. I^t.
;«• S. B. Llathews will deliver a lecture, v/ith illustrations at the piano by
Llr. Liebling*
The concert given by the S^Tiphony Club Orchestra Tuesday evening at the Central
I.:usic Hall was well attended. A fine program was given. The soloists were
Emil Liebling, Miss Grace Ililtz, Lrs. Claire Lurray, Joseph Olheiser, and
Leon A. Strauss*
II 3 1 a
II A 3 b
The Reform Advocate > wk. of April 3, 1891.
The Amateur LIusical Club cave its anr^ual charity concert last night at the
Central L'usic Hall» A very interesting program v/as well rendered.
Theodore Thorras* ITev; York orchestra will give a weeks return season of concerts
at the Auditorium, beginning Monday, April 27th.
r. >
II 3 1 a
The Heforn Advocate , v;k. of Larch 6, 1891.
^^SICAL -i^iX^T IVITIi;^
T\'-X) Chicane children, Tiss Gussie Gotllov;, pianist, and Llaster Leon r.larx,
violinist, are just novj atLractin^ a good deal of attention in other cities.
Carl V/clfsohn*s series of trio evening v/as concluded last 'Aiursday at Hour-
nicue*s Hall. LIr. 'folfschn has certainl^^ done his share of the v;oik to-
v/ard the musical advancenent of tliis city, and tie five concerts of this
season give added emphasis to hif? services in this direction.
Lev3^, the vxell-knorm cornetist, is organizinf^ a nilitary band for the road.
B. AYOCational
and Intellectual
!• Aesthetic
b. Painting and Sculpture
II D 6
Chicago Hebrew Institute Observer, 1923.
Many well known artists have their works listed in the Art Exhibit Catalojfuei.-
The artists having works at the Exhibit are: Emil Armint David Bekker, :|
Borris Deutch, Leo Garland, Todros Geller, William Jacobs, Graziella Jacoby, '
Ne Jenkin, Zan De BLopper, Charles Raphael Prilik, L* Rubensteint Carl Sacks^j
William Se Schwartz, Walter Schneiderman, N* P. Steinberg, Geo. W. Weisenburg|^
Agnes Clark Winkler and Oscar Yampolsky*
Dally Jewish Courier > Jan. 4, 1923.
(Article In English)
Through the initiative of a number of advanced students of art and yoxing
artists there has been formed an Art Institute Club which will meet reg-
\ilarly in the Art Rooms of the Jewish People's Institute, 1258 W. Taylor
Young artists and advanced students of art are cordially invited into the
fellowship and comradeship of the Club. A special meeting is announced
of the present membership and all those interested to discuss the proposed
program and plan of action of the Club.
V/ith the assistance and co-operation of the Institute the Art Club is
establishing a studio for independent class work and discussion on art and ^
related topics.
* II B 1 b - 2 - JilVaSII
' ^ II B 1 c (2)
II B 2 f Daily Jev/ish Courier, Jan. 4, 1923.
II D 6
Rhythmic and Fancy Dancing Class
The Lbnday afternoon class in Rhythmic and Fancy Dancing v/ill resume ^
its regular sessions on lbnday afternoon, January 8, 1923, at 4 o* clock. ^
Parents interested in registering their children for this class should
call at the office of the Jev;ish People's Insti^ite, 1268 V/. Taylor
Street or telephone ila^.Tnarket 6400.
- o
II B lb
II B £ d (2)
The Daily Tor Id, February 16, 1918
WPA (:Ll; i^KUJ. 302/5
K« I.larmer.
The odd life of Morris V/eissenherg is an example of the remarkable pov/er
of the artistic soul, that cannot be suppressed despite misery and want*
Vi'eissenberr has loved art, since his childhood* He did not have the
opportunity, as a child, to be j^"^®^ Q-^ artistic education. Remaining
an orphan at an early age, no one rendered enough attention to his
affectations, caprices, and "crazes." The artistically inclined child
had no interest for anything that existed in his father's house. He
was attracted to the solitude of nature •
II B 1 b - 2 - JETVISH
II B 2 d (2)
WW (^Ll,) Phuj, JU^/,'5
The Jewi sh Dai 1 y V.'or 1 d , February l6, 19l8«
Conditions corrpelled him to follov/ the of his father and brotlier^
to adopt a business career, but he y.ras more poet than merchpnt and his
dreams of strange beauties had more influence upon him than realities,
with its accounts and profits.
His quest for beauty destroyed his interest in physical v/ell being; he turned
away from the material life end beg^n to seek the v/ill for \vhich his soul
thirsted. He entered an art school and expected great results. He then married
and acquired new obligations to fulfill.
This set him on his travels. He thought he could better himself in America,
but he v/as bitterly disappointed. He found out that here in the ''land of
unheard of opportunities" there is a smaller place for dreams than in the country,
in which he was born.
II B 1 b
II B 2 d (2)
- 3 -
The Dai ly .Tor Id, February 16, 1918.
^?^ aw RKnj. 30-5
Life v/as very difficult for the dreaming-artist in America. His
finest dreams v/ithered and disoeresed into dust» Yet. he did not e^ive
up nis fight • Through pricking thorns end sharp stones, he broke his
Y/ay 8Jid later became acquainted v/ith the -Irt Institute. Aside from
nis heavy physical li.bor in a factoryt he also did some janitor work in
the Art Institute, and in the Art school in order to be close to the
source for which his artistic soul pined.
In this condition of hard factory and janitor v/ork, he turned, two years
ago, to the "Jevj-ish Art Friend," v/hich I, at that time, edited. Upon
my request, he brought some of his v/ork..# .sketches on paper be-
cause he had no money for canvas and paint. My first impression was,
that here stands an artist of the most intimate opinion; an artist v/ho
possesses, v/ithin his pov;er, the discover^/ of the mysterious movement of
the soul.
II B 1 b - 4 - JHTTISK
II B 2 d (2)
WPA (ILL) PROj. 50^75 .
The Dally "orld, February 16^ 1916 •
Unfortunate by 'Fhe Je-Tlsh Art Fri.end dissolved^ Yet, the artist's struggles
did not oeasef. Later, Ivlorr-is .eissenberg had the opportunity, for a
few months, to live for his art end the r-^sult v/as an exhibition of his
Not all his oaintin.^s and sketches are the r^roduot of a fevr "honev
months." A great part of them were made during a t^vo year period, v;hen
the artist still worked phy'^ically and used to do his paintings before
he went to v/ork*
II B 1 b - 5 - J^JI^
II B 2 d (2)
WPA(iLlJ^^O,;. 30275
The Dally orldy February 16, 1918.
The exhibition of Morris eissenber^'s paintings is arranged by a group
of Jewish and non-Jevash art friends, v/ho are convinced, that they have
discovered n. God-blessea artist, v/ho vfill pos.^ibly be a blessing to the
race that bore him.
The noted Chicago painter, Zdv/ard Tunan, expressed himself most clearly
by picturing Morris ^.'eissenberg with the folioving v^ords:
"No other thing touched me so, in the modern art v/orld, as the sketches
and paintings of !«Ir. Iv'orriG eissenberg. They give me complete satis-
faction, because they arouse in me, thoughts, actual thoughts, sentiment,
deep sentiment. This artist is not interested in photographic genuiness
of form, color, and so forth, but v/ith the reelity of God's nature,
may it be a human being or a tree#
II B 1 b - 6 - J^VI SH
II B 2 d (2)
The Daily Vorld, February 16, 1918.
"He is a dreamer and the v/orld v/ould certainly cease to exist if there
would be no dreamers* Such persons as Triner, the English; 'ilhelm
Moss, of Holland; Ivlile, of France; and "hestler, of Merica; these very
persons have given the world such, that makes life v^orth living*
"This artist endows us with inspiration, strong sentiment and promises
us a golden future."
The exhibition of Morris -eissenberg's painting v/ill open, February 18,
in the art gallery of Moulton and Rlckerts, 71 T« Van Buren :it., and
vail contain the follov/ing pieces:
II B 1 b
II B 2, d (2)
- 7 -
The Daily .or Id, February 16, 1916#
1. Lonely Hours.
8# My Museum.
£• Darkness*
9. A Son of Israel.
3» The Peaceful Summer
10. The Disappearance
4. Drama.
11. Elegy.
5. Those '.Vho Are Hurt.
12. Darkness, (sketch)
6. Silence.
13. A Pencil Study.
7. Favorable.
14. i^legy ( Irrangement).
II B 1 b - 8 - JE"1 SH
II B 2 d (2)
T:ie Daily ':orld. February 16,1918. VVFA (!LL.) PR0i.30?75
Prom the above list, we can see that Morris .Zeiss enberg is a poet, a poet
of strokes and colors, and a visit to his art exhibition will surely be
an unusual artistic enjoyment*
■ .7
- .■ V ■,,•
•■ ■. . ' < '■ •: '
/ ■
~- '^.T, ^",-1 "1.- - . '>
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II B 1 b
The Reform Advocate. Vol, UU, Wk. of Jan, 25, I913, v.JjG.
Mr. Harry Solomon, who has recently returned from Paris, where he con-
tinued his art work, has on exhibition, in Sinai Social Center, a very
"beautiful collection of portraits and drawings.
%^^^ •
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: -H,
B* Avocational & Intellectual
!• Aesthetic
c. Theatrical
(1) Drama
■ II* *^ ^-
'- »■:
6 -■«' :\ ".•.:'"'■ -yji?'*.!
*">'*'-^ --
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II ? 1 c(l)
II D 6
The "oforn Advoc-ue. r!ay l6, 1931* "S
The hi2;h spot of the v/eek in Qncu[;,o, particularly in the history of the
Institute ?layers cT the Je;vi sh People's Institute, v/'^^s "he v/innin^; of first
honors in the Drama Let^ ue Tournament held at the Goodman Theater last
Sunday ni{^it»
The presentation of "The Dollar by David Tinski \ms av;arded the hi host single
honor of the Tournanent fo^ •• t's^bril". i-int: sta^in^;^ and pres nt. ticn» The
•3ilver Cup that has alv^ays been av;urded an..ually, v;as never' won twice by
any or^i^uni zation* It was a happy comiany and director that broughts, after
a stirrinK ccinpetition, the cup back again to the Jev/ish Peoplu'o institute.
II 3 1 0 (:) - 2 - j-r: ilv
II D 6
The n 0 r o rm . vdv c ca te | l6, 1931 •
The cont .-t wi^s pi-rtici j.uted in by Greater Chicu^o or -jjanizu Lions. This ^Tj-
cluded suburban companies. Sixteen Lit:le The^-ter^ comp^teLl i*nd reuresefeed
independent and college: [-roups. The mt'tViod oC procedui^e \r s the sel ction
of the four best, productions for a fin^ 1 r.hovdn^ I"i the finul showing the
selection of one from the four \v:is mad-^ m ucuuxi* of the Institute*
Last year tiic Institute Players v;on the cup v/ith "The Tenth Man". This
triumph comes at the height of" the Institute /layers mos.: successful, artistic
The settin^^s v/ere designed by Clive Ricktbau;:^. In the cast were "^ose Ccapp,
l-olly Kr.mert Clarice '^'einert Charles S^/adeshf Herman Brodsky, .Cli Ta^^^e,
Aalph 'Cchoolman, Louis Gitloz, Cam Addams and ~a\lph Cilverstein. Besides
'vvinnin^ the trophy, the Institute 1 yers were awarded h^^nor-ble mention
for the best diction.
II B 1 c (1)
II B 2 f ,
II 3 1
Forward , Apr* 10, 1931.
By The Jev/ish People* s Institute Players.
''That llan*s Soul", a famous Chicago gangster draraa, \7ill be presented to-
morrow and Sunday at the J"e-;ish Institute Theater. Tliis drama is interesting
in that it gives the people a glimpse of the life of the unden*;orld. This
play is directed by Charlec Freeman, director of the Institute's players.
Many talented young players v.lll take part.
II B 1 Q
II B 1 a
HI B 3 b
For^vard, Mar. 27, 1931.
A splendid, festive program of entertainment v;ill be presented in the Lawn-
dale Theater, on the second night of the Passover. Theater lovers will enjoy
a very interesting melodrama with delightful music. Jennie Gk>ldstein, pop-
ular Jewish actress, will play the leading role. The name of the play is,
^lier Grolden Dream."
Miss Goldstein made a bi^^ hit with this role in New York, and it is certain
that she will be a bi^^ success in Chicago also.
This noted actress has been absent from Chicago for the last three years.
During those years Miss Goldstein played on the English stage with enviable
The length of Miss Goldstein* s stay in Chicago is not detenained as yet.
However, she may perform here for at least six weeks.
- 2 - JEWISH
Forward, Mar. 27, 1931.
Miss Goldstein is beginning her performance Thursday night.
The coming program in the Lawndale Theatre will include Morris Schwarts,
Molly Picon, and Michael Michalesco.
Last Sunday night, the well-known Oelia Adler bid farewell to her Chicago
fans. The theater was filled with admirers who came to say good«by, to
her, and also to see her in the title role of "Street Women."
The plot of the show was gay and sad in turn. The performance was
splendid. Miss Adler was unique in her role.
The artistic performances of the two famous Hebrew actors, formerly with
the Moscow Art Theater, and later with the Habima, have aroused great interest
among the intelligent theater patrons.
« •
- 3 - JS.:ISH
/or.vard, lar. 27, 1931.
. These noted artists v;ere hicHly praised for their artistic perfon^ancGS by
Gorki, Stanislavsky Shaliapin and noted Jev;ish critics.
iv;r. Yardi is an exceptional comedian, his characterizations bringing laughter
and happiness to his audiences.
iviadam Yoliet v/ill recite passages froi'i the Ldble and also Hebrev/ frorn
classical and iiodern Palestine •
Vardi v:ill play roles from his ovm plays. :.e v/ill perform scenes from the
Russian Revolution and sho?; pictures of .-j.ierican-Jev/ish life and scenes from
Italy and ralestine. •
i'^jaong his popular presentations v;ill be the ''Jewish Lother;'' "Trotzky near
the Red Square;" '^The Japanese and the Jen Tribes;'^ "Jhree tmd vour;^' '^Sabbath
in a small '^own,'^ and nur.ierous other worth while and entertaining numbers.
II B 1 c (1)
Chicaf^o Hebrew. Institute Ot) server, Novern'ber 21, I929..
The Dramatishe Ge^elshpft (Jewish Art Plryers) h?ve "been successful in
engpging the services of !.!r. Ahrshpin Morevsl<y for their d.vp.meXic director <^
of this forth-coming season. Mr. !.!orevs>y is one of the founders, of the i
famous Wilner Troupe, rn actor and director of note .?Jid a prominent Jour- ,
nalist, besides. Ke expects the first perfomc?nce to he ^^iven in the last
pa-rt of December, just before the ITev.^ Yep.r, Some of the plays nvovosei. by
him for the re-oertoire this season are - Herod, by Alter Katzizne; Rags, by
H. Leivick, and the Merchant of Venice.
The work of the Drcjr.atishe Crezelshaft is too well loiown in the Chicago
Jewish community to need elaborate exoloitation here. All who are inter-
ested in good literary and artistic production in Yiddish will be glad of
the op"oortunity given them by the intensification of the good work of the
Jewish Art Players under their neyj director.
II E 1
Chicago Hebrew Institute Observer, November 14, 1929,
Immediately upon the heels of the Institute players guild definite success gj
with Molnars Liliom comes the announcement that Bernard Shaws* outstanding
comedy Arms And The Man, will be produced December 1« V/hen the guild announced
its plans during the opening weeks of the season, there was much comment at
the ambitious program of the players group*
Never had any organization definitely planned a new production every month
of an outstanding play. But the large playing organization of the guild with
it excellent theatre equipment, places it in a position whereby big things
can not only be planned, but accompli shed«
In choosing Arms' And The !'/an, the Institute Players Guild seizes the Irish-
dramatist's most outstanding comedy. Thavian to the final line, it has a
plot development that keeps an audience in continuous laughter throughout
the play.
'.:l .. ^ -, <t^
II B 1 c (l)
Chicago Hebrew Institute Observer, November 14, 1929*
Arms And The Marit needs little introduction to followers of what is best inthe,
theatre and foremost in dramatic Literature* '^-
It presents an anti-romantic satire interlarded with dialogue that fairly
scintillates with good fun# ViThen done in London, the Illustrated London News
said of it, "There is more thought, more wit, more accomplishment inthis play
than any piece before the Boards. ■ Again referring to the files of newspaper
acclaim, the Athenaeum, (famed London paper), said, "Shaws comedy, after being
kept out of sight formany years, is now revealed to usas a classic."
Arms And The Man» is actually chock full of wit and good humor. The story of
the soldier of fortune who seekr relief from capture in a Bulgarian lady s
bed chamber and in so doing upsets a sham- romantic romance is as modern today
as it ever was. In fact, the piece could have well been written in this modern
day. The Guild Company has a well selected cast and rehearsals for the play
are progressing rapidly.
II B 1 c (1)
III ^3
JS^'-^ISH ^
Chica^?^<> Ilebrew Institute Observer, September 19, 1929.
TText month will complete one year of existence for the Junior Sephardic League
which was so successfully organized a year ago, and whose program since that
time has been very active and intense one. Under the capable direction of
Miss Brichke, its leader, the group has shown itself to great advantage in
8 series of dramatic productions, which were presented from time to time«
As a culminating effort of its first year of existence, the group is preparing
a play known as "Hot Air." The cast has already been selected and the re-
hearsals will begin this coming week. The work is a comedy, replete with
numerous situations that tend to evoke much laughter from an audience. At
Its meeting on September 15, the group initiated several new members in a
manner that was both novel and terrifying in its aspect. A delightful informal
social with an appropriate entertainment accompanied the initiation.
, \
- i
:;<,^t'l''..i>V. ^<-*.. '.■'■' .•■^n,. ■■f"' ■'•■ ._
II B 1 c (1) JEWISH
Observer ^3
Drama Department Planning Important Productions ^^
Recognizing the fact that the drama is one of the most, if not the most,
democratic of the ?rts, the Institute has always given the theatre the pre-
sentation of good plays and the development of latent acting talents and a
prominent place in its program of activities. But in its marvelously equip-
ped new home on -Douglass Boulev^^rd and St. Loiiis Avenue, the Institute is go-
ing to do something more than just this.
The theatre in this new "building marks a dex)art\ire in non-commercial
dramatic enterprises. Indeed there are few theatres, even in the commercial
field of the legitimate drama, that are a match for it so far as stage arrange-
ments, acoustics, seating capacity, comfort end atmosphere conducive to the
presentation and enjoyment of plays are concerned. Ihis co"i:?)led with the addi-
tional rehearsal facilities, the zeal, experience and ability of Kenneth Croft,
the director of dramatics, and the enthusiastic actors of the Players Club, as-
sures the community of many seasons of rare and delectable theatrical entertain-
ment .
II B 1 c (1) page 2. JBfflSH
©"b server
Moreover, there is in the new "building a poetically picturesque roof ^\
garden which will also he used hy the dramatic department for the staging of
plays. Two plays, one a serious drama and the other a li^t comedy, will be
produced there this summer. Rehearsals on these pieces have been in progress
for some time now and the casts are very nearly ready for public presentation.
The cast for '^39 East" by Rachael Crothers, scheduled as the opening piece
for the new theatre proper, is almost complete — there remain but four parts to
fill. Among the play? being considered for subsequent production are, "The
Truth About Blaydes" by A. A. Milne, "We Moderns" by Israel Zangwill, and a num-
ber of extra-ordinary, one act pieces by Conrad Seller, Pinski and others.
Mr. Croft needs a few more persons, particularly men, to complete his act-
ing staff. This means an exceptional opportunity for progress and development
for young people who have set their minds on stage careers.
II B 1 c (1) page 3. JEWISH
To Present Best Yiddish Plays
Another, and equally important division of the Institute's activities
in the field of the drama is that of the presentation of Yiddish plays. This
is under charge of the Yiddishe Literarishe \m Dramatishe Gesselshaft, which
organization has established an enviable reputation for itself among the Yid-
dish speaking element of the city by virtue of its excellent production of first
rate plays,
For the coming season this Yiddish speaking group is securing a director
from New York and scheduling two productions a week in the theatre of the new
biiilding. The Yiddish players promise t9 give the community the best the Jew-
ish drama has to offer.
II B 1 C (1)
IV .
The Reform Advocate, Vol. 69 • Wk*of April4,1925APage 30%
Yiddish Art Theatre Society will give a midjiight performance
at the Central Park Theatre on April 11. This organization
was formed for the purpose of establishing in Ghgo. an
Art Theatre in Yiddish. The Society has the support of many
prominent men in Crigo., ajaong them are;- Judge Hugo Pam,
Nathan Kaplan, and Rabbi Leon Fram.
> ••-...
II B 1 c (1) . JEWISH
The Reform Advocate . Wk. of Aug. 11, I923, Yol. 66, p.3U,
With the arrival in Chicago of the noted Jewish writer pud dramatic pro- "^
ducer, Mark Schweid, the Jewish Literary and Dramatic Society celebrates
its fifteenth anniversary, Mr. Schweid will aid the organization in pro-
ducing "The Treasury," hy David Pinsky, which will mark the beginning of
a drive for a fund of $150,000 to establish the proposed Chicago Little
II 3 1 C
I A 1 b
II D 10
II 3 2 c
Daily Je-vish Courier > Lay 18, 1925.
J, Loebner
Hebraists and all those vjho are interested in keeping the flarme of Judaism
from bein:: e::tincuished in our younf. c^neration are expected to come to Temple
Judeah, Independence Boulevard, Tuesday eveninc. 'The Larshall Hebrev; Club ^.
v/ill loresent a Hebrev/ play entitled "Doctor Ghirul:". 'J
7.1iat is the Marshall Eehvevi Club? It is a student organization of the liebrev; J
classes in John i:arshall High School, and is under the supervision of the con- ,^
potent Hebrev; teacher, S. Selicr.ian, the author of the play. Tl^e Hebrev; classes ^
in the John Llarshall Hi^h School v/ere inaugurated at the request of Harry I.:.
Lipsky, when he was a member of the Board of Education. Tlianlcs to Ij?* Lip-
sky, such classes ?/ere also opened in the Lledill Hich School.
Our r)urr>ose in vantinr this is to induce you to attend this Hebrev; performance*
II B 1 c (1) - 2 - JEV;iSK
III E Daily Jevrish Courier, Llay 18, 1923.
I A 1 b
II D 10 By doiiit; so you v;ill not only encourage the boys and girls to
III E continue their study of Eebrev;, vmich v;ill inspire them v/hen
II 3 2 g they become older to accomplish sonethinc for Judaisii, but you
^^ Y/ill also show the coirj .unity to v/hat extent you support the extra
funds v/ith v/hich the Hebrev: classes are taxed.
1 1
That the boys and f.irls v;ho attend the Hebrev; classes in John Larshall Hi^h
School are narchinc on the road to Judaism can be seen by the generous dona-
tions that they are nivinc for Jev/ish national undertakings and for local charity^_
They have contributed ciuite a sijaii to the Hejrev; Hayesod (exchequer of the
'.'Jorld Zionist Cr^anization) and to L'oes Ghitin (fund to provide the poor v;ith
food on Passover). They also stand on r^ard to protect, as 'veil as elevate,
the Jev/ish rionor. In these classes, they attend lectures on Jev/ish history
and religion . Tliis season's lectures v/ere c^ven by Rabbi Almond, Rabbi Fram,
Rabbi Cohen, RaLbi Ifeslzal and I'.v. Lipsky.
Samuel Skolnik, Harry Herkik, iuma '..'olak, Dorothy Frankel, Alvin Berman, Janet
II B 1 C (1) - 3 - JE-.TSH
III E Daily Jev;ish Courier > Lay 18, 1923.
I A 1 b
II 13 10 Goodman, Ben Brods ::% and John /ilbert v.-ill participate in
III II the play. Let us rive -oheri a hearty v;elcoi;ie at their preiuiere,
II B 2 rr Thus 7'e shall ■..•ronote love and resr^ect for Judaisn in our renera-
* V
II B 1 e (1)
II B 1 d
Dally Jewish Courier, Jan. 12, 1922. /fo^ o>
All those who are interested in literature, and who would like to see plays
of literary merit presented on the Jewish stage, will be very glad to hear
that Sholom Asoh*s new play, **The Dead Man,** is going to be presented.
The Literary Dramatic Society, vftiich intends to present good literary plays,
will present Sholom A8ch*s newest drama, **The Dead Uan**^ for the first time
in America* Performances wi^.l be given on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday evenings, January 23, 24, 25 and 26, at Glickman^s Palace Theater.
Mr. Abraham Teitelbaum will direct the play, as well as act in it; and the
irtxole dramatic society vrill participate. The scenery will be especially de-
signed by the artist Ostrousky, and special music will be composed for this
occasion by a member of the musical society, Hazimrah, Mr* Cheriawsky* All
lovers of art will undoubtedly wish to see this fine literary production to
be presented by the Literary Dramatic Society.
II B 1 c (1)
Daily Jev/lsh Courier, Dec* 16, 1921 •
There has been organized in Chicago a Hebrew dramatic association called
•^abimo,'^ which aims to present, from time to time, literary dramas in
Hebrew, since there is a demand for them. The first production will be
given at the end of January, 1922. "GrO And. Relate,** a play by Sholom Asch,
will be presented^ Participating in the play will be S# Sheinberg, Isaak
Spector, Mrs. Spector, Rpiedman, and others. The Habimo v/as founded on the
initiative of Dr. Agrant, Ben- Ami, Shomer, S. Lewad, and others.
II Q 1 c (1)
Forvard, February 4, 1921#
Youth Dramatic Club.
WPA (ILL) PRO.!. 30275
Sunday evening, February 5th, in Hull House Theater
will be presented.
The Stranger by Jacob Gk>rdon
II B 1 c (1)
WPA (ILL) PRO.. 30275
Forward, January 20, 1921.
The Literary Dramatic Society is studying at present, Peretz Hirshbein's
'•Downhill'' - a drama in U acts. The Society intends to present this drama
Sunday, January 30th, in the Princess Theater.
II 3 1 c (1)
Porvard. Octolser ?^, I32O.
YoTing Men's Dramatic Club.
All the royalists who ta^^e part in the intelli<irent pipy of Feretz IIirshl>ein are
cordially invited to attend the rehearsal.
Hull House Theater
Ealsted and Polk Sts.
II 3 1 c (1) '-'""^"^
^m. i\ll) PROi. 30275
Forv^ard, Octcter 7, 1920.
Sunday, Octolier 2Uth, 192C. A Sig Celetration.
The Yiddish Literary Drametic Society will celetrpte a holiday in the Princess
Theater, downtown, iu honor of the opening of a permanent Literary 'Tlieater in
Chicago. The play rill he the well known drama, Ya-nkele Boyla.
hy L. "ohrian.
The Socialist orchestra v;ill plsy incidental music. It will he a great puhlic
II B 1 c (1)
?orr£Td, Octoter 7, I92O
WPA (ILL.) PROJ. 30275
Church Pells,
"by, Ahraham Reizen.
The sta^e settings were desired hy Jonah Spiva>.
The music v;ill "be furnished under the direction of !.!r. Z. Shaffee.
The Jevash Socialists Singing Society will participate^
« X ^
^ \-^ J
Progressive Dri'.matlc Yo^it^
W?A (ILL) PROJ. 30275
The Pro£:ress*ve T^r-inatlc ^o-ith v/ill
hol:^- a -^leetir^ this evenin.; 1^. the
T.or.:ers I^"3tit-:j.te.
II B 1 c (1)
V- P,' /;M
Forward . Feb. 7, 1919. ' '''' '■'■^■> ^^:.! ■in?-.
V/anted - - - Jewish talented men and v/omen to join our club. Our work
is Literary/- folk theater. V/e teach Reading, Reciting and Elocution. Come
to our Literary meeting, Friday night, the 7th of February, 1919, in
Douglas Park Auditorium, 3202 Ogden Ave.
II B 1 c (1)
II 3 1 a
I B 4
Daily Jev/ish Courier, Apr. 28, 1915
To see 1000 or 1200 persons on a Thursday afternoon in a packed theatre,
and all Jev/s who had cone to see a dramatic portrayal of Hatilcvah (Jewish
national anther: ) , is, of itself, surprisin.^. But a mu'ch ,r^reater surprise
is the production itself, particularly since it comes to us quite unex-
pectedly, and fron a class from mora ;ve v;ould least expect such a pro-
Usually, it is assuiaed t .at the South Side Jev;s of the well-to-do class,
particularly the Gerrian Jews, are as far removed from concern about Zion
and the hope of a I.'essiah, as East is from ./est. From outward appearances,
this v/ould seem to be the case. That which is usually heard from the
pulpits in the Temples will not satisfy the listener's desire for the
ancient Jewish ideal, for a homeland in Palestine.
- 2 - Jii]V;i3H
II 3 1 c (1)
II 3 1 a
III B 2 Daily Jevjjsh Courier, Apr. 28, 1916.
13 4
III A For this reason the perforr.aance of the one-act play, **Hatilcvah,**
III H yesterday at the Chicago Art Institute, nust have been a tremendous
I C surprise to the large audience, chiefly composed of /imerican-
Greman Jews, both men and wonen. This v/as more of a religious
service t:ian a theatrical performance, although Greek art in the form of
dancing was commingled with the deep Jewish content of the masterpiece.
Even the Jewish songs, "Palaces of Stone" and "On The Forepart of an Oven
Burns A Fire" v/hich were sung in a somev/hat Crormanic style, evoked deep
feeling and typically Jev;ish sentiment.
The symbolism of t:ie entire play — the young daughter, "Zion," who is blind,
regains sight when "Hatikvah" appears, the sanctity of the Sabbath which
is observed without bread and wine, and the vision of the young daughter,
"Zion," of a land and a home in the future — must have spoken forcefully
to the hearts of the assembled Jevjs, even v/hen tae hope in their hearts
has been long obscured. I:any eyes v;ere wet, and v/hen the climax was
reached, an atmosphere of sanctity pervaded the audience v;hich kept them
from applauding. Later, applause broice out \-jheii the pla^.Ti^'^ht , LIrs.
Jacob Abbet was ^resented to the audience.
II 3 1 c (1) - 3 - Jj^LSH
II B 1 a
III 3 2 Daily Jewish Courier, Apr. 28, 1915.
I B 4
III A There is no doubt but that this perrornance, and the many others
III H that v/ill surely Tollow, v/ill increase the inenbership of the_
I 0 Palestine ".Welfare Oonmittee who arranged t:iis pro^r^ra:.!. It /the
pla^also suits the Jev/ish consciousness, and the love for Zion,
even in those quarters where these sentiments have long been weakened.
In this manner it will deliver a pertinent sennon which is not heard
from the oulr)its in the temoles.
II B 1 c (1)
Chica^ Hebrew Institute Ot server, December, 19l6*
The Players Clul)» by Lester Alden*
The Players Club was organized October 1, 1910, with the purpose in view
of instituting a dramatic department in connection with the activities of
the Chicago Hebrew Institute, conducted under the direction of a profes-
sional and experienced director^
The new season (the seventh) opened September 6, with a most encouraging
enrollment of students* These young people are so imbued with the spirit
of enthusiasm and love for the study of drama, that their interest becomes
identical with that of the head of the department, whose aim is to establish
a standard in this brand of art tmequalled at axsy institution of the nature
of the Chicago Hebrew. Institute* Its results speak for themselves when,
on the second Sunday of every month (excepting Summer) , performances are
given on the stage of the Institute, which, for coxspleteness of detail in
diction, enunciation, expression and acting are excelled only on the profes-
sional stage*
- ■ '
II B 1 c (1)
II B 1 c (3)
I &
Chica^ Hebrew Institute Observer, December, 1915».
C!hildren»s Biblical Plays,
A panorama of historical chare^cter and events, commemorated and hallowed by
ages of uninterrupted observance, is conjured up on our common-place stage by
the young actors of the Jewish Festival Club through the presentation of Bib-
lical plays at seasonable times. An illusion of ancient Egypt, Persia, Babyl-
on, of the far-famed vineyards and stately palms of Judea, of the Patriarch's
humble tent and the splendor of an oriental court, of times when both divine .
prophecy and artistic culture formed the attributes of our people, is carried
across the footlights, communicating a sense of beauty and pleasure to the
impressionable minds of thousands of Jewish children who attend these perform-
Unfortunately, there has been little or no systematic development along the
lines of specifically Jewish juvenile entertainment. The supply of Biblical
plays and authentic entertaining material is limited, and after a few
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II ^ 1 c 6)
Chicago Hebrew Institute Observer, December, 1915« ^
successive presentations the stock is exhaust ed» It is because of this fact
that function of such a club becomes a vsiluable asset of Jewish education,
4?he members, though largely composed of children, are enabled through the re-
sources of Biblical lessons and general studies to contribute many useful and
beautiful ideas which are frequently incorporated in our plays with good advan-
The following outline will illustrate the general progress of a play* About a
month prior to the production, a survey is made of all historical, traditional
and customary observances relating to the particular festival* All the dramatic
material on hand is read and discussed; from which the best is selected, and what
is lacking, is supplied by home talent during rehearsals* Great care, however,
is taken not to overtax the capacity of the youthful mind with cumbersome de-
tail, relying more upon the natural dramatic instinct of the child, especially
the Jewish child, to whose highly developed intellectual and emotional perception
Page 3
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II B 1 c (3)
Chicago Hebrew Institute Observer, December, 1915* "^
the Biblical narrative combining the allegory of wonderland with historical
truths, is especially adopted. The Sabbath school girl versed In her history
finds no difficulty in portraying a Hannah, and in the same way does the boy
fresh from the Hebrew school identify himself easily with the character of
either Abraham or Isiah, with whose words and deeds familiar. Of late
the character of our plays have tindergone a decided change* Coinciding with
the Peace Program, adopted by all the children's classes of the Institute,
the children of the Festival Club have eliminated every play on which the
heroism of war is eulogized. In dramatizing the Maccabean victory, it is the
spirit of devotion and self sacrifice that forms the theme of the play rather
than the display of martial valor, and whenever it is possible to do so,
instead of the customary battle scenes and battle hymns, the gentle message
of the dove of Peace has been substituted. It may be added, in conclusion,
that the methods adopted by this unique branch of Jewish educational train-
ing have proved highly effective.
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I a
Chicago Hebrew Institute Observer, December, 1915*
The club, which is now coinpleting its second year, has a record of celebra-
ting every national holiday, besides special performances and individual
readings and recitations^ The membership is unusually large, attendance is
regular, and the audiences that nearly always fill the hall to its capacity
have been appreciative and enthusiastic, justifying a continued and greater
effort in the future.
I, ' f
, •/
II 3 1 c (1) JEWISH
Chicago Eel^rew Institute Olpgerver^ Kovemlier, 1912. -^
Dramatic Class.
The dramatic class of the Pla^^ers Cluh of the Chicago Hehrew Institute was
conducted on the same hasis as it v/as last year, naiaely, under the direct '.
auspices of the club. Seven plays were presented in the course of the
season, which were ver^'' \vell attended. Recently a children's department
was started. It is too early, however, to forecast an;^'' results for this
new activity if properly conducted, however, there seems to he a good field
for work of this sort, V/e regret to report that the relationship of the
cluh to the Institute has as yet, despite our efforts, not "been as clearly
defined as we would wish to it.
A ■
II B 1 c (1) JEWISH y..^
O'b server, Noven'ber, 1912, i^^
Chicago HelDrew Institute. -^
Mr, Nathai'i Goldstein, who hr-s yiP..L Tinuff»aal success with the Young Pla;^'^er's
Glu"b, has organized "Tlie Richard Mansfield Jiiniors," who devote themselves
to dramatics and social activity. Thev already-" have a memhership of 20 toys
and girls, from the ages of 13 to I5.
Nearly all the raemhers live from 5 to 10 miles from the Institute and their
willingness to m.ake the trip attests to the usefulness of the work accom-
It is expected that within a few weeks "A Scholar's Convention," "by Julia
H, lla^i^, v/ill ho preisented.
II B 1 c (1)
II D 6
^VPA OIL) Puoj, 3G2^^
Courier. November 10, 1911.
Chicago Cook Pot.
The Literary-Dramatic Club came to life again, and became very active once
The Hebrew Institute is giving a play, the ■Eternal Song" and also other
National Jewish songs composed by Mr, S. Bubenstein and Miss Tania Mesiraw.
With these productions, the Dramatic Club is again trying out their intelli-
gentsia and are most hopeful that it will be a success.
This production is scheduled for Sunday Evening, Nov. 19th.
II B 1 c (1)
II D 5
The Reform Advocate. Vol. 3S, Wk. of Nov, 27, IJOg. pp.590-591.
A movement has "been sterted to establish a theater in the Chicago He'brev;
Institute, The organizers have handed themselves to^^^ether into a cluh
called the Chica<^o Hehrew Institute Players. Works hy the foremost dra-
matists of the world will he presented. The cluh already numhers 90 mem-
hers who are lending themselves most zealously to this project of estahlish-
ing a theater. The first play to he pre'^ented this season will he Ihsenfe
"Dollys House." The dra^a^tic instructor of the cluh is Ralph Raphael and
the president, Bertha Loeh, The committee on organization and drama,
include Mrs. Herhert Morris, Mrs. Joseph Fish, Dr. David Blaustein, Max
Klee and Milton Hart.
.. %
II B 1 c (1) JEWISH
Messenger, November 1, I309.
Chicago Hebrev^ Institute. '^4
A People's Stage Needed.
Experience has demonstrated conclusively that the people see?c spontaneously, *
to express themselves, their ideals and aspirations in dramatic form. The
Institute encourages all such expression and hopes to establish a dramatic
center where the stuc3y and production of the best in the drama will be en-
A dramatic club with dramatic study classes has been formed and e.n effort is
to be made to gfther around this a clientele of sincere lovers of the best in
dramatic art. The stage needs elevating and this organization will, in time,
sprecd. the leaven that will affect the entire community and make it worth-
while for actors and managers to present the best things possible for this en-
lightened body of patrons of the theater. Opera as v/ell as drama will find a
place on the people's stage. The production of good music and classic opera,
Page 2
II E 1 c (1)
Messenger, Novemlier 1, I509
at such rates as will attract people of moderate means and at the same time,
furnish an opportunity for those interested in music to study and produce
music, V7ill he the work of a division of the Players Cluh, which vdll devote
itself exclusively to the ohject of providing a musical education for the
people, hy the people themselves.
n B 1 0 (1)
III 6 3 b
" .*■■ *
r--v" "-:■ . • '<'■!'■■■-■ •' ■ ' "■
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f-WPA (ILL) pftoj. 30275
The Couriart Deoeraber 9, 1907«
T.^!-* ■' .1 1:
r^^?^::S';^«•' • ^> - - \ THE ORPHANS' CONCERT.
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■^♦;- ■ .' ••'
Orar infO thousand men and women appeared in a mass meeting at the Harks v ^^|
Nathan Orphans Home to see a Ctoanukah play produced by the orphans of the
home • ^^:<^:0-:f '■-'":'-■>'•• '■•''■ ■-''■. .:. . ^- r- ■ : ..^'.;-.^^-- - _^_^. .•■•-. _-,, :■-' .^"■^^:';^
The play was very artistically performed for it seemed that the children 5 M|
were very much talented in the art of drama* Although the place was rather--
small t and crowded to capacity t the behavior of the audience was very orderly
for the play ha.d such an effect on the crowd that they were only too eager ^; :
• if'. ■ •.' ■ -i- -
f vf The Chanukah drama was played in four acts and dealt with the time of Judas
Maccabeeac* Abe DamoUf who performed the role of the Jewish hero, was re-
'^■'^^•^'■'^-'-^x^iYedi with stormy applauset and when little Lena Cohen played the role of - }^
the sad unfortunate mother of seven sons^ the audience could not hold back v^^
their tear8#
f . ■ .•■■• -■-.. ■■ .- ."--'" ■^v'.:«: .r--f:-:--'-^K:^y
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II B 1 0 (1) , - -2- EJVinSH
r--, - iiiB3b ' , :_ *^<^^U pro;. 30275
i ^M^^^^^^ 1907» ' "^
'•■■.'■ V -A V •*"■.■■.■«<.'■■'■* " ' ■ - - • • V . •
i,M^^^^.:/i;K''>:: The Harris ohildren who pleisred the roles of Aritiuch and Apolonius, portrayed
the ingratitude of these two oharaoters in a most talented manner* Ethel
^,^.^^X^J^' Brawn who played the role of Iburiant the bride of the Jewish herOf was also
? greeted with applause*
;'-v\..-t.; ■' • -■ .;. _ \,., ..._,. . . •- _"-. . - ■■ I . _ ■.■■,,; • ■■'> ■ ■ - .'^■
i^-.r- ■-■■••i
The Jews of Chicago never before witnessed suoh great talent among such young
ohildren as they found in this holy institution! the Marks Nathan Orphans
Home* -:-x^^h-: -. ^.^. .-^.w_ ^_ _ ^ ^^^. , :.^. -,. _-...^
, -i-V ■ . <' • ' . - ■.
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4 .
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Jewish '
II B 1 c' (1)
The Reform Advocate. Yol*21, p.»305, Pebroary- August, I5OI. '
About September 1359 there was in existence a Jewish organisation,
known as^ the Excelsior Club, which was noted for its theatrical performance "^
and mijLsical entertainments. Mr* E. Salomon headed this club, which consisted ""
of about seventy-five members. ^
II B 1 c (1)
The Reform Advocate, Wk. of July 29, 1S99. p,670.
The Yiddish play, '^At the Wailing Wall," which is intended to place "before the
Jews the necessity of the Zionist movement, was given its first production
at Metropolitan Hall, Jefferson and O'Brien streets, last Friday night. Leon
Zolattkoff is the author of the play. "At the Wailing Wall," deals with the
persecution of Bussiai Jews.
II B 1 c (1)
II D 3
The Reform Advocate, Wk. of April 11, 1896. p. 186.
- .^
The Chicago Dramatic Club, coir^josed of Jewish young gentlemen and la-
dies, will present three one-act comedies, at the Oakland Music Hall, The en-
tertainment is given for the benefit of the Michael Seese Hospital.
B. Avocational and Intellectual
1. Aesthetic
c. Theatrical
(3) Festivals, Pageants,
Fairs and Expositions
b - ^■,
V. '»?»
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■>« J.
V '*.
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■?;;• 4 ■..
\ 1 ■ ,. . .
II B 1 c (5) 33Va3H
III H " ' Abenclppst, July 30, 19,54,
jE/iTJii ijiiymvii SHC J GrWJi^ apf:^07:.\l t^y fifty tucus^vld 3f:2C'l.iohs
"2pic of a Nation" Staged Impressively
About fifty thouisand attended the ci*^£^t Jev/ish festive show "Spic of a Nation*'
at Soldiers' Field yest'^rdaj'', with which the Jewish Da^'- reached its highest
point at the ^ferld's Fair. Four thousand years of the hiP>tory of the Jevjish ^
people v^re syiuboli7.ed in the show in a realistic ranner* It found an enthu- 5
siastic reception on the part of the spectators. ^^
The individual episodes v/ere carefully selected and arranged in accordance
with historic facts. It resiilted in portrayals which must have made an over- g
pov/ering impression upon non-Jei73#
It is knov/n that the Jewish people have behind them a history of tribulations S
and assaults inflicted upon then. Indeed, as indicated more than once, they
are not fully spared from such trials even today. These various persecvitions
v/ere vividly nortrayed in scenes ^j^iich took us back to the times of the
II B 1 C (3^) - 2 - JEVJISH
Abendpost. July 30, 1934.
Spanish Inquisition in v/liich Torquenada ^j:ave the Jev;s the alternative of
either becoming'; convertod to Christi'inity or bein^; subjected to unspeakable
tortui-'os in the torture clianberso
In this connection the choir intoned "Ei Liiley Hakhaniin/' the hymn so ivell
knownto every Jev;, and which \7as made all the more inpressive by the choir* s
bein£: placed in deepoot darkness r/hile the altar, around which the singers
were .grouped, gleaned in a bri{;^:ht {^ov; of fire.
A later picture, based upon the predictions of the prophets who promised the *-g
Jev/ish people salvation and eternal peace, made an effective impression in
a triumphant proces3ion of torches, symbolizing the eventual triumph of the
persecuted people. Still later, the festive show used Palestine as its
back-^rDund where the Jev/ish people hiid built homes and where they rnic^ht be
undisturbed in their peaceful modes of livinco
The fin'-tle was staged to pay homage to the land of the Stars and Stripes in
Y;hich the Jewish people can enjoy full freedom, with equal rights guaranteed
II B 1 c (5) - 3 - jg:/r3H
Abendpo3t, July 30, 1934.
The sincing or the national anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner," brought the
imposing festival to an end.
The sliov/ v/as preceded by spe-jches by Congressman 3am[iiel Dickstein, and by
the v/ell-knovm Zionist, Alexander Kahn, both of whom v;ere from New York«
Dickstein pointed out t;.at the next Congress will take issue with the Nazi
propaganda and other un-American activities which have recently become
noticeable in this count r^^. Kahn directed his attack particularly against
Hitler and the persecution of Jews in Nazi Gemnany, condemning both xvith
the sharpest of phrases. Hitler's name was mentioned repeatedly by other
speakers, too; but the audience took these remarks without any demonstrations,
xvhich v;ould have created an unpler^sant situation.
II B 1 c (^) amnsH ^
III B 3 b '^
Chicago Jewish Chronicle < October 13 f 1933* ^^
A Chanukah Celebration will be given Wednesday evening, December 13 f
at the Civic Oi^ra House, Uax Shulman, president of the Zionist Organi-
zation of Chicago annoiinced*
•Our Chanukah Festival," Mr. Shulman stated, "will be as notable in its
way as the great Stadium pageant we g ve last Chanukah* An original
dramatic and musicsil program presented by artists of the first rank,
will comprise our offering* The event has become tradition in the
Chicago Jewish community, and this year's observance will uphold the
standard of last year's Stadium affair, which won the attention of the
exrtire country •*
II B 1 c (^) - 2 - JE-^SH
in B 3 b
Chicago Jewish Chronicle, October 13, 1933 •
Rabbi A. £• Abramowitz made a plea for translation of the widespread
Zionist sentiment into memberships, as a large enrollment is necessary
for the maintenance of influence in the councils of the nation*
II B 1 c (3) . JET/ISH 2-
II D 1
ChicaA^o Jevdsh Chronicle, July, 14» 1933.
H* L« M*
'vVhat happened to the original scenario which xras v^ritten by Rabbi
Goldman? '.Vho had the "Chutzpah" to trim it and cripple it so un-
mercifully? lioses and the Ten Commandments, v/hich lends itself most
admirably to striking presentation and which v/as on all ads and bill
posters, vfus spurlus verzenkt» But above all, what happened to that
glowing period of American Jewish life where millions of our people have
had greater opportunities for life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness than anyv;here on earth?
II B 1 c (3) - 2 - JKnSE
II D 1
Chlca;:o Jevash Chronicle ♦ July 14$ 1933*
'.Thy was that not shovm? V/hat a beautiful and inspiring si^ctacle the
Sttitue of Liberty would have made at the close of the performance in-
stead of a group of Sunday School kids running into the stage, helter
skelter, which was confusing and meaningless. Disappoihtment on that
score seems to be growing from day to day. Those who v/orked so zeal-
ously and so devotedly for the success of ''Jev/ish Day" and the people
who have so cheerfully forked over their ducats are entitled to an
explanation because they v;ere sadly disap^^ointed. V/ill the story of
what transpired behind the scenes ever be told? Y/e doubt it. As
inspiring as the audience was, so disappointing v/as the performance.
True, since it v^as the first attempt on such a gigantic scale, many
of its shortcomings may be overlooked.
II B ; c (^) . 3 - JEWISH
II D 1
Cliicano Jev/lsh Chrcnicle> July l4t 1933«
If the "machers" v/ould not have taken things upon themselvest but would
have called into consultation others v/ho h' x'-e had some experience in
such affairs, the result would have been Buch more gratifying*
The various organizations which participated in "Jev/ish Day reaped a
harvest* It is reported that over $100,000 was the amount profited
by then, v/hich v/ill enable most of these institutions to liquidate their
indebtedness and continue their respective activities undisturbed and
unhampered by unpaid bills* To most of them "Jewish Day" proved a
"red letter day*" Those v/ho had sufficient vision to take advantage
of this splendid opportunity v/ork^d hard and are now rejoicing in the
fruit of their efforts*
II B 1 c (^) JEV/ISH ^
Chicago Jewish Chronicle» July 7> 1933
We wonder what Mayer 7/eisgal has up his sleeve
'^ ^
We cannot imagine him retiring after such a tremendous job and such a
successful climax. There must be something that he has in store for the
local Jewish community and it must be immense in its proportions. Meyer
Weisgal never could think or do small things. We hope sincerely that some
new venture will offer itself for his talent, if he has not something in
mind now, ajid that the Jewish community will back him to the limit. Chi-
cago should indeed be proud to have a man of iVeisgal's ability in its midst....
and should give him every cooperation in his desire to do great things
for the community.
' K
by -^
II B 1 c (3) -2- JKHSH ?
IV c:
Chicago Jewish Chronicle, July 7f 1933«
It may be truthfully said that Meyer "^/eisgal put the Jevdsh community in
Chicago on the map during his short stay here Firsts the Chanukah -^
Festival and nov/ the Jewish Day* These should not go unrecognized and un-
The second performance of "A Romance of a People" was much smoother and more
symphonic than the first one* The result v/as that the ones v/ho found it
rather difficult to be properly impressed Monday night, v/ent home more than
satisfied '^'ednesday night*
One of the most beautiful reactions v/e have ever witnessed was the one when
most of the performers participating in the pageant refused to don their
costumes until they were assured that Isaac Van Grove v/ould be there to
direct them* There v/as a rumor that he had gone to Cincinnati to direct a
symphony there. But v/hen le appeared they surrounded hiir. and lifted him
and carried him about*
II B 1 c (3) - 3 - jg-isH r;
IV ^
Chicago Jewish Chronicle^ July 7f 1933* -^
The same thing occurred after the performance and it was a sight never to
be forgotten* How this man with his brilliant personality has endeared
himself to that multitude of youn^ men and women and even the small child-
ren Y/hom he directed and worked with for weeks in pre pa r:^ t ion for the
A Job well done. Van Grove has, after so man years of wandering about, fin-
ally found hir.iself and it was among his ovm» You should have seen him jump
about like a young kid, singing and dancing the "Hora" with the young Zionists
after the performance #
One of the most impressive scenes at the pageant v;as the presence of several
hundred orthodox rubbis who came to the pageant from all p^rts of the country
and Canada as the guests of Rabbi Ilirsch Manischewitz of Manischewitz Bros#
It was a sight that did the heart good* Here were assembled some of the out-
standing teachers and leaders of I srael«» ••. .Patriarchs and young men
alike who journeyed to this city to be present and participate in the greatest
Jev/ish Day in the history of the Diaspora*
II B 1 c (3) -t- JET'ISH
The Chicago Jev/ish Chronicle, July ?# 1933m
The Manischev/itz Found-^tion has in the past done many outstanding and noble
deeds* But the gathering of the rabbis for which they v/ere responsible was
probably one of the most altrusitic and beneficent contributions ever made*
A lot of credit is due to the ingenuity and the resourcefulness of both
Ben Sachs and L'ike "Manischev/itz" Bluestone, who have been v/orkin^ like bees
in the past few weeks#
II B 1 c (3) JET'-ISH
Chicag:o Jev/ish Chronicle « July 7f 1933*
Jewish Day at the "Century of Progress Exposition" reached its climax
Monday night v/hen 125 #000 ment women and children crov/ded Soldier
Field to witness a Biblical pageant, "The Romance of A People."
Kusic handed dovm through forty centuries filled the stadium as
6,200 performers told the story of a people's struggle to find
God and bring freedom to the earth.
II B 1 C (3) - 2 - iSmS
Chicag:o Jevash Chronicle t July ?# 1933*
On a stage that rose tier by tier at the north end of the Field, the
cast under th(. direction of Isaac Van Grovot conductor of opera and 'g
the symphony, portrayed in the mediums of music, light and mass, the ^
trials of Israel from the day of creation. It was a striking spectacle;
the benedictions sund by white-robed priests whose bejev/elled breast
plates flittered; the roar of ram' s horn trumpets, the tolling of bells,
the waving of palms, and the movement before the eye of the shifting
lights and masses of the drama.
In the vast audience v/ere thousands of Jev;s from every part of the
United States and many from Canada and other countries, representing
every shade of orthodoxy and liberalism. Attending as a unit were the
5,000 delegates and friends of the Zionist Organization of America,
whose annual convention yesterday pledged $8,000,000 to carry out
a four-year program of colonization in the Palestinian homeland.
II B 1 c (3) - 3 - Jg.nSH
Chicag:o Jev/ish Chronicle, July ?# 1933*
"The Romance of A People" beg^n with the creation. A tiny shaft of
light pierced the darkness of Soldier Field and focused the silent
expectancy of the throng on an altar in the center of the field, v/here
lay the Book of the Ages* A solitary figure turned a page. Cut of
chaos t at the bidding of the vrord, came order. A blinding light fell
upcu the scene depicting the first ecstacy of being and the adoration
of the creator*
But the psalms of adoration died away and again the voice spoke, but
now Y/ith sadness: "They forsook God". Unchained ambition, peission and
fear ruled in tumult; hunger, birth and death tormented men*
II B 1 c (3) - 4 • JgnSH
Chicago Jewish Chronicle > July 7» 1933»
He peopled the world with demons^ His child he hurled into the lap
of Moloch, while Baal claimed his daughter's virtue and Ldammon his
conscience* A scene of Abraham's sacrifice flaved into that of the
land of the .'haraohs. A fierce sun heat down on thousands of sloivly
swaying slaves. The masters' whips stung, but Abraham ViTas forgotten*
The great idea - the allegiance to God - had faded*
An apparition detached itself as from a wilderness; the burning bush
and: "Moses t the one Godf the God of Abrahamt the God of Justice,
Commands your service. Bend not your backs to idols. Liberate your-
self from Egypt's sins. There are prophets in our flesh and martyrs
in your bones."
Now Israel was assembled before the temple* The shofar trumpeted;
thousands of white hands flashed in the light and there \ms the
soft melody of prayer*
A sudden clanging dissonance struck a note of terror* A golden
eagle glittered* Flags fluttered, and the muffled trend of the hosts
of Rome was heard* Titus captured Jerusalem v/ith carnage unequaled in
the long history of v/ars. Into a new slavery were the remnants of
the people driven* Then nearly 2,000 years of v/andering and exile
as nations rose and fell, and triumphs were commingled v;ith defeats*
II 3 1 c (3) - 5 - Jg^ISH
Chicai-o Jev;ish Chronicle, July 7f 1933#
The vibrunt voice of Ivliriam rang out in triumph as the people, freed
from the yoke of bondage, breathed again the free air of the desert*.
In a pastoral interlude came the vision of Israel established in her ;^
II B 1 c (3) - 6 - JS"ISH
I C ^
Chlcag:o Jewish Chronicle. July 7$ 1933» -.::^
I —
Again the stage blazedf novr v/ith the Stars and Stripes^ symbol of a "^^
new land and a new freedom.- The temple glowed with a new brilliance o
and an exultant voice criedt "Proclaim liberty thcoughout the land ;2
to all the inhabitants the re of •" '<i
Just before the figure at the altar turned the last page of the great
book v/as the scene of Israel at home againt after ages of wandering.
"And he shall judge between the peoples, and they shall beat their swords
into plow-shares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall
not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any
The light slowly faded. The star remained. It shone on all the world*
II B 1 c (3) J^OSH
II B 1 a
Chi ca 0:0 Jewish Chronicle. July 7t 1933*
Maurice Rosenfeld
Editor's Xote - The Chicagio Jev.lsh Chronicle, presents here\dth a
a review of "The Romance of a People/ written by the distinguished
music critic and musicul authority, Maurice Rosenfeld, who has con-
tributed so much to make Chicago the musical art center that it has
become in the last tv/enty-five years.
II B 1 c (3) • 2 . Jg^-ISH
II B 1 a
Chicago Jewish Chronicle, July 7f 1933*
A triumph, in v/hich intellect, fellov/ship, humanity, and art combined
made of the pageant "The Romance of a People," presented at Soldier
Field last Monday evening as a climax to Jevash Day at A Century
of Progress Exposition, a thing to be remembered by Jews the world
One hundred and tv;enty-five thousand Jews and Gentiles filled the
vast spaces of Soldier Field, and watched and listened to the unfolding
of a spectacle that brought to our consciousness and to our vision
the vicissitudes, the trials, and the victories of our race in its
progress and development in the course of its four thousand years of
II B 1 c (3) - 3 - JEWISH
II B 1 a ,;>
Chics.Eo Jewish Chronicle. July 7, 1933. "-',
Such a pageant, colossal in its inception, tremendous in its scope, c\'?,
and realistic in its art, has never been presented here before, and
v/e must first of all give due praise to the originators of the idea,
to the inspired labors of those who devoted their talents and their
executive gifts to make of the event an outstanding occasion in Chicago's
history and in the advancement of the Jev/ish race#
Judge Harry l!« Fisher, chairman of the Jev/ish Day Comniittee, acted
as spokesman, and after the audience had assembled, about an hour and
a half later the announced time for the opening of the pageant, in-
troduced the guests of the evening. Governor Henry Horner, Professor
Chaim ^Veizmann of London, the executive director, Isaac Van Grove,
Rabbi i^olomon Goldman, and Albert H» Rosenberg*
II B 1 c (3) - 4 - JHT-VISH
II B 1 a
Chicag:o Jewish Chronicle, July 7f 1933*
"The Romance of a People" depicts in some six episodes, a prologue, and
several interludes, the history of the Jev/ish race from what we might
say the Creation to the present day. Many passages are from the
Torah, from the Book of Genesis, from the Bible and from the stories
of tradition of lore of the race.
There were several distinguished principals in the cast, including
Adolph Muhlman, the internationally famous baritone, whose voice
had the resonance, the beauty and the musical qualities that have
endeared him to all music lovers. Boris Schiffraan, cantor of Rodfei
Zedek Congregation, v/hose tenor voice entranced the huge audience
with its clarity and range, Emma Lazaroff Schaver - not mentioned
among the leading artists - who disclosed a high and brilliant so-
prano voice, and Avrum Mathews, who contributed much by his admirable
singing to complete the cast of the principal singers* We must also-
give credit to Hannah Kichhaven, the leader of the Miriam Dance#
II 3 1 c (^) - 5 . JEV/ISH
II B 1 a
Chicago Jewish Chronicle ^ July 7, 1933.
The performemce was enhanced by the spoken word, and by solo and concerted
song, in which more than thirty-five hundred singers, actors and dancers
took part»
As for the music itself, directed with authority and genial talent by
Mr* Isaac Van Grove, we may state that for the greater part it was tradit-
ional and handed down through thirty or forty centuries, from almost the
dawn of recorded history* It was characteristically Oriental in color,
in melodic line, and in rhythm* It has sturdiness, and at times pathos.
II B 1 c {X\ -6- JE^nsH \
II B 1 a
Chicago Jewish Chronicle^ July 7> 1933 •
How Mr» Van Grove controlled this immense ensemble without being seen is
almost incomprehensible to the ordinary spectator, but the performance
which lasted until nearly twelve o'clock, proceeded to the close without the
slightest hitch of any kind. The immense chorus of several thousand mixed
voices, the thousand dancers, and several hundred actors and their properties,
had been efficiently drilled and rehearsed and v/ent through the episodes
of the pageant admirably*
There were megaphones, and amplifiers, and the hovel stage, and its lighting
^of the vast spaces of Soldier Field were all items in a most memorable
II B 1 c (3)
Chicago Jewish Chronicle > June 30, 1933* o
You have crossed the -Atlantic and traveled thousands of miles to join
us in celebrating Jewish Day at "A Century of Progress*" Chicago Jewry
is happy for the opportunity to greet you and welcome you»
We are looking forward to the inspiration of your presence^ freighted and
fragrant as it is with the soil and the soul of Eretz Yisroel^ and looking
forward happily and anxiously to hear your message which will strike a
responsive chord in our hearts*
You who have done so much to unite all Jewish hearts and have fired
Jewish hopes everywhere, come to us at a time when we need your
counsel most*
II B 1 c (3) - 2 - JS^'^SH %
Chicago Jewish Chronicle > June 30 » 1933# ^j*
Never has Chicago been privileged to be host to so many loyal Jewish
hearts who have come from distant corners of our great country to v/itness
the magnificent spectacle, "The Romance of a People," which tells the
story, in dance and song, of the martyrdom and triumphs of the Jews
during the past four thousand years* It is an honor which the Jews of
Chicago are proud of and happy for the responsibility that is theirs.
May your visit bring understanding and concord, peace and unity*
So speaks the heart of Chicago Jewry*
H. L* M.
II B 1 c (3) JEWISH'^
III B 4 ^
Chicago Jewish Chronicle. June 30, 1933, >
This is Jewish Gala V/eek in Chicago* ••••'That v/ith the Zionist convention,
the B'nai 3'rith conclave* The annual meeting of the Hisbadruth Ivrith and
loany other L^port^.2it coiarora/icos iua-?. convB iii^ is, Chicigo Till be turnod into
quite a representative Jewish communitjr overnights The Zionists have many
important problems that are pressing the novenant for action and from all
indications it ;^ill be a hot and interacting conveation, aspeci'^ ;/ith
Dr» Chaim 7/eitzman as the guest of honor* His presence at the convention
more than sj^bolic, with tlae Congress being held in August*
At any rate, it was a clever bit of political strategy and we suspect that
some very active and sincare Zionist is responsible for his presence*
Will this Mean a return of \7eitznian to leadership ;iind to the presiisncy of
the agency?
II B 1 c (3) -2 - JE-.7ISH "
Chicago Je-.7ish Chronicle, June 30 » 1933 •
This week Chicago becomes the center of American Jewry. All eyes will be
focused here. And many hearts will beat faster in anticipation of the
great success that Jewish Day will turn out to be* It will be a glorious
ending to a great week-end. The culmination of many months of hard and
strenuous work, and the realization of a perfect dream*
The greatest dramatic spectacle portrayed by Israel at any time on any
stage, with the exception of its own history. But the pageant will be
portrayal of our history and the greatest single educational interpretation
we have ever witnessed^
II 3 1 c (3) - 3 - JEvYISH ^
' v>
Chicago Jewish Chronicle t June 30, 1933 • ^ I
- >
A Gentile friend of ours in our buildins was so axithusai about Jewish Day "^'^
that he ventured to prophesy that it v/ill surpass a thousand-fold the
gathering at Soldier Field during the Eucharist ic Congress held here a
couple of years a^o* The non-Jewish population of this and other cities
are as enthused about Jewish Day as any of us are. And it will remain as
one of the outst':.ndij.ig events of the '^orld*s Fair long after the Century
of Progress has cease I to functioii^
To the del8ga.to5 arrivla;^ for th^ Zio^iist an I the Histadruth Conventions,
v/e say:''ShalomI 3ruchim Habaim.** And hope that their deliborationo -'ill
r3;r.ilt in ths r3vival of ths Militxit 3^3iri?; \7hi3ii ist Mated tlia bir::i of t'le
Zionist movements And that the convention \7ill become the means of making
Zionism a mass movement in this co^j2itrj%
II B 1 c (3) JEAISH ^
I c ■%
The Chicago Jewish Chronicle. June 9, 1933* % t
H« L« M«
A significant step in furtherance of inter-creed good will was announced
today in the formation of the Chicago Coamittee of Christian Friends
cooperating with Jewish groups in the presentation of "A Romance of a
Judge John }L. McGoortyy has accepted the chairmanship of the Chicago
Committee of Christian Friends cooperating in the event* Among the
othersy who have accepted appointment to the committee, are Robert
Maynard Hutchinst president of the University of Chicago; Walter Dill
Scott, president of Northwestern University; Dr» John Timothy Stone;
II B 1 c (3) - 2 - JE^.yi SH
The Chicago Jewish Chronicle^ June 9t 1933 •
Dr# Shailer Matthews? Henry P. Chandler; Charles l/lT. Gilkeyt dean of the
University of Chicago Chapel; D. P^Kelly; Bishop George Craig Stewart;
Dr» Yk'llllam S. Parker; Rev* Walter Mee; William J« Bogan, superintendent
of schools; Ulss Jane Addams; Bishop Ernest L. Waldorf of the Methodist
Episcopal Metropolitan area; Rev# Ernest Fremont Little; Dr» Ella May
Horan; and the Rev« Paul Rader*
In a letter to Meyer W« Weisgalt executive director of the Jewish Day
Committee in charge of the mammoth spectacle, Dr# Artman said:
"We have noted, with much interest, the progress you have been making
in the promotion of the pageant 'A Romance of a People •• Several leaders
in the Christian groups have wondered how they might aid in the promitlon
of this extraordinary event •
II B 1 c (3) - 3 - JgAlSH
The Chicago Jewish Chronicle. June 9t 1933»
"In the light of this wide-spread interestf our Executive Committee
unanimously voted. May 31 1 to appoint a Chicago Committee of Christian
PriendSf sponsoring Jewish Day and the pageant, 'A Romance of a People**
"Already a significant start has been made, and wide-spread interest
among leaders of Christian organizations has been created* Uen of all
shades of religious opinion have enthusiastically endorsed the work
which the committee has proposed to do»"
II B 1 e (•^) JSr.vISH -;
Chicago Jewish Chronicle t Jxine 2, 1933 • ^
After years and years of planning, preparation and building, the great
Century of Progress is open in Chicago •
The stage on which •*A Romance of a People** will be presented, the largest
of its kind in the world, was dedicated recently with simple ceremonies^
Those who saw the stage, its beauty and its immensity, were awe stricken
and stood there in bewilderment • Oman and Lilienthal, the architects,
iriio conceived and are supervising the building of this beautiful stage,
are doing a piece of work which will remain in Jewish history for gener-
ations* It is absolutely the finest of its kind ever built, and may justly
be proud of their accomplishment. One of the most interesting exhibits
on the Fair grounds is Solomon's Temple and the Tabernacles, built accord-
ing to the description in the Bible t the dedication of which will take
place Saturday night ♦ The exhibit will doubtless be the magnet point
for countless thousands of Jews and Gentiles who are interested in Biblical
lore and want to see exact production of that famous temple built by
King Solomon*
. ^ o'/
11 B 1 c (3) JgyyiSH K "'^
II B 2 d (1)
Jewish forward > Jan«3> 1932.
The Forward masquerade ball, which took place yesterday in the Ashland
Auditorium, was a big success. Thousands of people came to the ball
and there iiet their friends and acquaintances. And all the thousands
of men and women formed a tremendous Forward family.
As we go to press hundreds of couples still remain on the floor dancing
to the music of S. 'iTagner and his orchestra.
The large auditorium resounded with the happy laughter of the hundreds
of men and women, who enjoyed the beautiful, colorfal masks*
II B 1 c (5) JEVISH
II B 3 ^
Forward, Apr, 20, 1931.
The famous Je;vish giamt from Rumania, l.Iax Rosenstock, known as the
strongest man in the world, will appear today in a number of heroic
performances, at the Elite Club, corner Springfield and Roosevelt Rd,
One of the most wonderful performances is when he is chained and put into
a tight closed box nailed with huge nails.
He very easily opens the lid and walks out of the box as if nothing happened
The same evening in a special program, will also participate many Jewish
radio and stage stars vtoo will render very interesting and amusing numbers.
II B 1 o (3) JMISH
II D 10
^^ (ILL ) PPo ' o
Forward, Decemtier 24, 1923 .
The Peoples ball of last evening which was attended hy hundreds of men
and women, was the concluding evening of the Peoples Relief hazaar*
The officials of the hazaar, Ur. A« Uinkus, general chairman, Mr« A« Lurie,
chairman of the Peoples Belief, and Mr, Joseph Tieder, general manager,
made the following statement yesterday:
The hazaar of the local Peoples Relief Ort Committee, that was held for the
henefit of the children's homes and schools in Barope and for the construct-
ive activity of the Ort, netted more than $15,000 profit. We feel that we
have sufficient reasons to he satisfied with the results considering:
1# The dire condition of the great memher of unemployed. 2. The difficul-
ties of sponsoring any txndertaking before Christmas, when all are engaged
until late in the evenings and have no time for amusements*
II B 1 c (cj)
II D 10
The Forv/! rd. December 15, ie23.
WPA (ILL.) PROJ. 3027b
Yfith the opening of the Peoples Relief Bazaar this evening in the Ashland
Auditorium, an historic event will be recorded in the annuals of Jewish phi-
lanthropy in Chicfir^o, The profits will go for children education and for
tools to cultivate the soil in Europe.
The bazaar will open at 7 P# M; sharp •
8. P» M.
A musical program will take place at
Belle Bendu, the principle acs? stent of the Chioai^o Grand Opera bellet,
arranged beatiful ballets for the evening;. Loretta Dikoff , tosrether with
the two wonder-children, Miriam Foy, ei^ht, and Jano Chuoan, seven, will be
the main dancers of the Russian Ballet.
* II E 1 c (3) _2- JSV/I SH
■^^ ^ ^° . WPA (iLL)PR0i.3027j
The Fonvard, December 15, 192Z.
Several orgenizaticns, regardless of what nature, have registered to aid
the bazaar. The 'Vorkmen's Circle; The International Ladies Garment Unions
The 'Yeiters Union; The Rakers Union; The Jewish Candy Jobbers; The Douglas
Day and Night Nursery; The Northwest Side Mothers League; The Bealystok
Countrymen; and several oth^^"- large and small organisations have united
for this great and noble relief work.
In addition to the ballet, a very interesting program of songs will be
carried through, in :vhich such musical talents as Nicholas Karlas, Bessie
Goldstein, the Colored Carusoe, Arthur Lylard, and others will participate.
The numbers that will be sung, will unite all nations and will be in various
Raphael Spiro, talented violinist v/ill ^lay "Kol Nidre" and other classicel
II P 1 c
II D 10
The For/^p.rd, December 15, 1923.
WPA (ILL) PROj. 3027
The THiite House Bakery, 3615 Roosevelt Road, ^Mttenberg Eakerj% 1284 S.
Kedzie, Kuznitsky, 3434 .7. 16th Street, Central Park Bakery, 16th and Central
Park Avenue, larfield Bakery, 3758 '". 16th Street, Kresk'f Bakery 3455 W.
Roosevelt Road, G oodmans Bakery, 13tb and Laughlin, Laundale Bakery, 3641.
Roosevelt Road, and many other hekeries have promised to supply the bazaar
with bread, rolls, and cekes during the entire stey of the bazaar*
The committee of Queen Esther's Ladies Society, consisting of Mrs. Anna
Kapstinet, Jenny Levin, C» Rubin, and Pearl Tehulack, submitted five-hundred
dollars worth of merchandise to the office of the bazaar yesterday. The
same committee also contributed one-hundred and twenty five dollars in cash
for the bazaar.
II B 1 o (3) JBiriSH
II D 10
Forward. Hot, 12, 1923. ^^^^ O^U PR0j.30Z/t
Die People's Relief CcnnBltteo tendered a bcoiqaet in honor of its national
ohairman» Judge Perkin of Neir Yorkt Saturday evening in the Uorrison Hotel
(Rose rooa) where hundreds of friends of the People *s Relief CooBlttee
assembled to listen to various oonmittee reports cuid to hear Judge Perkin
on "The Work of the People's Relief Committee*"
Despite the presenoe of prominent labor leaders and other great person*
alitiest suoh as Sidney Hillnyant president of the Amalgamated Clothing
Workers; Sam Levint manager of the Joint Board of the Amalgamated; Ben*
Jamin Sohlessingert manager of Forward; Mrs* Diskin and Caoier from the
Y/omen*s Auxiliary of the basaar; D* Oustort manager of the Aotors' Union
of New York; Leon Hanookf of the United Hebrew Trades; l&r# Lurief chair-
man of the People's Relief Committee of Chioago; Lsvitast representative
of the Jewish Socialist Alliance; L« Berenson* representative of the
Workmen's Circlet and many other men and women of various organlzationst
the audience was satisfied with a detailed speech by Judge Perkin and a
business speech by the chairman of the basaart Abraham Minkust who dealt
li B 1 e (3) - 2 - JEWISH
II D 10
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
Forward. Nor. IZ, 1923*
with the qudstloB of the bazaar for the ohildren of Poland and other
oountriest from a pure business standpoint* ^
lfr« lUnkus oompared the work of the basaar with the establishment of a
oorporationt and the direotors as shareholders who must eliainate ex-
penses and begin profiting as soon as the doors of the basaar open* And
in order to show that he means businesSt he announced that he eood his
partner* Mr* KatSt donate $500 as their contribution to the bazaart €tnd
have already oolleoted $3*000 in oa^h and 11*000 in merchandise*
This speech made a great impression on those who were able to follow the
noble example of the two partners* Ur« Uinkus and lfr« Katz* and contri*
butions of considerable sums were immediately made*
The following hare donated to the bazaar: Hr» Witz* #200; Mr* Lurie*
chairman of the People's Relief Committee of Chicago* |200; Dr* Franklin*
I2OO4 llr« LaskLnski* $200; Peter Sussman* toastmaster of the banquet* $200{
II B 1 o (3) - 3 - JmiSE
II D 10
Forward, Nov. I2t 1923# WPA (ILL) PRGJ. 302^5
Mr* Fogelt$100; Ur. V/aldman, $100; Ladies Auxiliary P# W» A., $25; lb*8#
ICinkus and Mrs* Kats, $25; Mrs* Iarie» $50; Ifr* Kaplan* $50; lfr« Oordoiit
$25; Ifr. DaTidt $25; Mr* Millart $25; Ur. Caoart $25 and Mr* H* Miller*
Mr* H*Miller represented the oleaners and dyers who have a ooomdttee to
help the basaar and he reported that J* L« Priedoan* president of the
Cleaners wod Dyers* has already ooUeoted $lt500 for the basaar*
S* Kaplan, of the Bialystok Verein* reported tiat they had already oolleoted
$1,500 for the bauar*
Ihey have a grand total of $10,000 thus far* besides the merohandise which
was oolleoted by various oonunittees*
The banquet was not only a business gathering to aoouaulate aoney for the
People's Relief* Besides the spiritual enjoyaent that was derived from
the speeohes, those present had the pleasure of listening to two world
renowned oantors, Kevartin and Rottman*
II B 1 o (3) , - 4 - JHBflSH
II D 10
Forward. Wov. 12, 1923. WPA (ILL) PROJ, 30275
The toastaaster of the eTening* Peter Sussmany opened the banquet and
introduced Ur. Lurie« ohainaan of the Chicago's People's Relief Cc»i«»
Ur. Feder gave a brief aixamary of the aotiTities of the various bazaar
conuBittees and he stated that #15«000 will be collected before the
opening of the doors of the basaar*
11 B 1 c (3)
II A 3 t
J£?/I SE
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
Forward, April I7, 1922.
The tT/^enty-fif th anniver?ar;>^ of the ?oi^^ard will "be cele'brp.ted Sunday evening,
Uay 7f iii ^^® Auditorium Theater, Congress and Wabash. Ad. Cs^han, editor of
the Forward, and B. Vladek, general nnanager of the Forward., will arrive from
New York to address the assembly.
A rich musical pros'rain will be presented. M, Y/inogradof , baritone, will sing
opera arias and folk songs. Moissaye Bortlslavsky, rjiajiist, will play classi-
cal compositions. Leon Blank, famous Jewish actor, will appear in a number
of dra.matic sketches. J. G-ordon, concert maestro and director of the Sympho-
ny Orchestra, will play a few solos, accompanied by the orchestra.
II 3 1 c (3)
Y A 1
Forv^ard, April 3, I32?,
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
The fifteenth anniversary was celebrated yesterday "by the Biali stock Work-
men's Circle Branch in the~ Venetian E^ll of the Lahor Lyceum, where a color-
ful program was carried through, Tl.e hall was hefiutifully decorated with
a welcome " sign, of the Lahor lyceun committee, reading: "To the Bialistock
Branch at the Celetration of Our Ovn Labor Lyceum." Comrade Ba'skive, generr^l
secretar^^ of the Wor'onen's Circle, was received ^-^ith great enthusiasm.
• • • • •
The "branch made an appeal for the Feoi^les Relief and the grand sum of
$300 was contributed. This evening at 6 P. !.■• the fifteenth anniversary/
celebration will close with a ba^iquet at Rosenthal's Restaurant, where the
com-^ittee assures a good time for all.
\ .
^. .:.J .. ^^:\0.
n l\
«v, T, , . * , ,o -<^<^, WPA (ILL.) PROJ. 30275
Chler-^:o Fox^ard. September 12, 1921.
Big Parade Leads to the Laying of Cornerstone for the Infants^ Home
of the B'noth Zion Day Kfursery
The parade, yesterday, of the B'noth Zion Day Ihirsery to the Infant Home
at California Ave. and Hirsch St. 77as a great success. Beside the thousands
of female members of the IT^irsery, many invited organisations also marched in
the parade.
Two bands of m:^isic led the parade from Wicker Park to the grounds of the
Infant Home.
Thousands of people of the Jewish-vicinity of the Northwest Side came out
of their homes to see the parade, then fell in line and marched along.
A beautif\il scene were the trucks decorated with flowers carrying the
children of the present nursery.
The children were cheered all the way by the thousands of people on the
sidewalk on both sides of the street.
On the grounds of the new infant home various speakers addressed the crowds,
and a large fund was created towards the building of the institution.
Page 2.
"31c (?)
WPA (ILL) ?ROi 3Q275
hica^o Forward, Septemter 12, 1921,
Seven tho-asand dollars were pledged, !Phe TTeil Brothers of the Vfeil Brothers
Pramting Company, paid $1,0000 for laying the first stone.
Joseph Rasniak of Milwaukee Avenue paid $S00#00 for laying the second
stone, and the "balance cajne in various denominations.
The most applause was received ty Mrs, L* Higer, the founder of the nursery,
who is doing so much of the work toward the "building of the infant home*
Ur, Louis Heingold was the marshal of the parade.
II B 1 c (3)
WPA (ILL) PRCJ. 3027^
Forvb-ard May 30, 1921
This Saturday the first anniversary of the V/. C. Lyceum v/ill be
•Delegates of workmen's circle branches, central labor organizations,
administrations, and friends of the v/crkraen' s circle v/ill assemble in the
large hall of the Lyceum and will participate in a nagnificient banquet.
II B 1 0 (3)
II D 1
FORWARD, October 24, 1920.
WPA (ILL.) PROJ 30275
The Officers of the free Jewish Shelter are inviting the Jewish Public
of Chicago to its House wanning at 1246 S. Sawyer Jive., Sunday Oct 24th
at 3 PJI.
Prcaidnent Rabbis will speak; an Orchestra will play.
Refreshments will be served, and a rich program will be presented.
Everybody is invited •
Herman Elovitz, President.
Elierer Adler, Vice President.
Jacob Tvery,Secreta3Tr«
II B 1 0 (o)
III 3 2
II 3 1 a
Forward, October 2, li^^iU.
Ilev/s of the Labor World.
ViPA (ILL) pro; 30275
The Succoth Banquet of the Jewish ?:ational Labor Yerband
will be held at the home oi Ghaver A. Kipnis to-night at 8:o'clocic.
Those present will have the pleasure of hearing Cantor A. Greenoerg
sing some of the many Jewish J'ol^ songs for which he is noted.
Forward, October 2, l^j^O
Hews of the Labor World.
All committees which have taicen ticKets for the 5:uocouh Con-
cert Ox Arbeitering (V/orKers* Circle) Schools and have not paid
for them are requestea to present themselves at the Box office of
the theater at 4:00 o'clock and present all monies collected in
the sale of tickets.
II B 1 C (5) J^nSH
Daily Jewish Courier, June 20, 1919 •
Sixteenth street carnivai/
Thanks to the untiring efforts of !vlr, Samuel Malts, president of the
Sixteenth Street Bank, the long-planned carnival on Sixteenth Street
will be opened finally tomorrow evening. It vdll extend, on Sixteenth
Street, from Kedzie to Crawford Avenue, and will continue until June 24.
This carnival will be interesting and amusing. Participants have exerted
their greatest efforts and energies to make it a success. Streets will
be decorated, bands will play, and various amusing games will be held.
Mr. Meyer Blaz, promoter of the carnival, has arranged, besides the various
shows and animal displays, to have ::r. Harry Hich, the noted actor, perform,
free of charge, some of his fajnous tricks, such as pulling two automobiles
with his teeth. Having a shell explode after a huge cannon is tied to his
teeth, etc., etc.
II 3 1 c (.3) - 2 -
Daily Jewish Courier, June 20, 1919.
It is quite certain that the rusioents of the above-Lientioned neighborhood
v/ill have a good time during the ten day's run of the carnival •
II B 1 c (S)
Daily Jewish Gourier, July 10, 1917*
Chicago Jewry will assemble at three large memorial meetings to commemorate
the death anniversary of Dr. Theodore Herzl, organizer and founder of the
present great Zionist movement* The meetings will be held at the Herzl
public school, Lawndale and Douglas Blvd., the Hebrew Institute, and the
Jewish Educational Alliance, North «/ood Street* Cantors, Milkowski, Lipner,
and Reichlin will officiate at the meetings, A large attendance is expected
in all three places*
Good speakers will address the meetings* Everyone is invited to come and
honor the memory of the greatest Jewish leader of the present generation*
II B 1 c (
II B 2 f
Daily Jewish Courier, Mar, 6, 1916,
t <
1 wn. S'
More than seven hundred people came yesterday evening to witness the opening of
the Bezalel exposition at the Hebrew Institute. The public enjoyed the program,
which consisted of good music and brief talks* Nearly all present made purchases
of the Bezalel antiques.
Tonight^s opening of the Bezalel exposition, set for 7 P.I',, is under the super-
vision of the following Zionist organizations: Jewish National Club, Herzel
Zionist Society, and first H\mgarian Society. Professor Huffman will act as
chairman, and I«Ir. Philip Seaman, superintendent of the Hebrew Institute, will be
the main speaker. He will speak on Bezalel and Jewish Arts.
'^^vo well-known talented musicians, together with I.Iiss Jennett Robinson at the
piano, and Mr. Irving Levin, violinist, will entertain the public.
II B 1 c (3)
II A 3 a
WPA (!LL.) PROJ. 30275
Daily Jewish Courier, Jan, 29» 1915*
Chicago Jews will soon have an opportunity to see Jewish art work of the
Bezalel school in Jerusalem. Mr. Nathan D, Kapleui, Grand Master of the
Order Knights of 2ion- announces that he has made all necessary arrange-
ments for the original Jewish art exhibition.
The exhibition will be held at the Douglas Park iiuditorium from Feb. 11th
to Feb. l6th. The exhibition will be closed all day Saturday.
Professor Boris Shatz, the founder of the Bezalel school, is now making a
tour in America where he thus far hats been very successful wherever he has
displayed for the first time genuine Jewish works of art from the only
Jewish school of art in Jerusalem,
II B 1 c (5)
II A 3 a
- 2 -
Daily Jewish Courier, Jan. 29 » 1915*
In New York and other laro;e cities where the public already has had the
opportunity to see the exhibition, the inspiration was great. Every
where it aroused wonder and interest in the great progress that Jewish
artists have made* In Chicago, America's second largest city, Professor
Shatz expects the same success as in New York.
II B 1 c (3)
II A 3 c
Daily Je\^dsh Coiirier, Feb. 19, 1914.
.^iIlAT'3 ?.:i33INa ^ 'm:: 3R3iJ.EL EXKInIT
IVe have visited the Bezalel Art iSxliibit in the Douglas Park Institute and
scrutinized every piece of art displayed there, starting v;ith the 500-dollar
carpet down to the most trivial 25-cent toy, yet we were not enthused by the
countless numbers of artistic articles which our eyes sav; and our hands felt,
Let those who believe that tlie Jewish race is extinct marvel upon seeing a
carpet bearing an original Je'.vish design woven by the i'in:_^ers of a Jewish
weaver; let those who believe that Israel is dead marvel upon seeing a
Jewish artistic design on gold, silver or copper; let the illiterates stare
upon discovering^, artistic interwoven objects according to a model that is
specifically Jewish, and let those v/ho believe that Israel will cease to
exist ]narvel upon seeing small and large articles, which can only be pro-
duced by youthful hands and sound minds.
II B 1 c (5) - 2 - JgWISE
II A 3 C
I C Daily Jewish Courier^ Feb. 19, 1914.
We who believe and know that the Jevash people live like other peoples,
having their ovm originality, their Oivn concepts, their own aesthetics,
knew beforehand what we could see at a Jewish art exhibit. V/e understood,
for example, that a design made by a Jewish artist for a carpet would not
show Jupiter bringing thunder upon the world or Prometheus stealing sacred
fire. iVe had a feeling, and so it was, that a Jewish carpet designed by a
Jewish artist represents a Garden of iSden where the most beautiful trees
yield on their branches the fruit v^ith which the Jev/ish land is blessed
and in whose shadows colorful peacocks promenade, proudly displaying the
splendor of their rich feathers, with which God blessed them. Upon scru-
tinizing this pattern, one unconsciously feels the appeasing solemn spirit
that flows from the roses of Palestine and from the lilies of Sharon.
Here we hold in our hands a piece of art carved in silver, another design
by a Jewish master of art. It is understood that on no model swords and
guns can be found. On this there are no armed huntsmen who lie in wait for
animals which are trapped with the aid of trumpets and drums by huntsmen to
whom bloodshed is a pleasure. The Jewish artist portrays a rising sun whose
II B 1 c (5) - 3 - JEi/ISK
II A 3 c
I C Daily Jewish Courier, Feb. 19, 1914.
rays shine upon an aged but vigorous man who tills the soil that absorbs the
seeds of nutrition for the world. It is wonderful how this old man stands
before the sun, his aged eyes bein/.^ strong enough to endure the powerful rays
of a Palestine sun; that Jevj does not fear sunshine.
Then our eyes were arrested by a oicture, not painted but woven. It differs
little, however, for the thouglit is just as well conveyed through the dif-
ferent-colored threads as it would have been tlirough paints. And what do you
suppose does such a Jev/ish artist express? It is so originally Jewish that
It is worth a great deal of laeditation, because graves are not originally
Jewish concepts, although they are plentiful in Palestine; the Jewish artist
did not depict ruins, although the Jewish Land Is full of them. Graves and
ruins can find no niche in the mind of a Jewish artist who is full of hopes.
An original model by a Je;vish artist Is a beautiful, prosperous city v;here
Ilia and enjoyment prevail; where the youth dance and the old folk play;
where 11^* ht and life, repose and contentment are in every corner.
1^ y
II B 1 c (3)
II A 3 c
' 4: -
Daily Jevjish Courier, Feb. 19, 1914
And just study a bedecked Je'vish crov/n. One of them is at the art exhibit.
How it differs from a non-Jewish one. First of all, it isn't lar.^e enough
to fit a human head. The Jewish artist cannot even picture a cro^vn being
an object that a hurrian head is entitled to wear. In accordance v/ith the
Jewish c^oncept, a crown can only be placed upon a Sephar Torah Scrolls of
the Law/ and the design of a Je?;ish crovm does not syrribolize the sword of
justice, nor the cudgel of force. The Jewish crown is adorned with Stars
of David, the six-pointed stars that irradiate and protect those who jeelc
light and protection.
And so are all the countless articles typically Jewish, and there is no ^
reason v;hy a Jev; should become astonished upon visiting the exhibit. One
can hov/ever be justified in marveling at the side remarks by the various
attendants of all sorts of classes.
II B 1 c (3) - 5 - JEy/ISH
II A 3 c
I C Dally Jewish Courier, Feb. 19, 1914.
A discussion, which took place among fiery Zionists, in which one attempted
to oubreirgue another, was brought to ouv attention. One reasoned that the
Bezalel School is the cradle of the Jevyish people, who will in due time
grow into a giant and become equal with all other nations of the world.
Another one speaks his mind, proving that the Bezalel Exhibit is the
resurrection of the Jewish people and it is veritable evidence that Jews
will again come to power like the Bulgarians, Greeks, and others. Poor
Zionists, hov/ little they understand the Jev/ish race. They are unaware of
the fact that Jews have never become extinct and therefore need not look
forward to a resurrection; they know not that the children of Judah need
no cradle nor are they in want of growth. They are gigantic enough as they
are, and healthy enough physically and spiritually.
This was the only surprise we encountered at the exhibit. But, we must say
that we have noticed that something is missing at the exhibit and through
its absence it renders the entire exhibit like a soul without a body.
II B 1 c (5) - 6 - J3WISH
II A 3 c
I C Daily Jevdsh Courier. Feb. 19, 1514.
The great flaw that projected from the exhibit was that we have not in
Chicago, nor probably in th^ whole of America, a Jew v/ith Jewish inspiration,
with a true Jev/ish conception. Nearly all of the attendants at the ex-
hibit viewed the objects with non-Jev/ish eyes, iilvery article was compared
with a similar article made in an nmerican factory or by an ^^merican artist.
Before us stood tv;o women, wealthy Jeivish women of Chicago, v;ho apparently
were critics of art. They have ample time to pay visits to Chicago's art
camps, where artistic work of many peoples from all parts of the world, is
sold. They were diligently examining one of the most valuable carpets pro-
duced by the Bezalel School. They spoke of the softness of the materials; of
the harmonious mixture of colors; of the refined lustre that is reflected
by the artistic weaving::; of the tenderness of the erect edges; every partic-
ular is discussed as if by great critics, but about the essence, about the
typically Jewish original model, not a wo3rd. The pattern :vhich is the es-
sence of the carpet, ii*iich casts forth its individual greatness, receives
no one's attention. vVhen someone decides to purchase a carpet, he or she
ftf.n. !^ii
II B 1
!-»- A 3 c
c (3)
^ 1 ^
Daily Jewish Courier, Feb. 19, 1914,
Tvlll then see If the design on the carpet, made by a Jexvlsh artist, matches
the wall paper, fuimlture, or other decorations which were designed and
planned by a non- Jewish decorator.
The exhibit was short of visitors with Jewish concepts, with Jewish aesthetlcs,p
with people whose homes are strictly Jewish, where Jewish designs on carpets
should not Interfere with harmony; where an ornament bearing a Jewish de-
sign should not look like an orphan.
And this will always be missing at a Jewish exhibit, as long as there can
be no Jewish environment, as can only exist in a Jewish Homeland.
II B 1 c (5
Daily Jewish Courier, Feb. 12, 1914. WP/i (iLL.) PP0^''n?7t
Yesterday a few hundred people greeted the opening of the Bezalel Exhibit in
Sinai Center, 46th Street and Grand Boulevard. Many proMnent Jewish civic
leaders, who were among the guests, were the first ones to purchase Jewish
antiques produced in the Jewish homeland by Jewish artists.
Jews representing practically every stratum of the Chicago Jewry were present
among them, lirs. Rosenwald, the mother of Julius Rosenv/ald, and her daughter.
Miss Isenstradt; llr. and lJrs# H.A. Loeb; Judge and Ltps. Julian V/. Llack;
Professor Kolin; Dr. and lirs. Stolz; Ltr. and -vlrs. Greensburg; LIr. and Ifrs.
Israel Cowen; Dr. Yudelson; I^. and Ilrs. Isenstein; Judge Hugo Palm; I.B.
Lipson; D. Hecht; I.Irs. Flsh;I.Iax Cler, and a committee representing the
council of Jev/ish women.
The first patronizer of Jewish art was the mother of ISp. Rosenwald, the famous
- 2 - jir.yisH
Daily Jewish Courier, Feb. 12, 1914. ^^ (/a.) Psn,
philanthropist; and the second was her dau^htor, Ivlrs* Nathan D. Caplan. A
great number of visitors followed the precedent set down by the first two buyers,
and Professor Shatz was immediately in receipt of many offers for his artistic
The crowd was immensely pleased v/ith these specimens of Jewish art, which are being
displayed for the first time in Chicago. 3very person left the exhibit satisfied
at having witnessed the f^reat strides made by Jev/ish artists in so short a period.
The exhibit itself was a beautiful sight which enraptured everyone. Costly
oriental rugs were displayed in all corners and knitted and weaved articles
represented Jewish biblical scenes. On one small carpet there v/as a picture
of a meditative shepherd leaning on his staff and keeping watch over his sheep.
Other carpets bore different Jev;ish pictures. The croivd, v/ho stood discussing
the significance of these pictures, was momentarily carried back to Jewish
biblical times.
- 3 - J?.7ISH
Dally Jewish Courier. Feb. 12, 1914. ^Pf^ (illi Pf^Ci w-j-rt
Later in the evening the crowd was augmented by more visitors. A great number
of Jews from the V/est Side did not v/ait until the exhibit had gone to them, but
came to it# This also brought together many Jews from various sections of the
city, who came to witness the fine artistic work of the Bezalel School.
In the early part of the evening, the religious group made Professor Slietz the
center of their attention. V/ith a pleasant smile the professor received the
men an~ women who came to introduce themselves. A v?ry busy man, v;ith long
black h%ir through which there could be detected some silver threads, the
professor fluttered to and fro and, cliiabing to the stage with agility of a
youngster, described the articles to the prospective buyers.
V/hen the crowd drew close to the sta^e, they saw a richly decorated four-
comsred glass case which attracted their attention. The card on it bore the
name of Nathan Strauss, who bought it. The glass case was the xvork of Borris
Shatz himself.
- 4 -
Daily Jewis/i Courier, Feb. 12, 1914
V/hen the Courier ^s reporter left the exhibit, a long row of automobiles were
parked around the temple and throngs v;ere still trying to enter it* At the
time a moderate wind was blowing over the quiet boulevard, just the right
setting for the imagination to v^^ander off to those far away places where Jewish
artists are still creating such artistic masterpieces.
II B 1 c (g) IM^
^ Daily Jev:ish Courier. IIov. 27, 1913.
lilr. Griff enhogan, v:lio v/as elected a sheriff in ITev; York^s last election,
is Chicago's guest. He has visited inany Chicago Jev/ish civic \vorkers
to faniliarize himself with social v:ork.
At a bountiful dinner, given in L'r. G-riffenhogan's honor by LIr. Henry
Frind, he was introduced to the officials of Chicago and Cook County,
llr. Llichael ^irpxier, Sheriff of Cook County, and l'!r. Anthony Cermak,
bailiff of the Municipal Court, escorted Llr. Griffenhogan through city
and county institutions.
- 2 - JEV/I3H
Daily Jev/ish Courier, Nov. 27, 1913.
-Among those attending the dinner v;ere: Con'-ressman *^, J. Sabath, Judge
Joseph Sabath, Judge Harry 11. Fisher, Sheriff Zimner, Bailiff Cermak, and
Mr. A. Levi, a nephev; of I.Ir. Griffenhogan.
Lir. B. Hon'/itch, an old friend of L'r. Griffenhogan, acquainted him with
Je-.vish Chicago and its activities.
55,V ° (^) JEWISH
III C - •
17 '
Daily Jewish Courier, 3ept. 29> 1913»
Yesterday the Chicago Jewry celebrated with extreme enthusiasm, music
and speeches, the consecration of the largest and most beautiful synagogue
in America*
Thousands of men, women and children participated in the great festival
and by their presence they added a real Jewish color to the beautiful
neighborhood, where the synagogue was built, on Douglas Blvd.
The automobile parade, arranged by the Zionist organization, the Volunteers
of Zion and Monte Fiore Guards, was a grand spectacle. The order was
better than expected and everything was carried through with great tact
and punctuality •
- 2 - JE;7ISHs>c/ ^'
Daily Jewish Courier, Sept, 29> 1913«
About 2x00 p. m., the President, Mr» H* M» Bariiet, called the meeting
to order and Rap'pi Ephraim Epstein, of the synagogue, recited a laconic
prayer* Then the president introduced the chairman of the Consecration Com-
mittee, Mr. A. J» Hadis, who introduced llr. U. Solk, chairman of the
Building Committee.
The following delivered inspiring talks: Rabbis 2sriel Epstein, A. B»
Coldenson, Saul Silber, Ruben Mushkin, and Judges Hugo Palm and Harry
The consecration ceremonies lasted until 9^00 p. m., after which a large
sum was raised for the synagogue^
Sr II B 1 c (3)
: : I C
Chicago Hebrew Institute Observer. November 1912#
/ !
y •
The Weekly Social Dance.
Among the many noteworthy features at the Institute is the weekly
social dance, in the large hall* It is not only one of the most popular ^
activities of the Institute, but also one of the most wholesome and benefi- J
\. " cial recreational interests there e
\ In the first place, the dance brings the young people of the West
'I Side together socially* And this is no mean benefit* The decent young
people of this neighborhood are socially starved. Por there is no other place
where the youth who does not care to go to the cheep dance-hall can spend
their eveidngs* They have no opportunity to mingle socially with those who
regard them as their social equals*
In most cases our immigrants » who constitute an important element
at these dances, were brought here by industrietl exigencies* People* in the
same factory, or living in the same house hail from different parts of the
. fP?l^§» ^^^9 thust strangers to one another, they look with distrust upon
. . f ■ ■
. .^:^ .-:i._
Page 2.
Chicago Hebrew Institute Observer, Kovember 1912. -^
their neighbors and are so looked upon* Here, then, there can be little _
chance for social intercourse. Where shall they turn for the satisfaction ^
of their social instincts?
Says Miss Jane Addams, in her Spirit of Youth and the City Streets:
i "One of the most pathetic sights in the public dance-halls of Chicago
is the number of young men, obviously honest young fellows, who stand about
vainly hoping to make the acquaintance of some nice girl^ They look eagerly
up 'and down the rows of girls, many of whom are drawn to the hall by the same
keen desire for pleasure and social intercourse which the lonely young men I
themselves feel.
The Hebrew Institute, therefore, by getting up these social dances,
is rendf^ring a great service to the community* At these dances, he who cares
can meet people, make friends, and acquire those small social amenities, the
Page 3,
JBfflSH i
▼alu9 of which all of us appreciate • Thus* not only does the dance occasion
afford instruction in the Rules of Etiquette and Oood Behavior, but the o
chaperonage of several committees of the Institute, a paid person on the i^
floor, and the suarveillance every now and then of a detective to safeguard S
the young people, as it has never occurred to those who make profit out of ^
this invincihle love of pleasure to do this for our youth in their public
dance halls • A visit to one of the Sat\irday evening dances will convince
any visitor at once how definite a function this novel activity fulfills, add
how it is possible by adequate care to safeguard it against the perils atten-
dant upon it where it is run for private profits
A. P. Drucker.
II B 1 c C^)
II D 10
Coarler Dec* 26* I9II
Theodor Herz^ Ladies Aid Society
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30276
We are the only society nhich responds quickly with relief to the needy* As
soon as we hear of anyone in need of relief* We immediately get htu3y*
Therefore we appeal to onr Sisters, Brothers and friends who possess a Jewish
heart and Jewish sympathy to help us supply the tmf or ttinate needy ones with the
necessities of life this winter* Oar treasury at present is almost empty, and
we have decided to give a benefit ball in order to raise sufficient money
for the poor and needy this winter* We appeal to you again to help us make
this ball a successi by as many tickets as you can for by so doing you will help
us take care of all who come to us for help and we will not have to turn away the
the poor who eppeal for help* The ball will take place Satiirday evening,
Dec* 30th at the Illinois Hall, Madison and Ogden Sts* We assure the public a
most enjoyable evening* We hope that you will all come and help us make this a
success* Music by Teller's orchestra. Tours Hespecffully
Sarah Lipschits, President, Minnie Zlskind, chairman, Lena Lerman, Ball chairman,
Sarah Grawick, Treasurer, Lena Sack&eim, Secretary*
tr- J
II B 2 g
II S 1 a
WPA (rLUPROJ.302?i
Courier, Decemter o, 1911*
Chicago's Cook Pot
Under the aus'cices of the He1:re\7 Institute, »iion:en's Ciuo, a Eaxiukah
Festival for Je^vish children will be given, in which all Sahbath school children
will participate* Tliis program 7.-111 consist of ;oeveral m-jsical niimbersi livirig
plctiires of EanakaJi History, etc.t all under the s"'Jipervislon of Miss Ease
Bloom* !?he Connittet fc*^ tl-.e Entertainrient consists of the fcllowi:'ig ladies:
IkTZm !•&. Grossterg, llrs, !• Grinsher^, Mrs. I, Lasker, lirs* Itahiner,
Urs. Gold, l^rs, liendel Shur, iirs* J# i7ien*ber^", lirs. G.LI. Gla^er, Mrs. Chas. Lev^%
and llrs* BenJaJTiin Davis*
Tlie He "brew Institute v;ill h^ve a general discussion next;,.'-, for the
To-jing Lien's Cluh of the Institute. Lir. Harry A. Lipskj' will act as Chairrian,
and Messrs. B. Hurovlts, ITathan D. Kaplan, and Jacoh Lerhosky will address the
^ *> .»
II 3 1 c
II 3 2 g
II 5 1 a
WPA (ILL.) PROj. 302:75
Chic.-.oO^s Cook Pot
audience* ^I?he tirasical-program will be rendered by the r:>llowirjg players;
lulss Joiinie Liebson, Fiano Sole; Llisc ILzte Berfe^.r;, 7ocal Solo;
Miss Hose Vito, Violin Solo; and Llr. Otto I/iillard, Vocal Solo*
The Lavrndale Club, 3522 Douglas Blvd., is givirig. a ii:c-;:t enjoyable
musical entertr-lnnient this evening, for its nenbers and friends.
Ihe He settlement Committee to which several Jewish T7omen urere ap-
pointed Ir-st Spring, became a permajient institution* Its raain activities will
be: Assisting the innigrants rrith their night- schools, vja^'os, businesses, etc.
Tliis conimittee \7ill also advise them Low to bring their families from other
countries to the United States, and iouk after their welf ra^e and comfortf after
they arrive' here*
- ■ V,- *£.■''.. . '. .v\
- • .^age 3.
II 2 1 c (3)
II £ 2 g
■ II 2 1 a
. ^ ' ' ap ^K M x^
1: • .J Cc-jrier> Decemloer 3, 19II.
There vrill "be an office in the Mebrev/ Int;titute for this project, \?hich
(^J will "be open eTery Sunday from 10 Ai<l, to IS-Hoon. Headquarters will >^e open
^.ij' every !Ihiesd£iy eveniiig at 7^3 Plymouth Co^.irt.
lirs. Julius Stone is Chairman of this Committee, and Miss Julia Pelsenthal^
n B 1 c (^)
rr D 4
Courier Hov* 28, I9II
Chicago's Jewish Anntial Ball. This hall is the only public affair is which
Chicago Jews will have the opporttmity to get together with their wires,
sons and daughters and enjoy a truly enjoyable Jewish evening in an up to date
This ball must bring in enongh money to build the new home in Chicago for
the 200 Jewish orphans. The 24th of December is the day of the ball at the
Colosseum and we expect the Jews of Chicago to come to the ball in masses and
thereby assure the building of the orphans homOf which will be called the
Marks Nathai Jewish Orphan home*
II' B 1 c (3) jg;risH
'III B \/;DA /!• I ) on;u v,^97l
Courier, November 17 t I9II
The open dances at the Hebrer Institute are meeting with great success.
They attract a predominantly Jewish element to the Institute, and for the small
fee the young people are able to spend a pleasant evening in a healthy and clean
•atmosphere. The third open dance will take place tomorrow evening.
Uext Sunday at the Institute the third series of Svmday Concerts will take
place under the direction of Alexander Zukowsky.
The Lawndale Club, 33-2 Douglas Blvd., is giving a Reception tonight in honor
of the young Sculptor, I.A# Davidson.
Stereoptican pict^jtres of Palestine Colonies will be the main feature of the
large Program next Sunday. The well-laiown children of Cantor Woldousky and Cantor
Woldousky and Cantor Reichlin will conduct part of the program of the Zionist or-
ganization in the Molner Symigogue, 2126 Central Street. Eabbi Morris Levin and
other speakers will address the audience.
II B 1 o (5)
il D 1
(T^cheiden II D 1)
V/^*A 0\.i , pvf -i-7;
Ccurier^ ITcv. 1, I9ll»
Thfe Bcheriicn Charity -risscciaticn is [jiving its ym^ual ball this evening at
th^ pilsen pavilicn, 26th St» and Albany Ave. Tliis ball is the seocnd ann-
ual ball since the cr^^-^izaticn cf this charitable instituticn.
It is assured by the heads cf tlie cr^ejiizaticn tiiat this will be one of the
nicst enjoyable affairs cf the season. Me ojiticipate a ^reat Jewish attend-
cjice. .^acng the lacst honored guests will be cur h'cn« Mayor harriscn. Con-
gressHon Sabl ath end Judge Joseph Sebbath.
II B 1 c (5)
^PA rn.L \ r^-v / ^r":-vt.
Courier, Cot. 27, IDll.
The Charity Bal- of the Jev;ish Ccnsumptive Relief Society, ivhich will take
place next Sunday evening the 29th, at the First Ren-iiaent ilriuory, proi-dses to
be cne of the mcst enjcyeble affairs cf the season. V/e appreciate end thank
the ladies v;lic v;crk so untiringly for this lacst vj-orthy society.
All Lex seats in the alrnory v:ere sold out Icnj before this undertaking, end
the following are the prcninent persons v;ho bought the box seats i Hon. Hugo
pojii, ::cngressirj5Ji A* j/ Sebbath, \ezark L. Bcrmsh, ::. T* rirenner, Henry Hur-
vitz,^/ Joseph, David Sol Clapter, B. Lcef, ::rs. A. LiebermDn, A. Largolis,
H. Llolner, !.:/• Joseph pldllipson, Saia phillipson, A. S. Roe, B. J. Schiff,
Person ena Davis, Glasier er.d Pordses, E- W. Steele, H. Taver, Sei^iuel
\7clffson, J. V/eissenberg, I. Ferc^uson and A. Aines.
The charitable ladies v/hc participated in this undertaking are as follov/s:
Mrs. H. Tever, B. Ferson, B. Baun^arden, ::. Goldnsn, David S. Clapter,
B. J. Schiff, A. Margolis, R. Lippert, S. B. Levy, S. Greenberg, I. Harx,
L* S. Barnett, !:iss Jennie Alexander, and Etta Grobiner.
n B 1 c (3)
I A 2 a
I D 2 a (2) JSWISE
WPA (ILL.) PROJ. 30275
Courier. June 10, I9IO.
The Public Cook Pot.
Star Auxiliar^,^ presents a new Japanese dance. - Graduation at the Dehorah
Sabhath School. - Deborah Boys Cluh in new headquarters. - "Hehrew Teachers
Sroup," - "Young Nationalists." - "The Lay of the Land." - Womens Trade Union
■ League. - Sunda^^ excursion ajid picnics. - Congratulation to S. B. Komaiko.
A new Japanese dance will iDe presented oy the Star Auxiliary of the Marks
Nathan Home, tomorrow evening, June 11, at the Illinois Hall. Two prizes
will he ay/arded to two people wearing the prettiest costumes. This organiza-
tion has a memhership of more than I50 women actively engaged in helping the
Marks Nathan Home. Tomorrow's dance will be their fourth arjiual celebration
of this kind. All previous affairs were highly successful.
The Deborah Sabbath School of the First Rumanian Congregation invites everj^-
body to their fourth graduation exercises together with an entertainment at
II 3 1 c (3)
I A 2 a
I D 2 a (2) ■ £5!lISH
Courier, J-one 10, ISIO. WP;i (ILL) PROJ. 3G275
which will "be precented the much liked play, "fjaoni and Ruth" - Tuesday,
June 7, at the Hull House Auditorium, corner Fol> and Halsted.
The Detorah Boys Clut has moved into its new headquarters at UoUU Prairie
Ave. With additional members that have heen appointed to the staff, the fu-
ture activity of this group promises to "be highly constructive in the charac-
ter "building of our youth.
The' Hebrew Teachers Group of Chicago will have a meeting at the school of
Mr. Abrahams, I5OI Park Ave. at Robey. The constitution of the group will
be read. It is important that all interested should be present.
The Young Rationalists, a group of young Jewish people, will give a literarj^
and imisical entertainment tomorrow evening at eight at the Annex Hall of the
Page 3
I • n 3 1 c (3)
I A 1 a
• ' 'l D 2 a (2) jawISH
Courier, Jwae 10, I9IO. Y^'PA (fJ.Lj Poq/ 3^.
Chicago Hebrew Institute. The Cluh holds its meetings every Saturday
arvening and everyhod^r is invited to attend.
The Post Office Clerks Association will hold its annual excursion and pic-
nic in Glenwood Park on the Fotl River near Batavia. Eight special trains on
the Elgin and Chicago Railroads have "been chartered. Many games and prizes
are scheduled and a good time is assured the post-office clerks and their
families. Round- trip tickets and admission to the Park are 50^ •
The Courier has this week, announced the engagement of Mr, S. B. Komaiko to
Miss Pauline Stein of West Pullman, Mr, Komaiko is siafficiently acquainted
to the readers of the Courier "by his literary contributions to make it su-
perfluous for us to further praise him. The Daily Courier taJces this oppor-
tunity^ to congratulate the happy couple.
(Signed) The Cook-Spoon,
II B 1 C (3^
•I E
Courier, !L!ay 20, 1910.
Baxiquet ir hcmor of Mr* Adolph Krause*
The Chicago Lodge of the order P^nai B'^rith celebrated the re-electicn of
their Grand ^fester, Mr. Adolph Krause to that office with a very impressive
banquet yesterday evening.
The banquet which was one of the most elaborate ever given by our Germaii Jews,
took place at the Hotel La Salle. Mr. Hugo Sorjaenschein was toast-^naster. Mr.
A. P. Zelenfreund, the Grand Secretary of the order B*nai P'rith spoke of the
virtues of the orgaiiizetlcn comparing favorably with the 'Jorld Zionist Congress
Mr. San^uel Alschulei spoke on the life of Mr. Krause, end being Mr. Krause* s
business partner, be v/as very well able to speak on the far flung activities of
Mr. Krause. Congratulatory telegrams were received from all the lodges of the
Middle Western States. The V/est Side Jews were represented at the banquet by
iCr. B. Horwich, Leon Zolotkoff , end Mr. S. B. Komaiko.
II B 1 c (3)
II D 1
Courier, May 9, I910.
Lileu; Party and Dance sponsored by West Side Ladies Society.- -
To be held on May lUth at the Illinois Hall, Madison and Ogden Ave. The
affair promises to be the largest of the season.
The West Side Ladies Charity Society is sufficiently well known to Chicago
for us to espouse their virtues. It is an organization of Jewish women whose
sole purpose is to lighten the burden of the unfortunate poor and help them
wherever possible. As is well known to people engaged in charity work, the
outlay is always greater than the intake. Therefore, this Party and Dance is
being run to help defray the expenses of their worthy charitable works.
The many necessary committees have been organized, and the affair promises
to be highly successful. Our West Side public is cordially invited to at-
II B 1 c (3) JEIMSH
II D 6
Courier. May 9, 1910,
Nei^torhood Play Festival.
Last Saturday's Play Festival scheduled at West Park No, 1, was put off
until this Wednesday hecause of last Saturday's heavy rain. The program
will he as originally scheduled. The Jewish part of the program is heing
conducted hy the Northwestern University Settlement. The program promises
to he highly interesting and everyhody living on the Northwest Side is in-
II B 1 c (3)
WPA (ILL.) PROJ. 30275
Courier. May 8, I9IO.
Past Commanders Association. Order Knights of Joseph.
We wish to inform our worthy public that we art having a minstrel show of
U5 participants entertaining us at our Entertainment and Ball to "be given
tonight at the West Side Auditorium, 12th and Center St.
We assure you a most pleasant evening of joy »nd entertainment. The actors,
who have, incidentally, made their own costumes have assured us that they
will spare nothing to entertain our public. Come and see what Past Command-
ers can do in the way of providing for your entertainment.
(Signed) The Committee,
u I-
II 3 1 c n)
II B 1 d
W?h (ILL) PRO J. 30275
Courier. Aoril 3, I9IO
Jev'ish Dramatic League
(For a clean Yiddish 3to£i)
A lar^;,e literary and mnsical eveninr;; has been arranged "by the
Jewish Dra-^.atic Lea^i^e Sat^irday evening', Aoril 9^''^ ^^ ^-® Hebrew.'
Tv'o sketches, recitations, anc reacin^-^s of the best poets.
Also a ridi musical program. Ten cents adinission.
• tt B 1 C (3)
The Dally Jewish Courier. October l6th, 1908.
One of the grandest balls will take place "Slmchath Torah" in the
luxurious hall of the New Jewish Institution, which was Just
purchased* ALL ARE EXPECTED^ ♦
Sunday evening - "The Eve of Rejoicing in "The Torah", in the
beautiful and spacious hall of the newly purchased Hebrew Institute,
a ball will be given, which is the final act of the glorious
festival, which continued the entire Mid- Week of Succoth, at the
park of the Hebrew Institute. The Arrangement Committee, which
bears the responsibility to make this affair a success, assures the
public that this ball will be different from any ever held for the
benefit of a Jewish Institution. -
The hall is beautifully decorated and will be brightly illuminated.
It has a great capacity, assuring everyone of the maximum degree of
comfort. There will be a fine orchestra, and the dancers will have
a grand time .
no 6 ° ^^^ WPA (ILL.) PROJ. 30275
The Dally Jewish Gourier. October l6th, 1908.
The Jewish youth of Chicago should take advantage of this opportunity
and come to the ball en masse, for not only will they enjoy themselves,
but they will also share In this noble Institution- The Hebrew Institute,
which was founded with the sole objective of Implanting Judaism and
American Patriotism among the Jewish people.
To mlsB this affair will mean to lose an evening of merriment, of which
you may have sweet memories In the years to come. Jews of all walks of
life will participate In this affair, and this offers an opportunity, to
meet people, whom you have not seen for a long time, and whom y6u will
not be able to meet elsewhere.
The need for the Hebrew Institute Is deeply rooted within the hearts of
Chicago Jews, and It Is therefore, our sincere hope that this ball
will be a success.
Remember the ball Sunday evening, where you will surely enjoy yourself
and help lead a Jewish Institution to success.
The Hebrew Institute is located at Taylor, Little and Sybley Streets^
All cars take you there.
II E 1 c (3)
III B 3 1)
W?A (ILL.) PROj. 30275
Courier, Octolier 12, igOS,
Great Succoth Celebration in the Hetrew Institute,
A great congregation of Jewish people consisting of 2,225 men and women who
for a long time have not experienced the delight of a Succoth affair, assembled
in the colossal Succoh, at the Chicago Hehrew Institute. They enjoyed them-
selves and ate very appetizing dishes, which were served xinder the management
of Mrs, Kale. Mr. Kalish and a corps of assistants saw to it that none pres-
ent left with an empty stomach hut made sure, that they left with empty pockets.
Mrs. J. Levin and Mrs. P. Shapiro deserve honoratle mention for their wonder-
ful work. These women certainly knew their customers!
But eating alone is not sufficient, for Succoth is a period of joy and gladness.
Thus, all who were present participated in the joyful celebration. As for
money, no one was asked for more than they had in their pockets.
One of the outstanding values, which may "be obtained at present at the Hebrew
Institute, is a $25 vase for only 10^, which is sold by Miss Phillipson - the
Page 2
II B 1 c (3)
III B 3 b
Courier, October 12. ISOS. WPA (ILL) PROJ 30?/5
only daughter of Joseph PhilliDSon, In view of a misunderstanding, she had
sold tlfis vase to several hundred persons, and in order to give every one an
equal chance, the vase will he raffled off and it will go to some lucky win-
Mrs. J. L. Marks, who is in charge of the ice cream, did very little business.
The vaudeville show, under the direction of Mr. Karkus, was very attractive
and inexpensive and therefore enjoyed a full house continuously. Mrs. Rubin
chairman of the flower booth, had something new and entirely different. For
the price of a dime or two nickels - a quarter and sometime 50^ » one could
possess a flower, which never withers, has a perpetual color and odor. When
questioned by a reporter, whether or not these flowers were made of paper,
she replied with dignity - shrugging her shoulders. Mrs. Nathan displayed
remarkable skill in selling these flowers.
The Roamward Club possesses privileges of Monte Carlo and the wheel of chance.
These young men have voices, which can awaken the dead, and even though you
II B 1 c (3)
Hi B 3 b
1 B k
V^PA(iLL)PROJ. 30275
Courier. October 12, 19bS,
are financially embarrassed, they will take away the car fare, which you
have ciarefully tucked in your coat lining.
Mrs* B. Baumgarten is queen of the needle craft booth, and everyone gladly
takes a chance for these wonderful articles. The public is very anxious to
obtain these articles. Beautiful girls under the guidance of Mr, Nathan
Kaplan, are distributing applications for membership and are recruiting mem-
bers by the dozen.
The Succoth celebration will continue for the entire week. It will be open
to the public twice a day, at 2 P. M. and 7 P« M. Each performance will have
special attractions, in order to draw a crowd.
On the day when the Torah is being honored, the celebration will end with a
grand ball.
II B 1 c (5)
III G (Zionism)
The courier, Dec. 9, 1907.
The art school entertainment last Saturday evening at the Lletrcpclitan Hall
spcnscred by the Poale Zicne Ladies Auxiliary v/ill be Icn^ remenbered. The
house was full of people from all parts of the city, arjd from all walks
of life. The hall was packed with people who came to demonstrate their ^reat
love for the nevr institute v/hich the nation has established in Pale-
The evening was opened by I.liss Sadie Greenspaji, who spoke of the roles as being
played by the members of this art school of geniuses. She also described the
living conditions of the artists in the art school and in conclusion explained
the importence of this institution in Palestine, which the Jev/s of Chicago
ajid other Jev;ish coiamunities must help support. The school is sponsored main-
ly by the Poale Zion organization. Dr. Marcus also spoke on the subjects of
Chanukah and the art school in Palestine. He stressed the importance of the
school, stating that its existence depended upon /j.erican Jews.
" ^ ^ ° (^) - 2 - jmsH
III G (Zionism)
The Courier, Dec. 9, 1S07,
After these addresses, a j;rand choir sane a few beautiful Jewish sonss;
recitations followed* The audience spent a most enjoyable evening, which
also proved to be a great finoncial success for the Bezalel Art School."
" B X c (?)
II B 1 d
VVPA(iLL)PROJ, 30275
Courier, January 25, 1907»
Heard and Seen.
The heavy rain last night did not prevent the Hebrew Literary Society "ball
from heing a great success* Mr» Ubx Schulman and his sister led the spectac-
ular march (grand) of two hundred young couples. This was undoubtedly the
most beautiful grand march the Jewish people of Chicago have ever witnessed.
The ball of the Hebrew Literary Society was a big success, financially and
socially. The dancers spent a most enjoyable evening and those who did not
dance passed their time indulging in a few glasses of carmel wine and other
good drinks. When the clock struck three, the crowds departed, feeling that
it had been worth while to spend the evening with the Hebrew Literary Society*
Courier. January U. I907 '^'^^' (^''-^') PROJ.302?5
Many fhcmks from the Jewish Orpharis Home.
In the name of all directors, of the Jewish Orphan's Home we extend mamy
thanks to the Jewish public of Chicago for the interest they showed in attending
the charity hall of the Marks Nathan Orpharfs Home. We are convinced that a good
many of you were not fortunate enough to take part in the pleasant entertainment
program. It is all due to the unexpectedly large crowd which came to the ball.
We did not expect the throng of people to be so tremendous. We realize that many
were turned away. The Entertainment Committee was powerless, it could not pos-
sibly satisfy all the visitors, so we beg your pardon. This being the first ball
of its kind, the committee was not fully prepared to cope with the occasion. But
we hope that at the next ball, the committee m^ be better prepared to care for
all visitors, that no one will be turned away. Nevertheless, we ought to be satis-
fied and proud of the success we had with this ball - it being the first venture
of this kind.
A full report of the expense and net profit of the ball will be published in
the Jewish News department of the Daily Jewish Courier at an early date. Hoping
that every Jewish person will be perfectly satisfied^
I remain yours respectfully,
Jacob Levy, Pres.
II B 1 c (5)
Illinois Staats-Zeitun:^. July 23 > 1900.
p. 8 - The dedication of the synagogue to be erected by the Tipheret
Zion Congregation at 588 N, Lincoln Street, took place yesterday.
The first Jewish speaker on this occasion was Rabbi Brody. He said:
••It is the Lord's will that priests serve as teachers of the people.
Nations are supposed to supplement these teachers, but fail at times
to perform their duty. The people of Israel have become disunited, and
suffered persecution of their race for centuries, the punishment
meted out by the Alimghty.'^
Rabbi Brody appealed to his fellow-believers, .vealthy or poor, or what-
ever their nationality might be, to have one object in mind, namely,
- 2 -
Illinois Staats-Zeitungt July 23, 1900.
The next speaker, Dr. Rappeport, delivered his address in English.
He too stressed the importance of the unity of the Jews. He said: •
••The orthodox church was the foundation of all our churches.- Its
doctrines have been taken from the book of Talmud...."
The third speaker was Judge Gibbons. He said in English: •The history
of the Jews reveals that theirs was a mighty contribution to the
world's civilization in those dark days of 2,000 years ago." He
pointed to the close contact in everyday life, between the Jews and the
Christians. To become good Christians is then only possible, when
the lofty ideas of Judaism are accepted. Cooperation b etween Jews and
Christians is of vital importance....
II B 1 c (3)
The Reform Advocate, wk. of March 6, 1S96» p. 52. :5
The West Chicago Cluh will have a masquerade hall on Purin Night, the 2Uth
inst. Prizes will he awarded to the two most original costumes and the two most
Elahorate preparations are heing made for the closing of the West Chicago *s
children's dancing class. A German pageant will he given on March 21st, with a
display of fancy dancing.
The senior dancing class closes Friday night.
II B 1 c (3) JEWISH
II D 1
The Reform Advocatt, Ik. of February 8, IS96. P.S93.
The net profits of the annual Y. M* H« C. A. Charity Ball amounted to
$21,500t which ie about $3,000 more than was realized by last year's ball.
II B 1 c (3) JEWISH
II D 10
The Rafonc Advocate. Wk» of March 2, I895. p. 30, "c^^
The Harmony Charity Circlet coxnpoeed of 2^ North Side yoting ladies and
gentlemen will give their first affsdr at Masonic Hall» The entire proceeds
are to go to Charity* The officers of the society are president, Chas«
Reinaoh, vice-president. Miss 1. Wetterhahn, secretary, Miss Abqt Cohen,
treasurer. Miss Iva Levy*
ll B 1 c (3) JEWISH ^
II B 2 f
Th» Heform Advocate > Wk. of Petruary 23, 1895* p.l^» ''A
In the early part of April, a grand mask camlval will be held at the
Auditorium for the benefit of the Jewish Training School* The entertainment
promises to be one of the most brilliant from a spectacular point of view,
yet to be seen in this city* A celebrated designer is already busy with the
plans, concocting magnificent floats, tableaux and representative pictures*
n B 1 c (^)
"^ ■
The Reform Advocate > Wk. of December 1, IS9U. p.2Ul,\^
*Bo8lta^ an operetta in two acts, was sung \j amateurs before an audl--
ence coioposed of members and guests of the Lakeside Club» Among those appear-
ing in the operetta were Uiss Millie Benjamin, as Rosita, Uiss Stella Adler,
as Dolores, lfr« E« Benjamin as Oarrick and Mr. Lee Jacobs as the bandit chief.
Carlo 8«
II B 1 c (3)
II B 2 f
The Reform Advocate. Wk. of March 17, IS9U. pp«7^75* -:%
Over 10,000 tickets have heen sold for the amateur minstrel performance to he
given March 27th at Battery D. Hall, in aid of the Jewish Training School.
This is said to he the largest advance sale for anything of this nature ever
known in Chicego. Much of the credit for this enterprise is due to Mrs^ Levy
Mayer » whose name heads a long list of patronesses,
Emanuel S, Heyman, as interlocutor leads an array of talent especially selected
hy Ed. M. Crane, an old-time artist, who is conducting the rehearsals and will
manage the stage. Rehearsals have heen going on for two weeks, and a stage group
of 50 persons will appear in the first part of the entertainment.
II 3 1 c (3)
Tlie '^.e:>rr: ;.d\-ocate, v;]-:. of ::arc:: 12, 189:3.
S/J^L-rt... :
01 ci'rjs
The pupils of the Zion Sabbat!: School v/ill ::ive a i\irir:; entertain! lent at
the tenple, on ^und^iy, at 2:50 ?• I.:. Tlie . :;ri. cipal featui'os will be a drarna,
"Drea^i of the Centuries/' a I.'.othor G-oo '.'e drill, and the stor:' of PurlVi in
II B 1 c (5)
The Reform Advocate, Dec. 19, 1891,
The Buildinr Coiiiittee of Con2re£::ation Aiishe Sraeth will f^ive a Cha: ukah ball
at Brand* s Hall, Jarxuary 3rd, for the benfit of the fund to erect a nexv house
of worship.
■• r-
II D 1
The Refcrin Advocate^ Nov. 21, 1891.
/?. !.:• ]{. C. ASSOCIATION CliAKITY BALl/
Chicago oen bcpst cf teiri';; the cnly city t at has three na-nificient charity
halls every year. The institutions assisted and the new ones startec are ccn-
stajit evidence cf the oncunt c£ rccd done by these entertairv.onts.
The pioneer charity ball in ChicG,'ro v/as r^iven by the Younf;; Ker.'s Hebrew
Cho.rity Association eleven yeaj-s ago, and each succeedin- year has shown an
increase in interest : nd profit. The anount distributed Inst year v;bs almost
$;,1d,0C0, the expense cf earning; it v;as less than 02 ,200.
As usual, the Y. li. H. C. Association v;ill open t:ie charity ball season with
their affair at the Auditorium on December loth.
The boxes will be auctioned at t:ie Standard Club, Leceraber 6th, end jud-in^
by the applicG.tions, the sale vz-ill be interesting and lively*
II B 1 c (5)
II D 5
The Reforr; .■.dvocate, \ik, of ."aj' 22, 1891.
The Israelitische Altor±oi : Society v/ill ci'^"- i'ts second social next Tues-
day aiterPxCon at the 7/est C icac:o Club and a cordial invita-.ion is e:ctended
to all v:lio are interoGvod in the Soclety^s './oii:.
An address '/ill be delivered I:/ Dr. : ir:-ch, besides v;hich there v;ill be vocal
and instra-iental music, reci'.ations and the rafflinr; of a cage of birds^
At a recent Moetinc of tlie i:ociety it v;as decided to subscribe 03,000 to the
Kone for .'^ed Jev/s, and the ladies v;ill continue to aid this institution as
far as pos::ible.
II B 1 c (5)
J3y:]SH '^
II C The Reform Advocate, July 17, 1891. ^
JjE.'HSE C2ij:bration at v;orid»s faip?7
The question whether there shall be a special Jewish celebration at the V/orld^s
Fair, is again attracting notice because of the call for a meeting of delegates
for the purpose. Many suggestions have been roade. They range from a monument
to a manuscript.
Least open to objection by those who want nothing sectarian, is the proposal of
Dr. Ilirsch for a statue of lessing, the famous eighteenth csxitury Christian
friend of the Hebrew emancipator, Loses I^endelssohn, who is really the embodi-
ment of the spirit of religious liberty.
II E 1 c (5)
IV The Reform Advocate. June 5, 1891.
^^edigatio:: of iT^'i tsi.tie7
The elaborate arran^-enents for the dedication of Anshe I.:ayriv*s handsome new
tenple are about coin; leted. The event will le a r^arked one in the annals of ^^
Chicago Judaisir.. and the ceremonies attendant UTDon it will be in keeping with >S
the grandeur and importance of the celebration* ^
The exercises will take place next Thursday afternoon, June 11th, commencing
at 3:30 o'clock.
A double quartette will furnish the music. Twenty-five of the young men of
the congregation will serve as ushers, Kr. Jacob .!• Eauland being chief.
Invitations have been extended to the mayor and other city officials, the
judges of the various courts, and prominent christian ministers*
The following gentlemen form the Coromittee of Arrangements: Israel Cowen,
chairman; Henry IT. Hart, Louis Benja;;dn, L. H. Freiberger, H. A. Kohn, David
V/ormser, Lazarus Silverman*
II B 1 c (3) - 2 - JS^flSH
IV The Hefom Advocate, June 5, 1891.
The Reception Gonnittee coi^sists of the T.essrs* ^% !.'• Gerstley, Jacob Rosenberg,
H, A. Kohn, J. ..ewrian, Jr., Lazarus Silverman, Leon II. Freiberger, Louis Ben-
jamin, Israel Cowen, Henry N. Hart, Jacob L. Cahn, I.Iax !.'• Rothschild, David
Wormser, ai.d Maier Ilewnan.
II B 1 c(3)
II B 2 f
The Refom Advocate, V/k. of June 5, 1891 •
The strawberry festival civen by Jochannah Lodge last week v/as a social and
financial success* The attendance was large and fashionable, and the receipts
are in the neighborhood of :;1,000, all of which v/ill be devoted to the V/omen's
Evening Class at the Jewish Training School,
II B 1
c (o)
rhe ?.efciT-. .Ldvocato, -.;!.:• c.
TI18 '..'Gst Chicaro Club ■.•'ill "ive a "a" festival nnd children's
Saturday evening, '.;Lich vill be tjie affa^.r tliis ceaoon.
ty this
I B 1 c (5)
'T P, f; r
rhe Hef cm .•dvocaue, !:• of ::ay 2^:, 1891
The personal Service Joe let:* '.111 ci"^^ ^ ^^^^ atic porfc:^:iaricG nnd a stra:vberry
fectival vjithir. the ne::t foi'bnifht,
IText Thursdyy ni£-ht, the rohannah Lodc^ '.:ill C'^ve a rtra^'/berry festival and
hop at the ICursaal, on vf^lst St. lYie ontortaini-.ont iti ^i^^QTi for the benefit
of the .'onen's Zveiiin- Cla::s of Viie rev;ish hraiiiinr School, and the fact that
it is in the i-iands of t:.e ladies c:' Jchannah Lod^e is a ;r:narantee of its
yo institution is no 1x3 desorvir.c] or i^ r.ore :.:: need of aid than is the school,
and t] ere should be a generous cur-pourin;'; of tie v.'oll-disr'csed at tLis festi-
II B 1 c (:s)
Jhe i-^efci^:; .advocate, wl : .
-uy 22, 1391.
The PhoGnix held a beer-drinl-rir.c feslivul la::'
of its first anniversary^.
Oaturdi';; ni :it, in celebra^.ion .-^■
II B 1 c (3) je:i
II 3 2 g
The P.efcrr.-i .vdvocat.:?, v;]-:. of -:a7 15,
The Joliannah Lodco -./ill rivo a stravrberrr for/:.iviil and hop Tor the benefit of
the Jev;ish '^rainin^ Tchool, Thursday evening, h.ay 28th,. at uhe Ilursaal, 31st
St.f betvjeen PJicdos and Vernrn ..venue::, .'.s the cause is a './orthy one, a large
na^iber cT tickets slicv.ld be disrosed of and a neal sun realized.
Trie comittee, appointed by zhe Jliic^./c Branch cT the ^-JMish iJ.liance to arrange
for a r.iasG ineetin."', has obtained neitiiGSion t-: neet in the KonoGOtr Israel
Teraple, comer ."udd ar.d -^linton ^-.treets, on .jnida:' after/ioon, :.'a3^ £4th# Good
G'^.ieahers liave been nrccured to addrc^in t; e r, etin--.
"Hhe discussion of ''The Spirituril /j-iorica'' by Dr. Trdl 0. hirscL, Dr. ;^. J.
Canfield, and the T.ev. !o.:ard '"c near;-, on .'ednesda^^ evening at ':,]\e Third Uni-
tarion Church, bro'.r;ht toyet! or an Mudience t :t filled every foot of avail-
a.ble space fror. entry to rail. '' '"'ere ^leajis in -Jurope, the Te^.v ..'orld
Risiny out of the Sea," v/as the subject sidcussed by Dr. :'irsch.
II B 1 c (5)
II A 3 b
The :^e:^orn ..dvcca-^e, ';k. oC ildtII 10, 1891.
The date fcr ol.e La::e3idc children *o ball in roferoncG to v/r.ek of -^^^.Til 3,
p. IIG, hen been changed to Sa^iir^lay, the lot): inrt., a v; ^eh earlier than
firot annconced.
A Cradle soni^, by h::iil Lieblinr, l^as jiu^t beon TJblinhcd by 3. Brainard.-*
3ons, It ir arran,':od ar^ c Piano ::olo, c;lso fcr violin and ];^iano, and is as
dainty a bit of "lelody a-^.d clxar' in^ a lullaby as has been published recently
II D 1 c (3)
The Hefoiri Advocate, '.;]:. of April 3, 1891
An entertrdnnent and ;\op v;ill be ■:lven b:' tr.e Ideal on Viext Tuesday ni^ht.
Prof." Ooldrioji, tr-e prestidir-itateur, v/ill bo one of the attractions, besides .;
which, the election re'.';ms '..ill be announced, -^
Great p3?oparo.tions are bein^: Made for the Children's Ball to take place on
Saturday evoninr:, /-^pril 25th, ^.c he . iven by tlie Lalzerldo Club.
The Calico Ball f;iven at the Standard Club l.vst Saturday niyht v;as a decided
success. Over 150 ccur>les a'^rtoared in calico coctuiies.
II B 1 c (o) Jl^^iai
'he ::eforr. ..dvocutc, ./■::. c? ..pril 3, 1891.
f^T rp • -r^-T- • - rr,"? 'n''j T* A •'■■IT' ■' ^ '"^T'^^ '<^'' p - "'' "'^ /
J. . 1 v:
The first I'ungarirjji Cc'An:re,--atioi:, "/v^udath ^".chin," v;ill -i^ro im eni-ertai nrae nt
and ball Simda^ ni^ht, Arril 5 oh, at the Geccr.d P.enment Ar::ioiy, ^cr the
benefit of the Gerieter^- fund. Tl-.e con^^re,:;at.i07. v;as orcanized a fev: years
a<^o 1)-^' a fe:^7 non, to en'^ible tl e:: to have re *ular servicoc according: to the
Hungarian ninhn r ( r i • .ual ) •
"Ihe r.ienbers: ij) increasin:*, a ter^.plo vras piirc]-ic! r,ed tv;o :'e.:-ir3 arc at ::an"ell
St. and :Iev7berry Ave.
II B- 1 c (3)
'^^"h.e Heforri .advocate, v;k. or ::arch 27, 1391.
The Lakeside nas^iuerae ball, v;Lich tool: plc.ce lavSt Satxirday eveninc, was the
most GucceGoful ever ^iven by the club. Valuable prizec V7cre av;arded to seven
liienbers for unioue and original costurioG.
The Ideal :111 ':ive a nuGical ontcrtain:.vjnt :-::d ho^ en A^nril 7th.
The Ideal Masquerade ball vjavS a success last 3a"curda:' nicht. Prizes vvore a-
v/arded to '.liss Jennie ITorden, v. ho v;as :i:\s-:ed as ''Schatchen," and to llr. .^.rthur
Alschuler and Jacob Qoldsnith, v\ac a'^r oared a.v polar bears.
II B 1 c (3)
The Heforn Advocate, -;k. Ci ::arch 27, 1891.
/ai72 B:j:::::3^rr ro:: sABEi^ii-scncqi/
At the v:est ChiCQr^'O Club ::cur,e last i:ondQ.i', 1200 people filled the
hall and enthusiastically a^claii.ied tlie 3ntGrtainj:;ent given for the benefit
of Zion ToLiple Sabbat h-r*chool children. An an^iteur orchestra, under the di-
rection of Mr, J'ranz Wald, skillfully rendered the r.iusic, -nd ^^eneral praise
v.'QS bestovred upon the children for their rendition of the **Ghildren*s Cru-
sade". Cr*edit -jont to hr *. Joseph 3tolz, who trained the 250 pupils of the
Sabbath School,
'.^•.•' I
t^'- I
II B 1 c (5)
Illinois Staats-ZeituDg, Liar. 4, 1879 •
It is generally conceded that our Jewish citizens have a v/ell- developed sense
of benevolence, and an exceptional opportunity is provided this weel: to prac-
tice huiuanitarianisin, Jev Friedhofs-Verein Der Faeien Soehne Israels (The
Cemetery Association of the Free Sons of Israel) has arran^^ed a bazaar at
Uhlich's Hall, to provide funds for the cemetery. The splendid arrangement of
the exhibited items in itself makes a visit well vvorta while for anyone enjoy-
ing an artist icall:?" grouped display of valuable articles* A large number of
nice, ambitious young ladies comprise the sales force. At the ver:' entrance
the visitor addicted to smoking is given a chance to spend a quarter for fra-
grant Havanas, displayed by LIrs. Julie Neumann and Miss Rosalie Stein, tv/o ^
very attractive salesladies. Then one approaches the dining room, supervised
by Mesdames Hart, Schv/arz, and Erueckner, and managed so efficiently that even
the most fastidious .vill be able to satisfy his appetite in a most pleasant
Returning to the hall, one finds an assortment of porcelain, enamel, and
II B 1 c (5) - 2 - JEWISH
Illinois Staats-»Zeitung, Liar. 4, 1879.
gliss^^/are in charge of the Misses Carrie Uncer and Dula Hichaelis; next, a
very attractive display of notions, embroider:/', dolls, etc.; this stand is
under the supervision of IMrs. Philipps and LIrs. Hart, assisted by four young
ladies, the Misses Golberg, Heyriann, Fricl:, and Schv/arz. Then comes the post ^
office, v;herQ five young ladies serve as letter carriers: the two Michaelis ^J
girls. Bertha Heller, Sarah Heine, and Sophie Oestreicher. We now approach >ci.
the cand:;' stand v/here most tempting tidbits are served by L!rs. S. H. L^j^ers, p
Ilrs. D. Greenberg, and Miss '2. Isaacs; then, a display of hand-made, luxuri- ^
ous articles which are being sold by Ivlrs. Affenheim, the two Hisses Affenheim §
and Miss Philipps; a large stand v;here embroideries, perfume, etc., are sho^Tn. ^
Among the items is a beautifully woven silk cover, a present of Mr. N. Schwarz g
of New Orleans. Mrs. A. Diamond, ^Irs. Jacob Kuhn, LIrs. S. A. Diamond, and cj!
Miss Anna Nathan preside at this booth. Next, there is a stand with paintings,
perfumes, candies, etc., in charge of Mrs. Abeles, tlrs. A. Costa, and Miss Foster;
then the lottery, v;here an iiimense bowl of fruit attracts instant attention.
Here sewing machines, clocks, easy chairs, v/ine, etc., are raffled off; this
part is located at the west end of the hall-- the realm where Mrs. D. Meyer,
J. Simonds, A. Hlchter, and Mrs. S. Livingston hold swa^r. Next is another lottery
II B 1 c (5) - 3 - JD./I3II
Illinois Staats-Zeitung, Mar. 4, 1879 •
stand, where young people with an inclination to sook the "i^omised Land^ of
marriage may find everything required — frOiH a double bed to a pin cushion —
and where Mrs. Rosa I.Ieyers, Miss Carrie Elsas, and Miss Bertha are fully pre-
pared to accept orders~if you win.
Of course, no one will pass Rebecca's v;ell, in the center of the hall, where 5
Miss Ii]va Diamond and Miss Mathilde Marks dispense the nectar. -^
The bazaar is to bo held for the entire week, and undoubtedly a large crowd ^
can be expected. o
Good concert music provides diversion and entertainment. S
II B 1 c (3)
Sinai Congregation, Board of Directors, Minutes, Mar, 6, 1876. ^
• ••••it was resolved that the ceremony (of the dedication of the new temple)
should "begin on Saturday, April g, at U ?• M^ , and that the festivities
should continue on Sunday (Pesach) following, services commencing at 10 A^ M^
r' «:i'L: .•^-^. .
B. Avocational and Intellectual
1, Aesthetic
d. Literary Societies
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H B 1 d
The Jewish Daily Forward t January 10, 1927*
The Chicago Culture Club or better known in short as C. C, C*, has cele-
brated the opening of its new home in the Lindy Building, 75 '^» Randolph
Street, Saturday night*
The opening was a nice one and successful. A colorful program was carried
through in which participated such renowned artists as Theodore Katz,
violinist of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra; Shuess, the pianist; Alexander
Kipnio, bass of the Chicago Opera Company; the dramatic soprsjio, Mina
Isaleva and other talented performers • Short and brief talks given by
the organizers and main officials of the club, such as Israel Bloom,
president; Louis Schaefer, vice oresident; and I. B. Eury, secretary*
II B 1 d - 2 - JEinSH
The Jewish Dailv Fonvr.rd« January. lOt 1927»
This club, org:.nized only a few years ago, has made great progress in
the few years of its existence* It attracted Chicago's Jev;ish and most
prominent intelligence. The club now has over three members and is
starting a campaign for more*
The club devotes most of its time to cultural activities, and every
season e:ives a complete series of lectures on litci^ture, art and science*
This season, the series of lectures will start to night with Henry
Seidel Kanby, one of the greatest authorities on liter: ture in America*
He is the editor of the only liter: ry v/eekly journal in America^ The
Saturday P.eview of Liter ture*
Mr* Kenby will lecture, toi ight, on the subject "Contem:crary American
Criticism*" This club occupies a whole floor beautifully decorrtedt
in the Lindy Building* A fine atmosphere is created the re •
II B.l
II D 6
Chicago Hebrew Institute Observer, 192*^. -^
____ - ^
The Second Annual Jewish Art Exhibit opened officially Wednesday evening, "^
March 18, with a reception for specially invited guests sjid for the art-
ists. Over one-hundred- twenty-five peoole /=^athered for the reception.
The program was short but very entertaining and appropriate. Mrs. Sarah
E, G-reco delighted the audience with specially selected folk songs.
Next followed a piano solo by Miss 0. Golnick, Rabbi Zonderling spoke on
"Jewish Art," emphasizing the importance of Jewish Art and supporting the
proposition that there is a specific Jewish Art.
After the program, Russian tea was served from a samovar. Mrs. Eva Grinsburg
is the Chairman of the Art Exhibit, which is being sponsored by the Jewish
Women's Art Club.
II B 1 d Jav/ISH
III A Daily Jewish Courier > Jan. 4, 1923.
Throucrji the initiative of Dr. Abra^ovitz, T!. I^lotok, and Ben David, a Hebrew
club has been organized in Chicago. The purpose of this club will be to ^
attract young men and women v.tio are able to speak Hebrew and \vho are interested 5
in reviving the Hebrew spoken word. Tlie club v;ill also plan social affairs -c^
for those who are interested in riving their spare time for national, Hebrew p
activities. ^
The first organization meeting will be held Sunday at the clubrooms of the ^
Adath Bnai Israel, 1552 South 'IMrner Avenue. All young men and women who S
are able to speak Hebrew are requested to come. ^^
II i
II E 1 d
II B 1 c (1) JEWISH
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
Forward, October 2S, 1322.
At a meeting of the Chicago Workers Culture League, which was held Thursday
evening. The league divided the work systematically into various committees,
The work was divided into the following sections: Literary, dramatic, art
and weekly lectures.
In favor of all memhers of the Workers Culture League it was decided that
the members of the League should have the privilege of attending all under-
takings of the League at half-r-^te. After a financial rer)ort of the Leagxie
was given*by the president, L. Schaffer, it was determined to contribute
$100 to the Literary Dramatic Society from the proceeds of the first a.rt-
evening, which will take place in the Palace Theater. The Literary Dramatic
Society shall receive 1^ of the income from the weekly undertakings as
The following were appointed as officer?, and committees: L. Schaffer, pres-
ident;. Y. Halish, financial secretary; J. Seigel, treasurer, A. Pott,
; > ir B 1 d
r II B 1 c (1)
Forward, Octoljer 28. 1922. WPA (ILL) ?RCj.3027i
recording secretary.
The following were appointed in the Tnusical sketches: Pesovai and Kiss
The dramatic sketches consist of : Dr. Lorher, M. Mason, Yonah Spivak and
The art: Spivak, Pott, Gordon and Mossavitch.
On the committee for weekly lectures are: Hashec, Natkin Kalist, Pesovai
and Seigel.
II B 1 d
II D -5
Chicago Hebrew Institute Observer. 1923,
WPA (ili.^
■ • r • ' ■, ' ' ' ►•■
llany v;ell .nown artists have their -/orks listed in the Art llxhibit Cata-
logue. The artists having works at the ?Jxhibit are: Iiiniil /irmin, l>avid
Bekker, Borris Deutch, Leo Garland, Todros Qeller, V/illiam Jacobs. Grazi*
ella Jacoby, N. Jenkin, Zan D. Klopper, Charles I^aphael Prilik, L. Ruben-
stein, Carl Sacks, William S. :chwart2, Walter Schneiderman, N. P. Stein-
berg, Geo* IV. Weisenburg, Agnds Clark 'Vinkler and Oscar Yampolsky.
II 3 1 6.
V/D', /" ; \
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-i. r. w.,.; f^Kj.r jU275
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II B 1 d jmn.SE
I E Daily Jewish Courier. Jan. 19, 1922.
Comrades, HebraistsI The greatest Jewish spiritual center, which was an inex-
haustible source of spiritual nourishment for the whole Jewish Diaspora, has
been totetlly destroyed by the violence of our Jewish renegades. Our national
Hebrew educational institutions have been forced, through a barbaric decree, to
close their doors* Our Hebrew publications have been confiscated, and the works
of our talented poets and writers are to be fo\md in stables; the immortal work
of our old, and yet eternally young, literature is being destroyed by the Jewish
"Jesuits^** The Jewish spiritual home in Russia has been totedly destroyed.
But in spite of the machinations of the Jewish apostates, the Hebrew literature
and the Hebrew movement live on. Our national poet, H. N. Bialik has founded the
publication Hadavar, which is to serve as a rallying point for the renaissance
of our literature. Even here in America, in the land of our spiritual poverty,
the first faint traces of a Hebrew movement have begun to appear. We, the
II B 1 d - ^ - Jl!:;/I3H
t I S Daily Jewish Courier^ Jan. 19, 1922.
Hebraists of Chicago, are the only ones v;ho sit vjith folded hands and
do nothing, lie are "platonic friends" v;ho soiaetiLies lar.ient our poverty and let
it go at that. It seems to be higii time that a Hebrev; Center was organized in
our city, vjhich could becone a torch of light for our liebrev; raoveiient and all
its branches.
A group of Hebraists in Chicago have undertaken the task. ..t the first meeting
which took place January 7, the liebrew Center was founded. It already has
many membt^rs. The society, "Lovers of liebrew," entered as a unit into the nevj
organization, which, froiii nov; on, will be laiov;n as the Hebrev; Center.
■7e, therefore, appeal to all Hebraists in Chicago: Come to our great organizational
meeting to be held Saturday evening, January 21, in the hall of the Kehilath
Jacob TaliAuc Torah, at Hamlin .^venue ^-.nd lx)uglas Boulevard. Dr. o. j.. Helamed,
Dr. A. Levinson, and -/r. .4.. A^ranot will be the speakers. Come, help us create
a xlebrev; Center in Chicago I
la. A. Brams, president,
A. Katz, secretary.
II B 1 d
Pffica^ Jijne 3. 1921 Vv'PA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
A special meeting will be held by Literary Dramatlo Society, this eveniog
at the hone of S. Zitch 14^0 N. Learitt St.
Two reoitation will be presented: "The Empty Saloon" by Peretz Hirshbeln
and "Professor Branner" by David Plnsky*
II B 1 d
II B 1 c (3)
Forward. May 20, 1921
The Literary and Dramatic Society will give a banquet in honor of Jacob
Ben Ami, who will bid farewell to the Jews of Chicago, at 312k M. 12th Street*
Strictly Jewish entertainment and Jewish atmosphere is promised at this
II 3
Forward, March 23, 13
Chicago Jewish Literory Art Cele'brr>icn
Sholom Asch, the greatest Je\rlsh Author and Pla;;^-^,vright , is coming to
Chicago for the u'^cond time, at the request cf Chicago Jewish intelli^entsisi.
ftie Litcrr>ry Dr-i^matlc Society vriTl present Ash's three one-Act Flays,
Snnda;^'' afternoon, April 10th, at the magnificent Studetakcr Theatre, Wahash
Avenue, tet-een Tan Bureii i Congress Streets,
1 Act
1 Act
1 Act
- T7ith the Current
- Belief
- Palestine
Sholom Asch nYill Speak Bet\veen the Acts
Tickets Will Be lor Sale In A Few 'Dsrs
(Adv. )
II B 1 d
II A 3 d (1)
II D 10
WPA (ILL) PROi. 30276
Forward, December 27. 1320.
The Literary and Dramatic Society starts a campaign for writers, who are
• facing starvation in Europe.
The Society gives a Theater "benefit for this purpose at the Princess Theater.
"Anna" a drama hy Alshemsky, Sunday, Januaiy S^^*^^ P. M,
. "a* -^.'i,^.^ ^.,../ !i .."'
II B 1 d
Forward, December 7, 1920«
••Humor and Satire Circle'' organized.
A group of writers and Jewish intellects have recently convened and organized
a ••Humor and Satire Circle," with the intention of publishing, in Chicago, a
literary-humoristic weekly.
At nine this evening, all the members of the circle will meet at Gold's res-
taurant, Roosevelt Rd. and Halsted St. where further discussions will be made
concerning the materialization of the plans.
II B 1 d
II B 1 a
Forward, January 2, 1920.
The Literary and Drajnatic Society will meet tonight. All memhers are
requested to "be present. A recommendation for the uniting with the Social*
ist Choir Verein will he discussed. H. K. Marmor will introduce the impor-
tance of uniting.
II B 1 d
Daily Jewish Courier > Aug. 8, 1919*
The Free Thought Club meets every Saturday from three until five in the after-
noon at 1412 V/est Twelfth Street, at the home of C. Levin. The club is now
beginning the study of a new book, Heaven and Earth by Philip Kranz, Non-
members may attend and participate in the debates and discussions.
II 5 1 d
II E 2 d (2 & 3)
WPA (;LL;PR(]J.3027o
Forward, J^ily 20, I919.
"In the Clouds."
(An Anthology)
Published "by "Youn^ Authors Society," Chicago,
obtainable a-t all book stores.
Anno-oncenent: The "Ycunf:" is the name of a magazine which will appear, in
September, published by the Young Authors Society with the participation of
Chicago writers and many from outside the city.
For information, write to Sec'y Schneider, I535 S. California Ave.
II B 1 d
II B 1 o (1)
Chicago Hebrew Institute January 1918 <>,
Observer t^.
The YIDDISH LITERARY AND DRAiViATIC SOCIETY, which is to the Yiddish speaking
audience of our Conmunity what the Player's Club is to the English speaking \
element, has made excellent progress during the past year« I am very happy \
to announce that that organization is now a regular department of the In-
stitute and serves a purpose -wJiich will be very hard to replace* In their
usual custom, besides giving their plays on the first Sunday Night of each
month, they invite a Yiddish poet and dramatist of international fame as their
guest to speak to the audience. Among them were David Pinsky, Perez Hershbein.
The following are few of the plays presented and their Authors:
Plays Authors
"His First Client Kosner
"Servants of The House" — ~— — -Sholom Alecham
"Sisters and Brothers" ——-.——Mark Orenstein
Page 2
II B 1 d
II B 1 c (1) JEWISH
Chicago Hetrew Institute January I9IS ^
"Parents and Children" Sholom Alecham ^^
"The Promise" Perez Hirschhein
Subjects Lectures
"The Jewish Drama" «• ; — "by H. Rosenblatt
"Jewish Literature in America" —by Mnaham
"The Jewish Workers Impression of Jewish Literature" by S. Asch
"Palestine and the Jews" — by Sholom Asch
"Children of Israel" by Perez Hirschbein
The organization contributes its services to any educational or merited civic
undertaking. Thus they have cooperated with the Jewish War Sufferers Pund,
the Maccabee Schools and the Jewish Singing Society. The department is wholly
self-supporting and in fact pays a small fee to cover electric lights, wear
and tear for the use of the hall when other entertainments are given. The bal-
ance of the income covers their other expenses.
II E 1 d
•ir B 1 a
The Reform Advocate. "fUz. of Kovemljer 3, 1917, Vol. 5U, p.305. .
The Jewish Literary Society of Zion Terrole has nnderta^cen the first serious-j
attempt to "bring to the public a. prograjn of distinctive Jewish music, found-o.
ed upon traditiohal Hehrew melodies "by the musician, composer and lieder- *^
singer, Solomon Goluh.
The recital will t,ake place November I7, at Zion Temple, Mr, Goluh's work
has received high praise from recognized musical 8?athorities,
The program will consist largely of Mr. G-olub's own compositions.
tS~ . .V.L .J
II B 1 d
II B 1 a
Daily Jewish Courier, J.!ay 11, 1917,
At the last regular meetirif- of the iilliance, Sunday, May 6, the North West
Musical Club joined the Jewish Educational .alliance and vjill now be called
the Jewish Educational Alliance Musical Club. Meetings will be held every
Sunday afternoon, and rehearsals on Ivonday and Thursday evenings. The
Northwestern Dramatic joined the iilliance also.
More information about the activities can be had at all times in the office
of the Alliance.
II B 1 d JK:aSE
Dally Jev7ish Courier, Apr. 27, 1917 •
More than thiirby Jewish journalists and leaders of the Jewish intel-
ligentsia assembled yesterday in the Hebrew Institute to discuss the
necessity of establishing a social center in Chicago for those inter-
ested in Jewish literature.
The following were elected as teiTiporary officers: Leon Zolotkoff, Z. B.
Komako, and Kasier, on the art comnittee. A special comrnittee, appointed
to work out plans for the organizition is made up as follows: Judge
Philip Bregstone, John Spivak, J. Siegal, S. B. Llaksiman, and B. J. Shapiro.
II B 1 d
The Reform Advocate > Vol. 5I, Wlc. of ^eli. I9, I916. p.Uy.
Yiddish writers and friends of Yiddish literature of Chicago held a
meeting in the Ashland Cluh House, February I6, and organized a Yiddish
• Press Club for social purooses.
» ,
II B 1 d
II B 2 d (1)
The Sentinels Volumes Zl^ZZ; V/eek of January Zd^ 1916, Page ZZ%
The Yiddish writers of Chioago have formed an assooiationt whose edm is the /^
furthering of public interest in Yiddish literature* Among the members K^
are:- Leon Zolothoff, Jewish Courier # J« B« Loebner, Jewish Record « S. B» -^
KomaikOf Jewish Daily News of New York, S. Oreenblau, Jewish Press ^ M.
Backall, VorwaertSt K. Marmor, Per Kunst Freund, D# Aberson, Unser Leben#
Morris Siskind, Jewish Labor World. William Zuokeman, Vorwaerts of New York,
J. Spivack, Jewish Record and L« Talmy, Unser Yirort#
II B 1 d
II B 1 c (1)
II B 1 a
II B 1 6
WPA /ILL) P/?0J.3DZ75
Daily Jewish Gourier, Nov. 13 > 1914- •
Within the last few weeks a Jewish Literary and Art Society has been
founded in Jhicago^ which has undertaken the task of organizing stnd
uniting all the Jewish national progressive elements willing to devote
their time to developing and distributing Jewish literature^ music and
drama* It is hoped to enlist every one who has the revival of the
Jewish national spirit at hearty and who would like to help strengthen
and support the Jewish spirit •
This sociaty is divided into three divisions! a literary , a dramatic,
and a musical, and each individual may render his or her support to
any one or all of these dividions*
The literary division will devote its efforts to the popularizing and
support of Jewish literature; the dramatic section, to staging the best
dramas #
II B 1 d
The Sentinel, Volumes 13-14; Week of February 27, 1914. Page 13»
The Herzl Literary Club, has recently affiliated itself with the Knights
of Zion* This orgsuiization is oomposed of young men, who contemplate giving
lectures and entertainments for propaganda work and social welfare*
The officers of the club ea*e:<- Jacob Jacobsen, chairmani Joe Gross, vice-
chairman; Louis Lavender, recording secretary; Frank Kennon, financial
secretary; and A* J* Block, treasurer*
The Progressive Literp-ry and Dramatic Glut is one of the Institnte -r*.
II 3 1 d
Ii S 1 c (1) ' JTOISH
Chicago Helsrew Institute Ot server. February I91U .
The Progressive Literary and Dramatic Club: C^^
organizations that has in no way permitted the warm T^e.^ther to interfere Tirith
its work* The meetings have been well attended, and the "business has "been
conducted in a spirited manner. It has "been said that when a group of people
"become of one opinion, mental stagriation results. Surely, this Club is in no
danger of such a prospect, as the members seem to be alive to each situation
and interesting ideas are always forthcoming. One would almost be led to think
that thirJcir^ in Yiddish is conducive to sharp wits, for the meetings are con-
ducted entirely in this tongue.
Try-outs are now being held in order to select the caste for "Eie Misch-
poche", by Humberg. This is a very intense Yiddish draaa; one that appeals to
the lover of the best in Yiddish Dramatic Art.
The selection of such a play certainly gives weight to one of the princi-
pal objbcts of the Club, namely, the elevation of the Yiddish stage, which lias
been on the decline since the death of Jacob &ordon# nith such an aggressive
Literary and Dramatic Club, these performances are among the most well-attended
of those given by Institute organizations.
II B 1 d
II B led)
(ftleage Hebrew Instlttit* Obterrer, Beeeaiber, 1913*
On Jantiary lOth^ 191^f the Progresslre Literary and Dramatic Club of the ^
Chi cage Hebrew Institute will celebrate Its fifth annlTersary* !Che Club was
organised fire years ago by a few Inmlgrant Jewish young men and women of this
city* It Is a self-supporting organisation* which has recelwed no support er
assistance whatever from any outside sources*
Xhe Pregresslre Literary and Dramatic Club Is the result of that general
awakening of art feeling, and lore of art pleasure that has penetrated the souls
of our modem Bus slaa- Jewish youth* It Is the resxilt of that wave of protest
against the modem Tlddlsh Theatre^ which Is at the present time controlled by a
few lucre-hux^ry Individuals who produce such plays as appeal to the baseness
and vulgarity of the mob and satisfy the appetite of the populace* fhls con-
viction tends Inevitably to lower the standard of Tlddlsh dramatic literature In
this country*
She members of the Progressive Literary and Dramatic Club realise and are
fighting for the recognition of the distinction between popular amusement and
drama* In this connection It Is Important to quote the opinion of the greatest
art critic the world has ever produced: John Baskln* ""^ll art which has for
Its puxpose to amuse, and purposes amusement to Its end, must be of an Inferior
II B 1 d - 2 - '- ^ .1 ■^' ■>
II 5 1 o (1)
Gi tica^-o Ilebrev/ Institute Observer, Jecembor 1913 •• '(^L
'■ - I i *"'■ 1.1 ■ ■ .■!!. I'' C-'^
' ^*
charaoter, and is usually more harmful than ^:oocU"
The youns raen and v/omen of the Progresoive Literary p>nd Dramatic
Club advocate the freedom of modern Yiddish dramatist of portray all aspects
of life, the freedom of phrase and style, and of all dramaturgic teohnioue
that makes for artistic drama, ?nd in accordance v/ith these views and aims
they have produced plays that constitute the acme of modern Yiddish drama*
T/ithin the last few years they have produced such plays as God, yjxn and Devil«
by JDCob Gardin; V^ith The Current, by Sholem Asch; a dramati.'rt ^vhose plays
have been translated from the Yiddish and played in the Royal Theater at
Berlin; Hear, 0 Israel, by Osip Oivov; The Sisters, by J. L. Peretz, The
Brothers, by Abraham Reizin, and The Doctor, by Sholem Aleichem, the Mark
T\,7ain of modern Judea; German literature occasionally, and, at different
interval-^, the Progresr.ive Liter'^ry and Drr-.matic Club has arranged litercjry
eveninf-s, v;hen readings of the g-eatest Yiddish poets have been rdven by
the most talented of its members •
II B 1 d - 3 - jh:'t:sh -
II B 1 o (1) •■'
Ghiorj^o Hebre^Y Institute Observer, Deoerabor 1913 •
In 1911 and 1912, the Progressive. Literary and Drametic Club arranged
a series of discussions of the modern drama and ';uestions of dramaturgic
techni'-'Ue and construction v/ere intelligently discussed. The educational
V'.lue of these discussions cannot be overestimated. This season the follov/-
ing plays v/ill be produced: Hear, 0 Israel, by Osip Dimov; People, by Sholem
Aleichem; The Sternal Sonp;, by Iviark Orenstein. "Jith even more enthusiasm,
the future v/ork is being planned. Next season the Club v/ill present Ibsen,
Hauptman, Suderman, and Schnitzer, in Yiddish Translations.
II B 1 d
II B 2 a
III 3 2
WPA (ILL.) PROJ. 30275
Daily Jewish Courier^ Sept. 30, 1913 •
Dear Sditort
* Kindly publish in your v/orthy newspaper the following report on
the !• L. Peretz Literature Verein, branch of the A. N. A, F. No. 77s
This branch meets the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each nonth. The meetings
are mostly devoted to debates of every nature, lectures on all subjects,
recitations and discussions. The purpose of the meeting is, in general,
to develop the literary aesthetics of the members. This branch also has
a library in which there are 250 books by different authors to suit the
individual tastes of the readers. 7/inter is now setting in, with its long
nights in which we can transact activities. iVe urge those who are
nationalist ically inclined to become members of our branch and support
us in our important work.
Trusting that you will publish this report. I remain,
Respectfully yours,
Molly Ginsburg, secretary*
II B 1 d
II B 2 6
Daily Jev/ish Courier > Jon. 31, 1913.
/r^iii; isvn/ji SHOIL-Jtc ssfa'f-i aTiH^
On Stinday, Febriiary 2, it v/ill be thirty years since the Ilevrah Shohare Sefath
Aver (Tlie Society of the Revivers of the Hebrew Language) organized itself in
Chicaco. Thirty years have elapsed since a snail croup of intellectuals laid
the cornerstone of a Jewish cultural center in Chicago v/here young Jev/ish men
and women who love the Hebrew language can meet and plan ways of spreading the
language among the great masses of the Jev/ish people. Thirty years have passed P=
since a foundation was laid for this Jexrtsh institution whose task it is to ^
disseminate Jev/ish culture and sciehce among the Jev/ish people. In the past ^
thirty years the Jev/ish people have passed through many vicissitudes. Various £^
advocates of various dogmas have appeared on the scene—but there remains no ^]
mejdory of them
ilnyone v/ho has his finger on the pulse of the Jev/ish people knoxvs v/hat the other
so-called cultural centers have accomplished. They have aroused confusion in
the minds of those intellectuals v/ho change their ideals and attitudes as quickly
as dust clianges into a storm. Tliey have created spiritual cliques which have
II B 1 d - 2 - JEV/ISH
II B 2 g
Daily Jewish Courier, Jan. 31, 1913.
seduced the Jewish worker from his race and from his faith, and have laade him
a victim of nihilism*
The Kevrah Shohare Sefath Aver, however, well understands that, in order to
develop a high morale in a people, the child must receive the proper cultural
food« The Hevrah can, therefore, point proudly to the healthy children which
it has reared. The followers of other organizations, however, have remained
foreign to the Jewish people and foreign to themselves, while we meet former
members of the Kevrah Shohare Sefath Aver in all v/alks of life. They have come
to be our present social workers; they take an active part in everything per-
taining to Judaism.
No one can doubt the fact that every Chicago Jew, who considers the Hebrew
language sacred and who knows that in order to preserve the Jewish nation he
must first of all preserve the Hebrew language, will come and greet the
Hevrah Shohare Sefath Aver on their thirtieth anniversary.
II B 1 d
II B 2 a
WPA(iLL)PROJ. 30275
^-, Daily Jewish Courier, October 9> 1912.
We announce to the Chicago Jewry that the library is already open
to the public. The reading hours Eire from 7 to 11 daily and from
7 to 4 on Saturday and Sunday^ The public is invited to visit the
Library (of the Hebrew Speaking Society).
Services will also be conducted by a quorum of worshippers on
Lectures on Jewish literature and history will be held every Friday
M. Sider, president.
II B 1 d
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 3^275
Courier, U-7-10
A EelDrew Literar:,'- meeting v-'ill "be held Saturday 3:00 P.M. at the Jewish
Settlement, cor. Clinton and Jord Streets. ^!r. J. vTold will STjeak on Mos'es
Leb Lilienbloom. A. Cohn of Minneapolis vdll ?peal^ on Solfimoa Rubin. All
Fho understand Hebre\^ are invited to come.
H. Eobitz, Secretary.
II E 1 d
Courier, May 2, I909.
FEai ^EK TO WSr-K.
The Yehoash Literar;y" Group, who undertook to have a part, or if possible, the
complete works of Yehoash translated into English, elected officers. T?iey are:
Dr. David Blaustein, chairman; Leon Zolotkoff, vice- chairmen; B, Hunritz, sec-
retary and treasurer. S. B. Koiripiko, Harry Lii^sky, Vs^ Shulman, pud Israel
Reizhum, are in the active committee. The ner'ly electerl officers undertook to
lead the cpjnpaign to a successful finish. A sum of money b?s "been invested al-
ready for the translations of <^.ome of Yahoash's poetry. Some of his poetry ?7ill
soon he published in different Enfdish maf^azines and ne^"S"opr)ers. Those who pre
anxious to see Yehoash* s works trnislated into En,p:lish, have heen hi/^:hly elated
"by the announcement. They are confident that the ^^reat Jevish poet who is he-
loved amongst Jews, will also he acclaimed in English literar;^'- circles.
II B 1 d
Daily jev;ish Courier, Apr. lo, 1909,
In our land of national r eavjakeninc , Palestine, the comiiion laborers, as v;ell
as the intellectuals, speal: liebrev; at all tines# In that country even the
birds sine tiieir prayers in Iiebrev.% This condition does not exist in our
liebrevz-speakinc group in Chicago. The g2X)up is obviously in a "coma" — not
because of any financial difficulties but sinply because our nembers do not
attend the neetings. 'jliile the Hebrev; language is gaining ground in Palestine,
it is getting \;eaker and v/eaker here.
Eriends who have just arrived here frox:i the old countryl itoericanized J"ev/sl ^
Students and workers and all i/ho love the Hebrev: language— help us reorganize
our group. The IIebrev/-s peaking group must exist, and the vzork of the devel- ^
opment of our Hebrew lan^^age and literature /mist continue/.
Reiaember that the Hebrew language is being revived now, and that our Hebrew
group must be revived along v/ith it J Forget that you are living in IDxile, and
II B 1 d - 2 - JE17ISII
Daily Jeavish Courier, Apr. lb, 1909 •
think about our freedom and our national lanGua^eJ Cone, help us revive the
Ilebrevj-speakinc group!
V/ith Eebrev; greetings,
Yehoshua Seligrnan, secretary, ^,
II B 1 d
II B 2 f
The Courier. November 22, 1907.
The Agudath Ivrlth# (Hebrew Literary Society) t is an organization for the
purpose of spreading the study of the Hebrew language • The organization has
club rooms at 332 W# 12th Street* Room ffZlf where one may find many current
Hebrew Newspapers and Journals*
Every day from 3 to 7 ?• M«, the Hebrew language is being taught to the small
Jewish children in acoordcmce with the latest methods* There is also going
to be a Hebrew class for adultSt for which we are accepting applications
now every evening*
This Saturday evening* the 23rd of November t we are having at the club a
special literary evening* Ur« Haftt will recite and read a few compositions
of some noted Jewish Hebrew writers* After this free debates will be in
order •
I*J* Seligman
II B 1 d
VVPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
"Ben-ishiah" In Chicago
Mr* David Greenberg, the well known Jewish poet, who writes under the
name of "Ben-ishiaht " yesterday arrived to ChicagOf in order to celebrate
the 50th Jubilee of Mr. Aaron Hellert which will take place tomorrow
evening at the Hull House*
Mr* Aaron Heller, who is celebrating the 50th anniversary t has attained
recognition through his poetry* Those who read his work derived a
great deal of pleasure* At the celebration a capacity crowd of business
people is awaited, among whom Mr* Heller has made a name for himself,
as well as all friends of Jewish literature*
II B 1 d
II B 2 g
Courier, Octo'ber U, igOJ.
New Series of Lectures Started by Hebrew Literary Society Tonight*
The new series of lectures of the Hebrew Literary Society, of this winter sea-
son, starts tonight with a lecture on "Americanism and Zionism," by Leon Zolot-
koff , editor of the Daily Jewish Courier, and known throughout the country as
one of the most brilliant Jewish speakers in the world today.
The following will lecture on successive Fridays: Rabbi Stolz, Rabbi Fisher,
Dr. Yudelson, Rabbi Israelson, Rev, Budjinsky, Mr. Harris Horwltz and Mr, Max
Everyone Interested is Invited to attend regular Friday night, evening meet-
ings. The Sabbath School of the Hebrew Literary Society will open next Sat-
urday. Your children may still be enrolled. Do so now.
II B 1 d
II B 2 d (2)
The Beform Advocate,Vol.21,Wk.of May lt,1901, P.36g.
In lgS9 the Hebrew Literary Association of Chicago, a society organized ^
by a niimber of Hassian Jewish reformers in the interest of the Hebrew language '\
and literature, made an attempt to publish a monthly magazine in Hebrew. !Pwo ^
issues appeared under the name of "Keren Or" (Hay of Light). These numbers
contained articles written by Dr. Pelsenthal, Mr. Peretz Wiemik, and H. ^^
Eliassof • But it seems that no Hebrew paper can exist for any length of time ;^
in this country, and it was discontinued. /"^
II E 1 d
The He form Advocate. Wk,of Iviay U,1901,Vol.21,p.322.
The Washington Literary Society was organized in Chicago in the year
-1260, and was the first Jewish social organization in the State of Illinois.
•It catered mostly to the social side of its members, but it took great pride
in its literary debates and dramatic performances* Among its members were §
Mr. Emanuel Mandel, Mr. Adolph Shire » Mr^ Jacob Metzler, Mr. Louis Rosenthal,
Mr. Louis Oberndorf, Mr. Jacob Katz, Mr. Max Polachek, and Mr. Jacob D. Cahn.
-It had a very prosperous existence for a number of years* Then the majority
of its members entered the state of matrimoriy and lost interest in the society,
which died a natural death. Following is a list of the officers who served in
J. Greenhood, President; Mr. Kewberger, Vice-President; Jacob L. Cahn,
Seci^etary; J. Kahn, Treasurer; and J. Katz, Librarian. ;
From this list it appears that the society also maintained a library, I
the nature of which we are unable to state. |
II B 1 d
II B 2 f
j^n SH
The Reforrg Advocatet V7k. of Nov* 11, 1893. p.208, 'ifi
The two Russian societies, Sopho Berwiah ana Dorshai Safruth, have united
under the name of Sochrai Sfath Ever* The new organization is a strong one and
will accomplish much good in its main object, the instruction of the young in
Jewish history* The rooms, at 63 Judd street, are open daily to all, until 10
o* clock at night.
II B 1 d JEy^ISH '
II B 2 d (2)
The Reform Advocate > Wk« of Nov. 4, 1893t
The Sopho Berurah and Dorshai Safros, two literary societies of this city,
composed mainly of intelligent young Russian Jews, held a joint meeting last
Sunday evening, to do honor to the memory of the late Ur« Sederbaum, editor
of the Hamelitz*
II B 1
The Hefcrm Advocate, Nov« 14, 1891«
/organize NS/ SCCIETY^
In sjiswer tc the call itisued by Dr. Moses for the forrae.ticn of a society for
the study of Jewish -^^istcry end Literpture, a number cf ladies ond t:*entlemen
liiet last v/eek in the vestry room of K» A» !'• Temple and icrined a te.ipcrary
organization, with lir. Israel as chairiaan.
The society adopted the naiae cf •^The K« A. !'• }(nov/ledf-e Seekers,** its ob-
ject, religious and literary culture btA the establish: ent and maintenance
cf a library. The merribership is net iiiuited tc Hiejubers cf the K. A. ]'• ccn-
{^rejation. Applications r.ust be signed by two i..eiabers cf the society, and
are then passed upon by the Executive Corjiittee.
II B 1 d
II B 2 a
The Reform Advocate. Wk. of Sept. 26, 1891.
The Lasker Literary Society has established a library of the best class of ^
books and magazines* Additions in all lines of literature arp being con- \
stantly made to it* As soon as the society secures permanent quarters^
the library will be open to the public on the regular meeting days#
II B 1 d
II B 2 g
The Refona Advocate, Wk# of June 19, 1B91#
The Lasker Literary Society will hold its next regular meeting at Lincoln
Hall, 68 £• Adams St*, Sunday, June 21« One of the principal features of
the program will be a Joint debate with the Cremieux Literary Society* The
subject to be discussed is ^Whether success is due more to perseverance than
to genius#^ The Lasker representatives will maintain the affirmative cause,
while the negative will fall to the lot of the Cremieux*
II E 1 d
The Reform Advocate, ^-^ay 2^, 1391«
The Lasker Literary Society will hold its next regular iueetin- on Sunde.y
afternoon s.t ^ib-rty Hall, 70 Adaip.s Street. The following pro-rajn will
Criticism H. Jelonak
PiBiio Solo i-Iiss T. Stifel
Essay -ax Senuels
Postponed Debate Affirmative, : oses Sej.uels
:Jef,ative, Leo !!• Stern
Essay — -j^jiton Pollak
Vocal Solo — • ^I'iss B. Johnson
Leiker Review Editor
Sketch of V/asliincton Irvinr; - Simon Vehon
Readin*? -Henry Auberbach
Reading of ::o.] Jet, Act I Scene 5
Ho^ulet r.iss H. Bx
Ghost Oscar Lowenthal
I'arcellus - ^^enry Auberbach
Horatio — ".dss J« Lewin
Critic of Reading Ki^s T. Starr
1 ^^ Qnr"{-f:'t-ions ~- •"*" All l»-embers
sitors are welcome ^^uc-c-xicub
II E 1 d
JS.7I3H ^
The Reform Advcoa.tej Tay lu, 1891.
The Cremieux Literary Society defeated the Cciumbia Literary Society in their
match debate, Sunday, I.. ay oBd» The papers of kisses Rose Stern and Nellie
Kohn, were excellent end rore hi-^hly appreciated. The next debate will be be
tween the Creiuieux 9nd Lftsker Literary Societies, Sunday, June 21st, at \7ash-
ington Hall. The Cremieux v/ill hold its re^:;ular me^tinj Sunday afternccn, o.t
Eraerscn Mall*
I 3 1 d
The ":efQi?: .jivocato, ':ai"* :7/ , 1891.
Tlie Lasker Literary Society, :'ill held its noxt regular neetiny at Hsy^iarket
Hall, Sunday, !:arch n9th, v;hen tke :'!: llovdny prorram '..111 be ; rccented:
Criticiar:: - - ::r, Cincn Vehcn
Vocal solo - I'iss ^'ello J"chnccn
P.eauinr; - - - V::*. Iienr^' Jeloi:.:;}:
EsGay - - - - yr. Ai.ton Pollak
liano duet - kiss k. ■."itko'.7G-:y - kiss T. .-:tiofol
Debate kecolved: That Caenar v/aG a c>^es.ter states-
nan thcvn [^erxSTcilm
AffiiMative - yis^: II. Cinon, kr. J.G. Grossberr;
keyativc - H. Auberach, kr. kcses Samuels
Pteadinc fror.i kiunlet, Act I Scene 3,
Ot)helia - - kiss k. Suierel
II Bid
•The Reform advocate, liar, 27, 1391,
Laertes - - :.:r. "^oses Sanuols
Polonius - I.'r* Harry V;olf
Laslcer :Aevier7 - L. :'.. otorn
Ouo tat ions - - -
All nembers, all visitors v/elcaie^
c — J . . J, Oil
II B 1 d
II B 1 a
The Hefor!! ildvocnte, -;>. of ::ar. 20, 1C91.
The Crenieux Literar:^ Society, v;ill hold its refulcr r.^etiiic at lirierson Hall,
45 Z. Randolph Street, Siniday, ::arch :32nd, at 3 o'cloc::. An interesting pro-
gra::, both literary and ;.ur>ical, is rrcnined,
?repai*ations are heinf: nade fcr t'-.e annunl rrorionade ci ncort and hep of the
Cremieux hiterarp ::>cGiotp, ?rofesr,or A. hcsenbech-or mid Ms orchestra of
thirop piecen, -;ill furnirh the rxx^ic and a professional sin^^er has alco been
en,^aned for the occasion. The affair v;ill take place at the horth Side
Turner Tall, Jaturday evenin':, ..j^ril 4th.
ir B 1 d
II D 2
The Ocoldent. Sept 61111)6 r 10, 1866.
Th6 Honor B« J« Dayld, Deputy Supreme President • organized Occidental Lodge c^,
Monday Eveningt SeptemlDer 6 inst» in St* Georges Hall 162 E» Madison Street^ x^
with a large Charter membership» composed of many of the most learned pro-
fessional and able business men in our oity«
After the election and installation of officers and appropriate speeches had
been made by the various members* the Honor B« J* David replied,
"Officers and members, it affords me great pleasure to see so much enthusi-
asm in my midst, which demonstrates to me that you are well pleased with the
noble princiT5les of this Order* On April 26^ 1881, the first lodge was or-
ganized, and now its usefulness has reached nearly every State in the Union*
(Tellow-Pever districts excepted.) It is universally accepted by the most
competent Judges to be one of the most refined, useful inexpensive and pro-
II B 1 d -2- JEWISH
II D 2
The Oocldent* September 10, 1886* >*
gressivd sooiaties in existenoet and endorsed by our best class of citizens^
Its objects are literaryt social and mutual aidt c^d gives its members the ^
kind of protection they require* because it pays llfOOOf iBfOOO* or fS^OOOt
the full amountf to its members first should they become permanently dis* ^
abled by accident or disease by which they can enjoy it while livingt or <>*
second when they attain the age of serenty five years t or third at the
death of a membert the amount goes to their will and this endowment is paid
within thirty days rf'ter being notified of such.
"I trust that you will ever bear in mind that charity is one of the noble
principles of this order* and that you will never be guilty of withholding
the hand of charity from any deserving member."
II B 1 d
ir B 2 a
II B 2 g
The Occident, March 5, 1886.
The Jewish Slavonic citizens of Chicago met on Sunday last at 569 Canal St., '%
for the purpose of organizing more fully their society, entitled ^
"Developers of Hebrew Literature." Among the more notable persons present
who addressed the meeting were:- Mr. A. Paradise, Dr« Albert Kadi son, H.
Eliasof, Dr. B. Felsenthal, Rabbi T. G. Lesser, Rabbi Abraham A. Alperstein,
Elieser Anixter and others. With other citizens who were present were:-
Mr. E. Rubovits, P. Kiss and Julius Silversmith, editor of the Cccident*
After calling the meeting to order, Mr* Paradise welcomed the invited guests
to whom he explained the object of the meeting. He stated that the society
had been formed to give the young element an opportunity of improving their
time for purpose of education, and social position; that the society had
already a nucleus* of some five-hundred Hebrew volumes, ten newspapers and were
now endeavoring to raise suf-Ticient means to enlarge this library.
II B 1 d
TI B 2 a
II B 2 g
The OcQJdentt March 5^ 1886
Dr« Kadison then made a stirring appeal to his countrymen to aid the society
in their venture for the improvement of the Slavonic Jews in Chicago* In his
endeavor to scientifically show that only through atomism were societies formed,
he stated in brief that the object of the association was the education of
its copatriots, that every Sunday evening there would be a business meeting,
other evenings during the week would be devoted to the reading of pepers and
the delivery of lectures, and at stated meetings instructions in. Hebrew would
be given; thirdly general dissertations upon science would be held. Dr«
Felsenthal followed with an able address in which he strenously advocated
the furtherance of this project, and was vociferously applauded.
After Dr« Felsenthal, Mr. Eliasof, delivered a lengthy Hebrew essay from
manuscript, upon the progress made by the Jevfs throughout the Unites States;
II B 1 d -3- JS^^ISH
II B 2 e
II B 2 g
The Occident, March 5, 1836.
he elucidated the necessity existing for their banding toeiether for the
purpose of preserving the liter^^ture of their ancestors; he stated that
this country offers the grandest field for the development of a pure JudeisTn,
consistent with the duties of American citizenship. The essay v/as listened
to with marked attention throughout, and warmly applauded.
Next followed the Rahbis of the orthodox con^req^/^tions, who addressed their
comtrymen intheir own vernacular. During en interim a subscription list
was circulated, and one hundred dollars were contributed by the audience,
a transcript of which will hereafter appear in these columns*
II E 1 d
II D 6
Jevjjsh Adve-nce, November 22, 1.^7 -•
Chicago Sketches, by Ben Adam. Y. !!. H. A.
About two years ago, a verj^ warm and enthusiastic agitation for literary
societies commenced to stir up the young men of the North Side, and they at
once organized a society/ under the name of Y, M, H, A. The success and pros-
perity which they enjoyed in the first da^^^s of their existence, prompted some
yoimg people of the West Side to do likewise, and the Zion Lit. ""became aji
established fact," and a short tim*e aftervard the Sinai and Progress, on the
South Side, were organized, aaid they were followed by the members of the
Stajidard Club, who instituted at their establishment the "alira mater of fash-
ion, aji extraordinary chair of literature and debate, and called the sajne
"Literary Society."
Por about a year these Literaries were all the rage with the young folks,
they became absorbing topics of the day, but, alas, this did not last very
Psge 2
II S 1 d
II D 6
Jeydsh Advs-nce. Nov. 22, l^Jg.
long. The warm feelings for elevation sjid cultivation of the mind relaxed,
STi"bsided, ajid at last passed away like a cloud. The Y. M. H. A. v^^as the first
to give UT) its ghost, and on last Wednesday the Sinai Lit. followed them
into the ouiet waters of the Lethe.
At present we have here only three Literary Societies, the Zion on the West
a^d the Standard and Progress on the South Side, and according to my judge-
ment, the Zion alone stpjids today developed as an organization in full
strength of a promising and useful existence.
II B 1 d
' . Jewish Advapce. Jvine 2S, 1$73.
(Eesolution by Sinai Literary Society)
"We are thankfxil to the Standard Club for the use of their elegant
library, which has been granted us* IThey have a valuable selection of English
and German similar journals*"
B. Avocational and Intellectiial
1. Aesthetic
e. Literature
-■ ,v
.'■ ■■ V.
Dally Jewish Forward. Apr* 30, 1931 •
It Is an accepted fact that no matter where or when a group of Hebrew and
Yiddish Journalist 3 meet a clash will follov/ sooner or later about the Ian-
guage problem* A perpetual conflict has been going on between Hebrew and :J
Yiddish wrlters*^ The conference recently called by the Peretz Earband was ^r^
not an exception ^o an usual Hebrew-Yiddish meetiii^/; and the reason why p
it did not last long was that the Hebrew Jouimallsts were not represented
Why should we deceive ourselves? We know that both Hebrew and Yiddish are
**dying**— that both are in a **deplorable condition*** Both languages are on
the threshold of being destroyed in their struggle with the big and powerful
living languages of modem civilization* The future of neither is secure:
both hang from a bximing thread; but instead of co-operating and helping each
othert they are fighting against each other* I think it will be the greatest
misfortune for the Hebrew language if Yiddish were to become dead— and vice
II B 1 e - 2 - JS1.ISH
Daily Jev/ish Forward, Apr, 30, 1931«
versa# The Yiddish language is still the bi5^:est prop of the Hebrev; language*
In the coiintries where Jev;s to not speak Yiddish there are no Hebrew-speaking
persons — v;ith the exception of a fev/ scholars who studied Hebrew much in the
same manner as some study Sanskrit, Latin, Oreek, or any other dead language*
The Jewish Heder /Old World type of Hebrew schoolT' has nourished the Hebrew
and Yiddish languages throughout the ages. Should we close the Heder, it will
mark the end of Hebrev/ and Yiddish — at least in the so-called 3xile countries.
If the Yiddish language disappears frcm the face of the earth so will the
Hebrew language. Those Hebrew fanatics vxho bitterly attack the Yiddish lan-
guage are not even aware of the fact that they are attacking themselves. These
people are not only attempting to commit homicide but also suicide* The same
misfortune would happen to the Yiddish language should the Hebrew lan^^uar-^e f
disappear* ^^
Viithout Hebrev; — without the Hebraic elements and expressions v:hich are found
in Yiddish — the Yiddish language v/ould i^radually become a Germanic dialect*
By losing its Hebraic peculiarities and content, the Yiddish language would
v.. ^
i II B 1 e - 3 - J:^7ISII
Daily Jev/ish Forward, ^pr* 30, 1931*
in tirae a^:ain become part of the German languaf^e. The Hebrev; elements
molded and shaped Yiddish and made it a rich and juicy language; they pre-
vented it from degenerating — from good Yiddish into bad German. V.e all re-
member very v/ell the peculiar Yiddish used thirty years ago in ]3urope and in
ximerica v;hen it was more customary to v/rite in German-Yiddish than in Ilebrev/-
Yiddish. .Is matters stand nov;, Yiddisn needs Hebrew no less than Hebrew needs
Yiddish. This controversy is very harmful for both groups since they will
only lose their energy and their strength — and gain nothing.
Both language c^roups have very y;holesome and very important arguments to
advance^ V/e must, therefore, say that each group is ri^:ht according to its
point of view. The Yiddishists are most certainly right v/hen they argue that
c >
Yiddish is the living language of a living nation. This is the best and the ^
strongest argument. 7/e all lilde the Yiddish language. It is very natural far
us to like it — v;ithout giving explanations — because it is lii^e a mother's love
for her children. Yiddish is our native tongue. V/e were reared in it; we
learned hov; to think and express our eraotions, ideas, and ideals in ito
II B 1 e - 4 - JEWISH
Daily Jewish Fonvard, Apr. 30, 1931.
It appears to me at times PLither preposterous that some of our theorists,
educators, and philosophers should seek to convince us that Yiddish has
^♦historical rir:',hts** because several prayer books v/ere written in the vernacu-
lar, or because a Purim play v/as perforrred several hundred years ago in Yiddish.
Yiddish does not need such historical rights to justify its existence. It is
here, and it is alive; that is the best proof of its importance.
Hov;ever, the Hebraists also have claims v;hich aualify Hebrew as the cradle -
language of the Jev/ish nation. Tlie Jews have created cultural treasures in [
Plebrew which have been, and still are, of universal significance. Hebrew has ?
accompanied the Jev/ish race for over three thousand years. During their long
wanderings the Jev/s have used and discarded various languages of various
countries, but Kebrew^ always stayed with them. It was their literary and
religious language — not their "weekday** tongue.
In Hebrew we find the literary treasures which the Jewish race has created
during its long Sxile. 3ven the literature of some of the foreign groups was
, II B 1 e - 5 - JS17ISH
Daily Jewish Forward, Apr* 30, 1931 •
created by the Hebrews: for example, the Persian and Arabic literatures ♦
Although very little remains of these literatures, their is still evidence
of the priceless contributions of the Jews to the literary world. Had the
Guide to the Perplexed > a work written in Arabic by the greatest of all
Hebrew scholars ^^^loses Maiiaonides/, not been translated into Hebrew, it
probably would have been lost together with many other great works like
The Fountain of Life, written by the world-famous poet and thinker, Solomon
Ibn (iabiroL
Yiddish does not need any historical rights because it is alive. Hebrev/
has enormous historical rights which cannot be ignored or slighted. In con-
clusion— both parties are justified in their claijas.
II B 1 e
The Sentinel^ Volumes 55-56, Vfeek of July 4, 1924 j Page 16.
Attorney Philip P. Bregstone has writuen a novel in Yiddish, entitled
In the Storm of Life» The story concerns Jewish life in -f^erioa*
II B 1 e
The xHeform Advocate, Volume 65« 'Jeek of June 9, 1923, Page 682.
The poems, "Our Soldier Dead," and "The 3pitaph for the Unknown Soldier,"
were written by Annette Kohn of Chioa£;o«
,■• — >
II 13 1 e
II B 2 'i (2)
*J — ' '' < ^ -^^^
S\iiiut-r: Je..-ii'h CouriGr, Lay 6, 1925,
(In ^n-'lish)
Ben Hecl.t, one ci the nost sens:. tional jf ti:e i.^odernist v.^iters in i-u.iericc. today,
has made liis -nublic bo.; this v/eek v;itii the fil'th niinber of his bi.vee.wlv '»:)Uulica-
tion, the Chicar;o Literory Ti.Mes. Ap. in tlie -orevious nui:ibers of -chis unique
journal, Beii Hecht continues licre his tirade ar.ainst the absurdities of the
literary cult. He is unc-'-nnily satirical and dispenses his advice c^uite freely
to those authors '.;ith ;;hon he can convenient!'^'' ^Diclc a (-aiarrel. He arraigns the
literature ano the art of the day, the science, the politics, and the econonic
rospel of t''io ti^ries. These he considers as the essentials of life. He marshals
life before hi:.: and issues liis coMi::and, ::e cares never a ";hit for tiie doctrines
of othor-i. He his o'.;n counse]. and r-ursuos his v/ay irre:'pectiv£. of the
directions -^ivon hin by others.
II B 1 e - 2 - JEvrrSH
II B 2 d (2)
Sunday Jev/lsh Courier, Llay 6, 1923*
Ben Hecht dwells v/ithin a sphere entirely of his ov/n making. Everything v/ritten
by him represents the product of his mind. He is a v/ell of many v/aters. He
possesses a creat fancy, an intense emotion, an original style, and is a fluent
v/riter, a master of vocabulary. He is very prolific, too, and v/hether you fully
grasp his meaning or not, you are fascinated by his language and are compelled
to read him. He makes you curious and interested, and that, in effect, is really
the greatest compliment an author can receive •
Ben Hecht is a man v/ith no long list of honorary degrees. He v/as born in New
York thirty years a^ of poor parents v/ho v/ere emigrants from lilkaterinoslay
^ow Dnepropetrovsk^, He v/ent through the public and high schools and ex- ^
perienced many hardships before he could earn a livelihood of his ^en. He was
one of the star feature men on the staff of the Chicago Daily News, and its war
correspondent. His war cables were read eagerly by the nev/s readers, for they
possessed the fascination that all such reports ordinarily lack. They were
photographic in their realism, yet significant in a spiritual sense also, the
II B 1 e - 3 - JSvTISH
II B 2 d (2)
Sunday Jewish Courier, IJay 6, 1923.
coinment of a man v;ho sees and does, not merely Qaze. He is also the author of
a play called Under False Pretenses, and several novels— Frik Porn, Gargoyles,
and Fantazious Llallare — the latest a psychological study, v/hich the censor
thought too radical an expression of opinion, as well as of a number of short
stories published in magazines an anthologies.
II B 1 e
II B 2 d (3)
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
forward. March 18, 1922«
The local Jewish Intellectuals will celebrate tonight at eleven o'clock*
The publication, in book form, of the collected poems of Israel Blum, will be
celebrated at a banquet in Bosenthal's BestanTant, 93^ W« Boosevelt Boad# Israel
Blum is one of our talented poets*
!7he poet wrote the poems now cgppearing in book-form, in the moments when
the muse came "to call"* Then he segregated himself from the material world and
wrote poems of lore of nature and of the working-class, life and struggle*
Bepresentatires of labor and cultural circles will speak at this banijaet*
II B 1 e
Daily Fonvard, Feb. 23, 1922. . /c"^ "^^
cincAao's jkatish artists in yototg Chicago W. o
This is the first time that Jev/ish artists are contemplating a Jev/ish
album. It is being published by the Chicago Jev/ish poets. This poetry
album, Young Chicago, which is being printed now, will be ready for
distribution Sunday, I^rch 5, and is approved of by the following
artists: H. Zigerman, A. Protnov, and M. Schwartz.
Negotiations are being carried on with other local Jev;ish artists who
wish to contribute to this project.
All those who wish to participate in the album of Jewish poetry, may
apply at Young Chicago, 1224 S. Albany Avenue.
Every poet who is interested in the book, will be furnished with enough
space in which to show his talent.
1 e
Daily Fonmrd, Feb. 23, 1922.
The follov;inr: poets are the r.iain participaiits in this nev; undertaking^
L. Gorelich, B. Ck)ldhart, LI. Deits, Bessie ?Iersfield, l.i-tes L. A.
!^sedin, and Isaac Honts.
II B'l e
Dally Jewish Coiirler^ Sept* 15, 1921*
The essay, as a form of literary writing, Is not yery old* It Is a product
of the Renaissance. The first great essayist In Europe was Montaigne, the
great French writer of the sixteenth century* Montaigne had a Jewish
mother, and his writings betray a great deal of his Jewish origin* In ^
England it was Lord Bacon, the founder of modern philosophy, who Introduced ^
the essay as a new literary form* Both men, Bacon and Montaigne, recognized C
clearly that the scholarly treatise was too heavy for the average reader, ^
and that the ascendancy of the middle class required a form of literary 2
writing to be satisfactory to representatives of this class* The scholarly
treatise, with its heavy load of quotations and its erudition, was only
good for the professional scholar; religious books, folklore, and light
poetry were better for the lower classes, and the essay for the middle class*
The development of the essay as a form of literary writing is as old as the
middle class*
- 2 - JMI3H
Dally Jewish Courier^ Sept« 15, 1921.
It can thus be seen that the essay, ?dille It may express philosophical Ideas
and fomulate deep problems. Is not meant to be a scholarly treatise for
scholars only* It Is meant to be an attempt to commune Intellectually with
nonprofessional Intellectuals, and the rich essay literature of the last
couple of hundred years proTes best that the attempt was successful* By today
the essay has acquired full citizenship rights In the realm of literature*
Able and great essayists are as rare as able and great philosophers* An ^
essayist must combine the qualities of a thinker and those of a poet* An
essayist must not only be a fluent writer, but he must be a thinker as well*
The essay In short Is a piece of popular, graceful, and philosophic writing*
If the essay does not make smDoth and pleasing reading, It Is not an essay
but a treatise* The essay must not be loaded with quotations, with erudition,
and citations* While It Is permissible to repeat what others have said re-
garding a certain subject, it is not permissible to quote too much or to
argue with others while writing an essay* The essayist must esqpress his own
thoughts on a certain subject, and express them in a pleasant and graceful
form* The place of the essay in philosophical writing may be compared to the
- 3 - JBIfflSH
Dally JqrtLsh Coiirler^ Sept* 15, 1921 •
place of the short story In f iotlon« It is an entity in itself, but still an
essay is an attempt, an etude, and like the short story it must be brief, to
the point, and still fascinating*
Of course essay writing has its own technique* One mast never start an essay ^
with a quotation, and not even with a proverb* In the first sentence of the ^
essay one most express its main thought, cuid it must be brief and striking* f
It does not matter if the first brief and striking sentence reads like a <Z
paradox* An essay writer may be paradoxical, at least in form* The first ^
sentence or paragraph of an essay may determine its worth and fate* An S
essay badly begun will not catch the reader's interest, and will not be ac*
cepted by the reading public* The beginning must be strozig and striking, and
the essay writer must be careful with the first few sentences of his work*
The founder of the essay as a form of literary writing was a half Jew, and
to the present day the Jew has proven to be a master essayist* His temperament ^
his witticism, and his striking way of expressing things qualify him for essay
. 4 - jEmriSH
Daily Jewish Courier^. Sept. 15, 1921#
writing* Uax Nbrdau, the famous Zionist leader, is probably the greatest
essay writer living, and Maxmilian Harden, the greatest German journalist
living, is also one of the great essayists of his time*
All those of our readers who are anxious to try their luck as essay writers
will do well to read Uax Nordau and Maxmilian Harden, and, of course, the
great French and Kngliah essay writers of today*
II B 1 e
II B 2 d (1)
Daily Jewish Courier. Sept. 14, 1921.
The literary contest inaugurated by the English department of the Daily
Jewish Courier is in full swing. Those who are ready and willing to
participate in the contest will certainly be interested in the list of
subjects for essays and short stories published in today *s Courier^ o
Ambitious young men and women, with scholarly or literary inclinations ^
will do their best to say it in an original, striking manner. ^
A good essay does not consist of an enumeration of ideas and thoughts, but
it consists of style, plus ideas. The contents of an essay, of course, are
very important, but the style, the composition, how one expresses a certain
thought or a certain idea, is as of much importance as the contents. Good
style is first of all directness, then immediacy of expression and clear-
ness of thought.
The list of subjects for the essays published in today's Courier are so
II B 1 e - 2 - JEWISH
II B 2 d (1)
Daily Jewish Courier, Sept. 14, 1921.
varied that they may appeal to, and inspire, young men and young women
of different temperaments, and of different interests in life. We Jews :^
are not only an individualistic people, but also an individualized i)eople, 5^
and only the Jew Heinrich Heine could say that every grave is a world's ^^
history of its own. Every Jew or Jewess has his or her own specific ^
literary interest, has his or her own literary and artistic inclinations. qg
It is with this thought in mind that we have deemed it advisable to widen S::
the scope of our literary contest , by giving wide variety to the list of co
The same holds good of the list of subjects for fiction and poetry. They
are apt to kindle the fantasy of young men and young women of different
t emp erament s .
To those who are ready to participate in the contest, we wish to say: Don't
go out of your way while writing an essay or a short story. Use simple lan-
guage, emd be sure that the premises are right, that your starting point
II B 1 e - 3 - JmiSE
II B 2 d (1)
Dally Jewish Courier, Sept. 14, 1921.
is logical, and that the conclusions at which you arrive tally with your
starting point. The essays should not be of a technical nature and should ^
not be scholarly in character. They should not consist of a compilation S
of extracts from books or from encyclopedias, but of a composition of the <^
personal thou£;hts of the author, on the respective subjects. Therein lies £7
the literary and educational value of an essay. The essays are not meant :2
to be academic papers, but they are meant to be literaiy essays, thought- S
ful and beautiful at the same time.
To those who mean to try their expression in poetry, we have no advice to
offer, for even the technique of poetry cannot be acquired. It is innate
and inborn. But to those who mean to test their ability as short-story
writers, we wish to point out that the short story is not a sketch, and
that they should always be aware of the difference between a sketch and a
short stoiy. A sketch may be a description of a person or of a situation,
etc. A short story, however, is more than that. Just as it requires two
to make a matrimonial match, so does it require two for the make-up of
II B 1 e - 4 - JEWISH
II B 2 d (1)
Daily Jewish Courier, Sept. 14, 1921,
a good short story. There must be some sort of a conflict described, and
those who are involved in the conflict must be visible figures and not
ghosts. In short, character portraying plus description of a conflict are
the component parts of a short story. There is a certain short story tech-
nique that can be acquired and developed, but as a rule, short story writers
develop their own technique, and unless one has no literary experience at
all and has not read very much either, it is not necessary to offer him or
her advice regarding the technique of short-story writing.
We urge all Jewish young men and young women with literary ambitions and i"^
ability to participate in this contest, because it may prove to be a good ^i
starting point in their literary careers, and it may give them encourage-
ment to concentrate on their literary work and to enter the literary pro-
fession. V/e can assure the contestants that the opinion or the verdict
of the Judges will be absolutely impartial, and that all the participants
in the contest will have an equal opportunity to get both prizes and
II B 1 e - 5 - JSmSE
II B 2 d (1)
Daily Jewish Courier, Sept, 14, 1921.
credit for their work, and to embark eventually upon a literary career in
II B 1 e JffinSH
II B 2 d (1)
Sunday Jewish Co\xrieg> Sept# 4, 1921 •
The Courier will soon begin a literary contest for the best treatises,
articles, essays, short stories and poems about Jewish matters, Jewish
probloras, and Jewish types auid motives* ^
The literary contest of the Courier has only one big purpose: to rouse i:^.
the Jewish literary forces in Chicago, to give th^n an opportunity of p
self -development , to waken in them literary and artistic ambitions, and ^
to give them the opportimity to begin their literary career. o
In Jewish Chicago there are certainly many latent literary and artistic ;g
forces. They do not reveal themselves and are lost, because they haven* t 5^
had the opportunity to appear in public. The Co\xrler wishes to give them
this opportunity, to gain a literary technique and a literary experience.
II B 1 e - 2 - JEWISH
II B 2 d (1)
Sunday Jewish Couriei'. Sept. 4, 1921.
The Courier strives to become the literary and artistic center in awakening
the literary forces, and to encourage them farther to work and develop their
talent •
The Courier, in its striving to aifaken the dormant literary forces in Jewish
Chicago, pursues the great traditions of the Jewish press, which has always :|
been the school of all our great writers and poets. Israel Zangwill began **
his brilliant oareier as a co-^-irorker of the Jewish Chronicle of London. The ^
great Nahum Sokolow began his ivriting career as a co-worker of the Hatzfiroh C"
etc. ^
The Jewish press has constantly arousel, reared, and constructed great ^
literary forces, and the Courier wishes to emulate these splendid traditions C3
of the Jewish press throughout the world, and help to awaken the Jewish
literary forces in Chicago.
II B 1 e - 3 - JEWISH
II B 2 d (1)
Sunday Jewish Courier > Sept* 4, 1921*
The enterprise i3 inextricably bound with a lot of money and much work,
yet the Courier will spare no money nor work in its undertaking of this
new feature, in summoning the young Jewish literary and artistic forces
of Jewish Chicago •
In a few days we will publish three lists in connection with this literary
contest ♦ One list of themes for essays and articles. A second list for
literary connoisseiirs, \fho are to render their decisions over the literary
contributioas and a third list for prizes.
The Courier will soon make known all the details of the contest; to whom
the contributions should be sent; hov; they should be signed in order that
the literary judge should be absolutely impartial; how large the sums of
money will be for the first, second, and third prizes. Other contributions
ifill receive mention in accordance with the judges* decision.
II B 1 •
II B 2 d (1}
'^^'PA (ILL.) PROJ 3027^
Daily Jewish Gourier^ Aug. 29, 1921 • ^^^.^uz/v
The history of modern Hebrew and Yiddish literature is also the history
of modem Hebrew and Yiddish journalism. All our great writers of the
present day started their cGureers as journalists • Even the great Anglo*
Jewish writers, who have won world-wide reputations and fame, like Israel
Zangwill, Lucien Wolf, and from among the younger generationt Leon
Simon and Harry Saeher, started their brilliant careers as contributors
to the London Jewieh Chronic le> The greatest Hebrew writer living, who
is at the same time our greatest diplomat, Mr. Machum Sokolow, started
II B 1 • - 2 - JEWISH
II B 2 d (1)
Daily Jewish CoarlT, Aug* 29f 1921
l^PA (ILL.) PROJ. 3Q275
his career ae a journalist and as a contributor to the Hebrew dailyt
Hazfirah» Even our great contemporary poets have started as contributors
to the newspapers* Our press has proved to be the greatest literary
educational agency* It has called into being and it has trained all
our literary forces*
The city of Chicago^ with its Jewish population of 300»000t is a great
philanthropic center and also a great i^ionist center^ but it is not a
Jewish literary center* There are but a few Jewish writers or poets*
But stilly among 300yOOO Jews there must be scores of men and women
with literary ability and inclinations* We have reason to believe that
thex^e is much dormant literary and artistic Jewish talent in Chicago^
and all that is needed to bring these talents to the fore and to make
them productive is to give them an opportunity to acquire a literary
technique^ and to awaken their literary axribitions* We suppose that
II B 1 6 - 3 - JEWISH
II B 2 d (1)
Dally Jewish Courier ^ Aug* 29f 1921*
there le any amoiint of dormant Jewish talent among the younger generation*
There must be young men and women in our midst who^ acquiring a literary
technique 9 would enrich our literature and prove to be a great spiritual
asset in our community*
Presuming that there are yast literary potentialities in Jewish Chicago^
we haye decided to do all we cem to turn them into actualities, and to
this endf the Daily Jewish Courier will inaugurate an extensive literary
contest 9 with a certain number of prizes, so that all those with
literary ability may have an opportunity to start a literary career •
American Jewry has but few publicists of repute, and only a few novelists*
Most of our literary forces in this country are imported from the other
side* It is time that we produced our literary forces right here on the
spotf and that we be no longer dependent on gifts from European Jewry*
6 - 4 - JEWISH
II B 2 d (1)
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 302/6
Dally Jewish Courier^ Aug* 29f 1921*
All our vrltars and poets vho come here from the other side, able
though they are^ cannot possibly exercise a vast influence on the
Americanised Jews^ because they are still thinking in European terms^
We ought to have iUnerican Jewish writers^ American Jewish novelists^ and
American Jewish poetsy that is to say^ Jewish artists who are products of
American ciTilisation and American Jewish lifoy and who are connected
with American Jewish life* The activities of such artists would enrich
our life amd would give it beautiful tone and color* We are anxious to
see such forces fltrise* iVe cure anxious to see American Jewry enriched
spiritually and artistically^ and we mean to do all we can to bring out
these forces*
The literary contest to bs inaugurated by the Courier this week^ will
give eyery Jewish young man and woman in Chicago an opportunity to
test his or her literary ability, and to acquire training****
n B 1 e - 5 - JEWISH
II B 2 d (1)
Daily J«wleh Courier, Aug. 29f 1921.
m (ILL) PRO,, JQ2-.5
Tithin a few days we will publish a list of subjects and themes, to-
gether with the prizes fixed for the best essays, the best short stories
and the best poems, to be published in the Courier^ and we hope that those
who have any literary ability will use this opportunity and will make an
attempt to show what they can do in the literary f ield» The editor of
the Courier does not underteike to be the sole Judge of the literary and
artistic contributions to be sent to him for publication^ The contribution
will be eiBmined also by competent literary judges, and their verdict
will be accepted by the editor of this paper • The winning of a literary
prize may prove to be a good starting point for able young men and women
in the community, and may awaken their asibition to continue their
literary activities and to make literature their sole profession in life*
Within a few days we will publish particulars about this contest •
II B 1 e
I £
Jewi sh
WPA (ILL,) PRQi 302}^
Forward. June IQ, I92I.
"Our Corner,"
The first childrens journal, edited only ty children in Chicago, and put-
lishei by the Children's Clubs of the Douglas Park Workmen Circle, is
ready for circulation.
The Journal is composed of songs, stories, articles, and etc.,
32 pages. Price 25(^ per copy.
!->'-*-• -V
fl. ,;rii - (. ■-
II B 1 e
I D 2 a (3)
forward Jiine 6, 1921
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
The amalgamated Xdaoatlonal department desenres mach oredit in publishing literature «
In book form, for the memberst Before us lie four pamphlets published by the
Amalgamated Clothing Workers* The pamphlets are:
1* The Development of the Clothing Workers 10#
2« Problems for Workers Organizations lOff
Latest Deyelopments in Trade Unionism lOff
The open Shop (questions & answers) 3^
The first two pamphlets were written by Joseph Schlossberg, general secretary
of the imalgamated* The third i>afflphlet was written by George Sault a noted
writer of trade unionism. The fourth pamphlet was written by Paul Blanchard*
Zach of the four pasiphlets, discuss separate phases of the labor movement, ^ey
are on sale at the office of the Amalgamated.
II B 1 e Janai
JV Dally Jewish Courier, Sept. 1, 1919.
Dr. S, M. Melamed
Even during the Biblical period, Jevjish literature differed from all other
national literatures. It is the only one which did not develop in any
particular country and does not bear the stamp of a specific locality. It
has neither a local character, nor a local color.
True, there are many scholars who assert that Jev;s have many literatures but
no national literature, because a national literature can develop only in a
specific territory, under a specific type of political organization, with
specific national traditions. Those scholars claim that a nation can produce
a large number of authors and poets and yet not produce a national literature.
Superficially, it would seem that those scholars v/ere correct; but when we
take into consideration the psychological effect of Jewish literature since
the Jews have beccme a nomadic people, we are then justified in doubting the
II B 1 e - 2 - J3WISH
17 Daily Jev:ish Courier, Sept. 1, 1919.
truth of those scholars' claims* Although Jev/ish literature has undergone
various radical changes, a chan^3e in language being one of them, and although
it is not as stable as the Jews have been in their instability — they have been
compelled to wander from place to place — nevertheless, it has been successful
in maintaining certain high standards of a special character which would permit
one to call it a national literature.
Every Jev:ish document has its /special/ Jewish character even though it does
not reflect a particular locality. The Hebrew- Italian school of the eight-
eenth century ist in many respects, similar to the Hebrew-Spanish school of
the Middle Ages* And the Hebrew-Russian school of the present day is not
only similar to the Hebrew school of the twelfth and eighteenth centuries,
but is even very similar to the Biblical period* The work of Bialik alone
is an illustration of how close we are to the spirit of the Biblical period*
This similarity of the Jewish literature of various periods is true with
regeipd to poetry* When we consider prose writing, however, then we see the
II B 1 e - 3 - Jir^ISH
17 Daily Jewish Courier^ Sept. 1, 1919*
effects of Jewish wandering. The Jewish literature of the Alexandrian period
is hardly similar to the Jewish literature of Babylon, and the Jewish litera-
ture created in Europe differs entirely from that created in Central Asia and
Africa^ In other words, during the period when Jewish specilative thought
was fortunate enough to retain its highly original character, Jewish litera-
ture compelled certain JJevilah/ groups to assimilate themselves into the Jewish
told/. So long as the Hebrew language was used for the expression of the Jewish
literary spirit, the wandering from one coimtry to another affected the litera-
ture only in so far as it became more picturesque and more interesting. It
did not, however, affect its content. Very often the new environment was not
noticeable at all in the literature. This is only natural, because the Hebrew I2
language, as it has developed, contains a certain philosophy of life. The fate
of the Jews for many centuries, more or less similar in every country, has
contributed to the psychological effect of Hebrew literary thought. This is
particularly noticeable in the Hebrew elegy. When an individual reads Bialik^s
♦*Songs of W37ath,*^ his thoughts immediately turn to poems written many centuries
II B 1 e - 4 - J3WISH
IV Daily Jev/ish Courier, Sept. 1, 1919«
But since the Jev;s entered the modem world and accepted non-Jewish languages
as the medium of Jewish thought, the effects of the wanderings began to be
felt in Jewish literature in an unpleasant way» The unpleasantness consists
not in the fact that many languages are being used, which makes Jewish litera-
ture so colorful, but in the fact that a variation in thought and opinion is
revealed. The work of Jewish authors in various European languages, who deal
only with special Jev/ish problems, cannot be considered as a part of Jewish
literature and cannot be considered as Jev/ish national treasures, because
there are to be found non-Jev/ish elements in their work which impress their
stamp upon it. Quite often it is very difficult to distinguish between the
Jewish and non-Jewish in these works. Everyone who is acquainted with the
theological development of Judaism for the past hundred years knows how
Jewish theology in the V/est has gradually lost its original Jewish concept
and has become closer to the Christian concept. No less a theologian than
Schleiermacher characterized the so-called modem Judaism as very close to
modem Christianity. V/e must understand that it is not modern Christianity
that has come closer to Judaism, but Judaism that has come closer to
II B 1 9 - 5 - Jin^SH
IV Daily Jewish Courier, Sept, 1, 1919.
It would naturally be historically fallacious to assume that the non-Jewish
element has stealthily crept into Jewish literature only in the past one
hundred years • On the contrary, it is a well-established fact that since
Jews began to use foreign languages many non-Jewish elements have crept into
their work. This was the case with Philo, as well as with maimonides in
his Guide to the Perplexed. ^
Isn't it remarkable that all the synthesists between Judaism and an alien r.
world perspective have written their philosophical works either in Greek, P
Arabian, or another modern language, whereas all Jewish philosophers who ^
wrote in Hebrew did not seek to be synthesists at all? Philo, who wrote in
Greek, wanted to be the synthesist between Plato and Judaism. Maimonides who
wrote his Guide in Arabian wanted to become the synthesist between Aristotle
and Judaism. Naturally, there are exceptions. Nachman Krochraal was a true
Hegelian and he wrote his Guide to the Perplexed of Our Time in Hebrew. But
such an exception only proves the rule. Most of our philosophers who wrote
in Hebrew have developed a Hebrew philosophy, more or less, and have con-
tributed to the development of Jewish thought, which finds its true expression
r- 1
r J
II B 1 e - 6 - JSTISK
IV Dally Jewish Courier^ Sept* 1, 1919.
in the Bible, the Talmud, and the Agadah.
Thus, everything we have stated can serve as proof that the psychological
effect of Jev/ish literary thought and the true development of the Jewish
concept in general can only be preserved through the use of Hebrew. Hebrew
is for the Jew and for the literature of the Jev/ish people more than an -^
ordinary language. Hebrew contains the many different elements which are ^
necessary for the healthy development of a national literature. V/e do not
have a country, a political organization, local traditions, etc. However, as
long as Hebrew is the language medium of Jewish literature, it will have a -3
national character and will deserve to be called a national literature, _If, '-
howeveri Jewish thought is not expressed in Hebrew, then Jev/ish /literary/
creations cannot possibly belong entirely to us and cannot be our national
property. It will belong to others as well as to ourselves, and perhaps more
to others than to us.
This is where the importance of the Hebrew language lies for the development
of Judaism and Jewish thought.
» —
II B le
III B 3 b
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Daily Courier > ,.pr. 10, 191^,
sullen unci disillusioned, until at lust he took the Bible and found the
passage ^'Eli, Illi, Lc:;io Azavtoni?" (Oh, God, :irj God, v.hv hast thcu
for sal-: en nel )
Fron these beautiful v.ords I.h?. Sandler created hi^ \.Grla-fax.ious song.
The first to sin.j it v;as Vxz. Karp, v;ho had a ^reat success. The song^
published '..ithout the avithorc^c naj;ie passed fron mouth to :;iouth and
became popular a:;ionr; both Jews and non-Jev;s as a folk song.
Years later "^li, Eli" beca-r.e popular in the lausic v.orld, and strange
as it seex..s, Lh?. Sandler, the author, v;as una;/are of this fact.
He retired frcLi the iiiusic world entirely tc live with his fairdly in the
Bronx, where he establislied hinself as a clothing salesman, and only
during the High Holidays he used to conduct choirs in the synagogues.
As the years passed by, he was totally for:-otten as a Jewish song-wTiter
Cne evening his daughter, cor.iin;; hone fron an operatic concert in the
Metropolitan Theatre, related to her father how Sophie 3i*aslow had de-
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- 4 -
Daily GGurior^ rvpr. 10, 1919,
Ij?. Jacob Ivoppel Sandler, altiiou *h a clothinj salesman and cl'ioir
leader "urin^j the hclidava, deserves reeo.^^'nition as the author oi this
i.:ji.iortLl son-;.
II B 1 e
II 3 2 d (;3)
III A Daily Joivisli Courier, June li3, 1918.
A a^X TO KLiBR. ja^JlXY Ala) .:;J'I0IL'JI;Y'-
At this tine, v/lien the Jewish people /as a v/noleT" ^^^e living through a period
of terrible destruction on the one hand, and iiational av;al:enin;; and great hope
on the othar — v;e find that Hebrew literature in iimerica has entered UDon an
era or revival and nev; fruitful activity. Upon tli.- ruins of the Hebrew lit-
erature of Europe and Palestine, which has been restricted during the last
four years by the terrible war, tiiere has gradually begun to take shape in
America the structure of the Hebrew language /s'icT'.
During the past three or four years, we havo seen before us a phenomenon which
has no equal in the .;hole history; of ^iinerican Judaism. In the last three or
four years we have seen , developing before our eyes, Hebrew magazines and nevjs-
papers .v:iich have ^^ined a iiireat nuraber of readers, fhe Aaerican Hebraists,
scattered in all corners of the land, had felt, until the last couple of years,
lonely and forsaken, without any spiritual canters for their nental life, ilow
^ W.Pi.
II B 1 e - 2 - JIII/TSII
II B 2 d (3)
III A Daily Jev/ish Courier, June 13, 1918.
they are organized and enjoj'' a lively and prolific activity.
During the past ferjj years there have already appeared several Hebrew enter-
prises that have succeeded in publishing several books. Thus they have
enriched the field of Hebrew literature which, because of the war, had become
forsaken and desolate.
This splendid and promising phenomenon that fills the heart of everi'- true
Jewish nationalist with hope and pride, has also, however, its detrimental
aspect, /md that is that the activity of most of our -juerican Hebraists is
one-sided and is directed tov/ards one end, and that is towards beautiful lit-
erature, belles-lettres, pootiy, etc. The reaLn of Jewish knowledge, of the
"Wisdom of Israel" has to date baen neglected. The portals tliat should have
been opened to us, portals leading to the great treasures of creative Jewish
genius, have hitherto remained closed. Many /wo rl^ of the Jewish spiritual
nobility, wnich have lit the long road from the Diaspora with their aura,
II B 1 e - 3 - JICV/ISII
II B 2 d (3)
III A Daily Jewish Courier^ June 13, 1918 •
and are the foundation upon v/hich Judaism exists, lie to this day scattered
in dark dusty comers of libraries.
.'jid because of this isolation /of Jev;ish spiritual lor^ there arose a danger
that Jewish thought would become impoTerished, that its clear spring, v;hich
had not ceased to flav during the whole period of the Diaspora, would, Grod
forbid, dry up. In order to avert this c^eat danger, the organization
"Ashkoloth** ;vas founded.
The Ashkoloth Society assumed the task of issuing a whole series of important
books in the field of the Jisdom of Israel. The /iShkoloth Society has assumed
the task of creating in ^k.ierica a great spiritual center of Jewish thought.
This society believes that just as it is the duty of the three million Ameri-
can Jews to preserve the physical life of the hundreds of thousands of our
suffering and starving brothers and sisters abroad, so also is it their sacred
II B 1 e - 4 - J3;;':iSH
II 3 2 d (3)
III A Daily Jev/ish Courier, June 13, 1918.
duty to strengthen then spiritually. And this can bost be done by founding
a large publishing house that can feed the Jev/ish spirit with the best crea-
tions of our great men in ^he reaLu oj^ Hebrew spirit and thought.
The .Ishkoloth Societ^r has been incorporated under the laws of the State of
Nov; York. A-aong its founders are renovmed Hebraists and Jewish intellectuals
who have placed it on a sound basis and a strong foundation. It appeals to
all Hebraists in Araerica to assist in this g^eat pemanent national v;ork that
this society has undertaken.
Hebraists of i\merical Help erect the structure of the Hebrev; culture.
Hebraists of Anerical Buy shares of the .\shkoloth Society, become subscribers
to the books v/hich the /islilcoloth will publish. And thus help establish and
strengthen a new center in America for the Hebrew language.
r7ith respect and friendly greetings /^^ ^
" m. '
11 B 1 e
II B 2
d (3)
- 5 -
Daily Jewish Courier, Juno 13, 1918
jjv/isri .
ASiikoloth Society,
159 ^st Broadv;ay,
Neiv York City.
II 3 1 e
II B 2 g
I D 2 a (2)
^^/^ Oil) PRO J. 3027'^
Daily Jewish Courier, Apr* 23, 1917 •
Last evening more theoi 1,200 people filled the assembly hall of the
Hebrew Institute and with enthusiasm greeted the noted Jewish writer
suid dramatist, David Pinsky, now in Chicago for the first time*
It was a thrilling moment v/hen i^insky was introduced, at the close of
the evening, arranged by the Dramatic Literary Society, when from all
sides roses were tossed on the platform. It was one of the most spectacular
welcomes ever given to a Jewish writer by the Chicago intelligentsia*
In addition to a colorful musical program, Dr. Israel Larcus, chairman
of the evening, introduced the followint^ speakers, who greeted the
honored guest in behalr' of their organizations:
II B 1 e - 2 - JEIVISH
iVa^^a) ''''"^ ^'"-^ ^^'^' ^^^^''^
Daily Jewish Couriert Apr. 23, 1917 •
L* Areshke.^ of the Dramatic Society, attorney oulius oovitsky, J. Duo^
secretary of the Literary Club; Dr. Hyman Gohen, D, Aberson, K. Sneid,
and many others. This reception of .r. i^insky was remarkable in that it
showed how interested v/e are in Jewish literature. Mr. Pinsky emphasized
this in a brief talk before reading his one-act **3eth Shevah."
David Finsky will address the meeting of L.ocal 197 of the Amagamated
tomorrow evening at 409 3. Halsted St. The tailors will surely not fail
to attend this lecture by their beloved friend.
Finsky will address the .national Labor Alliance 7/ednesday evening in the
Hebrew Institute.
• 1-
— ,
II 3 1 e JT'I-I
II B 2 d (1)
III Z Dail3^ Jev;ish Gourl9-> 7eb. 2, 1914.
II .^ 1
th: jt;isii iiT'PATirR^ .jhd fr-^'^s
;.t one time the effective literature originated vritr. the classica . drana or
vjith the great lyrical poem. That time lias lonr: since Tiassed. Today, as v:e
become riore ''dev:lop3d" and .acre ''educated/' such literature does not b3P::in
vath the ')oem. 3ut ith the ne-.vsTjaper advertisements. Today, the press
dominates the literary field and the icst import int part of t'le press is
devoted to the interests of th-^ ^mblishers ana the nublic, not the half-
literary text, but the 'unliter .ry advertisements.'- VJith this ''developmenf
we, v/ho c-^^.vote our lives to literature, cannot rejoice, ^io':ever, -re can not
escape it. A newspaper that has :nany advertisements can also, if it wishes,
publish good literary contributions. If it hasn*t enough advertisements it
cannot even ublish half-literary articles. .liat I mean to say is that the
literature, as it is afflicted at present, is entirely dependent on economic
factors. The times no longor exist when a litterateur devotes his entire
life to one literary piece; when the p ot sacrifices himself for his muse-
today, the v.Titer and ^joet also v;ant to live better. They can only live
II 3 1 e
II B 2 d
II a
- 9 _
. vi^or
Daily Jewish Courier. 7eb. 2, 1914 •
by their literary efforts, provided the press publislies their literary vj-ork •
and pa^'^s then v/ell for it. Today one can not ehe out a livelihood from
books alone — only the few r^^eat dranatists and novelists can live off their
books. Today the press itself .lust be the nediur.i betvreen the creative v/riter
and the -ublic. If the press is pov/arful econonically, the literature of the
people can develop normally, nailing it possible for the ;7riters to thrive and
\7ork. Ho'-ever, if the press is financially belov; the mark, as for instance
a.iong us Jews, urt is erposed to ber;G:^ry and the literature develops only
through ..liracles.
I need not mention that nearly tv.-enty-fivG of the literary productions in
modern Hebraic and Yiddish literature, v:ere made knovm throua;h the
press. Bialik and Feretz, Chernichovrslcy and HoseiXield, Sholom Aleichem and
ivlendele, Jacob Cohen and ochneur, at fir^'u published their finest v;orks in
newspapers and journals. These men have no profession other than in the literary
field, and must live by their v/ritings.
If the multitude of Jewish and Hebrev/ writers are paupers, t-ie only r.^ason for
II B 1 e - :3 - J^ 'I^n
II 2 2 d (1)
III :: Daily Jevrisli Courier, Feb. 2, 1314.
II A 1
it lies in the iijipoverished conditio: of the Jcv;ish and ^ebrev; press. The
Jewish nev/spapers have fev: advertisers because there is neith r Jov.-ish trade
nor Je-.:ish industry. The cnly :"ev:ish business fron v;hich the Je?jish, and
especially the Hebrev; press orofits a little, is the business of the biblical
lite_-ature, and particularly sacred objects, as phi^acteries, prayer sliav/ls,
door-post schedules, (parchment schedule v/ith inscrir^tions fro:-i the l;ible,
attached to door-^osts), or by doubtful doctors for still more aoub^.u*.ll
Althcur^, there io no Jev:ish national trade or industry to support the Je-'ish
and :iebrew press, there could still be a fr-..^raentary poi?er havin,^ more influence
on Jev/ish life if -ublishers v;ould be .lorj practical. The Jevish or -lebrew
journalist is alnost likened to the Jewish Reverend. He has becoiiie a journalist,
not because he is qualified or because he possesses the required political and
social bac^iground, but because he could becone nothing else, hence, our pre;
is not taken s:riou-ily hy the ^mblic.
II 3
II 3
- 4 - J~c-:i3ii
Daily ^ev;ish Courier, Fob. Tj, 1914.
VJhat is the ^^Hatcheiyah'^?
It is a I'ev; Tori: IZebrev; nev;spaper founueu by a Jev^ fron ./arsaw, Poland, rho
cane to ile;v York, and v;ith no conception of the livings conditions in -\morica,
esta:lished, on the da:' foll:v;ing his arrival, this joxirnal. It features
neither advertise aonts nor articles — it onl; offers co:aplaints to the Jev.lsh
public. I could furnish lore e::a..i les of siiailar publications.
•ilven the lar^^e Ileorev/ publication.^, that have sone influence on literature -^.nd
Jev;ish life, display illiteracy, sophistry, and "political i-jicrance, The .
reportorial v/ork is poor, the so called li^.ht they shed is often too din to be
seen, tae infori.iation on Je'.;ish life is inaccurate, and tho feuilleton is as
poor as a K3Tsy.
To the youth, the Hebrev/ nev/spaper ir; a playt::in"', to the elders a luxury.
The Je'.vish young nan, having a rxov:le.\qe of Ilebr ?;, considers it his cuty to
contribute to the nev;s:)aDer so that hii:. name can be seen in headlines. 3ut
II 3 1 e - 5 - JT;I5H
II B 2 d (1)
III .Z Daily Jev:lsh Courier, ?eb. 2, 1914.
II .:. 1
one mi.-:ht have a thorough . novrlecge of riebrev/, and yet have no literary''
ability. '..Tit in ^ at such a lov; de :ree is turned int. a footbal^. in the 'lands
of so-;::Aists, I a . sorry to say that,v;ith but a fev; individual e?:ce-"tions,
this \-^ritin.^ is only a ;olaything for naive una incorapotent ^-ounnsters arid
uneducated grandfathers. Thus, the Jev;s do not realize the si-^nificance of
a Jev:ish press, bee u-3e they lack the national Jevrish. res jcnsible senti:.:ent«
If an English or jYench Jour.nalist laiev; an inDortant fact and believed that the
^mblication of thi:^. fact 7;ould ham hij nation, lie .rould never ^aib.ish it,
regardless of hov; DOor he ha ;T)oned to be, because lie is not onl^^ a journalist,
but also a citizen possesoinp; politico-uatriotic, responsible sentirient. A
Jev/ish journalist (of course tliere are a fev: exceptions) can not abstain
from puhlishing such facts, even th:u.;:h he realizx'i the har:.iful consequences.
I do not v:ant to accuse any inoividualo >)ec-:use I an not considerin'^ this
fron a personal, but from a politico-historical point of viev7.
II 3 1 e - 5 - TZ:J1SK
II 3 2 d (1)
III - ':aily Jev;ish Courier. Feb. 2, 1914.
II A 1
A people v/ho liave lived tv;o years v/ithout a country, th"reby, not
living a national-political life, can not Iiave the sane :iin;hly developed social
and political fe:^ponsible feelings as people livin^^ a noriiial political life.
V/hat ±3 the ..loral of thii ai'ticle? That the Jevjish and Ilebrev/ press nust
have at the apex, educated and cultured nen. The Jev/ish ^ Hebrev; press
cun acquire influence, not tlirough econonic factors, but throup:h the pergonal,
intellectual, and laoral superiority of its i.aeMbers.
The fat. of our literature depends upon our press, and the fate of our press
depends u:;on its directors cind representatives, .jid so long as a portion of
the directors of our press vrill be uneducnted raen, v/ithout fully developed
res:ionsible sentiment, ana v;ithout literary ability, it 7;ill remain :7hat it
is toda^T"; and fine Jevrish literature vrill continue to ask aLus.
II B 1 e
II B 2 d (3)
I B 3 b
Daily Jewish Courier. Dec. 14, 1913,
Anyone interested in Jewish literature, having an iinderstanding of the
profound value hidden in it or being impressed by its beauty end clear-
ness, can see the approach of new stars on our literary heaven dispersing
dense, dark clouds and illuminating Jewish life, now depicted by the pens
of these new authors in a way that we can understand, discern, and admire^
The artist sees life in more detail than the average person, for to him,
more so than to others, is revealed the general combination of its
separate phenomena. Each particular venture of a person is buo a part
of the whole; one link in the chain. To the artist an individual's deeds
are due to environment, which influences his actions. l.Vhen his deeds are
presented to us, embodied in his work, we can understand and re-live all
his past life as an actuality.
But this is only possible in fiction, where the writer creates his own
types and controls at will the characteristics and surroundings of his
. \
New fiction in Jevdsh literature is of importance to us, for it indicates
II B 1 e - 2 - JEVJISH
II B 2 d (3)
I B 3 b Daily Jewish Courier, Dec. 14, 1913.
/ -<
a new era in Jev/ish literature, v;ith new interests and new inspirations, ■- V J^
The two best novels to appear lately are, according to my choice, Ixlarie, -^ '<>
by Sholom Ash, and After All, by David Bergelson*
Sholom Ash not only possesses color, unity, and glamour to picture **a village,"
but the power to analyze a whole epoch of Jewish Russian life in the
Revolutionary days of 1905. With beauty and forcefulness he brings forth
in his novel the joys and sorrows of that time; the sublime, self-sacrificing
types, and the enslaved Jewish spirit, the heritage of an exiled people.
But Mr. Ash has painted these types and characters too lightly, even if he
has adorned them with strong, poetic wholeheartiness. One feels frequently,
when reading the novel, that something is lacking. In spite of the fact
that we become acquainted v;ith the whole existence of his main character,
"Marie," yet he fails to explain who she is, so that we cannot enter or
become a part of her soul.
The novel by David Bergelson, who deals with a much more complicated type,
is so psychologically deep, has so strongly penetrated the soul of the
small tovjn "Mirel," that we are forced to live again each step of her
innocent adventures.
• - /
II B 1 e - 3 - JEV/ISH
II B 2 d (5)
I B 3 b Daily Jewish Courier > Dec. 14, 1913.
The novels of Ash and Bergelson display their romanticism in descriptions
of the passing of our aristocracy, the fall of our nobility. ^Ve Jews
have no princes or lords, but we do have an aristocracy of illustrious V
nobility. i\nd just as the present capitalistic v;orld broke throup,h -/^
the fetters of world feudalism, so, in proportion, has the rich in the
Je\7ish small towns of Russia commenced to destroy Jewish lineage. \
Social heights were being attained by the illiterate, newly rich, whose
only claim to any pedigree is money, and who ridicule the true Jewish
We also have here another problem. The children, learning a strange
culture (Russian), seeing the movement of an awakening v;orld, become
in the course of events estranged from their parents. They view the
depth of their elderft' genealogical pride, which is instilled in their
own hearts, influencing their every actions, for they were reared in
this atmosphere. But in a corner of their souls, they 'long for that
world where there is a greater and unlimited happiness.
This develops a twofold personality in '*Mirel," which Bergelson pictures
II B 1 9 - 4 - Jijr/;isH
II B 2 d (3)
I B 3 b Daily Jewish Courier. Dec. 14, 1913* /< '\
and clothes in the richness of his imagination. He brings before us
the constant struggle of the small tovm elite: "Mir el/* the spoiled,
beautiful, rich girl with her pride, and "Mirel," the girl longing
for happiness, the girl who imagines another world obliterating every-
thing about the small-town.
How v;ell can Ash portray the rift between child and parent I VrTien Hyman
Rosenzweig hears his daughter speaking so enthusiastically to Misha in
Russian, he feels the gulf between them widening. Only nov. does he
realize how much of a stranger she is to him. He is ignorant of what
she does or thinks. It appears that during her high school years she
developed into a stranger, both to his language and his ways of think-
ing. This is not the same little girl, v/ith the little curls, v^^hom he
held so often on his lap, who looked so adoringly up at her father.
The little girl is a young lady, a person over v/hom he has no authority.
It seems she has a contempt for him, nor does she consult him on books
she reads, or even speak to him of things she speaks to ^'Msha." '* Although
I am intelligent, her father says to himself, "I know what are in books,
and have even read Schiller's dramas. "
■ , i
II B 1 e - 5 - JEVJISH
II B 2 d (3)
I B 3 b Daily Jewish Courier > Dae. 14, 1913.
This tragedy is reflected in both novels. Both keep throughout a definite V
respect for the old elite, who so royally crowned o\ir Jewish life. Both
Ash and Bergelson took the feLainine type from homes of nobility, for only
there can be found material for such artistic v;ork. Both portray Jewish
tragedies of parents and their children due to a deep gulf between the two.
Thus far are the two novels parallel, although painted in various profuse
colors. There are also many differences on which I will write in another
II B 1 © J5V/ISH
II B 2 d (3)
Daily Jewish Courier > Nov. 23, 1913*
Chicago has a very welcome guest in the person of the famous teacher and
master, Llr. Schmoel Isaacs, of New York, father of that active Jewish
Chicago comnnlnity worker, Mrs. Benjamin Davis, and the late Dr. Isaacs.
Mr. Schmoel Hillel Isaacs, was bom 88 years ago in Rutsk, Subalker Co\mty,
Russia. He studied the Torah with those great scholars, Mr. Moshe Laib,
of Kutno, and lUx. Yehuda Bachroch.
When he was 22 years old he came to America, and settled in New York. He
spent most of his life there, and now he comes to Chicago.
He is the author of many books that have become famous beyond the pale
of Jewish Literature. His Almanac and General and Jewish Permanent Calendar
were cited and explained in the Scientific American of Itorch 7, 1892; in
II B 1 e - 2 - JKHJ3E
II B 2 d (3)
Daily Jewish Courier, Nov. 23, 1913*
the New York Sun of September 14, 1893, and in the Seminar of Karch 1894.
llr. Isaacs also wrote many articles for the American Jewish press as well
as educational subjects for the monthly journal Tovoh from Zion, printed
in Palestine. Many of his articles from this Palestinian organ were later
published as •ei>arate pamphlets, Passover Theme, and W Tirin Brother Tzeevia.
being among them. His llonthly Concept ions," pertains to the Jewish calendar.
He covers the deep subject of the Rhomfcom in Halochus Kidush Hachudosh.
Chicago* s educators and writers now have the privilege of meeting personally
this noted scholar. He may be visited at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Benjamin Davis, 6120 Drexel Avenue.
II B 1 e
Courier » April 11, I909.
WPA(iLL)PROJ. 302/3
Several of the prominent and well-to-do Jews in Chicago have started a
movement which is still in progress, to organize a society to he named
Yehoish Literary Group* The purpose of this hody will he to translate
into English, in complete or partial form the poetry of the famous Jewish
poet, Yehoish (Bluragarten) , in order to acouaint the English speaking
puhlic with his great literary works. A meeting will he called shortly,
the group will he fully organized, and a definite program will he formu-
lated and put into reality. We, on our part, congratulate this novel
undertaking. From our hrief acquaintance with this group, we can say
that they are not merely trying to advertise themselves, hut are actually
willing to spend money and lahor to put this plan in action. Yehoish is
the only Jewish poet who has never made a living from his poetry. The
translations of his works into English would he the only reward the Jews
could give him.
II D 3 Dally Jewish Courier, April 19, I909. ,,p, „. , ,_,
i. y ^. ^ ^ V/PA (ILL) PKOJ. 30275
The Chicago Jewish conmninlty Is expectantly await li3g, with satisfaction merged
with cariosity* the visit of the talented Jewish poet, M«S» Blumgarten, hetter
known to lovers of Jewish poetry under his pen name, "lehoash.'' A reception
committee of pexhaps a hundred intelligent Russian and German Jews, has heen
formed for the special purpose of welcoming the honored guest with all due cordial-
ity that he deserves. On Sunday evening. May 9th, a literary evening and a
concert will be given In his honor, at which the poet will recite some of his
own poetry* A program of the finest music and recitations has also been arranged*
Those who were Instrumental in arraying this reception deserve our sincere thanks*
We do not know of any other Jewish writer or poet in America who deserves as siuch
fkdoration and respect from Jews as Tehoash*
The main p\ixpose of Mr« Tehoash's visit is not to claim the honor that the Jews of
Chicago owe him* He comes here in the Interests of the Jewish Cons\mptlve Eellef
Society at Denver* Mr* Tehoash, who was forced to move to Denver because his
Itusgs had been affected by tuberculosis, is, naturally. Interested in the saniteuri-
ujn for Jewish tubercular patients* Mr* Tehoash devotes much of his time and talent
to helping the institution which is doing great work in saving °any consumptive
people from a premature death. In the East, his visit was a tremendous success
II B 1 • - 2 - JEWISH
II D 3
and It l8 hoped that it will he as equally successful in ChicagOt
The Jews in Chicago have a two- fold reason for arranging a reception for the
great Jewish poet; first, to give honor and respect to one of the finest Jewish
poets of the age, and second to help a great charitable cause, a cause which
will save thousands of lives from the dreadful white plague*
II B 1 e
The Reform Advocate, Aug. 1, 18^1.
y-s^ J -^^ f • /i.
/ iiisij riii^; i/i^ Jib Lix Lr Lirb /
Cne of trie lest selections in ':!he lieLrev/ ALuancc, is •*The lentateuch of Life",
by Rabbi Calisch, which was taken froiu The p.efcnr. Advocate.
II B 1 e .nriSH
' The Jewish Adygpce. A-a^just i6, 1873. . ^^'^ ('lL) PRO j. 30275
The pamphlet entitled "Zur Froseliteni!rage" (To the Problem of Proselytlsin)
which has "been recently published "by Rev. Dr. B. Pelsenthal of this city, has been
copied entire, including even the "llachtraegliche Benerkungen" (After-Thoughts) ,
in the Keuzeit of Yierma^
B* Avocetional and Intellectual
2* Intellectual
a« Libraries
;v^. ■ >^
II B 2 a
WPA (ILL,) PRO: 3b27t
Forwards Aug. 13, 1923,
The transformation of the Labor Lyceum into a culturr-^l center for the
workers started at a recent meeting of the City Central Committee of the Work-
men's Circle*
The City Central Committee presented a recommendation to establish a
library in one of the large rooms of the building, to provide books, magazines
and newspapers to those wishing to read.
The recommendation was unanimously adopted -nd it was resolved to r^p^ly to
all those having books to donate to the library^ to notify the office of the
Labor Lyceum •
It was also resolved to ask the Forward, r^nd. the general office of the
Workmen's Circle, to submit their publications to the library. All of the pub-
lications of the Kropotkin Literary Society will also be printed.
The committee will procure all valuable books in Jewish and English, and
all progressive and radical magazines.
The necessary preparations will be miade to open the library, January 1.
TL ^ ^ ^ , JS-.VISH
II B 2 b
^11 ^ Forward, Apr, 4, 1931.
Dr. William Hechler, a Protestant preacher, by the terms of his v/ill has
left a huge library to the Palestinian Lmseum. His library contains
many rare and costly editions. He also left a book case which once
belonged to Sir Moses Montif iore.
The will, v/hich is in the possession of a Jewish family named V/ise, was
written in 1900. Dr. Hechler died recently in Vienna.
Dr. Hechler was an intimate friend of the late Dr. Herzel, and also
anc advocate of the Zionistic ideals.
Dr. Hechler is the author of a theological work in ^vhich he contends
that Jesus Christ will not return in his full glory until the Jews
return to Palestine and establish and independent Jewish state.
r O
- 2 - JEV/ISH
Forward, Apr. 4, 1931.
According to his will, this book and nany other Christian theological
works are also to be sent to the Palestinian Museum.
•• ■'.
> V
II B £ a
The Reform Advooatet April 5, 1930. Vol.79, p.220,
During the latter part of October^ 1892, a memorial meeting was held in
Metropolitan Hall, Jefferson and 0*Brien Street, to lament the death of
the. great Hebrew poet, Leon Gordon, who had passed away earlier in the
month* Among the speedcers were. Dr. Bernard Felsenthal, Dr« Herman n
Eliasoff, S»-A# Schneider, and Leo Zolotkoff*
Many hundreds of Chicago's Maskilim gathered at the. hieill to pay homage
to the memory of one who had bewailed the sorrows and sufferings of the
Jews in stanzas and verses as poignemt as those of Jehudah Halevi« It
was an opportune moment to think again of Hebraic Literature • At the
close of the meeting, a few of the leading Jews privately agreed, among
themselves, to call a meeting in the near future for the reorganization
of the Hebrew library*
" ^*-
~ - •-•■<
' ,i
•> •
•. .aI fc, . ^ . .'■>-4.*n '.,
II B 2 a
The Reform Advooatet April 5, 1930, Vol. 79, p. 220#
Two weeks later, a conference was called in a private residence on Judd
Street, Tirtiere a literary society was formed and arrangements were made
to collect all the old volumes of the old library and to procure proper
quarters to house the new libr€try«
^Yhen the settlement of the West Side Jews reached out further west, and
the fine homes on Ashland Boulevard, Maxshfield, and Winchester Avenues,
bore "Mezuzes" on their door-posts, the library sold its home on Johnson
Street and secured a new and more ostentatious site on Ashland Boulevard
near Polk Street.
The "Shochfe Sfath Over>» served the Jewish community of Chicago faithfully
from the date of the death of the great Hebrew poet, Leon Gordon in
October 1892, until the realization of his dream when Palestine becsune the
homeland of the Jewish people*
II B £ a
The Reform Advooate, April 5, 1930* Vol. 79, p. 220.
The British Government, through Lord Balfour, officially declared that
Palestine was to belong to the «Jewish people.
In the latter peirt of 1917, when our young men went forth to fight for the
democracy of the world and the Jewish youth also for the possession of
Palestine, the Hebrew- Literary Society and its library was practically
deserted, except for the few men that were left behind # And so the build-
ing was sold, the books moved to the Douglas Park district, finally
stored away, and the "Chebrah Shochre Sfath Over" ceased to exist*
, /
II B 2 a
Chicago Hebrew Institute Observer, October 3, 19S9*
Tlie Jev/ish People's Institute Rental Library opened this week on Sunday,
September 28, at*3, P# M. 'Ye wish here to bring to your attention some
the latest books, many of v/hich will not be publicly advertised for a few
weeks* These are called September books by publishers and are not for sele
till the end of the mo th. There books ;vill not be in the public library
for months. You have the opportunity to read them here, now, for l/lO to
1/20 their value, while the critics a^e evaluating and discussing them*
Also, we shell conduct a bulletin board, . bringing to your notice books recom-
mended by literar^v^ periodicelp and famous critic^, together with e^ood reviews.
".'e wish to empV>asi^e that this is your library and any tim.e we c^n do any-
thi^5 ^c»r you, if possible, we shall, if you let our librarian know of it.
For instance, if you wish to "huy hooks, we will do that for you, ,p;ettin.2; you
bo ks at less than retail valu'-. If vou wish to read soecial bocks, let us
knov/, '"'e will ^ut tlem in the rental library. Our book shop will be behind
the information desk, the rir^ht hnnd corner. . Our rates are 15^/ minimum to b^ paid
II B 2 a
Chicago Hebrew Institute Observer, October 3, 1929.
upon the drawing of book* The book can be kept for 4 days. ^q. vdll be charged'l,
for each day thereafter. A membership fee of Zbq^ a year will be charged*
\ - •
II D 6 %
Chicsgo Hebrew Institute Observer. January 2S, I929. "S
• --■•
Although the reading room in our reference library is one of the "brightest
and largest rooms ??t the Institute, it is already proving too sm&ll for
the students and readers who cone to use it. In the center of a thriving
Jewish cominunity, with a variety of cultural activities in the same "build-
ing - a high school, an elementary school, a series of lecture forrjims and
the like - the lihrary is admirahly situated to attract large hodies of
readers. The attendance has "been mounting slov/ly, hut steadily, on an
average of a"bout two-hiondred persons, who come daily to utilize some of
the 9fOOO hooks on the various subjects available in the library, or to
read the magazines and newspapers on file.
The library is made up of four departments. First, the reading and study
room; second, the Judaica section; third, the magazine room; fourth, the
pamphlet section. About 3»^00 of the books of our collection deal with
social sciences, under, which are classified such subjects as Philosophy,
Psychology, Sociology, Criminology, Ethics, Economics, Foreign Relations,
T »
II B 2 a ■ . -2- JEWISH
II D 6
Chic?a:o Hebrew Institute 01) server, Januf^r;:^ 28, 1929# f-
Political Jiiconomy, Finance, Civics, Education, Domestic Economy, and Busi-
The Judaica section contains upward of 3>5QO iDOoks, which in themselves ^>
make up a very exclusive lilirary in this field. Some of the contents of
this collection may be described by such generic terms as Biography, Drama,
Psychology, Philanthropy, Education, Judaism, Philosophy, etc, Man^^ books
in this section are rare and cannot be dunlicated except in some of the
great collections of Judaica, elsewhere.
The reference section contains about 7^2 reference books. All the impor-
tant encyclopedias, source miscellanies, dictionaries, compendiums, of one
kind or another are available. The seating capacity is about sixty-five
persons in the main reading room alone. About 1?^. current magazines are
on file in the librarj'-. These magazines are all of the kind tha^t serious
people and students wish to read. There are no trade magazines and none
of the kind that do not merit rea.l reading. All of the old numbers of
important magazines are kept on file alphabetically, and are available
H B B ^ •' - 3 - JETilSH
Chicago Hebrew Institute Coserver, S^n. 1929. T-^
to readers. Within the lf»st three months, another "branch has teen added o
to our library, and that is our peinphlet department, corresponding to the 7^
civics sections of the general library. At present re have painphlets on
about thirty-five different subjects, but from the rate of growth of this
section, we may expect in the near future to find valuable information in
a large pamohlet library.
II B 2 a
The Reform Advocate, Volume 73. V/eek of March 26, 1927, Page 243.
. 5
( 3
The Rosenwald Library, the first modern scientific library to be est- -3
ablished in Upper ^gypt, was open at Luxor, on March 15 • The library '^'
is named for Julius Rosenwald, who, with his son, made the principal
II B 2 a
The Reform Advocate^ Volume 71; Week of May 29,1926*..*« .Page 620
In memory of her husbandf Mrs. Herman Schur has contributed $17,000«00 to ^
the new J»P«I» This contribution is to be used for the installation of a
specialized library on Judaica and the Social Sciences, to be known as the
Herman Schur Reference Library* *
V/hen completed, it will contain the most comprehensive Judaica in English
in the oountry.
II B 2 a.
Chicpgo Hetrer Institute Observer, May 25, I926. -^
In a desire to accomplish an net, cervinf* p useful "ourrose in memory of her >-^
hustand, !.!r. Emma Schur, of Chic?^o, announced her generous contribution in h^
connection rith the contemDlrted construction of the Instit\ite in the Lawn- 7^
Dale District, in the form of the installation of a specialised library on Ju-
daica, the social sciences, end general reference library. Seventeen-thousand
dollars have been contributed for the "ourr)Ose. The library is to be known as
the Herman Schur Reference Library/.
The donor, in trrnsmlttinf: the .^ift, expressed the hope thPt the usefulness
of the librrry will be demonstrated c?nd that on future occasions, as they
may arise, she may be given an opportunity to consider further contributions
for this Durcose in case they become necessary, l^Tien the announcement was
made at the m.eeting of the Board of Directors last Thursday evening, the en-
thuasiasm was so great on the "oart of the member? of the Board, th^'t an addi-
tional $?,000 was contributed towrrds the library: $1,000 by our President,
Mr. Jacob M. Loeb, and another $1,000 by Mr, John Wineberg.
II B 2 a
Chicago Chronicle, Volume 5. ■.l.^ek of September 269 1924, Page 5.
This library consists of over 800 Hebrew volumes, some very rare out
of print editions, others two and three hundred years old, will enable
the young students of the Beth Haraedrosh L. Torah to ac^^uaint them-
selves v/ith such literature, which is nowadays almost extinct*
The priceless library of the late Gerson Siegel, which took a life- ^
time to collect, was presented by his widow and his children to the ^c
Beth Hamedrosh L» Torah* 3
II 3 2 a JEi'^aSE
II B 2 f
III c Dail3^ Jev/ish Courier, Liar. 4, 1924*
(Editorial in English)
Chicago is the only major Jewish coijuunity in the world without an academic
Jewish library open to all who are engaged in Jewish scholarly viork.
Philadelphia has several good Jev;ish libraries, New York has several,
Cincinnati and V/ashington have good Jev/ish libraries, but Chicago has none, ^
and because there is not such a librarj^ in Chicago, those Jewish scholars
who are anxious to do scholarly v/ork must go to other cities to do it, or ^
they do not do it at all. The establishment of a Jewish library in Chicago
to serve primarily ^- le purposes of Jev/ish learning and Jev/ish research
work is of prime importance to the intellectual interest of the community,
and an attempt can be made now to establish such a library in conjunction
with the "Jeth Ledrosh L'Torah ^ebrew Theological College/. The Beth
lledrosh L*rorah is supposed to be an academic institution, and if it is not
U Z 2 a - 2 - J217ISH
II 3 2 f
III c Daily Jewish Courier,, 4, 1924.
deserving or its name, it v;ill be deservir^ of it v/ithin a very short
tiine because sooner or later it v/ill have to engage acc-dernic tei\chers, and
the institution vrill be transformed into a regular Jev/ish faculty, Hov/ever,
a je'.dsh faculty v/ithout an ccade:7iic library is impossible, x^he students :^
must be trained in research v;oric and they cannot do it v/ithout an academic ^
library. It is, therefore, obvious that it is the duty of the Board of ^
Directors of the I:eth i:edrosh LTorah to lay as much stress on the establish- v
ment of a cood library as on any other branch of activities. It is as f
important as the teaching staff. V/e, therefore, succest that the authorities
of the Beth i.edrosh L'Torah lose no tLT.e in organizing a special librar;:,^
committee, the object of v/hich shall be to concentrate its activities on
the development of the already existing library, so that it can jecome a
triily academic library.
Such a library must possess three t:rpes of boohs; IZebraija, comprising the
best 7;orks of liebrev; literature from the Bible to the present day; judaica,
II B 2 a - 3 - JK-:n.SE
II B 2 f
III C Daily Jewish Courier, iuar. 4, 1924.
the literature on J"ev;s and Judaism from Philo to the present day; and a
good theolof.ical and philosophical library. To procure these books a svim
of ten thousand dollars is necessary, and v/hen the library will possess at
least the fundamental books of Kebraica and Judaica, Jev/ish scholars in
Chicago v/ho are interested in various branches of Jewish learning v/ill be ^
in a position to do the v/ork right here in Chicago, and the library v;ill -
not only stimulate and fxirt'ier the cause of Jewish learning in Chicago, but f
it will make Chicago a center of Jev/ish academic activities. It is a
disgrace that a community like Chicago, second to tiie largest Jewish community
in the v/orld, is a nonentity as far as Jeivish learning is concerned. I^o
great Jewish book, with the exception of Shure^s Nesach Israel, is connected
with the name of Chicago. The Jev/ish bibliographer will -cell you that
Chicago is unknov/n as a center of Jev/ish learning. An end must be made to
this disgraceful state of affairs, and only an academic library such as v/e
propose, car. ir.ake an end ot it. There are nov/ m Chicago any number of
young Jewish fellov/s v;ho neglect their scholarly interests becaiise there is
no Jewish library at their dis-oosnl where they can do scholarly v/ork.
II B 2 a - 4 - JlilMSr:
II Z> 2 f
III C Daily Jev;is:i Courier > :.:ar. 4, 1924.
The cause o2 Hebrew learning is the main sufferer, but the aiiibitious young
Jev.'ish scliolars suffer too, '.;e cannot possibly imagine an acadeiuic Jev/isn
institution, svch as the jeth Lledrosh L*"Jorali v/ill soon be, i/ithout an
adequate library, '£Yen these students of the institution v/ho contemplate
devotin,-: all their ability, tirie, and energy to a study of the Taliaud and
Habbinica, must have an adequate library at their disposal, but v/e dare
say that a ^reat many of the students v;ill be interested in other branches
of Jev;ish learnin£: as v;ell, in philosophy, theology, jurisprudence, ^ho
v/ill beT" vdthoiit an acadenic Jewish library open to all v/ho are ^n need
of aT" library to serve their sp^ecific purposes.
I\0v; that the financial strain of the institution has been somev;hat relieved
by the results of the irienbership drive, and v;iil be Liore relieved in the
near future, the Board of Directors inust tackle at once the library problem,
because v/ithin a year or so, some of the students of the institution v/ill
be ready to do research vjorlc, and they must be given the opportunity to
II 3 2 a
II B 2 f
III C Dailv Jer.'ish Courier, I'.ar. 4, 1924,
do this V7ork. It is true that a libr^i^ry is more than a collection of books*
The books nust be housed sone\;here and nust be cared for by somebody, but
the main thin^, &re the books, -iheii the books v/ill be here, it v;ill be ^
easy to convince the public to ^ive a certain sum of money for a library ^
building, but the first attempt should be made to secure books or money to .-^
buy books. This at:.empt should be i.iade at once. p
II B 2 a
I A 2 a
The Reform Advocate, Wk. of Decem'ber I5, I923. Vol. 66, p.fiOO.
Through the efforts of Dr. Ahrah^.m Schecter of the Hehrew Theological College, f.
the Chicago Public Library in the ne?.r future will establish a department of
books in English on Jewish matters in the Chicago Public Library, Douglas
Daily Jev/ish Courier, i-ar, 23, 1923.
In eveiy large Jev/ish comnunity there is a Jev/ish city library that houses
a collection of Hebrew bo -ks and of Jev/ish literature in all languages, ^^t ^
present, there is no such institution in Ohicaco, and if a Chicaco Jew is ^
in need of a liebrev; or Jev/ish book, he must go to the Chicago public 'P
Library* The Chicago Public Library' has Jev/ish books, but not enough to C
fulfill the needs of the r^any educated Jews v/ho still evince an interest ^
in Jewish literature. A city like Chicugo ought to have a library of R
Hebrev; and Jewish books, and thus encourage Jfjwish erudition and Jei^ish y
literature. If a Jewish educator in Chicago v/ants to do some research
work, he simply cannot. It is impossible for one to purchase all the
necessary books, and the Chicago Public Library does not have the books
v/hich are indispensable for research in Jev/ish studies. A city like
II 3 2 a - 2 - JSV/ISH
Daily Jev/isli Courier, Liar. 25, 1925.
Chicago, v;hich lias four hundred thousand Jev/s, oucht to have a library in
a special buildin::. A Jev;ish library oucht to have its ovm home in Chicago.
The masses, hov/ever, are busy in their lodges v/ith sick benefits and
cemeteries, and the upper strata are busy v/ith charity, and there is
neither time nor money for educational v;ork.
II 3 2 a
Daily Jev/ish Courier, July 30, 1914.
Worthy Editor of the Courier;
I would like to call your attention to a thing which - as it seems to me -
is very inportant and perhaps very necessary. The thing is of great im-
portance and yet it isn't here. I feel it and I think there are many who
share the same opinion.
Chicago has a beatiful Hebrev; library containing modern literature, which
was founded twenty-four years ago under the name, "Schocri Shefas Aver.^
* II B 2 a - 2 - JmyiSH
f Daily Jewish Courier, July 30, 1914.
Everybody knows that this is a great asset* It has yielded good results.
But unfortunately, there is no rabbinical literature. If one is in need
of such literature, it can not be had.
Knowing there are many books that are owned by individuals who make no use
of them, it would be a timely suggestion to establish such a society. A
large number of people will also know that we own invaluable treasuries of
knowledge and science. In this way, we will stop throwing sacred literature
unwittingly into garbage cans and alleys, which is not a novelty', and certainly
is a tragedy.
I believe that every individual will turn over his books, which are useless
to him, to the library. I also believe that the Chicago Jewish community
will be proud of such an institution.
Respectfully yours,
Rabbi Sleziarr, '.Pushkin
Rabbi of Congregation B'nai Joseph,
Chicago, 111.
II B 2 a
The Sentinel, Wk, of January 3, I919, Vols. 33-3^» P*2U. ^
The Ladies Auxiliary of Temple Sholom have established the Ahram Hirsch- ^
"berg Reference Library in commemoration of the twentieth anniversary of p
HahM Hirschherg's occupancy of the pulpit. The library consists of refer-^
ence hooks on all subjects of Jewish interest including the Bible, Bibli- g
cal Science, Jewish problems, etc. It is hoped that in time, Ten^le Sho-
lom will have the most comprehensive Jewish reference library in the city.
II B 2 a
Daily Jewish Courier, May 28, 1914.
The rapid growth of the Douglas Park community sho^urs us the aesthetic
taste and the desire for a higher standard of living, which is innate
among Chicago Jews, who for years past have spent their lives in the
(Vest Side Ghetto, on Llaxwell and Jefferson streets* As soon as the
opportunity presented itself, the Jews pulled out of that district and
built up a beautiful community around Douglas Park. In a very short time,
many cultural institutions were built, such as synagogues, a Kosher hospitgj.,
an orphans home, a home for the aged, children's Hebrew classes, etc«
But the committee appointed by the city to look after the spiritual and
moral development of our youth, and whose aim and duty it is to furnish
libraries and other educational institutions for residents in the different
parts of the city, the Public Library Board, has entirely neglected our
- 2 - JEWISH
Daily Jewish Courier, May 28, 1914.
community, with a population of over 50>000 inhabitants. And furthermore
the community is still growing larger and larger* This is a district
that has ten public schools with an average of at least 1,000 in each
school* There is a high s chool also in the district. The Jewish people
of such a large district lose lots of time and are very much inconvenienced
by having to travel on more than one street car, to get to the main library
downtown for their book necessities.
The Poale Zion and the National tforkers Alliance have taken upon them-
selves to influence the Board of the Chicago Public Library to open up
a branch library on the West Side with enough reading rooms to accommodate
the Jewish inhabitants in this district. A committee for that purpose has
been appointed. Messrs. K« Mahmer and I. Stillman are at the head of this
- 3 - JFJIISR-i...^^'^^
Daily Jewish Courier > May 28, 1914 •
committee which is called the Douglas Library League ♦ This league has,
with its energetic hard work, gotten up a petition with over 5fOOO
names, which will be presented to the Library Board by Ur. Phillip Seaman,
the Superintendent of the Hebrew Institute*
The work of this league is more than appreciated by the citizens of this
district* All the public schools, high schools, and the Catholic schools
with all their superintendents are earnestly promising to cooperate with the
league in this undertaking* The Chicago press is also cooperating and
everyone is full of hope that our thickly populated Douglas Park district
will soon have the long desired branch library*
II B 2 a
Daily Jewish Courier, Apr. 16, 1914 •
The Public Library of Chicago, in recent years has conducted its affairs
on modern business principles* It publicizes its reading material and
seeks to attract an even larger number of children to its various branches
throughout the city. It takes pains to reach the masses who cannot come
to the local centers* First comes the downtown library and then memy
branches in different localities of the city. VVhen it is found that the
patronage is too small for the establishment of a branch library, it
opens up delivery stations and traveling libraries* vi'e are at a loss for
an explanation why the board of directors of this energetic institution
is neglecting the opening of a branch library in such a large section of
the city, as the Douglas Park neighborhood where there can be found many
thousands of Jewish children who have always shown their eagerness for
knowledge. Not only in this country, but in other countries also«
II B 2 a - 2 - JE^SH
Daily Jewish Courier^ Apr* 16, 1914.
The Jewish district begins on the east side of Douglas Park and runs along
the west side of 40th Ave* It is approximately twenty-five blocks in
length and ten blocks in width. Its population will run into the tens of
thousands who feel that they are being mistreated by the board of directors
of the Chicago Public Library. The board certainly does not fail to do
all it possibly can for many other neighborhoods in the city. This
district which is settled by a much larger population is very much
neglected* Je find that the public library has many interesting books,
such as German, Jewish-English, and much Jewish literature, too numerous
to mention, which can be utilized in a new library branch in the Jewish
district. So it is nothing but right and fair, that the Jews, who live in
the Douglas Park district and who always did their part in carrying the
burden of public duties should have the same library privileges as any
other part of the city* The nearest branch for the Jewish inhabitants of
the Douglas Park district is the Hebrew Institute. As even the most
II B 2 a - 3 - JEWISH
Daily Jewish Courier^ Apr. 16, 1914.
eager readers are not very anxious to take the long walk to the Hebrew
Institute; the result is that they get weaned a^ray from reading and they
spend their leisure time in other places which is not at all beneficial
and very oft^n detrimental to the upbuilding of the youth's character*
The Jewish public in the district feel the lack of a library very keenly
and claim that an injustice has been done to the Douglas Park district
by the board of directors of the Public Library*
II B 2 a
Daily Jewish Courier^ Nov. 5f 1913 •
Last Sunday night, the yearly meeting of the Shuchrie Sfoss Aver was
held in their library at 8lO Ashland Blvd. The secretaries read their
reports showing that in the year since they acquired their own building,
they have attained tremendous success. The most interesting report was that
given by the librarian, L'r. P. Dietch, who gave a complete account of the
books and the kind of readers that frequent the library; which books are
read the most, which the least, etc* This report is especially important
to those Jews who are interested in the plight of the Hebrew language in
There was also election of officers*
III 1 1 ^11
II E 2 a
Chicago Heljre?; Institute OId server, November, I9I2.
Our liorar^,^ still remains one of the smallest in the city from point of view
of space. Ho^;vever in circulation and attendance it continues to hold its , i
own. The total attendance and circulation for the year were 20?>,131 (10S,lU0i^
and 37,511 respectively) as against 131,0UU (57i320 ^-nd 75,66U respectively)
last year. Mr. Lecler, lihrariaxi of the puhlic lihr&r^^ as well ?s Mr. Phe-
la.n, superintendent of the puhlic "branch lioraries, have appealed to our
committee on education for larger quarters. Thus f^-^r, however, vie ?^ere un-
alDle to comply with their request. Eowever, it is hooed that when our present
g;v^mnasium is moved to the new building, we mpy find it possible to arrange
for larger quarters. It will have to he at least two-thirds larger' th&n the
present room. The character of the literature circulated is very different
frorij what is found in other branch libraries. It is, we are informed, of a.
much more serious character and embraces almost all branches of knowledge.
II B 2 a
I A 2 a
The Refona Advocate, Vol. 39, Wk. of June IS, IJIO, p.S27.
The He'brer Literary Institute is an orgar-ization whose object is to main-C:::J
tain the Hetrew language and to propagate loyal t^^ and love for Judaism. %e
Institute suffered a great loss in the destruction "by fire of the Chicago
Hehrew Institute. A lihrary of 2,000 ^''olurres in several langijiages, all on
Jewish science and a collection of Jewish books on general subjects, vanished
in the flame c«
A young man, l^r. Ho sen, has donated 1,000 hooks and a beginning has thus been
made to rebuild the only Jewish librar;y^ in Chicago.
Conner. June 17, 1910 WFA (ILL,) PROJ 30275
A Call To Bsbraists
We wish to azmoamce to the Chicago Jewish Public that the Hebrew Library*
which was destroyed in the Institute, will again be opened in the yery near
ftitTxre# A collection of one- thousand Hebrew books, the best Works of Hebrew
authors, was donated by the well-known scholar, Mr» 8. Hosen, from his personal
i This and other smaller donations will form the nucleus of the new library.
The Hebrew Library Committee woxild appreciate any donations of books in
Hebrew or any other language, so long as the books are of Jewish interest.
Those who have always desired to do something for the Hebrew^language can
now satisfy this yearning by piirchasisg or donating from their personal libraries,
books of Jewish interest*
We hope the Hebraists of Chicago will respond as generously as they can to
this very worthwhile project.
The Committee
^ II B 2 a
II D 6
WPA (ILL.) PROJ. 30275
Courier. April 15, I909,
Dear Editor of the Jewish Courier: j
The necessity of a Jewish center in Chicago, where different Jewish groups |
are ahle to get together and express their views on various topics, freely, '
and at the same time feel that they are in a Jewish, national atmosphere, I
has been solved hy the opening of the Hebrew Institute* This center has |
been recognized by all ri^t-thinking Jews as a necessary function in the
Jewish community here. But here, with the assistance of your paper, I wish \
to draw the attention of the officers of the Chicago Hebrew Institute tp an I
absolutely necessary department which ought to be added soon to the institu-
tion, and that is a Jewish library. It should be a collection of various
books, magazines, and newspeqpers, which should satisfy the mutual and spiri-
tual needs of the Jewish masses and of which they have been sadly lacking.
Grood Jewish literature cannot be obtained in every place. I have been a
frequent visitor to the Hebrew Institute; I have walked around the building,
but no sign of a library is to be found there. However, you will find
II B 2 a - 2 - JEWISH
II D 6
Courier. April 15, I909.
WPA dLL.) pro;. 3G2?b
there some unnecessary clu'bs and dance halls where hoys and girls get to-
gether and have a good time*
Respectfully yours,
B. Eatzen - USO Morgan street.
Dear Editor:
I read the article of Eabhi Holtzman of Brooklyn, N. !•, ahout the educa-
tion of Jewish children, and I think that the rahbi's plan is alright* But
how many times have already been written, and plans formulated, about the
pitiful neglect in giving the young generation a Jewish education? Look at
the ftentilesi How they take care of matters concerning the spirit, and the
religious education of their children.' They see to it that their religion
should be strengthened, while in our midst it is getting weaker and weaker.
It is appalling to think of how many thousands of grown-ups as well as
small children had or have no Jewish education at all, and Judaism is
entirely strange to them. Many of them even go so far as to ridicule and
to lau^ at anything dealing with Judaism. They laugh at it because they
II B 2 a - 3 - JEWISH
II D 6
Courier, April 15. 1909*
lVPA(iLL)PRoj. 30275
donH know anything dealing with Judaism. They have not learned a"bout our
history, our religion, and about our language. Our Jewish elders, parents
of children, are contrihuting money to the "building of more synagogues, hut
f for whom are they "building them? Only the older ones go there to worship
and to meet friends, hut no young people can he seen there. Why donH we
try to "build something for them?
The Hebrew Institute is also a Jewish training school, and as duch it should
have been the first to open such classes where a Jewish education should
particularly be given. Sood and competent Jewish teachers who understand
and are well versed in the English and Hebrew languages, and who have a
thorough knowledge in Jewish history from its inception to the present time,
should be intrusted with the .education of Jewish youth. They are the ones
who chould be capable of instilling enthusiasm and love to the Jewish people
and Judaism. Zionist clubs for children would not help anything. Only daily
classes where a national spirit will be present at all times, and where the
customs and mores of the Jewish people can be taught, will alleviate the
Anna Gtoldberg.
II B 2 a
I C VVPA (ILL) PRoj. 30275
Courier, 11-3-07 •
HEARD AND SEEN (continued)
The Public J^lbrary, after a great deal of coaxing by Jewish
Organizations, have finally purchased a number of books In the
Yiddish Language. Some of the finest Yiddish writers are represen-
ted In the collection numbering several hundred books. Directors
of the library state that If this practice proves popular, many
more books will be added to the present collection • We call upon
our Yiddish reading public to take advantage of this very opportunity
provided by the Chicago Public Library. Rememberl The more books
you read, the more variety of books you will be able to read
because the Chicago Public Library Is certain to Increase the
number of Yiddish books If a favorable response Is forth-coming
from the Yiddish Bo6k lovers.
II B 2 a
Sinai Congregation, Executive Board, Minutes, May 8, 1893*
The Committee on (Semitic) Library Fond, through the president, reported
having received in suhscription, the sum of $5flOO#
II fi 2 a
Sinai Congregation, Executive Board, Minjites, August lU, lg93«
Letter of Prof. Wm. R. Harper to the president (J. L. Oatzert) accepting the
appointment of memher of the Committee to purchase hooks for the Semitic li-
brary, and acknowledging '•the magnificent gift which you thus present to the
university" was read and ordered filed.
II B 2 a
I A 1 d
The Reforir; Advocate, Wk, of April 8, 1P>93. p.lSC, B
The interided contribution of Sinai Congregation to a fund for the establish-
ment of a Semitic Library will be hailed with delight by all members of the Uni-
versity, Hitherto the students have been hampered in their investigations, ow-
ing to lack of books and without a well equipped library no scholarly research
is possible. This action on the part of Sinai v;ill insure the success of Semitic
studies and make the University as it is intended, the center of such studies
in this country^
• y
II B 2 a
The Reform Advocate > June 5, 1891 ♦
M« David Uontezinos has presented his library comprising 8,000 volumes, to
the Beth Hamedrash, belonging to the Portuguese congregation at Amsterdam^
^'L .
i II A 3 b
The Occident, March ?3, l^SS. :|
The followinf^ letter from >'r. Carl Wolfsohn, the eminent -nipnist of ChiC'^^o,
hrs (C^iven the Piihlic Lihrar^' of Chicpfro, the Ir^te Beethoven Society's vpIu-
^^hle imisic scores of e^^inent aoithors, which hv>? sxi intrinsic vF-lne of rt
lerst S?,500
Mr. Adolr)h :!oses
De??r Sir:
The Lihr^ry of the Beethoven Society, which hrs heen -nlf^ced p,t my disposi-
tion by the Board of Directors of thrt society, I have held for several ye?rs,
vraitinf^ for fn on-oortr.nity to ^refent it to a ner musicrl society whose only
and r)rinci-^al aim should "be the Richest in Art. As no such o--oortunity
■oresent'^. itself and is even not visible in the nerr future, I be^^ you to
renuest the Board of Directors of the Public Librr^r^' to accent it as a gift
on m^^ D?^:rt, to pn institution fostering that, which throuv*^ my v;hole life
had h?id mj^ deer^est sympathy, - The advancement ?Xid culture of m.ind rnd soul.
II B 2 a
II A 1 "b
_ o _
The Oncident, March ?3 , \m%.
Sho^jld ?t any time the loan of the worlds of the Beethoven Library rs^ir.t the ^3
nev7 as well as no-' existing chorrl {societies, it ^-oiild fully meet my rashes,
pjid an oh.iect ?=ttPinec3 I always had in view.
Carl Wolfsohn
March 9, V^'^^
B. Avocational and Intellectual
2. Intellectxial
b. Museums
/ T
'f ,:
, 'P/'^
•' '/iv
^. ■ '.--/.''
■ A»'
II 3 2 b
II D 6
Chicago Jewish Chronicle, November 3f 1933 •
Last Sunday the Jewish People's Institute opened its ICuseum of Natural
History, which was presented to the Institute by Samuel Bornstein, who
was personally responsible for the gathering of the material contained
in the exhibit, consisting of more than 3>000 pieces*
It has been called a miniature Field Museum, for it contains sample
exhibits in natural history and anthropology in a measure similar to
that found in the Field Museum. This Museum will offer an excellent
opportunity to nearly a quarter of a million people living within welk*
ing distance of the Institute to become acquainted with the wonders of
nature •
- -J
J o
The institute vrill be located i::- The uld i^'ino Arts 'iuildin^, an«:': v/ill be
naraed after Julius Hoseixvuld. 'rhe old ririe Arts • uildiiLj, in Jackson P'-i"k,
will undor^jo a co..iplete chan:;e, the v;or!c to start Ju..e 1, The b.dldin;; v/lll
be occupied by the Julius Hosenv/ald r.usea.. of Industry accordinr: to the an-
nouncement made by '.aldei-iar .-'aeMpfert, directo*:* of the l!useum. Julius
Ho'^.env;ald*s contribution of •;5, 000, 000 together vdth the '5,000,000 secured
by a bond issue of the h^outh rarl: uoir.a:ssion riade t' is projo
The achievements of industry up to the yresent v:il?. be represented b^^ models,
v/hich v;ill shov; the ''technical pro^-re^s of mankind'* in historical order.
:any itoris for por/ianent exhibiti -n jiave already arrived; Oae of these is
the apToaratus used in niea^urin^^ the veloeitv c:" li^ht, an invention of i'rofes-
— •
ichelson, of the university of uhica^o.
II B 2 b
The Reform Advocate^ 'i^eek of March 2, 1929^ Volume 77, Page 109.
For yeers it has been the idea of Philip Semant general director of the -^
Jewish People Institute, to establish in Chicago a museum of Jewish an- '^
tiquities. The museiim is now open and contains dozens of art "objects \^
brought from the old Jewish cities of Poland, Galiciaf Germany, Italy and
Chas. Shaffner, one of Chicago's oldest residents, is responsible for the
purchase of many of the object s#
■ "^
II B 2 b
II A 3 o
^— «*
The Refora Mvooate. Vol* 75» p. 406, Wk* of May I2t 1928# ':^
» v. -"
At a moeting recently held at the Jewish People Institute a new organization v;
was formed to be known as the Jewish .Ibis eum Association of Chioago« Its cdm J^
is to oreate in Chicago a Jewish art center which shall have the following
departments: (1) A gallery for paintings and sculptures of Jewish artistSt
(2) A library of graphics^ for impressions of etchings and wood-cuts of
Jewish engravers, (3) An art libraryt for books cmd resecurch material on
Jewish art and artists, (4) A museum of antiquities to contcdn treasures
of the Synagogue #
Ur« Todras Oeller, the well known Jewish artist, was elected acting director
of the newly formed association*
II B 2 1)
Dally Jewish Courier. J^rll 8, 1909.
Mr* Harry Lipsky V/ants to Acquaint the Jewish Publlo
of Chicago with the Riohes card Life of a
Large Area of the United States
WPA (iil.) PROJ. 30275
To aoquednt the Jewish masses of this city with the development of oommerce
and industry of the West, and to show the steps one must take in order to
work oneself up, is the last plan to be carried out at the Hebrew Institute*
The creator of this plan is Mr« Harry Ilpsky, the associated superintendent
of the institution* Mr* Upsky is arranging an exhibition for which he is
gathering numerous pictures representing in graphic form the wealth of the
various states in the Wast, and he will be t^tere to explain to the visitors
the meaning of these pictures*
■ V
■ ^.■«-.. r.
II B 2 b . 2 . JB';iSH
Daily Jewish Courier. April 8t 1909. '^^^ OIL) PROi,3027i
In this undertaking Mr* Llpsky received the cooperation of the large
publishing housest most of the railroad compeoiiest mine ownerst manu*
faoturers, and farmer Sy cuKi from all those who have been olosely connected
with the rapid growth of the wealthy regions in the country*
Most of the pictures, and valuable materials linked with them, necessary
to make this exhibition a success, have already been collected by Mr*
Lipsky, and in several days an announcement will be made when the opening
will take place*
Ihe esdiibition at the Hebrew Institute will be called: "Industrial etnd
Educational l&iseum*" Ihrough the pictures, maps, and literary works which
are being gathered for this occasion, each visitor will get some idea of
the activities and life of the Americans in the West, as well as to get a
glimpse into the lives of those who live in the new states of Texas,
Oklahoma, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, and Monteuia* The visitor will be shown,
among other things, the development of various Industries, such as horti-
culture, sugar plantations, cattle raising and modern farming*
II B 2 b
Dally Jewish Courier^ April 8, 1909. ^p^ /jj^j^^ pop. ^^
"To Jews, especially, this exhibition should be of great Interest," Mr*
Llpsky explained to a reporter of the Jewish Courier • "This should par-
ticularly be of Interest to our newly Immigrated brethren* The main
purpose Is to draw the attention of the public to the life and activities
that go on In the far and wide regions of the V/est, and the opportunities
one can get by going away from the large and densely populated Merlcan
cities, and to look for a place to settle where the opportunities for
betterment are much brighter*"
Mr* Llpsky think^i that this exhibition would do much good for the Jewish
masses, and he hopes that it would be visited by all Jews in Chicago*
B. Avocational and Intellectual
Z. Intellectual
c* Scientific and Historical
II B 2 c
- r
The Jewish Charities Minutes, Januraiy 26, 1931
At the meeting of the Board, Mr. Becker spole on the work of the V,
Jewish Telegraphic Agency and its importance to world and American Jewry. He -j
then introduced Mr. Jexsob Landau, representative of the J. T. A. who presented
the work of the Agency in covering throughout the world news of importsnce to
the Jews,
Not only has the Associated Press and the Reuter Agency unqualifiedly ac-
cepted and paid for the news items which the Agency furnished them, but the ac-
tive distribution of such news has "been a protective force to the Jewish com-
munities of Eastern Europe.
He stated that the Agency had a gross "budget of some $250,000 against
which it had an internal income of $125,000 leaving a deficit of about $125,000
which had to be made up by contributions. MeB8rs. Felix and Paul Warburg.
Mortimer L. Schiff and Julius Rosenwald among others had for a number of years
generously contributed to the Agency. The American Jew! sh Committee ha.d inves-
tigated the conduct of its affairs very thoroughly and was so convinced of the
Page 2
II B 2 (
1 s-^l -
importance of the Agency to Jewry that it had departed from its previous \^
practice and had endorsed and sponsored a fund raisir.g campaign for the Agen- \3
cy at a time when the Committee itself was in great need of fund?;.
Mr. Becker then emphasized the fact that the Chicago Community had not
been doing its share in regard to the Agency and other national organizations
and that it was the duty of the Board to see that ChiCr'^go participated end contri-
buted its proper share to all such national ajid international activities.
Messrs Kline and Wormser pointed out that the problem c^n only he solved
"by creating a fund for this purpose. The Executive Director remarked that
such a fund was in contemplation as soon as conditions permitted.
II 3
■ ■ ■ ■ J-
Throu/;;:^ the courtesy of David K* Jackson, president of the Lincoln Park Coin-
riiissioners, arran-^^ments are no\7 under v/ay to make this historiCcil event a
nost menorahle one in the annals of the Jcvs of Chicago^
C-overnor Len Small will he the guest of ^>onor and Senator John Dailey of
Peoria, an authority on Illinois' early history, will make the principal
address •
The Chica,^-o Je"^'ish Chronicle, ^<. -.f 3ept. ir>, 19??, Yol. 11, ::.l, ^
On Sunday Cctoher 3, Chicf^^o Day, the iJerz of Chicago and particularly the
menherc of the Je-^rish Historical Society of Illinois and their fairiilies v/ill
colehrate the dedication of a memorial t'^hlet in Lincoln Park, markin.^ the <5
location of the fir?t Je^7ish cemetery in Illinois and the entire ITcrth^vest
in 1347, Sir^hty years b{:o a group of men "brought from the city a. tract of
land, which is novr Lincoln Park, for !i^'40.C3 and converted it into a Beth
Halr/orath, It v;as the first corpor-te act of the Jews of Chicago, acting
in unison for the entire Jewish comim.Tnity, small as it was.
II B 2 o
The Chio^^'-^-o Chroniole, Volume 5» Vfeek of June 22, 1923, Page 1.
Of the research v^ork of the Jev/ish ^Tistorical Society there seems to
be no end. The staff of the Society has been busy going over the original
records, m'any of v;hioh have not seen the light of day for seventy-five
years •
Thousands of questionnaires h. ve been mailed out to men and women of
Chio^'tgo, who have helped to make history. The r^^sults have been more
than gratifying, and after a complete check of all the material, the book
will be ready for press*
Those v/ho have been privilegea to see the manuscript and the illustrations
are uneuiimous in asserting that not only will it be an inspiration for
the present generation, but vdll be a guiding light for many generations
to oome*
^11 B 2^c
II D 10
Th9 Rftform Advocate. Volt65#Wk#of Peb.3,1923— P*13
The American Society for the Advancement of the Hebrew University
will hold an open meeting on February 4th • This society Is
unique In that Its membership Is limited to professional people
and university graduate s« It Is In the final process of
organization and the next meeting will witness the election of
permanent officers*
Dally Jewish Courier^ Jan^ 30, 1923*
(In English)
A elub composed of Jewish professional people has been organized recently In
the Interests of the Hebrew University In Palestine* The formation of such
a club seems to be very timely Just now to Judge by the response which has
been evoked at the various meetings already held* The club fills a distinct
place In the coomunlty* Since there are, no doubt ^ a great many idio have
been eagerly awaiting the formation of Just such an organization, an open
meeting has been planned for next Sunday* A social hour will follow the
meeting* A cordial Invitation Is extended to €dl Interested to come Sunday x}^
evening, February 4th, at Stelnway Hall* /Editor* s note: This article Is In ^^
English originally* It has not been edited In the usual mannerj»7*
II B 2 d (3)
IV Daily Jewish Courier, Mar. 3, 1922.
The annual meeting of the Jewish Historical Society of Illinois took place
last night in the Rose Room of the Morrison Hotel. Approximately one hun- ^
dred and fifty of the most prominent Jews of Chicago were present* A fish ^
dinner was served, Alexander Akimoff , of the Petrograd Opera House, sang f^
some operatic arias and some Jewish folk songs. He has a powerful but >I7
sweet voice and he made a hit. He was accompanied by Miss Miriam Firstenberg, ^
the celebrated pianist. Stereopticon pictures were then shown of the ^
development of Chicago and the part the jews had played in it; the explana- ^
tions were given by Professor A. A. Friedlander.
The speakers were: Judge Harry M. Fisher, Jacob M. Loeb, James Davis,
M. E. Greenebaum, B. Horwich, and Nathan D. Kaplan. S. J. Rosenblatt was
In speaking of the purpose of the gathering, Mr. Rosenblatt pointed out the
II B 2 c - 2 - JEWISH
II B 2 d (3)
IV Daily Jewish Courier , Mar* 3, 1922,
difficult work that had been done during the past five years by Mr. H. L. Meites
to gather material for the history of the Jews in this state, Mr. Rosenblatt
declared that every Jew would be privileged to own the book that is soon to
be published. Those present showed their great interest in this enterprise ^
by subscribing for the forthcoming book. g
1 —
II B 2 d (3)
III F Dally Jewish Courier. Feb. 17, 1922.
At the offices of Mr. S. J. Rosenblatt, in the First National Bank Building,
a meeting of the members of the Jewish Historical Society of Illinois was held.
The following were elected officers: S. J. Rosenblatt, president, Jacob M.
Loeb, vice-president. Judge Harry Fisher, vice-president, H. L. I'eites, record-
ing secretary, LI. N. Reisenard, financial secretary, M. E. Greenebaum, treasurer, g
The group decided to undertake at once the issuance of The History of The Jews g
in Chicago, in honor of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the first Jewish c^^
settlement in Chicago. The first Jewish public prayers in Chicago took place
on the High Holidays, seventy- five years ago. This event will be commemorated
with appropriate ceremonies this year.
On Thursday night, March 2, a dinner will be given at the Morrison Hotel, the
purpose of viiich is to awake the interest of men and women who are active in
II B 2 c - 2 - JS^nSE
II B 2 d (3)
III F Daily Jewish Courier, Feb. 17, 1922.
social work, and to induce them to become members of the Historical Society.
After dinner, a lecture will be delivered with the aid of stereopticon pictures,
which will show the accomplishments of Jews in the development of Chicago*
II B ? c
The ChiCFF^o Chronicle, W^c. of February I7, I9??. Vol.'^jp.l. :i
The Jewish Historicpl Society of Illinoi? met Pt the office of S. J. Rosen- i^
hlntt pnd elected the follo^^dn^^ officers; President, S, J. Rosenhlptt; Vice-
President, J^coh. v.. Loeh; Vice-President, Jud^e Hprry Iv.:, Fisher; Recordin^p: "^
Secretary, H. L. K.eites; Financi?! Secretary, lieyer Rosengprd; Treasurer, !,', I5r»
E. Greenebpum,
The first efforts of the or,?;.'»ni?rtion rill be to launch a camrjai;*^ for members
to the Historical Society and to publish "The Histor;v^ of the Jews of Illinois,"
which is being com;iiiled for a number of years and is now nearin^ coirpiletion.
II B 2 c JEmSR
Daily Jev/ish Coiirier^ Nov. 5, 1920.
"Lelamed Bnai Yehudah" is the nane of a new Jewish organization on the West
Side, vdiose aim is to study Jewish history throughout the centuries of Jewish
suffering* This organization was foxinded by Rabbi Isaac Kaplan of Congregation
Agudath Jacob Anshe Kroz, emd is sponsored by the Adas Bnai Israel, an organi-
zation founded eight years ago to foster observance of the Sabbath. Meetings g
are held every Tuesday evening at the Congregation Agudath Jacob on West 15th ""
Street and South Homan Avenue, \*iere part of the evening is to be spent in group g
study of Jewish history^ A speaker ?rill conclude the evening's program with an c^
address on some Jewish question or topic.
Large public meetings will be held November 14, 28, and December 12, 1920, in
order to acquaint the Jewish people with the purpose of the organization.
Rabbis S. Grlick, Isaac Kaplan, A. Cardon, A. Fraum, and M. Fineberg have promised
to help the organization. The charter is still open and all ?4io are interested
are v/elcoide to join.
II B 2 c JE17ISH
Daily Jev/ish Courier > liay 15, 1918.
More than three hundred of the most prominent Jews of Chicago came to the
meeting at Sinai Center yesterday, and heard the report of the special
committee on bylaws for the new Jewish Historical Society of Illinois.
After the report, members of the Executive Board were elected. This board
will consist of thirty- three members, twenty-four of whom will be from
Chicago and nine from the rest of the state.
The Chicago and Cook County members are: IJrs. Benjamin Davis, J. Davis,
E. B. Felsenthal, Oscar Foreman, Henry L. Frank, M. P. Ginsburg, M. E.
Greenebaum, Dr. Emil G. Hirsch, Nathan D. Kaplan, Llax Klee, Adolph Krause,
Sidney Loeb, Julian \h Llack, H. L. IJaites, Lessing Rosenthal, Julius
Rosenwald, Philip Seraan, Samuel Philipson, Llax Shulman, Edward Selz,
Rabbi S. Silber, Dr. Joseph Stolz, Llrs. Julius Stone, and Dr. A. B.
Yudelson. Next Monday the Executive Board will hold its first meeting
and elect officers.
II B 2 c
- 2 -
Daily Jewish Courier. May 15, 1918,
Dr. Emil G. Hirsch addressed the gathering on the importance of history.
IV Daily Jewish Courier, Apr. 30, 1918 •
This evening a permanent Jewish Historical Society will be foiinded, which v/ill
contribute to the century jubilee of our state a printed report of the accomplish-
ments of Jews to the success of the State of Illinois in these fev/ generations.
The meeting will be held at eight o'clock in the evening at the Chicago Historical
Society Building, Dearborn and Ontario Streets. For the benefit of those present,
the rich museum of the Society will be open from seven until ten-thirty, enabling
everybody to view the eintiques and valuable articles v;hich are to be found there.
Dr. Otto L. Schmidt, president of the Illinois Centennial Commission and Vice-
president of the Chicago Historical Society will address the meeting on the very
interesting theme: "The Jewish Pioneers '.Thom I Knew."
The xvell-known Jewish banker, M. S. Greenebaum, has agreed that his father.
' II B 2 c - 2 - JS^YISH
IV Daily Jewish Courier, Apr* 30, 1918.
Elias Greenebaum, the oldest Jew in Illinois, should be the honorary president
of the Jewish Historical Society, which will be founded this evening. !ar.
Elias Greenebaum is ninety-five years old.
All those who are interested in Je?:ish history in general, and the history of
Jews of Illinois in particular, are invited to the meeting.
»- •»
II B 1 c (3)
II B 2 d (3) Dally Jewish Coiirler. Apr> 18, 1918.
Hi F
One hundred years ago today, our State of Illinois was Incoirporated In the
United States and this reunion will be celebrated with great pomp and splendor^
The holiday began yesterday at Springfield, the capital of the State, and will
be continued a few days later in Chicago*
Mr. Hyman L. Meltes of the Jewish Historical Society of Illinois was Invited
to this celebration* He left yesterday for Springfield*
The Jewish Historical Society will publish for this occasion~the Staters
century jubilee-- a great work about the part played by Jews in the establish-
ment, development, and growth of the State of Illinois* This work will be the
most colossal and complete ever published by Jews, as well as a beautiful con-
tribution for the great holiday*
Friday evening, a great holiday meeting will be held, and a lecture given about
lll^ "^ ,^v - 2 - JEWISM
II B 1 c (3)
II B 2 d (3) Dally Jewish Courier^ Apr. 18, 1918#
the history of Illinois on the premises of the local Historicaio ' "^ '^'
Society* \^
II B 2 o
The Sentinelt Volumes 27-28; Teek of December 14, 1917. Page 6. o
At a meeting held last week in the Sherman Hotel, H« L« Meites, secretary (^;^'
of the Jewish Historical Society of IllinoiSf artnounced that the society will
dedicate a tablet upon the site where the first Minyan was held in Chicago
on Yom Kippur, 1845»
II B 2 c
II A 1
The Sentinel, Wk. of August 20, 1915* Vols. 19-20, p.2. '^^
The Chicago Professions^. Men's Jewish League, consisting of 100 Jewish
doctors, dentists and druggists, was organized last week. The hody will
be a unit of the National Jewish Congress, an organization which will
attempt to participate in the peace conference of European nations at the
close of the war. Dr. ^yman Cohen is chairman of the League and the tem-
porary committee includes Dr. Louis J. Pritzker, Dr. George Halperin and
Dr. Henry Trankel.
II Ba 0
II A 1
The Sentinel. Vol. 15-16, Vrk. of Oct* 30, 1914, p. 2. <P^
At the Mississippi River Valley Medioal Association conference in Gin- \p
oinnati last week, Dr« Gustave Kolesoher of the Michael Reese Hospital r3
staff exhibited four patients who had been clinically cured of cancer ^
and v^ose cases at first had been regarded as hopeless* This was the
first announcement of the success of Dr« Kolescher's treatment made to
the public. It is the opinion of Dr. G, L» Perusse, superintendent of
Michael Reese* that almost any case of incipient cancer ceoi be stopped.
II B 2 c
II ^3
The Heforir. Advocate. Vol. 38, ?/k. of Aug. 2r?, I309. p.3f. %
Chicago Is to have an institution for medical research si^nilar to the
one founded in N. Y, hy Joh^n D. Rockefeller. The nev/ institute is the ^^
gift of Mrs. Kelson Morris and the sun of $250,000, which is needed for
the erection and complete furnishings of the hospital, has heen donated
"by as a me^iorial to her hushand. It V7ill he knov/n as the Nelson Mor-
ris Memorial Institute of Medical Research and will "be connected rith the
Michael Reese Hosriital.
The plans for the nev "building., which are heing drawn ty Richard S. Schmidt,
will he rer.d^^ for Mrs. Morris' inspection the latter part of Sept. Work
will hegin as soon as these plajns are approved. It is hoped the Institute
will he ready for occupency hy next Spring.
The buildings will he constructed according to the ideas of Dr. Jairies W.
Johling, chief pathologist of Michael Reese Hospital endi iintil recently
pathologist at the Rockefeller Institute.
■^^^W:^-^^:^The Sentlnelt Volumes 15-16; Week of October 9, 1914^ Page Z. ^ ^^,^1
^e Zeta Mu Phi Ifedioal Fraternltyt whioh is how meeting at the Hebrew In- ^
8titute«ha8 recently affiliated with the AlejAi Tod He Fraternity* The former^
Wi^-^^'^^^'-'^^^^^^G^^^^^ in Chicago about six years agOf aUd now has chapters in all the
leading medical colleges of the country • Its aim is the stimulation of intere^
in the solution of Jewish problems among medical students euid physicians^^ #^
-i» r >
2.^ . -■*>'.
^6 ' ■ ■
t)cy^-"'.' .:
v..- ■ '. ■
V The local chapter of the Zeta Mu Phi is now working on a proposition to amal-
gamate all the Jewish fraternitiest medical and non-medicaly in the world*
J According to Dr« Max Kerny originator of the idea, the purpose of the more- i
r ment is to form one strong federation with a common object^^the elevation
; of the standard of Jewish students*
Plans are now on foot for the publication of a magjizine to be known as the
Zeta Mu Phi Heralds which is to be strictly Jewish in nature*
X >:■
Mong the leaders in the federation movement, in addition to Dr# Eernt cu*e
Dr« Benjamin H. Breakstone and Carroll A* Teller* > "' ^
*:; * -^;-:?'-':. ■; ? -••--v>:
,V' .■'<^S-v*'rv.?- .. - /. ■■■■■■' .-■-.■: ■■■: ■ r ■••^ * '^ • ■- ^. . '-I. . ■ >;:i ...V ..••*.•■. • r •■ ., ■ * ' T '- \v' '"■''■ "~ ■ ' •'^■' ..-z • - ; - -^ ..'V /^^r--
' v'^:^^::-:.^-. '...;-;^-;^' ■ :^-^^'-\^. ;-^-- ^ : .c^: . . ..^': "---V-- .■/•-:.-:(■ :..";•--•.•. ■:-.:-;.-.^; .■ :..--:j::r-.;- ^' . ■ -::r::v/i.;^;;^
? v>:T.-r^._ ^;,;
II B 2 c
The Reform Advocate, \^. of Dec. 2, 1893* p. 256*
The Jdwish Culture Association of Chicago is the name of a new organiza- ^
tion for the purpose of promoting a better knowledge of Jewish history and lit-
erature* The Association meets every Monday evening at the B^nai Abraham Tern-
t Vs.
'■>% ,r;, '■
1< r
' ^..r-
• ^ "
*-' '
' ^^..^*-
|ft...<r"' ^S^-:-^-^.. V^^■■4^^■
'■- . .it-'
, »..■?.
i V
>*^ ^^*
B. Avocational and Intellectiial
Z. Intellectual
d. Publications
(1) Newspapers
'i- !"5
<!»• nr ■, ■■, ■j'-xfc. ^•■-- - .^Mjrr.ifci!*..
? j^iii?^ f«?-
The Reform Advocrte, September 12, 1 ^1. Vol. ^2, T5.I53. ^.
On Saturday, Fe"brupry U, 1911» The Sentinel mPde itp> anr»eprrjice in Jewish "^.
Chicago. Louis Berlin and Ahrf^haTn L. ^e^ber ?'ere puhli^^her?. and they promised ^^.
a wee^rly journal devoted to Je^vish interest. On its first ^^ppearance it con- *^
tained the followin^^ arinouncerient : "We intend to puhlish for an intelligent
JeT'ish public, a Jetvish newsraper devoted to its interests, ?rithout re/rard to
the particul'^r class to v^hich the reader may helonr^. In loroirdsin/T that we shall
discuss many Jerish questions, we Y^^^^ in mind that this term is hroad enough
to include questions rela.tin^ to Jev^s reformed and orthodox, or the Jews, who
have equal resrect for hoth and all classes. The fact remains that however
differentiated amon^?; them.selves they may he, Jews have majiy interests in common,
aJid the chief events affectin,^ one class affect no less the others,"
II B 2 d (1)
The Reform Advocr'te, September 12, I93I, Vol. 82, p. 152.
In the early eighties, Chicago Jewry was hlessed with five puhlicptions in
English, and one or two in German, I'lost of them were "weeklies," "but "weaklings"
in hody and spirit. The only two which survived to the perioa v^here iny story
"begins were the Occident and the Israelite and soon the Occident too, passed into
The Occident went out of existence quietly and no one felt its loss. No o"bituary
was written aJid no lamentrtion was chajated. Thus the oldest Jewish publication
in English, at the T>resent tiir.e, is the Chicp^frp Israelite, It was founded in
188^, and was the lepp-tirriate offspring of the American Israelite, founded "by
Dr, Isaac Mayer Wise and originally'' published in Cincinnati, ?or maJiy years the
publication was mensf^ed. and edited 'by Leo V'ise, who wrote under the pseudonym of
"Nickerdom," and who was the son of Dr, Isaac I'ayer Wise, A'bout fifteen years
ago, the capable Miss Iv'ollie OshermaJi acquired owner shir; of the paper and since
then has been in managing editor and publisher.
n B 2 d (1)
II B 2 d (3)
The Heform Advocate, June 13, 1931« ^
The Grrowth of Jewish Chicago.
Forty-Two Years' Recollections* ?jr Philip P* Bregstone. "^-^^
To the uninitiated it may he surprising to learn that a Yiddish newspaperman
requires a hroader education than r, newspaper writer in any other language.
He must know Yiddish, the language in which he writes; tc have a thorough
knowledge of Yiddish he must know Hehrew, It is essential that he speak the
tongue of the country in which he resides and those of Russia and Poland,
since the heart of Jewry lies in those two countries. It is therefore no
exaggeration to say that the average Yiddish reporter is "by far superior in
intelligence, education, and general information, to the average writer on any
other newspaper.
The anry of writers who now wield the pen for the two Chicago Yiddish dailies,
the Courier and the Forward, are all seasoned men who display extraordinary
skill in all departments. Besides Zolotkoff , Melamed, and Loehner, we find
II E 2 d (1) - 2 - JEWISH
11 B 2 d (3) a
r \
The Reform Advocate, Jime I3, 1931»
on the editorial staff of the Courier, Dr. A» M. Margolin, who for the past \^
twenty-three years has been demonstrating his ability in every field of journal—f^^
istic and literary endeavor. He abandoned a medical career that he might take ^^
to the pen. Dr. Margolin was bom in Bobruisk, province of Minsk Russia, on
May 5t ISSU* He comes of a family where wealth, culture, and Jewish scholar-
ship abide in close harmony. After he completed a general course of Jewish
education in a Cheder and Yeshivath, at the age of sixteen, he wandered out to
Plotzk. There he made his home with a relative, A. J. Papirna, one of the
first neo-Hebraic publicists and critics. P^irna prepared Margolin for the
seventh class gymnasium. In May 1905t he graduated with honors. His inten-
tions were to enter the University of Warsaw and major in mathematics, but the
political disturbances of the students at that particular period caused him
to change his mind and instead he entered the medical school of the Berlin
University. Pour years later he commenced the practice of medicine and for
two years he was house doctor in the clinic of Dr. Schwarts, in Karlsbad.
In 191^* he came to London, England, and for three months he was connected with
a German hospital, until the outbreak of the war. His experience as a Russian
subject residing in England and being a conscientious objector as a matter of
II B 2 d (1) - 3 - .TEWISH
III G -a
II B 2 d (3) :^
I E ■::
The Reform Advocate ^ June I3, 1931»
- k
principle is very interesting. His lot was thrown together with men of the ^
type of Tchicherin, now Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Soviet Government,
hut then a political refugee in London, In 1917» Dr. Margolin was arrested a
on charges of preaching pacifism, but a week later wa.s discharged and he emi-
grated to New York; six months after his arrival in New York, in Octoher of the
seme year, he cajne to Chicago to join the editorial staff of the Courier where
he has heen ever since, Dr, Margolin "began his first endeavor in the field of
journalism in 1903f hy contributing to Hebrew and Hussian publications. His
first Yiddish attempts appeared in the Warsaw Yolkszeitung of the same year.
Since then he has contributed to almost every leading Yiddish newspaper and
magazine published in Europe, He translated Henrj^ Bernstein^ s drama, "Samson"
from French into Yiddish, He writes well in every branch of journalism and
literature; essays on social, political, moral, and esthetic subjects, humor,
poetry, and historical sketches, but his principal field is criticism and re-
views of the drama. In 1911» he married Clara Bleichman, a well-known dramatic
star on the Yiddish stage. Besides the daily articles in the Courier, and his
work as Chicago correspondent for the New York Day, he is engaged in gathering
material for a history of the Yiddish Theater and I know no writer who is as
fit for the task as Dr, Margolin, His review of a Yiddish drama reminds one
II B 2 d (1) - U • JEWISH
II B 2 d (3)
The Reform Advocate, June I3, 1931#
of a review by James Gi"bleous Honeker of one of Ibsen's dramas. He is all em-
Solomon Greenblau has been on the Cour i e r staff for the past twelve years. He
was born in I876, in a small town in Lithuania. He attended Cheder and later
graduated from the City Normal School of Jacobstadt, Courland. He prepared
himself for the Gymnasium and successfully passed the entrance examination,
but was refused admittance because of the "numerus clausus." He went to War-
saw and became a bookkeeper and later engaged in business for himself. In
I90U, he emigrated to London and for the first time tried his hand at journal-
ism. He worked on several London Yiddish newspapers. In 1909* he came to
Chicago and began to write for the Yiddishe Prebse| the daily published by
Liebling. Shortly afterwards he became city editor of the Jewish Labor World;
when this publication merged with the Jewish Forward, Greenblau joined the
staff of the Jewish Courier. He writes in an essayistic style and has pro-
duced many short stories, monographs of historic men and women and biographi-
cal sketches of many literary characters.
Morris Indritz is one of the younger writers. He was born July I5, IS90, in
Courland, Hussia, now the Republic of Latvia. He descended from a Chassidic
II B 2 d (1) - 5 - JEWISH
II B 2 d (3)
The Refor-n Advocate, June I3, 193-'-* C
family and it is obvious from his writings that he journeyed to the '•Rahhi^ on G
many occasions, in the company of his father, Naphtoly Indritz, when Morris was \^,
still a youngster. The mystic soul wliich comes to him as a heritage, has ah- "^^
sorhed the spirit of modernism, "blending harmoniously into a marvelous "background
for his fluent and docile pen. His daily stories of Chassidic life which ap-
pear in the Courier, and the interesting voltune which he had published some
four years ago, under the title "In the Tents of H. B. D," in which he gathered
the many legends and stories woven ahout the lives of the "Miracle Makers" are
told in a splendid style, with a fine ima^nation, sincere sympathy, and much
gusto. These stories find a large and appreciative reading public.
The finest work tendered by Kalmen Marmor in the literary field was done while
he was a resident of Chicago, for here he was removed from the New York "Kibbit-
zarnies," the influence of which was hardly conducive to the best results of a
genius of his type. Marmor is a man of vast learning and great erudition; an
independent thinker, a dreamer of the highest type, possessing a rare imagina-
tion and a keen vision which penetrates the veiled vistas and above all, he
knows how to give expression to his thoughts and phrases them in a most delight-
ful manner. When Marmor first came .to this country, Yehoash, the Yiddish poet,
dedicated a poem to him. I^ appreciation for the poet and for the subject of
his inspiration gave me sufficient courage to attempt to translate the poem.
II B 2 d (1) - 6 - JEWISH
II B 2 d (3)
The Reform Advocate, June I3, 1931«
from Yiddish into English. The title of the poem is "Dream on, Friendl"
The comMnation of a scholarly and philosophical mind coupled with a fine poetic
vision is a rarity in the world's literature* Manror is the happy possesr.or of
"both; he is a thinker and a poet. His greatest fault is that he is too often
carried away "by lofty ideals and becomes the propagandist and thus ceases to "be
the artist, for the one is incompatible with the other.
The editorial staff of the Forward is composed of Jacob Siegel, city editor;
Morris Ziskind, labor editor; and Jonas %)ivak, Dr. Z. Lorber, M. Bogdansl^,
Morris Tolchin, and Samuel Samd, who are all feature writers, and each in his
own masterly way. The opportunities for a writer on the Forward, are more
limited than are those of the Courier. The latter is regarded as being ex-
tremely conservative in its editorial policy and caters to the most orthodox
elements in Jewry, but every writer of the staff enjoys the fullest freedom to
write on any subject he deems proper and in any manner that pleases him best.
The Forward is ostensibly a Socialist publication and as such is presumed to
be radical in its tendencies, and progressive in its policies, but its writers
are denied the freedom granted to the members of the staff of the Courier.
They are strictly disciplined and are forced to follow a certain policy, any
II B 2 d (1) - 7 - tTEfflSH
II B 2 d (3)
The Reform Advocate. June 13, I93I.
«2 «:
deviation from which meets with severe disapproval* This policy is highly-
Justified for two reasons: A newspaper representing certain party principles,
a philosophy of life and all that concerns the adjustment of a social order and
an economic system must he uniform; it can tolerate no contradictions or vari-
ance of opinions. The second reason for the necessity of uniformity and dis-
cipline is that the main office of every Yiddish Forward in the United States
is in New York and there is one editor-in-chief over all of them, in the per-
son of Ah# Cahn, whose stainp must be home on every paper. No one excepting
himself is permitted to review a book, a drama, or a work of art. It is obvious
therefore that the members of the staff must content themselves with cramping
limitations and restrictions. They are deprived of the opportunity to develop
individuality, the foundation on which alone all art is built. And yet the
staff of the Forward is composed of a group of writers, all of whom are highly
talented and a few endowed with even more than that. Zislcind, Siegel, and Samd
display a great capacity for real newspaper work and would be extremely useful
on any daily American paper.
Jonas Spivak possesses not only a fine talent for journalism, but he also mas-
ters a splendid literary style and is blessed with a fine imagination. A
volume from his pen, containing some very delightful and original sketches of
II B 2 d (1) - S - JEWISH
II B 2 d (3)
The Reform Advocate, June 13« 1931»
Chassidic life is soon to come off the press. Knowing how vividly and with
what poetic realism he portrays a sul^ject; and having "been privileged to have
read some of the stories from his manuscrir)t, I am sure that this volume will
find a great market among the readers of Yiddish.
Dr. Z. Lorher is an essayist; he presents his subjects on ethics, social science,
and political econoqy in a smooth flexible manner, easy to digest and compre-
hensive, not too heavily overloaded with foreign words and phrases, as is usual-
ly the custom with those writers who try to overawe their readers with their
knowledge and erudition. He lays no great claims and makes no pretenses; he de-
livers all he undertakes to give to his readers.
M. Bogdansky may he placed in the same category; he too writes in pn essayistic
style, hut often tries his hand in a lighter vein, not without success.
Morris Tolchim is one of the younger writers and very modern in style. His
mind runs towards all the novelle; the short story would he his real field. He
loiows how to tell a story effectively and his tales are very realistic in form
Slid, substance. All in all they are an able set of young men and every one of
them is a '^social Socialist."
II B 2 d (1)
The Reform Advocate, Febniary 21, 1931. Vol. 81, p.77» "?
Leon Zolotkoff , who was arnong the first Yiddish journalists in America, is
also widely regarded as one of its most eminent ones. Out of the forty-three
years which hf. has spent in this land, he hss given at least forty to Chicago,
The Courier was not the only medium through which he emitted the hrilliput
sparks of his intellect. He was responsible for bringing many other Yiddish
dailies and weeklies into being: The Yiddish Tageblatt, Die Yiddishe G-azetten
vun die West, Per Yiddisher Call, and the Jewish Record, Of all these publica-
tions, Zolotkoff was the first editor. Throughout his journalistic career he
pursued the sajne policy which is characterized by a strong devotion to Jev/ish
nationalism, a tendency to guide his readers to?;ards the higher and finer as-
pects of life, and a tone of dignity v^xi^^ distinction. If we are to accept the
American standard of journalism, Zolotkoff might not be caJled a journalist.
His style is too fine and delicate, his imagination too strong, his humor too
subtle, his metaphors are too nicely colored, there is too much flourish to his
sentences, the whole is too finely polished, in short it is much too literary
to be determined journalism. If I were to make comparisons, I can think of no
other stylist than Lord Macaulay, with whom to liken Zolotkoff, the only differ-
ence being that the latter perhaps gives less attention to polish and is not
1 »-
II E 2 d (1) - 2 - JSWISH
The Reform Advocate, Petruary 21, 1931, Vol. ^1, p. 77.
quite as perfect a.s the Englishman, Besides, Zolotkoff is less the artist
and more the idea.list. He is no space-filler, he writes only when he has
something of importance to say, with the result that he produces a composi-
tion whose meaning is unmistakably definite, complete, and incisive.
" " "II- B 2 d (1)
II D 1
«— :!■ -i.'-
Hie Jewish Charitia« Minutes^ February 5, 1931 • ^
At the meeting of the Executive Connittee of the United Drive, James H* '^
Becker presented a few facts with respect to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency* )j^
- .V
The Agency was organized 10 years ago and consists of two distinct organi-
zations, 1} The Jewish Daily Bulletin, published in this country and probably '
the best news medium for Jewish news from all parts of the world* 2) The Agency
itself, which functions somewhat like the Associated Press in this country, the
Reuter Agency in England and the Havas Agency in France* It has representatives
gathering news in all important Jewish centers and sells it to newspaper services
in this emd other countries* In this manner it obtains about half of its expenses*
The Agency started the year 1931 with a deficit of $30,000* Together with
its 1931 needs is will be obliged to raise over $100,000* The Agency obtains
money from individuals and from several community chests* Mr* Rosenwald gives
$10,000 a year and the Schiff and Warburg families $25,000*
^:^. .; vCr' \:.'>
Page 2
II B 2 d (1)
II D 1
The Jewish Charities Minutes^ Feb. 5, 1931«
The Agency is a powerful instrument for the Jews. This has been exempli-!
fied by the situation in Rumania during the past few years. During the Palesti"-
nian riots in 1929 it was of great service to Jewry in spreading quickly the ^\
actual facts. -
There is a particular need for the news service of the Agency at the present
time with anti-Semitism becoming so strong in Germany. The American Jewish
Committee made a careful investigation of the conduct of the Agency, gave it its
unqualified endorsement and stated that it was being efficiently conducted*
These facts on the J. T. A. were followed by considerable discussion by mem-
bers present.
Mr. Davis remarked that the Reuter and Havas Agencies were subsidized by
their governments. Although the Jews have no government , they must have their
news service. The fine standard set up by the Agency is seen from the fact that
Page 3
n B 2 d (1)
II D 1
The Jewish Charities Minutes, Feb# 5, 1931 •
the Associated Press accepts, without qualifications, its news items*
Mr. Kline stated that the work of the Agency was more important now than -
ever before with the anti-Saaitic agitation in Germany as well as in several of
the eastern European countries • If Germany becomes definitely anti-Semitic it
will affect unfavorably, Jewry throughout the entire world* In his opinion the
Agency is more necessary, more important than any other request before the
United Drive Committee*
On a motion by S* I* Frank, seconded by Jeunes Davis, it ^ra.s unanimously
voted that the sum of $7,500 be appropriated to the J* T. A. for the year 1931*
II B 2 d (1)
The Reform Advocate. Wk. of December lU, I929. "^
In ISS7, a few of the members of the Dorshe Sfath Ever were gathered in
their library, A young man entered with the important news that Chicago was \
to have, at last, a Yiddish newspaper of its own.
Peter Wiemick was to edit this daily paper, together with Leon Zolotkoff ,
Paris correspondent of the Rgasky Evrey (The Russian Jew), a Hassian weekly*
Mr, Zolotkoff arrived in Chicago a few days later, and shortly after his
arrival, the Daily Jewish Courier was horn.
Leon Zolotkoff • 8 presence in Chicago contributed much to the spiritual life
of our Jewish population. His influence was great and he became the mouth-
piece of the (rhetto Jews.
Prom "The Growth of Jewish Chicago" by Philip P. Bregstone.
II B 2 d (l)
THE REFORM ADVOCATS. Volume 70; ',Veek of January 9, 1926
Page 704
The Chicago Daily News has been sold to //alter A, Strong for
$15,000,000. Among those associated with Mr* Strong in the new ovm-
ershlp are Julius Rosenwaid and several other co-religionists*
II B 2 d (1)
The Daily Je-..ish Forv.-urd. January 1, 1929 •
TEN YEaRS of the FCR^aRD IN CHia.GO.
Ten years ago today the Fonv-rd, came to Chicago. It v/as in the year of
1913, v/hen the members of the Fon-A^rd Association grented the request
of jhe Chicago Socialists and labor novementi to come to Chicago and
esti-blish a plant here and publish the daily Fjorward, in the same manner
and the sam.e form as the Fonvard is being published in Hew York*
The first issue of the Chicago Fjorv^rd appeared January 1, l/19f Q-nd that
day was transformed into a great folk celebrw^tion, ixirticipo.ted in not
only by Chicago's labor movement, but by all oisher Jev/ish organizations
to v/hom the Fonv^ rd \;as the great and powerful people's newspaper, and
who already for the last twenty years, has been the most significant
factor in their spiritual and cultural life*
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - JgriSH
I E — —
WPA(iLu.)^HOJ. 30275
The Daily 'Jewish Forv/urd, January 1, 1929*
The coming of the Fonvard to Chicago ten years ago marked a nev/ epoch
in the social life of the Jev/s in the luiddle 'Test*
Publishing the Forvrjrd in Chicago which is the center point between the
East and "est, it possible for such Jevvlsh centers as Detroit, l:il-
v/aukee, Cleveland and ot« Louis to receive the Forward the same day, with
all their important local news and occurences of the day.
Therefore, this day the tenth anniversary of the Forward in Chicago is
a jubilee not only for Chicago, but for the Jewish masses in the I.Iiddle
V.'est, and especially organized labor in the Je\;ish centers of the "'est.
And just because of its interest in the labor movement in the various
parts of the est and Liddle '.'est, the Forv/ard was inveigled in to in-
stalling another plant in Chicago v/ith a line of special editions for
the Various cities in che V.'est* V.'ith this step the Fonmrd had no profits
II B 2 d (1)
- 3 -
The Daily Jev/ish Ponvard. January 1, 1929,
in mind whatsoever, as at that time the ^''orvruvd was too financidly strong
and pa»7erful, to consider this undertaking of publishing the Poniard
of increased income*
in Chicago a source
And v/hat is more, that time in 1919 1 wi- s the most unf vorable time for
such a great undertaking, this \ms a year -.fter the World War, had ended^
The entire country awaited an economic crisis, which came soon enough and
hit with such pov/ers that it \ms felt in 1920, and 1921 - so, that from
a natural business viev/point, it did not pay the Forward to make such an
expensive move»
n B 2 d (1)
- 4 -
The Daily Jewish Forv/ard« January 1, 1929
WPA (iLL.)?KGj.:iu2;5
But on this, depended the need of serving in the best mr^nner, a great
part of the labor movenent throughout the country, and the comrades of
New York at that time demonstrated the true i::iocialiGtic spirit. They
took it for granted that if Chicago and the Lliddle '/'est must have the
Porvvardt in order to strengthen the Jev/ish labor movement, then there v/as
no question of hov/- much such a move will cost# If the Jev/ish unions of
Chica;_,o, and the '.'est, will gain, in the 'Workmen's Circle, will, by this
move, become stronger and more powerful, if all the other parts of the
Jewish social life in the Vest v/ill start blooming, then that alone, is
the greatest impetus for the Forv.'ard to take this step*
At the present celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Ponmrd of
Chicago we can proudly say that the step we took ten years ago has pro-
vided a great success according to all indications*
II B 2 d (1) - 5 - Jg-ISH
The Daily Jev/lsh Forward. January 1,1929. WPA (iLl.) PROJ, 3u2?t
The Fonvs'.rd has for the last three years been in their ovm beautiful and
magnificent home that stands out like u bright st:r in the heart of Chicago's
Jevdsh center. The i.achinery set-jin?^ and printing the Forward is the last
word in modern presses.
The people engaged in all departments, fro^ the girl at the sv/itchboard
to the manager, are all loyal and devoted to the ?onv£.rd and feel as
members of one l^.-.rge family. The home of the Chicago _?orward is in the
center of all branches of the Chicago l<:-.bor movement that are organically
connected with the i*'orwc.rd#
Today, the first day of the new year, let tht t be the begin; i ng of a new
and peaceful life, let the new year bring more luck and peace into the
world and a more fortunate life for those v:ho create all the v/ealth in
the '..orld»
II B 2 d (1)
• 6 -
The Daily Jewish Forv/sirdt January 1, 1929
WFA (ILj tm 31.275
The nev; ye^r shall awaken, in the workers of America, their ne^^dy political
consciousness and lead then to a great victory in their strug le for a
better life.
Stronger and mi^jhtier may become the labor movement of -nmerica*
II B 2 d (1) JEr;iSH
The Jewish Dally Forward. April 12, 1928. \»'PA (ill.) :Hii. 102/:
The Forv/ard distributes a certain sum of money each year to workers
and charity institutions*
The following sums are distributed this year to the follo\7ing bodies::
The Jewish Socialist Alliance $5Q0
United Hebrew Trades 500
/:orkmen»s Circle Schools 500
Cook County Socialist Party 350
Meyer London League 300
II B 2 d (1) - 2 . ^SIISH
The Dally Jev/ish Fonvard. April 12, 1928* WP/i. /i|^^ -p^ :^^^,-j^
United Charities $350
Socialist ^V omen's Club 100
Chicago Consumptive Aid 100
Douglas Park Nursery 100
Daughters of Zion Nursery 100
Chicago Los Angeles Builders 100
Political Prisoners 50
Miscellaneous k50_
Total $3f500
II B 2 d (l)
For-r-prc, I'.py ?, 19 "^7.
In honor of the 30th annive-'-sar^, the Forvyarc contrihutes 4^4,000 to the
following hodi^s in Chica-o:
Jewish Socialist Alliance $ 900.00
United Hebrew Trar'es 900*00
TTorkmen's Circle Schoolr. 700.00
Lou-^las Pprk -branch of the Alliance 200.00
Doup-las Park Day ^^no Nif:ht I'^ursery 200.00
Daur^hters of Zicn llur^'.ery, Ilorth Side 100.00
Chicago Buildin.^ of Los An^-eles Sanitrrium 100.00
Cook County S. P. 500.00
Chica^-o ConsumT)tive Aid 100.00
Association Enerrenc^r Fund ?00 . 00
Total ^ ^ . $4,000.00
II B 2 a (1) jH]^nsH
Forv/ard. May 1, ig*:^? ^-'M-^!-; ^i^C.. ;^2;r
By Abranam Cahan, Editor-in-Chief of Forv/ard,
It is thirty yeers today since a v^roui? of men and women, of whom the writer
is one, founded the ForvTard, The Forward was called into beins; for a double
purpose: (a) To organize the Jewish workers into trrde unions and dissemi-
natG the prlriclvles of Socic^lisn ar.on.f: them, ("b) To act as an educational
a^^ncy amon§ the immigrant Jev/ish messes in the broadest sense of the word,
and to spread amonp- them hi^h ideals of humanity.
Thirty yerrs is a long time in the life of an individual; yet it is a very
short period in the life of a movement or people. The Isst thirty years
have been uncommonly/ rich in stirring eventi:'. The past decade will qo down
in history as perhaps the !r:Ost eventful period of all time. Politically
speaking, and to a large extent economically/ as well, vast uphea.Vc^ls have
taken place.
The Jewish immif^rant from Rusf^.ia has underrone ^reat vicif^si tudes durin^- the
last three decades. The Forward h^.s been a livinp, mirror of events in
2 d
- ^ -
WFA hi:: r-ic ^,?7t
'cr--rc, May 1, IQ*^?.
Jewish life# It ha- remrined true to the ideals which inrpired its founders
a p;eneration ago, "but it also kept ahrer^st of the rropTesj= of event?. As
a consequence it hrs been ^^rcwin.^* stron.?:er, pnd. more influential from ^^ear
to yerr.
The founding of the Forward Wc^s possible t?irouf^h the self sacrifice of
the Je^'ish working men a.nd women '7ho ^'^ave up their ba?ik accounts, en^af^ement
rinf:s en(^ trinkets end in this way scraped tofpther the necessary amount to
start the paper. Today the Forward h- s a circulation of more than 300,000
conies daily, devoting much of its profits to the labor movement and other
worthy causes.
The Forward today is what it a^lways has been - a Socialist orran and promo-
ter of culture anon^ the masses. Its principle and prorram are identical
with those of the G-reat British Labor Party. The numerous chan£:es during
the past d.ecp-,r\e have brcur-^ht nev; needs and problems, 9.n6 the Forward has
been quick to m.eet them. Thirty years egc the Forward was a paper for im-
migrants only. Today it is read by very mamy Anerican citizens, a large
II B 2 d (1)
- r^ -
J5r.? I SK
WPA (iLL.) PR^;.:;0275
Forward, I'^ay 1, 1927,
proportion of v/hom £-re Americanized in the best senre of the worr'^ Not
only the parents, hut their American born children as well, find in the
English section of the Sunday Forwarc^ a much needed organ of discussion,
entertainment and intellectual and literary interests.
On the occasion of the 30th birthday of the Forward , I extend her.rty greet-
ing's to all our readers.
II B 8 d (1)
The Sentinel, Volumes 69-60; Yfeek of July 3, 1925# Page ?•
There is a new Jewish monthly magazine being published in Chicago^ It is
Q^ll^d The Jewish Youth > and it is the official organ of the Inter-High
Jewish Educational* League.
The magazine is edited by Toby Kurzband and is sponsored by E.Harrison
Chapman of the Jewish Education Committee.
2 d
Dail'^ J^v;iGh Courier
V i 1. .
1. . _i_
In the veaP 5684
'-' T n r* ^ "'^
.;ian:^;ill, a :rsdt an.^ celebrated .an, ca::e to Chicago. j»o:::etir.ies he, lil:e
all Teat and celebrated non, 'ives li.":- a*^'T0V3.1 to certain spiritual thin{;:s.
In '^he saiae year o^ n684 since the eroatJjDn cJ? the .icrld, the ^^Bintel*'
news-a-^er, novj kno-ni ao the ":?ordv;ard '' A-^o terns od lerision a^plied by
Courier to Torv;arcl7, mado a deal ith denry ::^ord of the hind hno-vn as
'•scratch r'v- bach and I ill scr-itch yours'', h^^nry jord be':an lo adve'r-tise
in the "Fordvjard" and the *^7crd';ard" bG:-an to -^at di:;i on the bach, ;:icturin^;^
hi::i as an innocent ]a^-.b, 1'^ astra^^ by bad en.
Jcish ublic o_:inion in .LMerica b'^carie aroused and shar;) protests be;"au to
be ezoressed^st a Jevrish ne-vs-ca-^er mad.iii;^ a deal v;ith the leader of
Daily Je-.;isli Courier, Jan. '^0, 19*34
international anti-oemitisr:. ?he ''Ford-.-vard'* f-^:lt it..^elf to bo in a predica-
ment, jliat excuse coulO it ■•ive for its crlv.inal act — cocialisi.., love of
humanity, proletarian moral, class stru le, Je.;isli honor?
Tlie situation v/as bad. Tho *'l^ordv;ard'' coulu neither ad:. .it th it it v;as ivrong
nor joulJ it "ive up the recei;^t of the fat ?ord checks, Tae ;..on connected
v.'ith the "Fordv.-ard" had an ins;iration: "ot the a-) r-;val of a --reat nan.
If a celebrated Je-; ;ould say that it was ler-issiule to take ads froi-.i Ford,
then everythin?- woulr. be all ri :ht. 'Jliis idea, hoi/ever, had one serious
drav/bach: all the leaders of yuuerican Jev-rry stron ly condeiined the Ford-
''Fordvrard" deal. It v.-s, therefore, necessary t" :et the a )^-roval of a
::reat non-.^:ericari Je^;. Israel^-.'7ill»3 arriv::'! in Chica;::o looked to the
•'?ord.:ard" lihe an o"^- -ortunity r^ent frcn heaven. Zan -^vill is a celebrated
Je-.ish leader, a ;cod Je;:, a _:ionist, and a nationalist. Ilis a-oroval ..ould
carrv v;ci lit.
.1 :>..
13 2 ^■-
.1. ^^li'ord.jard' h\:nt for -'^ig v;an be:;an as soon as li? arriv^x! i::- Chica;o, 'Jhe
"?:;rdvj,Lrd" :.aited to et lAn into its office; tl.oy v;antecl to explain every-
thin^: to him, -et a state ;ent fro:;i hi'::, r.ioncpolize him, arran -e lectures
for hin. L^ie schene v;as a sir^^^le one. .;an^"v;ill is a stran^":3r ia ii:;erica.
Z'e is a friend of tao Jov.'ish .'j6o-le* It ..ouid not be 'iifficult for the
"Fordward"^ to monopolize hi].-;. The "Jordv.ard" boys, jiov;ever, nade their
plans v;ithout c.: ^-^.iderin': hat the boss had to say about theip., and tl^e bos
in this case v/as J. Loebner.
J, Loebner disa r)eared fro.ii the ..orld for ten days and becarae a shadov;; he
si.adov;ed jjaa^-.'Jill. .,herever Isi'ael .ian^^vill -.ent, Loebner ..ent, "Jhe. days
in Chica .0 .;ere dark and cold, """he s!:y loohed lihe a :reat, rray sack.
People could not ifia ine w'lat the sun loohed lih.e. In those days, Lanyv;ill,
the '.^oet, believed that the sun v;as shining in Chica o because in front of
him and behind him, there ./as a shadovj. This shadovj ;^:as non ^ other than
our J. Loebner v;ho deer.ied it Viz duty to .:revent an honest man from bein^^
II 3 2 d (1) - 4 - ' J ;..T3II
II B 3 g
IV Dail?,' Jev.-ish Courier.^, J-an. '"^0, 1924.
"..liat do you thinl: of a Jev'ish nevjs^xi^.er, " asked J, Lo ?bner of I.r* Zang^vjill,
^'v;hich acceuts advertise/'ents from Tenry 'ii^'ord ana ato the anoi-.>e..:itic
leader jn the bachV" Jiaia-y./ill did not even ta!:e t-..o ^^econds* thoudit before
r:ivin,: hie opinion: ''Such a ne-.-Js reaper is a blackcuard.^' In this v;ay, the
Je-./ish press in ;derica iin/.ediately found out .vhat :.Ir. .:ia:a^p*/ill thought
about "ohe "Fordvrard^*.
Triis, 03'' .he v.-ay, ha'v-^-enec! before the "^ordviard'^ 'en had- a chiance to ask
•JT. ./ill for an approval of their policy, lut ^'seudosocialist brethren,
hov/ever, did not lose heart. ..'ell, they, if ..e cannot pet '..r. Zanpv:ill
to 'ive us his apr;roval, let us, at least, sho.. tiie ;;orld -/n^t he is a pood
friend of ours, ives lectures for us, attends our banraets, ;-articipates in
our uiiiertahings, in short, treats us as represeiitat *.ves od ^he people.
II B 2 d (1) - 5 - JE7/ISH
II B 2 g
IV Daily Jewish Courier, Jan* 20, 1924 •
Suddenly there sprang up in Chicago a great many Jewish culture societies,
culture learues, culture associations, and women^s culture associations.
One would think that Chicago v;as swiiiuning in an ocean of Jewish culture.
All of these culture associations, cult 'ore leagues, and culture societies,
bombarded Mr. Zang^Afill with invitations: **Speak to us, lecture before us;
here is a check for five hundred dollars, a thousand dollars. V/e will
give you as much as you want^ only ^ Israel Zangwill invariably replied,
'•Sure, speak to my friend, llr. Loebner of the Courier. He arranges every-
thing for me.'*
J. Loebner did arrange /eYevythin^. He arranged a lecture at the Hebrew
Institute, at the Covenant Club, and so on. He arranged them quietly,
without any fuss, v/ithout any committees. The culture leagues, culture
associations, and culture societies, which are all run by and for the
'•Fordward," had to apply to iir. Loebner if they wanted Ivlr. Zangv/ill to
lecture to them. Mr. Loebner, who had to protect the interests of a great
II B 3 d (1)
II B 2 s
- 6 -
man and to see that iiis nane v/as not besmirched, e::olainsd the .;hole situa-
tion to I jr. .janr-will, and our .Teat ::uest v/as ^Tatoful to the ^ood Je;; for
Lis advice.
'^hxoy ran around
'xz '•.a'."::^e thoy v;culd succeed In reachin^:
Our riseudo3ociali::ts evi "onced si.'-.ns of ":reat actix''it7.
tovjn, arguin;;, yellin-;, • o^in;;: that -.ayb
' r, iaa2:-ill, even for fi-'e inutes, ::o that '-"^^ '^'=*
coul''' bra^: that hr. ;an';^*7ill h a vioita . ito orric-~:
to it, and so on.
r*j ^ ^ ^ \- ^^
Jj L- -- 'sX . < -Jl J. VJ.
hir. '.anr:v;ill close to the ''jord.vard'' oC^fice osverai tL-ies. .' e ".;as at
the Palace '[^isater, he vi-:ited t^-e offic?. of >l:e Courier, he visited relative;
n the ..est iido, but he aid not visit the office of the ''Pord:;;
Tliere- was a tense ..loment .vhen h.r. .:an^:;ill found uinself surrounded oy the
•'Fordv;ard" boys vdiil3 he -.vas at 'llic!::an's l-alace Theater. It seo-~ed as
II Z- 2 d (1)
II D 3 -
- 7 -
Dailv JovjiLjli Courier,
thou;:h tLere -^as no v:ay for hi::: to escct^e, "^ov coul^ lie, Aiew he ^7as
surrounded or. all sides? There ---^ a joyous Ojarkle in the eyes of our
[DseuhoG^cialirh^s. rj.t last I ouhoenly, J. hoebner a^.e^red, :^^rabbed
hr, ^an^^.:ill by the arr,:, -^:xl the'^ both left for .j?. IcOsenvvald's residence,
in . r. hcsenv/ald' s biy, car. c:ur nseudosocialists felt lihe cryiny/
han:7:;ill v.ithin five yards of their office and the^^ ^ id not succeed
in -ettiny hi:.: to enter it.
Riyht after this event, olano for lectures in thif-. or that auditoriur:,
beyan to be surr.itted to . r. ■ianyv;ill. _eoyle tri::jd to c:nvince hin. that
he -.ould earn a fortune froia tlie loct'U?os ^hich the Tiseudosocialisbs ; ould
arran_e f r him. Jo all yroyos.ils, ha invariably r^olied, ''-iure, yo ^^Md
2Q'^ ::y friend, T.'r, Loebner.*'
I have never a:^he- J. Loebner ;;hether ^he ;3eud03..^cialists ever sav; hiri,
and r^ I'j he .lade to thein, yov;ever, i:' they did see hi.:;, I can inagine
2 d (1)
O V.J.. .^-^
~, 9
- ■■ ^ ■■,■■■■ II
oiirier, Jan. wO, 19.'34,
the l:in:l of a re ;l3^ ' e v':ul:2 'ive thein, -^n:; I can "i^a 'irie ths innu.,ei'able
curses he received, he ha:i cijne, ho.:ever, a ^:jo.' -^i-^ce of v^orl:. he he-:t
V.T. .jan'T.;ill l'ro:;i ^etti:!^ a ':u'/ bath, he Ghov;cd hinnoif to '-^.ossecs the
talents of a detective, ancl he prev ited the " eeudosocialist co2iirades
from la:y''in':- h'rDC.s UT^on Israel han-v.ill. He deGervea the thanks of th.e
corufiunity and of Israel— vill for his .;ork«
II B 2 d (1)
Daily Jewish Courier, Jan* 9, 1924.
/m. mimiY ford^s ads/
Dr# 3, M* Lie lamed
Henry ?ord has committed many political blunders in his life, but the greatest
blunder that he cor.imitted was his attempt to bribe the Jev/ish press in iimerica
by offering it large advertisements, and by believing that the "Ford-V/ard" /name :S
applied by Courier to Forward because latter printed Ford^s ads/, the only ^
Jewish nev/spaper that printed his advertisements had any influence upon Jewish ^
life in America. He does not Imow that the ^Tord-V/ard^ has no more influence ^
than any other rag which prints filthy literature and arouses the lowest gg
instincts of the masses. People read the "Ford-li7ard" just as they read the 2
Chicago Star, a pomogi*aphic sheet which reports scandalous stories that no '^
decent newspaper would print. The 'Tord-V/ard" would go out of business v/ithin t3
forty-eight hours if it ceased its pornographic activity. People do not take ^
the opinion of the *Tord-V/ard'* seriously, just as they do not take the opinion
of the Chicago Star seriously. A ^v;e 11- informed" man like Mr. Ford should have
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - TSillSE
Daily Jewish Courier, Jan. 9, 1924,
knov/n that his advertisement in the 'Tord-V/ard" did him more harm than good.
II B 2 d (1) JanSH
IV Daily Jev/ish Courier, Jan. 6, 1924.
Dr. S. M. Melamed
The yellow ♦♦Ford-7/ard'' has at last broken its silence. It spoke up yesterday
and it spoke in a manner that was to be expected from it. It claimed that
about two years ago, the Courier printed an ad of Ford's and it wondered why
the Courier was raising such a fuss now. The '♦Ford- Jard** to prove its
contention, printed a two-line ad which a Chicago Jew, who had a few Fords
to sell, had placed in the Courier last y^ear and for which he paid a few
dollars. The '*Ford-V/ard'* calls this a Ford advertisement. The yellow
journalists know that this contention is ridiculous but they could not remain
silent any longer. The readers had begun to ask questions and since they
could not answer those questions, they did what the rich thief in a certaiji
story did. *Vhen the judge asked him why he had stolen the watch, the thief
replied: •^.Vhy shouldn't I have a right to wear a v;atch? Don't you wear a
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - JMISH
IV Daily Jewish Courier, Jan. 6, 1924.
A Ford ad is an ad that Henry Ford places in a newspaper and for which he
pays with a Ford checks //hen a Jew advertises that he has an old Ford for
sale, it is a Jewish ad, and a Jewish newspaper may print a Jewish ad.
The ♦'Ford-'.Vard** is the only Jewish newspaper in America which gets Ford
checks — all in the name of socialism, in the name of the Jewish workers, S
in the name of trade union principles. Ford will not permit any unions in ^^
his factories, and, logically, a Socialist newspaper should not accept any y
advertisements from him, but the Judaism of the '♦Ford-VJard*' is worth as
much as its love of truth, and its love of truth is worth as much as the
education of its editors and managers.
II B 2 d (1) J]j:t.7ISH
II D 10
I E Daily Jewish Courier, Jan. 4, 1924.
Dr. S. K. Melamed
The '^Ford-Ward'' Editor's note: Name given by Courier to Forward because
latter prints Henry Ford*s ads/" to celebrate its fifth anniversary, distri-
buted three thousand dollars to "charity**. Included in that amount is five
hundred dollars for the Gewerkschaften /Tewish labor union^, which means
the "Ford- Ward ** ; five hundred dollars for the iorkraen's Circle, which means
the **Ford- Ward ** ; five hundred dollars for the Socialist party, which means
the »*Ford-i/^ard**; two hundred fifty dollars for the Cook County Socialist
party, which means the ^^Ford-Z/ard**; all these organizations support the
**Ford-irVard** by their advertisements. Giving money to them means taking
money from one pocket and putting it into another. There are in Chicago a
great many philanthropic and cultural institutions, such as the Marks Nathan
Orphan Home, Home For The Aged, the inmates of which are, for the most part,
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - JEVflSH
II D 10
I E Daily Jewish Courier, Jan. 4, 1924.
poor Jews; in the majority of cases, they are former workers or
orphans of Jewish workers. The ^Ford-V/ard" did not even give them one
cent« There is in Chicago a Hebrew Theological College, where three hundred
sons of poor Jewish psirents, who are in most cases workers, are studying.
The *»Ford-rf'/ard** did not give them one cent. There are in Chicago many Jewish
Talmud Torsihs, which are all attended by children of poor Jewish workers. The
"Ford-i//ard** did not give them one cent. The recipients of its charities are
the Gewerkschaften, which means the '*Ford-lVard'^; the Socialist party, which
means the ^Ford-Ward^; tte //orkmen^s Circle, which means the **Ford-iVard*»;
the "Ford-A'ard** believes that charity begins at home. There is in Chicago
an organization called Bread To The Hungry, whieb feeds the hungry; there is
the H. I. A. S. ^ebrew Immigrant Aid Society, which helps the destitute
immigrant. The ♦»Ford-7/ard^ has not a cent for them but it donates money to
the Socialist party of Chicago and of Cook County, which will use the money
to advertise in the *»Ford-Ward." The ♦'Ford-.Vard^ thus gives charity to
II B 2 d (1) - 3 - JE^SH
II D 10
I E Daily Jewish Courier. Jan, 4, 1924.
itself and it bluffs the neople into believing that it gives charity
to the poor auid helpless. Henry Ford also gives such charity.
II B 2 d (1)
IT Daily JevJish Courier, Jan. 3, 1924.
"FCRD-VjARD" bosses laugh at TR£ JE./S;
The ^Bintel'' /Editor's note: term of derision applied by Courier to Forward/ ^
nev;spaper continues to print the advertisements of Israel's enemy, Henry Ford, g
in spite of the criticism of the Jewish press, in spite of uhe protests of
rabbis and community workers, in spite of Dublic opinion. The "Ford-V/ard**
^ditor'^note: Term aoplied by Courier to Forward because latter prints
Henry Ford's ads/ laughs at everybody. It has sold itself to the anti-Semite
from Detroit and it serves him faithfully.
The ''Ford-V/ard'' says, to justify its scandalous conduct, that Israel Zangwill
•oold its representative that ^a Jewish uaper may print Ford's advertisements".
It adds, in Zangwill 's name, that "the Forv^^ard should donate the income from
Ford's advertisements to propaganda against Ford."
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - JSVaSK
IV Daily JeivlsJa Courier, Jan. 15, 1924p
This is v/hat Mr# Zangwill actually said to two Courier representatives who
visitea Jiim at the iiome of Llr» Julius Rosenwald, vmere lie is staying. In
an interview with him, he saia: ^^Ivlany people have sought to bring me and
Henry Ford together Tor a conversation, but I refused to see nim because
this enemy of Israel and his servants are capable or reporting tnat I have
said, Ck)d knows v/hat, sometning in their ravor. I have rerused to see IT
Kenry Ford out or respect ror myself, out of respect ror the Jews of .jnerlca ^^^
and tne entire v/orla, waom he has oesmircnea and against whom ne has spread I?
the worst calumnies #•* -^
VJhen the representative of the Courier asked llr. Zangv/ill wnat he thought of
the Forwarg which advertises Ford's products, the celebrated Jew and writer
replied: '♦Its name should not be Forward but **Ford-V/ard^. ;^en a newspaper
prints on one page — ^which is a fact to be lamented — an advertisement of a
product made by an eneiay of Israel, and does not, on anotner page, fight the
insinuations of the advertiser against our sisters and brothers, then that
■ _ ♦
II B 2 d (1) - 5 - Jg//ISH
IV Daily Jewish Courier, Jan. 3, 1924.
paper is a renegade •"
However, it is no use to demand justice and fairness from the '^Ford-V/ard^.
VJhen one spits in its face, it says that it is raining. One points to a
disgraceful act it has committed, and it raises the cry, ♦'they want to breaik
the labor movement".
The bosses of the ♦♦Ford-V/ard*' want money, and for money they have sold their
columns to the enemy of Israel, who seeks to iindemiine the existence of
all the Jews and who printed the following, among other things, in his
Dearoorn Independent;
**The Jewish trade unions are exclusively Jewish because the trades are exclu-
sively Jewish. This means that the Jeivish trade unions cannot be considered
American trade unions. Neither are they mixed trade unions. They are Jewish.
The aim of those trade unions is, as in all other Jewish activities, to help
II B 2 d (1) - 4 - JEVJISH
IV Daily Jewish Coiirier, Jan. 3, 1924.
Jewish interests. Those unions are a part of a united Israel,"
The "Ford-7/ard*^ works hand in glove v;ith an enemy of Israel at the expense
of the workers and the trades whom it claims to defend, and at the expense
of the Jews whose language it speaks and from whom it derives its profits.
This is the proper place to ask a few questions. If Henry Ford is not as
bad as people think he is, why should not the '♦Ford-.Vard^* bosses, if they
are what they claim to be — Jews — persuade their new bosom friend to stop
spreading calumnies against our sisters and brothers? VJhy do not the ^Ford-
Ward** bosses, who claim that they are union men, try to influence l^Ir. Ford to
unionize his shops and factories, where the word "iinion** must not be mentioned?
Why are the bosses of the "Ford-V/ard" profiteers?
y ■ II B 2 d (1)
I D 1 a
I D 2 a (3)
WPA (ILL.) PROJ. 30275
The Forward « Deoember 30, 1923,
Uorrls Zlsklnd.
In celebrating the fifth anniversary of the Porwardt it will not be amiss
of the difficulties encountered in attempting to induce the Comrades of the
New York Forward Association, to establish a daily periodical in Chicago
with its own printing plant* and with expenses amounting to ^200,000.
The Jewish socialists and t rade unionists of Chicago, always strived to pos-
sess a daily working paper in Chicago, and it was always their hope that the
New York Forward would publish a paper in Chicago*
The writer has at hand, a copy of a letter which Comrade Sam Grolden, secretary
of the board of directors of the Jewish Labor ViTorld, had sent to the Forward
II B 2 d (1) -2- JEWISH
Ife'(3) '■•■''* WU PROJ. 3s,7i
The Forward, December 30, 19 2Z.
Association in New York, demanding, on behalf of all Jewish Trade Unions,
Workmen's Circle, branches, and the Socialist branches, the establishment
of the Forward in Chicago as a daily newspaper*
That was on October 20,1914, more than nine years ago# At that time, a
conference was already organized to collect money for publishing a daily
newspaper in lieu of the weekly Jewish Labor ^Torld»
The Comrades of New York were, however, at that time, unable to undertake
such a difficult task, and they did not accept our proposal*
In 1916f we began anew our transactions with the Forward Association of
New York, and Comrade Held, manager at that time of the Forward, came to
Chicago, and at a conference of delegates from all parts of our movement,
promised that we would have our own daily newspaper, if onlsrthe technical side
of the issue will be met to the satisfaction of the Forward Association*
II B 2 d (1) -3- JE^nSH
I D 1 a
^ ^ ^ "" ^'^ WFA(iLL)^ROJ. 30276
The Porvmrd^ December 30, 1923 •
Our hopeSf however, were In vain, due to certain impediments that barred the
publication of the Forward in ChicBgo* The Socialist movement of Chicago
was unwilling to wait, and wet ourselves, undertook to publish a daily paper.
The ■Vorld« which existed for one year and nine month s«
The first number of the Forward appeared January 1, 1919, in Chicago, and
our movement was liberated from the burden of supporting a daily periodical*
Who brought the Forward to Chicago and why? The answer let- The Jewish
organized labor movement, the trade unions, the Worlcmen*s Circle and the
Socialist branches influenced the Forward to establish itself in Chicago,
to serve the movement*
Together with the general labor movement, which had undergone a crisis in the
first few years after the war, the Jewish organized movement had also suf-
fered very much*
II B 2 d (1) -4- JEfflSH
I D 1 a
I D 2 a (3)
The Forward. December 30. 1923. ^'^^ ^^^ FROJ. 30275
The eoonomio crisis oompallad several large anions to accept a reduction in
wages and a few small unions were weakejiedt due to the chaos that prevailed
during the first few years after the war* Howevert most of the unions sur-
vived and determined to continue their serviceSy to obtain higher wages and
other improvements in labor condition*
For the past five years^ we have seen how the men's clothing workers of
Chicago have enlarged their union from seven thousand to thirty five thou-
sand memberSt and built an organization which surpasses that of all other
cities of America, and despite the fact that the greatest percentage of mem-
bers are not Jewish workers, the Jewish members are the most aggressive and
active in the organization*
The struggle to organize the clothing workers on as great a scale as they
are now, was not a very easy task*
II B 2 d (1) - -5- JEWISH '
I D 1 a
I D 2 a (3) WPA (ILL.) PROJ. 30276
The Forwards December 30, 1923#
The Clothing Uanufaoturers fought bitterly against the Amalgamated Clothing
Workers Union and* against the leaders* They applied severe agitational
methods to divide the workers in the shop*
During the first few months of the Forward's appearance in ChicagOf the
greatest clothing manufacturers (with the exception of Harte, Schaffner
and llax)« carried on propaganda in the shops against the Jewish union leaders,
among the gentile workers* They attempted to organize company unions, pro-
mising the workers prosperity, and representation by committees to deal with
the management* Kuppenheimer, Alfredf Decker and Cohen, Charles Kaufman and
Brothers, and several others mutually agreed and contrived several panaceas
to bar the Amalgamated from organising the workers* This^ however, did not
help them*
A great number of workers were already members in the Amalgamated, and they
declared a strike in their shops «
II B 2 d (1)
D 1 a
D 3 a
WPA (ILL) ^ROJ. 33276
The Porvrardt December 30, 1923 •
Throughout that strike, the manufacturers applied methods which Indicated
to what extremes the bosses will go to bring the workers under their yoke
and control* One of the large concerns sent a letter to its employees which
reads* in partst as follows:-
"Do you know that the orgenization to which you belong is being controlled by
Ru8si«tn Jews? (The firm is Jewish*) That's why Hart, Schaffner and Max
signed an agreement with the Amalgamated* Ten percent of the workers were
Jews, the other ninety percent were of different religions* But now, ninety
percent of the workers at Hart, Sohaffner and UaXf are Russian Jews* If
you do not believe this, see the names on the committees.
"The Amalgamated Clothing Workers, is a scab organlzationf the letter reads
ont and Is not recognized by the American Federation of Labor* Do you know
that there is no money in their treasury? That their treasury is in such
condition that Hillman avoided any strikes until after May 1?
II B 2 d (1) -7- ^ JEV/ISH
I D 1 a
I D 2 a .(3) ^VPA (ILL) PROJ. 30775
The Forward, December 30, 1923 •
*Noir answer the follo¥rlng questions:- Do you want to work In a shop that
is being controlled by Russian Jews?
■Why am I on strike?
"How much have I lost by the strike?
•What will I gain by it?
•What protection can the Amalgamated offer me?*
This is only a part of the letter that the large Jewish firms distributed
to thousands of its now Jewish employee s«
The Forward, in that struggle between the employers and employees, as well
as in all others struggles involving other workers, supported the workers
with everything possible.
II B "2 d (1)
I D 1 a
I D 2 a (3)
WPA (ILL,) PRO I. mi.
The Forwards December 30, 1923.
The influence that the Forward exerted at that time evidenced by a letter
B. Kuppenheimer and Company sent to the Forward Uarch 26^ 1919, stating
that they have not settled with the union and that they will always, as be-
fore, conduct open shops and will deal with the workers individually and
not as an organized body*
The result of the struggle which the Clothing Manufacturers carried on in
1919 ♦their anti-semetic propaganda (they, themselves, being Jews who
played the role of philantropists), their injunctions t their golden promises
for profits and dividends in the business, was unsuccessful* The Amalga-
mated Clothing Workers triumphed and the Forward contributed its share in
the struggle, as it does with every working class struggle*
The same is seen when we relate the history of the Cloak Makers Union in
Chicago, which had undergone in the past few years strikes and struggles
to improve their conditions^
II B 2 d (1) -9- JEWISH
I D 2 a (3) ^^^^ (iLL)PR0J.3Q275
The Forward, December 30, 1923#
In 1919, the oloak makers were successful in introducing week work in the in-
dustry* Two years later, in 1921, the Cloak Manufacturers wanted to nullify
their victory, by installingt aneWf piece workt hut the cloak makers de-
fended the gained position! emd did not permit the resumption of piece work*
In thiSf as in all other events of the cloak makerSf the Forward served as
the organ and defender of the workers of the women's garment industry*
The Jewish unions of the building trades, the carpenters and painters, have
undergone a great strugglet which has required many sacrif ice8» and expend-
iture of much energy and money* The well known open-shop citizens com-
mitteCf which was organized with the support of the enemies of organized labort
applied all methods that money could buy to force open shop conditions on
the carpenters and painters*
II B 2 d (1)
I D 1 a
I D 2 a (3)
WFA (ILL) PRfJ 3G27b
The Forward t December 30, 192Z.
To the credit of these two tradeSf the citizens committee did not develop
its reactionary plan* It is t here, important to mention the Jewish bakers,
the fur workers, the butchers and Shochtimt (Orthodox Butchers) Unions, the
Retail Clerks Union, Cap Uakers Union, Amalgamated, Cigar Makers Union,
Cleaners and Dyers Union, Shoe Repair Uniont and the youngest Jewish union,
the Waiters Union.
All these unions have, at various times during the last five years, struggled
to improve their conditions, did not permit reductions in their wages, up-
held union conditions, and withstood attacks by their bosses* The Forward
was their place of shelter, and defence in all these struggles* The Chi-
cago Forward has a portion in all their victories as one who struggled with
and protected organized Jewish Labor in Chicago*
The United Hebrew Trades, to whom the above unions belong, participated in
all their activities and struggles which ocoured in the last five years and
is convinced that the great assistance of the Forward to the unions, can
not be measured*
II B g d (1)
I 0 1 a
I D 2 a (3)
WPA (ILL,) ^ROJ. 30275
The PoiTirard. December 30, 1923,
In oonoluding this survey, we wish to state that the Forward will continue
to serve the Interests of the organized labor, as it has served until now.
n B 2 d (1) JBWISH
Sxmday Jewish Courier, June 3, 1923#
(Editorial in English)
The other day an elderly Jeirish woman entered the office of the Jewish Courier
and asked for the editor. With tears in her eyes she pleaded with him not to ^
be cruel 9 not to be merciless to the young ^ righteous and good-looking Count
whose doom seemed to her to be inevitable* When asked to explain her plead-
ings ^ she said that she was reading the serial story every day with the
most thorotigh attention, and that she had a heart full of compassion and
pity for the victim of the conspiracy in this story irtio, by the way, happens
to be a Count, and she asked the editor not to let the young, innocent man
die but to be more Just and to let the conspirators perish*
The appearance of the elderly woman before the editor of this paper throws a
glaring light on the relation of the Jewish reader to his or her Jewish news-
paper* Ibe Yiddish reading public especially has more respect for the printed
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - JMISH
Sunday Jawrlsh Cotirler^ June 3, 1923«
word than any other group of newspaper readers and the readers of Yiddish
dailies 9 an honest and unsophisticated group of people rely on the newspaper
not only for news but also for truth in the news and believe what they read
in the newspaper* And they read their newspaper in a manner different from
other peoples* They read not only headlines or certain categories of news^
but they read their newspaper from beginning to end and they read it on the
installment plan—in the morning they read the first page^ in the afternoon^
when they have time, they read the inside pages, the articles and the advertise-
ments, and in the evening they read the editorial comment* A reader of a
Yiddish daily will not throw his paper away until he hcus read it from beginning
to end and if everything that is reported in the papers does not seem probable
to him, he will call up the editor and ask for explanations* If he disagrees
with an opinion expressed in the paper, he will come up to the editor and try
to argue the case with him, or he will express his point of view on the question ^
in the editorial*
The relation of a Jew to his paper is quite a personal cuid intimate one* He is
- — >
II B 2 d (1) - 3 - JEWISH
Sunday Jeirlsh Courier^ June 3, 1923 •
Tery careful in the selection of his paper* If he happens to be a conservative
laan, or not radically inclined, he will never touch a radical paper and he
expects his paper to defend his point of view and his opinion on natters not
only political but also theological, literary and social, artistic, etc# He
does not consider himself a mere reader of the paper but a sort of a shares-
holder in the paper, so much is he obsessed by the idea of his paper. No
other foreign language paper and no American paper is so much in touch with its ^
readers as is the Tiddish paper* The Jewish reader considers the paper not ^
only as the defender of his views but also as his impartial arbitrator and it ^
is a daily occurrence in the #iitorial office of a Yiddish daily that two con- C
tending parties ask the publisher or the editor to arbitrate between them or '-i
call upon the publisher or the editor to take the initiative in certain communal
matters or to try to solve certain comnunal problems not only by the way of '-
defending a certain cause editorially but by personally participating in a .^<
certain movement, because to the Yiddish reader, the Yiddish daily is sanctum
sanctorum and the idea that he buys a newspaper to read the news in it or to
read some editorial comment made by a man who can speak with authority on a
II B 8 d (1) - 4 - JEWISH
Simday Jewish Coiirler^ June 3, 1923.
certain subject Is strange to his mind* To him the newspaper does not consist
of news and editorials only* To him the newspaper Is an Institution of truth-
telling, an educational agency and an enlightening force and so forth* Every-
thing printed In his newspaper Is true not only as far as normal truth goes
but Ib true also tram a moral point of view* Ererythlng that he reads In the
paper he takes very seriously for he relies on his newspaper not only for a
description of the world's history of yesterday but also for moral and Intel- j
lectual truth* ^
In ancient times, iiAien two Jews had a quarrel they, went to the Rabbi to settle ^
It* Today they go to a Yiddish newspaper* In shorty the Yiddish newspaper Is g
to the Yiddish reader not only a news-selling agency but a great moral factor
and an educational institution*
One would be surprised to learn how much Yiddish newspaper readers know about
the value of mercheindise* An old-fashioned Jew or Jewess can tell you exactly
the value of a suit, a pair of shoes, a piece of furniture, or of women's
II B 2 d (1) - 5 - JBtftflSH
Siinday Jewrlsh Coiirler^ June 3, 1923*
apparel because the /y7 read the advertisements in the paper with the same
attention and earnestness as they read news and articles, and the Yiddish
reading public buys more than any other group of people in a similar economic
situation because a Yiddish newspaper reader reads the advertising part of
his paper very closely and it is the constant reading of the advertisements
that stimulates his buying desires*
Every people read their papers in their fashion* The i^ericans are famous
for their predilection for big headlines, and a great many of them read only
headlines* The Germans are famous for their predilection for magazine
articles in daily newspapers* The French turn first to the scandal column*
The Spaniards turn first to the religious column, but the Jews have their
own way of reading daily newspapers* They read it with the same earnestness
and the same zeal as if the newspaper were not a newspaper but a religious
book* They believe their paper, they trust it and they consider it much more
than a news-*selling business*
II 3 2 d (1)
II B 2 d (2)
Sunday Jewish Courier > Llay 27, 1923.
(Editorial in English)
The accusation is often riade a{%ainst the Jev;ish press, and especially against
the great Jeviish dailies in this country/", tl^iit they are old-fashioned and do :
not compare favorably v;itli the American dailies printed in the English lanpoiace, --.
because the Yiddish dailies devote less attention to the human side of things '-
than the other papers in the country. Many people who read both Yiddish and "^
American non-Yiddish dailies maintain that the former is somev;hat dull and o
altogether old-f ashionecl , for they carry no social column, do not publish stories .^,
relating to crime and divorce scandals, and carry no bedroom stories and so 53
forth. Instead the Yiddish dailies publish articles of a purely theoretical
and intellectual nature and thus partake more of the nature of magazines than
of newspapers.
The facts as stated above are true, but the interpretations placed upon them
II B 2 d (1) . 2 - JEWISH
II B 2 d (2)
Sxmday Jewish Courier, May 27, 1923#
are false* Every newspaper must reflect the mind, the sentiments, and the
emotions of their readers, and the Yiddish dailies reflect the sentiments
and the views of the Yiddish readers and these readers are not interested in
bedroom stories, in crime, or in stories of scandal* They are interested in
news and they want their newspaper to be a political, literary, social,
economic, and religious world history of yesterday* That is all they seek
in the newspaper, and therefore the Yiddish dailies would only impose upon
their readers if they were to publish scandal stories and the like*
It must further be borne in mind that there are only two Yiddish monthlies in r
the country, both of which are not all too popular, either in tone or in con- c^
tent, for they publish more articles of a purely theoretical nature than so- ^
called live-wire stories. The Yiddish dally, therefore, must serve a double ^'
purpose, that of a newspaper and that of a magazine, and this explains why
the Yiddish dailies are not devoted to news only and why they publish more
articles of a purely theoretical nature than the average American daily* In
II B 2 d (1) - 3 - JEWISH
II B 2 d (2)
Sunday Jewish Coiirier> May 27, 1923#
addition, many features that make up part of the contents of an average
American daily, such as the sporting section, the commercial page, the
fashion page, the society page, the religious page, would have no place what-
soever in a Yiddish daily, for the man or woman who is already interested
in sports or in fashions, or in the social side of religion, is as a rule
a reader of an American daily, and it would only be a duplication of effort
to publish such features in the Yiddish press* The Yiddish dailies are so
made up as to serve the specific purposes, tastes, and needs of the ♦—
Yiddish reader* He wants to find in his daily a great deal of inter- ^
national news, because he is more interested in international news than the o
average American reader, for the simple reason that he has seen more of the
world than the American reader; he also wants to find in his daily all the ^'
local, iiational, and international Jewish news available, and, in addition to
that, a few articles of a more theoretical character. The women folk are
interested in a good serial story and therefore all of the Yiddish dailies
carry one or two serial stories, mostly of a melodramatic or popular character*
These and a few other features, such as an editorial, theatrical and literary
II B 2 d (1)
II B 2 d (2)
- 4 - JEWISH
Sunday Jewish Courier, May 27, 1923.
criticism, and letters to the editor, make up the average Yiddish daily*
Taking the average American daily as a standard, the Yiddish daily seems to
be old-fashioned, whereas in fact it is not, because it gives its readers all
they want to find in it* The standard of a daily is the demand of the reader,
and to give him something other than his demand or what he has no use for, is
merely a waste of energy and an Imposition on him* If the Yiddish daily is
old-fashioned, then one might say that the French, English, or Italian dailies
are also old-fashioned because they are so fundamentally different from the
average American daily, yet no one claims that they are old-fashioned, because ^.^
they serve the p\irpose of their readers and fit their taste*
The Yiddish dailies, with perhaps one exception, are a power for good from every
point of view, because they do not carry demoralizing stories and instead
publish articles that must enrich the knowledge and widen the vision of the
r ■*
II B 2 d (1) - 5 • JSWISH
II B 2 d (2)
Sunday Jewish Courier, May 27, 1923#
reader* In addition to their being dally newspapers, they are also edu-
cational agencies, and If this Is to be called old-fashioned, then we wish
that they remain old-fashioned for a long time to come, since by being so,
they continue to remain a power for good*
r ^
: II B 2 d (1)
Dally Jewish Co\irler> Apr« 24, 1923 •
Ito the large staff of collaborators of the Courier has been added another
colleague from New York«
The Courier has succeeded in engaging the services of P. Novak, who has been
a prominent contributor to the Nev; York Jewish press. Mr. Novak has been en- ^
gaged as a permanent collaborator of the Courier and will write each day on
questions regarding everyday life, Jewish and American interests, and essays.
Mr. Novak is a jo\irnalist with vast experience. He possesses a brilliant and
sharp pen, and writes in a simple but attractive Yiddish. His engagement is
a great gain both for us and for the Jev/ish readers of Chicago and environs.
We also wish to inform our readers that a number of improvements for the paper
are new in the making. The Courier will presently introduce several new
' II B 2 d (1) - 2 - jma^
Dally Jewish Coiirler, Apr. 24, 1923.
featuares each day In order to make the paper still more interesting than be-
fore. ^
In the meant ImiB, we wish to eoinonnce th^t a new feature will begin Friday, 3?
i.e., the "Family Pafee," a page for the Jewish women, for the Jewish child, o
and for the interests of the Jev/ish home in general, dis page v/ill be in- Lj
terestlng, easy to read, attractive, and will deal with the vital interests §
of the family; this page v/ill also have a column for children. ^
On Fridays we will feature the "Theater and lAisic Page,** where the most in-
teresting and Important happenings of the American Jev/ish stage, as well as
of the movies, will find an echo.
Every Thursday we will review everything that takes place in the Jewish labor
movement .
^ II B 2 d (1) JEWISH
,1V Daily Jewish Courier. Jan. 26, 1923.
( Adveirbiseraeut )
*^ 'Beginning next Sunday the Courier will publish a series of new features, which
will be of great interest to all of our readers. A nev; column called the
"World Mirror** will be published next Sunday, and v;ill consist of the most
interesting and latest developments In various fields, science, literature, art,
theater, strange events, etc. All the members of the staff — Dr. S. M. Melaraed,
S. Greenblau, Dr. A. L^rgolin, J. Loebner, M. Indritz, L. Rinegold, et al. — 2
will contribute to the "Viorld Mrror". j±i
Every Vfednesday a column called "From The Old Country" will appear. It will
describe life in your native tovm and viill report everything that takes place
in Je^vish centers abroad.
II B 2 d (1) JEWISH
I I D 2 a (2)'
Dally Jewish Forward. Oct. 7, 1922 •
The reactionary Newspaper, the Dally Jewish/ Courier again falsely accuses the
Cloakmaker s • Union Jot Internal dissensions/. The Courier, however, received
a sharp and well-earned answer to Its lies from Comrade ^.feix Brodsky, the
secretary-treasurer of Local 100, International Ladies* Garment Workers Union.
The answer speaks for Itself. Brodsky said: ^I deny all the statements that
were published In the Courier xinder ray name. I am absolutely not responsible
for yesterday's scribbling In that paper, In which an attempt vxas made fy^ the ^J
Courier/ to justify Itself by using my name. I want to state that whatever the
Courier writes about me is a lie.
"First of all, the Courier ^Tanted to shov; that I was a candidate for secretary-
treasurer of the Joint Board on the left-wing ticket. It also atteicpted to
prove, in a rather torturous manner, that two opposing groups can be found in
the Joint Board, a left and a right wing. I deny these statements. Further-
more, the Courier stated that Schoolman, and those who supported Rosen's
candidacy for secretary-treasurer, compelled me to withdraw my candidacy for
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - JEIVISH
I D 2 a (2)
Dally Jewish Forward. Oct. 7, 1922. ^
secretaiy-treasurer of the Joint Board. This is not tirue^ The truth is as c-
follows: Brother Fogel, manager of the labor department of the Joint Board p
proposed that both candidates should withdraw in order to avoid certain ^
misunderstandings. I iraraediately accepted the proposal of Brother Fogel and o
resigned. When I was later renominated, I refused to accept the nonination. ^
Brother Rosen, however, remained a candidate, and the result was that Brother S
Conefsky was elected. This is the truth; not that written by the Courier.'^ ^
II B 2 d (1)
Daily Jetvish Courier^ Aug. 4, 1922.
by ^
Dr. S. M. Melaitied ^
I read in the paper that they are going to publish a Hebrew magazine in Chicago,
to be called Barkai (Morning Star), and that Mr. Spector, a well-known Hebrew
teacher in Chicago, will be the editor-in-chief and the staff of the new mag- 2
azine. And yet people say that there are no more optimistic and courageous
men in this world!
I, myself, am not a pessimist by nature, but I would be afraid to begin pub-
lishing a Hebrew magazine in Chicago, though I am somewhat known to the readers
of Hebrew and I am not entirely unknown in this city. I estimate that there
are about two thousand people in Chicago who understand Hebrew, and of these
two thousand only about two hundred understand modem Hebrew, and out of these
two hundred, there are perhaps seventy-five who would be willing to spend a few
dollars a year for a Hebrew magazine. But even assuming that a thousand sub-
scribers in Chicago and five hundred in the country can be found for the Hebrew
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - JE\fLSE
Daily Jewish Courier, Aug. 4, 1922*
magazine 9 I still fail to see how a Hebrev/ magazine can exist in Chicago. ^
This does not mean, of course, that I want to discourage my Hebrew friends in ^
Chicago. On the contrary, I want to assure them of my co-operation and sym- ^:-'
pathy. They all know my address in case they ever need "copy'* and they know 3
that I will not let them go away empty-handed, but I do wonder at their courage 2
and ambition. ^
?^i.>5- II B 2 d (1)
^"V^ :; ■/•■ I C .
forward. Jtme 5. 1922. ^^^{\ll) ??.OLmn
' -■ - 7:
The Daily Jewish Courier has only 8,000 circulation. . The following facts
have established it beyond any doubt.
:/\ 1. On Monday May 15f we published an affidavit signed by Chas. Roeske, • v
who worked for the Courier for the last nine years, and who was in charge f
5^'^' : >• of the circulation, in the Jewish section of the West Side, Lawndale Dis^rf-fll^
^;- trlct, Albany Park and the North Side. In that affidavit, Chas. Roeske #
' stated that the net paid circulation of the Jewish Courier in March, 1922,
was not more than an average of Yt'WO copies daily. He also substantiated
/: his statements by publishing copies of checks which represented the col-
' lection for the full circulation of which he had charge.
^"^ ' '-f '
2. The Courier answered in their issue of May I6-I7-I8 by first showering
a torrent of abuse on the Forward and the said Chas. Eoeske, and then by
P'^'-::^WSi^'S cLenying point-blank that Roeske ever had full charge of their circulation
p^:J^^^ifv-;vv in the districts mentioned. Furthermore, they made a cut of the signature
X- „
Page 2
II B 2 d (1)
Forward, June 5» 1922.
of Ohas. Roeske, and above it have set up in type without any notary puhlic
seal or witnesses, a repudiation purported to come from Chas. Roeske, that
the affidavit he published in the Forward was obtained through intimida-
tion and threat of discharge by Mr. Turavlin, an employee of the Forward.
3# Mr. Turavlin is suing the Courier for libel for publishing the above
mentioned false statement about him, and the case is now pending in court.
He has witnesses to prove that the affidavit obtained from Chas. Roeske,
was given in a voluntary and a legitimate manner. Suing t^e Courier for
libel proves beyond any doubt the authenticity of the Roeske affidavit.
U. On the 20th of May, we published an open letter to the Courier, wherein
we made the suggestion that an impartial committee of advertisers should
be formed and the Courier should open their circulation books to them,
in order to show their real circulation; or if the Courier objects to a
committee of advertisers, they chould become a member of the Audit Bureau
•^ \
Page 3
II B 2 d (1)
rorward, June 5, 1922. WPA (ILL) PftOJ. 3027b
of Circulation and this "bureau should investigate their circulation hooks.
The suggestion was not answered,
5. On Sunday May 21 - we pul)li8hed an affidavit signed "by Mr. Ifyman Gold-
man in which he states, that he was working for Chas. Eoeske for eleven
months in 1920, doing the delivery of the Courier for him. This affidavit
corroborates Eoeske 's statement, that he had full charge of the Courier* s
6. On Monday May 29 » we published an affidavit signed by Mr. Harry Green-
berg in which he states that he also worked for Mr. Roeske, doing the deliv-
ery of the Courier, from December I92O to May 10, 1922, and that he (Eoeske)
had full charge of the Courier* s circulation.
All the above facts, establish beyond any doubt that the Courier* s circula-
tion in Chiceigo is not more that 8,000 daily*
II B 2 d (1)
Forward, I^ay 29, 1922. ^p^ (U)Pm\ }<n?-f
Another statement tho.t the Courier has no more than about 8,000 circulation in
Charles Roeske, under oath, swore that he ho.d full charge in the circulation-
department of the Courier in Chicago, with the exception of the South Side.
-»- ■ I ^
Therefore, he knows that the Courier circulation in the districts where he
was in charge, was no more than 7,400. The Courier denied that Mr. Roeske
had charge of this entire circulation. Last week we printed the affidavit
of a driver, HyLian Goldman, in wlxich he swore tliat he worked for Roeske al-
most a year, delivering the Courier. Today, we present another affidavit
of a second driver who worked for the sejue Roeske about a year and a half,
delivering the Courier after Goldraan left. He quit his job this 10th of
Read the following affidavits
II B 2 d (1)
- 2 -
Forward^ May 29, 192 2 •
WPA Oli.)^m.mi^
state of Illinois)
County of Ccok ) SS
Harry Greenberg, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and swears that
he resides in the City of Chicago, and that he is working as a newspaper
delivery driver; that he was employed by Charles Roeske to deliver the
Jewish Daily Courier on the so-called Vfest Side Route, comprising the vi-
cinity from Jefferson St. on the east to Western Avenue on the west, and
from Madison Street to and including 14th Street on the South.
Affiant further states that he remained in the employ of the said Charles
Roeske, doing the delivery of the Courier on this route from December
1920 to March 8, 1922, and after that, when Charles Roeske left the
Courier *s Service he continued to do the same work for Jake Lichten,
who is in charge of the Courier delivery now, up to May 10, 1922, when
he resigned*
II B 2 d (1)
- 3 -
Forward, May 29, 1922.
WPA iU) PRO! mm
Affiant further states that during the time of his employ by Charles Roeske,
he has made all accounts of oolleoticns weekly to the said Charles Roeske
and that his pay for his work he also received from the said Charles Hoeske,
and that the seme is true of the other men who were working on the ether
routes of wi-.ich the said Charles Roeske has had full charge.
Affisjit further states that the average copies of the Daily Jev/ish Courier
which he distributed were 2400 daily.
Further affiant sayeth net.
Witness t
IIowBTd 11. Fox
Edwin Alban
Harry Greenberg
Subscribed and Sworn to
Before lie, a Notary, this ISth
day of Kay, A.D. , 1922*
Samuel Chapnaji,
Notary public
II B 2 d (1)
Daily Jewish Courier, Feb. 17, 1922.
^^ftrainslator' s note: The Jewish newspaper Forward has a daily coliamn entitled
'•Bintel Brief »», a bundle of letters^
The ♦^Bintel** paper, vdiich is run by a few boys, is very anxious to get adver- £7
tisements because experienced businessmen advertise only in a newspaper which ^
brings good results. The ^Bintel'' paper gets its advertisements in various 2
ways. It begs for some, others it gets by threats and terror, others it co
obtains through Democratic or Republican politicians, to \i^om it promises
indirect support before election, and others it gets on the basis of a per-
centage proposition. The last-mentioned kind of advertisement it receives
from concerts, cantors, balls, and theaters. It takes tickets from the
advertiser in payment for the advertising. It forces individuals and labor
organizations to buy those tickets, eind thus it earns a few cents. No
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - JEC[SH
Daily Jewish Courier, Feb. 17, 1922.
responsible newspaper conducts its advertising business that way. No private
newspaper, no party newspaper, whether conservative or radical, would sell
its advertising columns the way the "Bintel** newspaper does.
Recently, when the Courier exposed this method of doing business by the ''Bintel**
paper, the ''Bintel*' paper replied by publishing a list of ^important firms**
which advertise in its pages and do not advertise in the Courier. These firms r—
do not advertise in the Courier because the Courier does not sell its adver- <^
tising columns for small change. Moreover, the Courier demands payment for ^
its advertisements because advertising is a business and because advertising ^
in the Courier brings good results.
The "Bintel** paper, as mentioned above, published a list of **important firms"
that advertise exclusively in it. This list can now be augmented by the name
of a new advertiser who advertised a certain product as a **medicine for
epilepsy and convulsions, nervous sickness, constipation, headaches, physical
■ • . ">
II B 2 d (1) - 3 - TS^aSE
Daily Jewish Courier, Feb. 17, 1922.
weakness-- impotence,'* a medicine that is prepared by none other than the
"great rabbi Jarachmiel Gdaliah Zucker, of Brooklyn, New York." . .
of Chicago and vicinity:
Everybody in the United States Knows about
patent medicines for epilepsy, convul-
sions, nervous sickness, rheumatism, and headaches. To
These medicines are registered in the United States 5^
Patent Office and the Health Department of the
city of New York. Many people use this medicine
and all receive good results from Rabbi Zucker* s
patent medicine. We, therefore, announce that
Rabbi Zucker will remain in Chicago for an
indefinite period, and anyone who needs his
II B 2 d (1) - 4 - JEWISH
Daily Jewish Courier^ Feb, 17, 1922*
medicine can visit his office,
Office hours are from ten in the morning until one
in the afternoon, and from five to six in the evening.
This is the ad of the rabbi's miracle medicine. No responsible paper would '-s
print such an advertisement. The Courier rejected a contract for three ^
hundred dollars which Rabbi Zucker sent in for his advertisement. The Courier if
did not want to be a party to the sale of a medicine which is of doubtful -^
value. Furthermore, Rabbi Zucker is facing a law case against him in New York. -S
The '♦Bintel** paper, being very eager to get advertisements, sent a representa- ^
tive to Rabbi Zucker as soon as it learned that he was in town. The ''Bintel" ^
paper obtained forty-eight dollars from the rabbi for this advertisement,
which it printed on .Wednesday, featuring it with a special heading so that
the ''comrades*' would buy the medicine, and Rabbi Zucker would have good results
II B 2 d (1) - 5 - JEWISH
Dally Jewish Courier, Feb* 17, 1922.
from his advertisement. Thus he would be induced to pay more money to the
•'Bint el" paper for printing his advertisement.
Statement g
Phones: Haymarket 8030-8031-8032 ^
1128 Blue Island Avenue ::^
Chicago, February 15, 1922. ^
To: Habbi Zucker
1248 South Kedzie Avenue,
To advertisement.. .$48.
February 15
V. I. Levinson
II B 2 d (1) - 6 - miasE
Daily Jewish Courier, Feb, 17, 1922,
Just as the ••comrades" refused to buy the ham and pork which the Bintel
paper urged them to buy, so the ••comrades'* refused to buy the doubtful
medicine from Rabbi Zucker — and Rabbi Zucker iiow demands his forty-eight
dollars back* ••Bintel •• boys, give the rabbi back his money I
We include in our columns a photograph of the rabbi's advertisement and a
photograph of the receipt for the forty-eight dollars, which the ••Bintel^* z
paper gave the rabbit The rabbi's advertisement suddenly became nonkosher -^
on Thursday because the rabbi refused to pay another forty-eight dollars ^o
for the advertisement. ••Bintel'^ boys, pay the rabbi back his moneyl
II B 2 d (1)
III B 3 a
Daily Forward, Jan. 1, 1922.
Today is the third anniverse.ri'^ of the Daily Jev/ish Forward in
The Forward has always had a large circle of readers and friends in
Chicago* V/hen it was decided to establish the Forv/ard in Chicago,
the Jev/ish public accepted the new venture with great pleasure and
pride, and wished the new publication continued success*
In the beginning, it was a rather difficult task to est^iblish the
Fonvard firmly*
- 2 - javjisHi'; ^•^•^- cj
Daily Forv/ard^ Jan. 1, 1922 •
But xve can nov; tell all our friends and comrades, with assurance and
pride, that our hardships are a thing of the past*
The Forward has been constantly growing during the past three ^'-ears,
and is nov; fully grown. From a business standpoint, considering the
number of readers and the influence of the Forward, we can say that
our publication is soundly established* Not only in moral strength,
but in financial standing as well*
Three years is not such a long time. But when v/e look around and see
what the Daily gor/;ard has done in that time, v:e cannot help but admit
that v/e are proud of our accomplishments*
- 3 - J]?/;iSHv^
\ C o /»'
Daily Forvjard, Jan. 1, 1922 •
Chicago has the second largest Jewish population of any city in
America, and of any city in the world. For a long time, it bore
the reputation of a city where vice flourished. But a radical
change for the better has taken place since the advent of the
Forward^ ^7ith the help of pious Jews, the Forv/ard fought against
vice in the Jewish community •
The Forvjard has served the public in a useful manner, by publishing
latest news, interesting and educational articles, and literatiire
written by some of the greatest Jewish v/riters*
From its inception, the Forvzard has been, (and still is) constantly
working in the interests of the Jev/ish working-class in Chicago. It
is the organ of the labor movement of the Socialist Party, the unions.
- 4 - [i- ::: . - JSrnSR
\ '. o
\ '-■ ■
^-^.^ .-
Daily Forward, Jan. 1, 1922.
and the Workmen's Circle. Therefore, it is natural for it to devote its
efforts, its entire pov/er, to the ^abo^ novement in the great struggle
between capital and labor - the struggle between those who do nothing and
have everything, and those v;ho do all the work and have nothing.
In this great struggle, the aim of the Forward is to help abolish the
present fetid social system that spells poverty, disease, misery, war,
etc. At this moment, while these lines are about to go to press, the
cloak-makers of Chicago are rejoicing over the results of their first
V/hen we first intended to expand, we pointed out that the New York Forward
had many readers long before the Chicago Forward was established. The
latter is now a branch of the New York Forward.
« »
- 5 - JEWISH Vi^- V
Dally Forward, Jan* 1, 1922.
New York For.;ard
The 25tli anniversary of the Nev; York Forv^^ard v/ill be celebrated on the
same date* A quarter of a century has shown the accomplishment of a
few hundred Jews who contributed from their meagre earnings in order to
organize a nev/spaper^ that would not belong to any private individual
and would not constitute a business for private profiteering.
The Forv/ard is intended to be the exclusive organ of the working-class,
a powerful weapon in the struggle for everything that is right and just*
In the course of twenty-five years, the ForY;ard has grown to be the
largest, the best, and the most influential Jewish ne;vspaper in the
At the end of this quarter century the Forward has also found a field in
Chicago, a field so large and powerful that the success is much greater
^ ♦
- 6 - JS'ISH
r , • . .} A
Dally Forv/ard> Jan. 1, 1922. ^^^^k JJ
than expected^ Today marks the New Yearl The birthday of the Forv/ard
coincides with the first day of our New Year. V/hen this issue is being
taken off the press, horns will sound, bells will ring, and people, v/ith
mixed feelings of joy end regret, will bid farewell to the old year.
A new year is being born, and with the new year, nev; hapes, new dreams,
and new desires are also being born»
V/e wish you success during the new year* V/e v/ish the workers luck and
success in all their novements and struggle and v/e hope that the new
year will bring the Forward more useful work and still better results
than it has had up to nov;#
■ r\ V ' ■' ■:^' -^
'; II B. 2 d (l)
Forward, ITovemter 5, 1Q21* *''f'^ ("-U PROJ. 30275
$5*000 is waiting for someone I
• v^^- ' • ~ '■ - ■ • , • - • • - A
"^i^---"':-^-^- Last week we issued a challeiige to the Courier, which has not "been
' accepted to dste.
♦ '.■■ ■
^e are prepared to give $5»C)00 to any charity if the following state-'
f laments are proven false!
s , "■ -.
■ . #'■
1. That the Courier has no more than 1/5 of circulation which it
announced in a notarized circulation-statement.
2. That the Torward has twice as much uaid- circulation in Chi cagro
as the Courier.
/,:■ .
■- > ,
■'" :.' ; < ' -,
■■.'■.- V' ■, :-ry'- -
■ -1
1 * • ' '
: y"
» . . -^ ■'-• >^-- ■'■ t*
i* ■> "' --'^ ■ -M
' . .• . - - - ■:•■■'/ - - . f >: . •..
II B 2 d (1) JMISE
I D 2 a (3); wpA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
I B, Forward. May 21, 1921
The first check received at the office of the conference, for a daily
English workingclass paper, was forwarded "by the Joint Board of Chicago's locals
of the Amalgamated* The check amounted to $l9020»42«
The Amalgamated promised lOjf of the total sum appropriated by May 1.
The Pinsk Branch, #252, of the Workmen's Circle, paid for twenty-nine shares*
A group of Jewish Women have organized themselves to collect money for the
newspaper* The women are planning a bazaar at the Socialist Picnic in Riverview
Park, Sunday, May 12* All proceeds will go for the paper*
II B 8 d (1)
ID 2 a (2)
Forwards May 18, 1921 WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
At the last meetiiig of the Par Union, Local ^5 was concerned with
the question: What should the Union do in establishing a daily English
Workers' Newspaper in Chicago? Comrades, M* J. Prenkel, and Sophie Rodigez
addressed the meeting and pointed out the importance of the above-mentioned
A motion was made to withdraw $500 from the Treasury of the Union and
purchase shares for the newspaper. The motion was unanimously accepted.
II B 2 d (1)
V\?M'>IUW. 30275
Forward, May 14, 1921
Chicago has seven Jewish newspapers, beside those coming frooi New York* We have
made this discovery by observing the K» W. Ayer and Sons, •* American Newspaper
Annual and Directory*** This is one, of the many directories published in America-
The method by which these directories are compiled, is the following: When they
receive a name from any newspaper, they write to the Nev/spaper Compeny requesting
them to send an affidavit of their circulation and other information.
These directories do not merely rely upon the affidavits, but want to know wheth-
er it is a statement of the publisher or an A. B. C. (Audit Bureau of Circula-
tion) statement. They clarify, in their explanations, that only the A. B. C.
statements are certain and the other statements from the Post Office, etc., are
Te find in the last American Newspaper Directory that Chicago publishes six Jew-
ish newspapers, with the exception of the Forwards and those of i^Iew York, and
Page 2
II B 2 d (1)
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
Forward, May 14, 1921*
here v;e submit them and their •♦circulation'* as they appear in the directory;
Jewish Call (daily) Independent - 19,000, Jewish Courier (daily) Independent -
42,040, Jewish Press (daily) Ind* Republican - 23,000, Jev/ish Progress (daily)
Independent - 14,000, Jewish Record, Independent - 28,000, Jewish Tenies, Inde-
pendent - 17,000*
The Jewry of Chicago know that half of these newspapers are not in existence,
and that the second half does not have the circulation they assert, but some
inexperienced gentile advertisers are unaware of this, and they therefore pa-
tronize these nev/spapers. They print a half dozen copies, on the day they re-
ceive an advertisement, forward one copy to the edvertiser and the others are
kept in reserve, in case an advertiser requests another copy. The news and
articles of these newspapers are alweys the sejce; therefore, they have no
expenses and as much as they receive is a total profit •
The Forward circulation statement is approved by the A. B. C. Why does not the
Page 3
II B 2 d (1)
VPA (ILL) PROJ. 30276
Forward, ^fey 14, 192I,
♦♦Courier** belong to the A. B. C*? The answer is clear: Exact figures must be
submitted to the A» B. C»
The Forward repeats its challenge, and is willing to deposit .$1,000 in any bank,
that the Forwai^d sells twice as many copies in Chicago than the "Courier** and
all other newspapers (Jewish) put together*
The Jewish Daily Forward is the only Jewish Newspaper in Chicago that is a mem-
ber of the A* B» C.
II B 2 d (1) JEWISH
kVPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
Forward. May 1, 1921,
Branch UUU of the Workmen's Circle exceeds all the Jewish working class
organizations in the activities for the drive of the daily English working
class paper. The branch bought shares amounting to $500 of which $250 were
already submitted. What organization can rate with this branch? The
principle participants for the paper are I. W. Golden, N, H, Lashensky,
Benderman and other active members.
■ i ■
II B 2 d (1) JEWISH
. IV
ronrard. May 1, 1921
VVPA (ILL.) PROi. 3027&
The following were proposed for the Forward Association:
Jacob Siegel. Member of the S.P. , l^th Ward
Nathan Bosenfield, Mezoiber of N.W. Socialist Branch
A. Wallmein, Member of N. W, Socialist Branch
Isaac Averbook, Member of Douglas Branch S*P«
Morris Poznansky, Member of the N.W. Socialist Branch
S« Shlpkowltz, Member of the West Side Socialist Party
All those having any charges to make against the above-mentioned are requested
to Inform:
Meyer Wlnetrlb,
2229 Ohio Street
'•■. /'v
i; :'
II B 2 d (1)
Forward . Jan. 1, 1921. .,.^, ., , ^^.
WPA (\l U PRO ; ?f:7^'
Today is exactly two years since the Forward first began to appear in Chicago,
and the anniversary is to he celebrated by a banquet given by the Forward
n B 2 d (1)
II D 10
forward Dec. 22 » 1920
WPA (ILL) PR-OJ. 30275
A Declaration hy the People* e Belief Oomaittee a>ncerxiing the
falsefjring etatemente that appeared in yesterday^ ■ Courier •
Yaleehood Ho« It
*Ihe financial report t which wae ^ren at the Conference of the People* e Belief
last Sundajr* was not signed hy a certified auditor or finance conmittee*"
Tou will findt in toaorrow*s forward, a complete facsimile of the Auditor's
rffportt under his seal. We affirm that the report was not only 0*K*d by a
finance CommitteCt hut also hy the entire executiye of the People's Belief #
faltUiood Ho* 2.
*Ihe report of the executire was not accepted by the bazaar Oommittee at the
conference, which ended in a riot"*
The report was unanimously accepted by the basaar Gommitteet The forward
all the or sanitations 9 all the indiyidoals that helped make the bazaar a success*
fals^ood No* 3
•The $1300*00 that the Atterath Israel Synagogue contributed to the bamaar has
"» ;^^
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 3027b
disappeared entirely**
The Bone7 was added to the total bum hy the anditcr* The Torward had recently
reproduced the checks*
-- ♦
Talalshood Ho* U (excerpt from our editorial)
The Courier states that at least one thingt the delegates hare learned from the
unsigned report which they have turned dowut and that is that the eiq>enses
of the Peoples Belief Goimittee was about, fifty percent of the income that is
not only scandalous but plain theft and robbery**'
falsehood Ho* 3
'!Qie People's Belief loaned $10,000 to the bazaar* The bazaar returned only
$8000 and the other two thousand dollars were absent on the report**
In the auditor's report of the bazaar it is clearly understood that People's
Belief loaned $10,'^10*09 to the bazaar and received $8000 in return* Haturally
the balance remains in the receipts of the bazaar and since all the money of
the bazaar is giren to the People's Belief the balance is automatically
II B 2 d (1) ^
II D 10 "
III H Dally Jefwish Oourier, Dec. 3, 1920.
(Editorial in Snglisli)
The average reader of Jewish newspapers often resents the apparent monotony
of the reading matter. It seems to him that the Jewish newspapers are
publishing every day the same news^and that the eorticles are all on the
same style and on the same subject.
To a certain extent » the resentment has a certain foundation in f^ct. One
may tcJce any Jewish newspaper ^ a daily or a weekly, and one will find nearly
every day or every week the same news — pogroms , Jewish massacres , anti--
Semitism, anti-Jewish riots, Jewish oppression, Jewish persecution, slander«-
ous libels against the Jews, and so forth and so on. We have only to look
on the locality of Infoimatlon to know the contents of the infomation. If
the news comes from Vjarsaw, it means Jewish oppression, Jewish persecution.
If it cosnes from Lemberg, it means Jewish wholesale pogroms. If the news
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - JSWISH
II D 10
III H Dally Jewish Ck>urier, Dec. 3, 1920.
Is dated London, It means either an attack by the Morning Post against
Zionism, or a new libel against the Jews, or it nay have something to do
with Zionism, and the Zionist organization* If the news comes from Buda-
pest, we know that it carries a message of woe and pain.
So it is to a certain extent true that Jewish newspapers are monotonous, ^
because Jewish life is monotonous; that is to say, it consists of one ^
phase only. Of course, we are not the only people that is subject to suffer- ^
ing and persecution. There are many more people on God's earth who suffer ^
just as bitterly as we do, if not more. But still their life is not as 5
monotonous as ours, because they are not as passive as we are. If they ^-
suffer, they make their enemies suffer too. If they are being beaten, they o
sometimes beat their enemies too. And often enough they even enjoy full 5^
That Is not the case with us. Our people is beaten and maltreated, but no
II B 2 d (1) - 3 - JEV/ISH
II D 10
III H Dally Jewish Courier, Dec. 3, 1920*
one has the desire and the opportunity to beat and to maltreat others.
For Instance, there Is an •^Armenian-Turkish war^, that Is to say, a Turkish
plan of massacre of Armenians. The victims are the Armenians, but still
there are a few Armenians who take up arms against the Turks, and wage war
against them. It has never happened yet that Jews should have an opportunity
to do likewise. We only hear of Jewish pogroms, but we have never heard of the §
Jewish pogroms against their enemies, we have never heard of Jev/ish counter-
acting the Poles. This being the case, the Jewish news is often monotonous, i
and we do not blame the reader who is getting tired of it. Z
What is true of Jewish news is also true of Jewish newspaper articles. No ^
conscientious Jewish journalist can overlook the two main activities of the ;^
present time — of relief work and Zionism. And most of our publicists are
actually devoting their time and their ability to the elucidation and ex-
position of these two problems and all the problems related to them. The
Jowish press, if it should discharge its duty conscientiously, must devote
II B 2 d (1) - 4 - JBWISH
II D 10
III H Daily Jewish Courier, Dec. 3, 1920.
its energy to these two problems, on the solution of which depends the
future of our people in Europe and in Palestine.
'Other peoples, better established than we are, have a life richer in colors
than ours. They have their own government, their army, their navy, their
administration, their domestic problems, their social and artistic problems,
etc. But we are at present interested only in two problems— Zionism and
relief. And hence the monotony of the Jewish press. But unless we solve
these two problems satisfactorily, we will never have a richer life, and
the monotony will perpetuate itself, so that in order to overcome the J
monotony, we must at present devote all our energies to the solution of 7-
these two problems, even if we feel the monotony strongly. A well establish- ^^
ed Jewish homeland in Palestine, and a settled Jewry in the Diaspora, will 5'
brighten Jewish life, and will give it tone and color, and will make our
life more interesting and the Jewish press will be more interesting, too.
II B 2 d (1)
II £ 2
'^'^^UllDPmi 30275
Forward, November 30, I92O.
A Eabbi testified that the editor of the "Courier" had taken hrihe, Is it
When the news appeared that Hahbi Ephraim Epstein, Habbi of the largest syna-
gogue in Chicago, had testified at the Holy Altar that the editor of the Cou-
rier was given bribe, a great many asked the question, is it possible? Is the
editor a "person" who would write praises, if paid a few klingers,and abuse
and iiiTiigib when he doesn't receive anything?
The answer to all qjiestions concerning the money scandal in which the editor
of the "Courier" is involved will clear the situation this Friday in the
II 3 2 d (])
I D 2 a ik)
j:7::i gk
.The Ponvard. Cctober 13 1 1920
^^^^ OIU PROj, 3027c
AN e:<:pianaticn ?rom wz jemsh i^intfrs op
LOCAL r/l(>.
The Jewish printers today distributed circulars, v/hich read as follovrs:
On the 20th of September, the Jewish printers signed a new agreement with
The Fonvurd and The Labor ".'orld> The Courier t on the other hend, resorted to
legal procedure and the process protracted itself foV so long a time that
the printers became tired and stopped work*
The Courier announced, that the president of Local #l6 is against the printers
upon vrhich Mr. Kaan, the president of LocsjI ^16, answered as follows:
II B 2 d (1)
I D 2 a (4)
- 2 -
The ?orv/ard. October 13, 1920.
m (IIU PROJ. 3027i
A.n article of The Courier dra\/s my attention to the fact, that I v/arned the
printers of The Courier that their de ilin^s are contrary to the laws of
Local .rl6» I never made any such st'tement. It is not my view, and I'm
absolutely in sjoiioathy with the Jev.ish -irinters in the Courier difficulties^
In my possession may be a wage scale agreement signed by a represent?: tive of
The Courier^ The president of Chicago Typo<;;^rc ohj cal Local ilo, and also
by Mardson II, l^cott, president of the Internv.tional Tyrjo^raphical Union,
This agreement contains the clause:
It is Rgre d that, at no time shall the v/eckly wage scale be lov/er, than
the wages that are being -oaid by the English daily newspapers of Chicago.
Since the 22nd of I/ay, 1920, the printers of the English newspapers have
been receiving- %55»'^^ ^ week for day work, and $6o per v/eek for ni[;:ht v/ork»
II B 2 d (1
I D 2 a (4)
_ "5 _
The Fonvard, October 13, 1920,
W'^M^^UPRCJ. 30275
As the president of the Chica,--;o Typo^r-. uhical Union Local rl6, I demanded
that the Courier should follov/ the terms of the af;reement and pay $^5 per
week to the printer^:, stJr^.rtin^^ September 20, 1920»
My demand met v/ith all kinds of ansv/ers, t-^nd protests from the owner, v/ho
is lookin.e, after his own interests It is my errnest desire, that the Courier
afree to the demands of the exlstinrr wa^-'e sc^j.le a;^,reement«
Mr* S • N, Kaan,
President ChJ cago Typographical Union Local ;vl6»
This letter speaks for itself. The fact is, that all the printers of The Courier
left their work, and "^he Courier is printed no// "by several scy.les, v/ho are
practicing scabbery twice a year, every six months, when they must sign a
a new agreement. The Jewish readers of the Courier v/ho have alv/avs shov^ed
their disgust for scales, will this time surely notify the Courier
they're meaning; about scales.
The Jev;i sh Printers of Chicago.
II B 2 d (1)
I p 5
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
Jewish Advgince, June 13» IS 20,
The Judisihe Presse of this city makes, apropos of the la.te judicial election,
some very good remarks. It ascribes the defeat of Julius Rosenthal, Ssq.,
to the callousness of our &erman "brethren, to their indifference in the work
against vulgar prejudices of the masses against the Je\vs. The Presse takes
occasion to urge the Jewish nations of Russia and Poland to throw aside their
exclusive ha.hits and customs, and to hecome true children of this countr^'^,
where the law knows no distinction hetTveen the rights of Jew or Gentile on
account of religious prejudices.
II B a d(i) 'i->.^m'^-^ -->;&■«: *^^>-^:r^,:m-^m^, JWLst
Bie Lawndale Press # Volume 1« Week of January 30, 1920« Page 5» r-
- ■ . ■ f - «^
Mr« James Loebner was born in Jassi, Roumcmia in 1682 # At the age of. S
seventeen, he beoarae the editor of a native humorous magazine, the Broom^
He later oontributed to well-known publications in Bucharest* ^.
*.■'<••. ^•
He came to Chicago in 1902 and Joined the staff of the Dally Jewish Courier >
He has a feature in the Courier, known as "The Oalicieui Jew with the NutSf* to
which the readers of the paper look forward on every Wednesday* He is
known under the nom de plume of *Ben Dov,* and "Shneyer Zalmen**
V'-^i .■•■-"■"<■ ><.i'
':v?^ . ^.^/:n^'.v -v.^-^^"'.:'^-^?-^^"^?:^^^^
II B 2 d (1) JZ.:i311
Sunday Courier, Oct. 5, 1919,
J. loebner ^
It is no surprise to find a Jev;isli nev;spaper in i\nerica containing, in "p
addition to its usual reading natter, an English section also. The ^
suirprisins thine is that the venture is successful. Tlius the English ^
page of the Courier is a success — a very creat success • This is so 2
because the editorials offer a v/ealth of iiaterial and the articles cj
throughout its other colunns are selected, and because the public has [::3
shown great interest in then.
•Yith ever;>' nail, the letter carrier, brings staclcs of congratulations
fron readers of this English page. ITeither does he fail to bring
contributions fraii talented English readers both locally and from other
II B 2 d (1) . 2 - JEWISH *
Sunday Jewish Courier, Oct. 5, 1919.
states where the Courier is read.
Since the advent of the iinglish page our circulation department has been
busier than ever before, taking large orders from newsdealers and filling
those orders that C€dl for delivery either by carrier or by post* IVe
can truthfully say that, whereas formerly there was one reader for every
copy of the Courier, there are now many more per copy. These are ^ew
readei^T^ the children of the older readers to whom the Jewish language is
Yes, it is for these sons and daughters of Jewish parents that the ^ I
publisher of this newspaper introduced the English page, in order that he
might keep them in contact with Jews and their interests. Neither had he
II B 2 d (1) - 3 - TSmSB,
Sunday Jewish Courier^ Oct, 5, 1919.
far to seek for an editor. His own editor of the Jewish Courier,
Dr. S. L. Melamed, also fills this capacity for the English page adding
therein his unusual adroitness and ability. Dr. Melamed is a great :S
editor in lilnglish as well as in Geiroan, Yiddish, and Hebrew* He writes 5
in all these languages for various newspapers and journals in addition ^
to the daily articles written for the Courier. That Dr. Melamed can rj
write, especially that he has something to write about, is attested by go
those buying this newspaper and by those who peruse the famous American o
Jewish Chronicle (in English) of which he was editor. caj
It is the object of Dr. Melamed, by means of the English page, to keep
young /jaerican Jews of Chicago and of the Middle V/est in contact with
Jewish life, Jewish traditions, and Jewish aims, and thus induce them to
take an active interest in all matters pertaining to Judaism.
II B 2 d (1) - 4 - Jg/nSH
Sunday Jewish Courier, Oct* 5, 1919.
And, by the way, Jewish readers of the Courier enjoying our Jewish news
and literary items can now share these joys with their children and
friends who read only the English page. Many articles from the pens of
Mr. Leon Zolotkof, Dr. Margolin, S. Greenblue, Dr. M. L. Kord, M. Indritz, ^
Dr. Morris Reinhardt, and others will appear in English on the English 5
page as well. The two Galician Jews who have won so much popularity for ^^^
their wit €Uid tricks in the weekly Courier will not fail to appear on the r*
new sheet. ^
Our young generation, the i\merican bom and reared Je^vish sons and daughters, ^
and all who now read the Courier's English page will acquire thereby the S
spirit and knov/ledge of the various Jewish problems both in America and ^
across the sea.
All of us may congratulate ourselves upon this new undertaking. It is a
II 3 2 d (1)
?orvard. Sejtenber 5, I9I9
WPA (ILL.) PRDJ. 3027^
The Chicago Herald £: Er.arr.iner of ne::t Sxir.da-' (9-7-13)
v;ill contc-.ln a fiilT pr-./:e of s'rm >'=.t'"!etic.;lly rritten
TTticles "by the -nost ort'3tan(^in-2: Jev^s of Chicr;^o and
the coimtr^''. Articles '-'ill oe printed ty:
J-'idge Julian !.-ac':. jTidtf:e H-go ?:im, TTathan D. Caclan,
Samuel ?hil-ipson, Istx Shulrnar. , P^ahhi 3 -:al Sil'ber, Dr,
Stephen V/ise, Jacoh TelloAs, 3. 3. IConar'ro, lir. !:enj. Davis,
and others? .
II 3 2 d (1)
. , , ,r ^'-n WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
To all Porv^ard stibscribers and a.2;ent'^. of th^ following states:
Illinois, Ohio, "^isconsir:, ITel^ras'-a, iio;jth Da^'ota, ::ent'JC'v',
Ivlinnesnta, Iviichigan, Indiana, Missouri, ITorth Dakota, Kansas,
Colorado , Ca^-^da.
After the first of J^^ly all "b^^sine^^s '-'ill te transferred from
New Yor'c to Chica^^o.
All coT^.plaints, nev; su'b script! on e , choniT^es of ac^dre'^s, and gen-
eral correspondence should be addrecsec^ to our western office:
Jewish D'-tily Forv-Td
1123 ^l^ie Island Ave.
Ohica^^o, Illinois
• II B 2 d (1)
i II A 2
III A Daily Jev/ish Courier, July 10, 1919 «
A BRAI'ioH OFjj'IjE; uF IU^ Co'UiLl_..t
OPi^NlS ON 'ilia; iMOi^'iKJiiJ'i. 3xDE
( Advert i sement J
The Jewish Oourier wishes to aiinounce the opening of a branch office on
the Xviorthwest Jide for the convenience of the large Jewish community in
that section of Jhica^o, The number of Jev;ish residents in this section
is constantly increasing*
Uur branch is located in the very heart of this jev;ish quarter, 2448 V/est
Division .street, the store of ^j^*. x^avid rwenigsberg,who v/iil be in charge
of the office.
All tyoes of 'want ads" will be accented here at regular office prices, as
well as subscriptions and other business, i^so, all Jev/ish news stories,
II B 2 d (1)
II A 2
- 2 -
Daily Jewish Courier > July 10, 1919 •
activities and private nev/s will be accepted at this office.
Mr. Kenigsberg is one of the oldest and most well-known Jev/ish personalities
on the Northwest Side. He is a well-known intellectual and one of the most
active members of the Jewish Educational Alliance and other Jewish organi-
The Northwest side branch office is open every day and evening except
Friday night and Saturday morning. The telephone is Humboldt 7510.
Translator's note: Please note reference to neighborhoodT/
II B 2 d (1)
Sunday Jewish Courier, June 22, 1919.
J, Leibner
It has been a year since a new department vjas installed in the Courier ♦
We can truthfully say that our paper has accomplished much in the field
of Jewish journalism in America.
With its large staff of fine vjr iters, the Courier stands on a par with
other large newspapers in New York. It is the barometer of Jewish Life,
of Jev/ish influence, and Jev/ish creativeness in Chicago,
1^6 Courier has grown in circulation and significance. It has many more
readers than it had a year ago. It also has done much in various fields
for the Jewish and general community in this city. The Courier not only
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - JK7ISK
III H Sunday Jewish Courier, June 22, 1919.
had the interests of the local Jev/s at heart, but also of those
across the sea* Thanks to^ its efforts, iriany institutions have liquidated
their debts v;hile other /^institutions/ have been established. Thanks to
its' efforts, Jews across the sea received all possible aid. The novement
to build a home for Je^vs was naturally not neglected. '* Judaism and
Aiaericanism" is written across its flag, to which end it has devoted its
entire force.
The one in quest of good literature, enlightenment, or the latest news,
the tradespeople of Chicago and other cities — all are grouped around the
Courier ♦ The v/orker possessing special interests also finds first-class
information and a s:^7Tipathetic voice tlierein.
For every department of this nev/spaper, as can be seen froi.i its index, we
have s-oecialists, exr^erienced -oersons '.vith responsible duties—persons v/ho
know what thev want and understand v;ell the needs of the reader as well as
the advertiser.
II B 2 d (1) - 3 - J^VISH
III H 53unday Jev/ish Courier, June 2E, 1919.
The new department and the prosperity in the business world has
elevated the Courier to the position in v;hich it now finds itself, llie
readers Liay expect more improvements — the advertisers even r^reater returns.
Tnere must be more business for the advertiser when the newspaper improves.
And the newspaper is improved when its circulation increases.
The Courier does not rest merely upon its laurels in this community which
has p:iven it a f/reat clientele of Jexvish readers and advertisers, but pro-
gresses, acauiring ever more v/r iters, and improvin^^: its form.
The Je\^;ish Community and the Courier in Chicago are one. The interests of
one are those of the other. The ivelfare and progress of one are those of
the other. Chicago Jews influence and keep pace with the Courier in all
phases of community life.
II B 2 d (1) , jmim
Sunday Jewish Co\irier> June 8, 1919.
Friday evening, at a well-attended meeting of the Jewish Press Club,
the following officers were elected:
Z. B. Kameika, president; Louis Shaeffer, vice-president; N. Drezdov,
treasurer; S. Greenblue, financial secretary; H. Segel, recording
To the executive committee were elected the following membera:
J. Leibner, Jacob Segel, Saul Polsner.
II B 2 d (1)
- 2 -
Sunday Jewish Coiirlert June 8, 1919
Lawyer Jacob Underman was chosen to draw up a constitution for the
Press Club.
The meeting terminated with a banquet in honor of Mr. Jacob Fishman,
managing editor of the Morgan Szurnal (horning Journal), who answered
in response to the members numerous greetings with an inspiring speech,
in which he touched upon the general Jewish situation and Jewish politics
in Paris, from where he has but recently returned.
Another banquet speaker v;as Dr. S. M. Melomed, editor of the Courier.
Among other things he said:
"Jacob Fishman is one of those rare Jewish Journalists in America who
possess such healthy outlook on mankind and intellectual ethics as to
II B 2 d (1) - 3 - JEWISH
Sunday Jewish Courier, June 8, 1919.
make them simply amazing. That is why all his colleagues and friends have
so much confidence in him, a fact which puts hira in the position where
he can influence people without much effort."
"As an individual, Mr. Fishman is very interesting and pleasant. He
embodies within himself the dry cold sharp intellect of the Lithuanian
Jew and the inspiring warm-hearted animation of the Polish Jew.**
II B 2 d (1) JEWISH
IV Sunday Jewish Courier, May 25, 1919.
Mr. T. Dua, well known to our readers through his many years of service
on the Courier, has just returned from France, from Uncle Sam's army,
and again resumes his work with this newspaper.
Mr. Dua, during the last fev/ years, was very active in the radical
movement in Chicago and is well acquainted with all the tendencies and
aims in the Jewish Workmen's movement, as well as with all its leading
By his re-entering the Courier's services, our stsiff becomes enriched
with an able member and our readers will again be accurately informed
of everything occurring ilrt he Jewish Vforkmen's world. On page seven
we print the first contribution by Mr. Dua under the pen-name of
Elechem Sholom# /
•*• V"^1
II E 2d (1)
III B5 a
II A 3 b
WPA f!LUP{^OJ.3Q27&
Forward > Janur?ry 2, 1919*
Reception for the Daily Forward a National Holiday >
Not less than 15,000 Chicago Jewish workers participated in the holiday.
There were great ovations for the speakers and for Rosa Balsa, the great opera
star. The memory of this event will remain in the minds of the participants
for years to come.
On New- Year Eve, Tuesday December 3l8t, I9IS, over 15,000 Chicago Jewish
workers congregated at the Large Coliseum to celehrate the puhlication of the
Forward in Chicago* The proceeds from the sale of the first edition was contri-
buted to the people's relief. By 8:00 o'clock the hall was filled to capacity
and even standing room was not available. Soon the platform was filled with
honored guests. The first speaker on the program was J, Louis Engdhal, Editor
of the Chicago Socialist, The applause was terrific. The next speaicer was
tr t g d (1) Page 2 JEWISH
III B ^ a
nA3'l. ^'^^ Om PmU0275
Forward, Jannrary 2, 1919 •
Seymour Stedman, a noted attorney who defended five defendants for socialistic
propaganda, in federal court. Other speakers were as follows: Mr. Radriges,
Robert Howe, the former Editor of the World, K. Marmar , former Manager of the
World, Morris Ziokind, Representative of the Workers Ring, L. Beneson,
representative of the United Jewish Workers Alliance, H. Shnide, representative
of various other workers organization. Toward the end of this great event, a
few more of the most highly honored guests, were introduced as speakers, Al»
derman B. Vladek, General manager of the Forward^ and Judge Jacob Peukin. Pres-
ident of the Forward. The applaud for these two speakers was great beyond de-
scription. After the enthusiastic crowd finally quited down, the famous Prima
Donna, Rosa Raisa, of the Chicago grand opera entered the hall. The audience
simply went wild, happiness and applause beyond reason looking at the girl ge-
nius from Biale stock Russia. She sang Russian Melodies and other songs from
the old Fatherland. She concluded her concert with the most beautiful of Jewish
songs, Eli, Eli.
II B S d (1) JS'-nSE
III B 3 a ""^
II D 10 Daily Jev/ish Courier, Dec. 1, 1918.
III H by
J. Loebner
V/ith the openinr cf a branch office of the Courier on the i7orthv;est Side, a
nevj chapter is started in the history of our coimaunity in Chicago.
In that part of the city, the Courier reiiches aLnost every Jev/ish home viheve
Yiddish is read and Jev/ish custons fcllov/ed, and v;here it obtains its share
of advertisei'ients from the businessmen. Tlie Je;/s of the iJorthv/est Side, v;ho
are active in various fields of public endeavor, are not too lazy to come
over to the .Vest Side — to the office of the Courier-^to discuss this or that
matter and in this manner most thinr;s are undertaken and carried out for the ^
benefit of all, v;ith no extra expense to this office*
The publisher of the Courier, v;ho spares neither effort nor money to make this
nev/spaper an outstandinc daily, has undertaken not only to deliver a fine
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - JH'TISII
III B 3 a
II D 10 Daily Je-./ish Courier, Dec. 1, 1918.
III E Courier into their homes, but also to see that the Jev/ish North-
Ill H v/est Side acconplish for i^s oivn benefit and the benefit of the en-
tire Jev/ish coLU.'iunity, i.iore than ever before; that more Jev;s become
interested in the local Jev/ish institutions; and that everytLin^;;^ there that
concerns the Jev/ as a Jev/, as a businessman, and as a workingman, . shall
have ST)ace in the Courier.
Tlie branch office, x:hich is located at 2448 V/est Division Street, is in the
very heart of the Northv/est Side Je\/ish nei{::hborhood, and v;as placed under
the supervision of the :vell-l:nov/n David Kenicsberr., an honorable family man,
a scholar, and an active businessman. -h
The representative of the Courier on the Ilorthv/est Side believes in impartiality cj
and punctuality. He promises to investicate all reports, before they leave ^^
the branch office for the :::ain office at 1214 South Kalsted Street. Ke in-
vites the representatives of all elei.ents and groups of the IJorthv/est Side
Jev:ish population to visit him in his office for a closer acq.uaintanceship, ivith
II B 2 d (1) - 3 - JBV/ISH
III 3 5 a
II D 10 Daily Jev/ish Courier, Dec. 1, 1S18.
III I- the ^ronise, that all their r::ood-intentioncd and important under-
Ill H takings — liberal or conservative — v/ill receive from hin all necessary
attention and support, through the Courier,
In short, the Courier v/ill do as nuch for the Korthv:est Side Jev/ish social life
as it does for other parts of the city.
If matters of concern to t:ie general public on the northv;est Side v;ere either ^
entirely neglected or improperly carried out, it 7;as because the Jev;s there f=
lacked a direct connection v;ith the Courier. ITov; they have this connection. £J
Institutions on the verge of decay villi be revived; the flourishing ones r/ill ^
flourish still more and nei7, iiiiportant ones v:ill be founded.
Jewish leaders of the liorthsidel If you cannot pay a personal visit to 3^our
branch office of the Courier to have a talk v:ith Lr. Kenigsberg, do so over
the telephone, Hu:.iboldt 7510. Also, all those v;ho knov; of an important hap-
pening or any other item of nev/s value, are invited tc report it at once to
llr. ICenigsberg. Tlie nev; branch has tiie services of the pen of Ljt, IZenigsber
II B S d (1) - 4 - J3-;i5II
III B 5 a
II D 10 Daily Jev7ish Courier, Dec. 1, 1918*
III E and of other reporters,
Tlie Courier strives for iinproverrient not only for financial reasons.
It has the -i^crycnal satisfaction of Icnov/inc that the Yiddish reader finds
rich and instructive naterial, as well as the latest nev;s iteiis. It, there-
fore, concratulates the ITorthv/est oide Jev;s on the openinc of their nev;
branch office, and hopes to see them, their institutions, and their nover-ents
reach a higher standard and have a voider scope.
Ilanuccah Sunday is for Palestine
-p +>
Today is Zionist 71ac Day. Several hundred younc Jerrish cirls v;ill narch in-
to the streets to sell niniature, beautiful Zion flac's for the benefit of the
Jev/ish National Pu.nd; our fair sex v;ill stop every passer-by to pin on then S<
the flac of white and blue, and \/ill expect a nickel, dime or cuarter for it.
Don't refuse then, cive as nuch as you can*
Hanuccah is a holiday in v:hich v/e celebrate the national av;aiceninp. Oi. tne
B 3
II :
3 10
II B 2 d (1) - 5 - mJlSE
Daily Jev/ish Courier, Dec. 1, 1918.
III Z Je;;s durin/;: the tine of the I'accabees. In such a tine, the
III H conscientious Jew rei!:enberi: that he also is a menbcr of a nation which
at one ti.^^e ov;ned its ov;n soil, spoke its ov;n lancua^-e, and conducted
its oivn policies.
The rreat v;orlc upheaval gave us tack our country. It is obvious that the
redemption is here. Palestine av;aits v;ith open anas to embrace its exiled
Bear in mind, that every cent now C-Oi^C "to Palestine is for bread for the
Jews there. 7;;ork is beinr created for then on the farns and plantations, and
industries are developed by it.
The National Fund is not an ordinary alnsbo::, but a ''purpose box". 'This fund
is to be used not merely to still the huncer of the individual, but to create
a fund for public institutions, to buy r;round in Palestine and populate it
v;ith Jews to work it and enjoy their labor; the soil can never be resold for
II B 2 d (1) . 6 . je:;isk
III B 3 a
II D 10 Daily Jev/ish Courier, Dec. 1, 1918.
III ^ it belon/-s to tLe entire Jev;ish nation.
Ill H
As you see, the c^ireatness of the National ?und is not ificrely
tenporary, but pennanent. There fore, buy the flag '.vith affection, and pay
for it generously. Support the already founded institutions and create nev/
^eor^'anization of Younc Judea Club^s]/^
The Younc J^udea clubs of Chicago are beinc reor'-anized. In order to ^ive
them real importance, they must have callable leaders. For this purpose, it g
?7as arranged xvith Mr. P. Hudens, a capable and experienced teacher, to cive
instruction to those v;ho '.vill undertake to direct the clubs. The directors
are required to have a hich-school education, and a profound icnov/ledge of the c?
The function of the Younf- Judea clubs is to rive a national Jev/ish education
II 3 2 d (1) - 7 - JS'VISII
. Ill 3 5 a
II D IC Daily Je:;ish Courier > Dec. 1, 1918.
III E to our joys and g-^Is vrho did not have it v/hen they v;ere small.
Ill H A noble v/orkj It brings bad: tc the Jevash people the past, vand
their hearts f:lov/ v;ith affection at the nation's present tasks and
strivinr.s for the future.
To direct the Younr Judea clubs c-^sts iioney, and it is tiie duty of every real
Jew to heir) the clubs to function.
4- . ,
II B 2 d (1)
IV Daily Jeylsh Courier. Oct, 1, 1918,
Mr* Harry Lipsky, manager of the Jewish Courier* 'p^
My dear Mr. Lipsky: Permit me to congratulate you, the readers of your S
newspaper , and all the Jews of Chicago for the great achievement in obtaining £
the services of Dr. S. K. Melamed as chief editor of the Courier. ^
Perhaps I am in a better position to appraise the value of Dr. Melamed than
any other Jewish reader, because I have followed Dr. Melamed's career of
philosopher and publicist since his appearance in the Jewish neighborhood. I
have read his works in more than one language, and had a worth-while visit
at his home in London in 1914;*
I have always admired Dr. Melamed* s literary vigor and philosophical intelli-
gence. Dr. Melamed is one of the few Jewish writers who have a historical
II B 8 d (1) . 2 - JTHJSE
TT Dally Jewish Courier, Oct* 1, 1918*
conception about Jewish life, who have studied and \inderstand Jewish history,
and who are In a position to compare the events of Jewish history with the
history of other nations* Dr* Melamed has lived in many countries, has studl
the literature of many nations, and uses it all in the field of Yiddish-*
Hebrew endeavor*
Notwithstanding his knowledge and views as a philosopher, Dr« Melamed devotes ^
himself to the work of publicist and journalist, and for the last few years o
we have read his opinion about all questions concerning Jewish life in various ^
co\intries* Dr* Melamed is not an academician who hides himself in a corner
amidst old books, he is a writer full of life, he connects body and soul, and
uses his historical information in explaining daily occurrences*
I must confess, that I did not agree with Dr. Melamed in all the subjects which
II B 2 d (1) . 3 - JEinSH
Vr Dally Jewish Coxirier, Oct. 1, 1918.
he touched upon* Neyertheless, I always have had the highest respect for his
ideas and sincerity.
Concerning his style of writing, it can be said that he is magnetic. When ^
you begin to read an article of his, whether it be written in Hebrew^ Tiddlshi^
English, or German, you do not wish to stop reading it until you have finishedir^
His style is slightly flavored with humor, and his vocabulary is inexhaustiblef^
he alway^sfinds the proper words for his thoughts.
It is impossible to enumerate Dr. Melamed*s qualifications in a short letter, f^
1 only want to relate that^ in a conversation with a doctor last week, he told^
me that he cannot thank me enough for the favor I have shown him in enlisting
him into the ranks of subscribers to the American Jewish Chronicle^ because he
believes that it is the best reading matter that he has had in the last twenty-
five years. Hundreds of readers of the American Jewish Chronicle read every
article of that publication. The truth of the matter is that the American
Jewish Chronicle^ which Dr. Melamed has founded and edited, is the best Jewish-
II B 2 d (1) - 4 - JEWISH
IT Daily Jewish Co\iriar^ Oct# 1, 1918«
English periodical that we ever had«
In view of the above-mentioned facts, I am taking this opportunity to ^^
congratulate you and your readers for the great achievement in sectiring the^
services of Dr« Melamed as editor in chief of the Courier^ I trust that we .^
shall appreciate Dr« Melamed, and that he will do for Jewish Chicago as ' -
much as he did for Jewish New York, and that he will help us in all our im- \
port€Uit tuidertakings« >
Devotedly yours,
km Levinson«
II B 2 d (1)
The Heform Advocate, Vol. 55, Wk. of July 20, 1918. p. 565.
Mr. J. B. Loebner, formerly managing editor of the Weekly Jewish He cord. ,
has accepted the position of associate editor of the Daily Jewish Courier.
Mr. Loehner has achieved a reputation as a critic and a puhlicist, contri-
buting to various Jewish papers. Many of his articles have "been translated
and published in the English press.
■ - . "
f ■
II B 2 d (1)
IV (Polish)
Daily Jewish Courier > June 21, 1918,
A luncheon was given yesterday afternoon in the La Salle Hotel in honor of
hlr. Louis N. Hammerling, president of the Foreign-Language Newspaper Associa-
tion of America. Publishers and editors of the foreign-language newspapers
in Chicago, and Americans prominent in various fields, over a hundred in
number, attended the luncheon. The luncheon was given on the occasion of the
tenth anniversary of the Association. Llr» Hammerling has been at the head of
the organization since it was founded*
The speakers at the luncheon were: Mr. Merrick, of the National Security
League; United States District Attorney Klein; Mr. Schtreckman, of the
Liberty Loan Committee of the Seventh Federal Reserve District; LIr. Gerringer
and ^Ir* Palandeck. They all praised Mr. Hammerling for his brilliemt leader-
ship of the Association and for his patriotism as v/ell as the patriotism shovm
by the foreign-language nevjspapers of America.
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - JaVJISH
IV (Polish) Daily Jevash Courier, June 21, 1918.
The last speaker was Mr. Hammerling himself. He thanked those present for
the friendship and support which they had given hiiri. And with his usual en-
thusiasm and candor, he assured them that in the future as in the past, he
would fulfill his obligations as an Merican patriot and conscientious
The publishers and editors present also passed a resolution expressing their
loyalty to America and assuring President Wilson that they would support him
in every undertaking to help win the v/ar against militarism and autocracy.
The resolution was drawn up by the committee which arranged the luncheon.
John F. Sraulski, Harry A. Lipsky, V. Gerringer, Hector Durande, Peter Lambroz,
Alexander Johnson, John R. Palandeck, and Reverend Francis Gordon were members
of the caranittee.
The luncheon in Chicago is one of a series of luncheons that is being given in
honor of Mr. Hammerling in several large American cities. Being a national
II B 2 d (1)
IV (Polish)
- 3 -
Daily Jewish Courier, June 21, 1918 •
figure in this country, he has met many people, outside of the publishing
field, such as prominent American businessmen and high public officials who
know him because in the newspaper world of this country, he has done such fine
work for the foreigners*
< f
II B 2 d (1) JEVffSH
III A Daily Jav/ish Courier, June 19, 1918.
IV 3j\b/.tii tax2!:s II? caibj: of
Tf (Bohemian) FGK3iaN-I^U\^GUACrE LI3;'/3R\Fii]R3 •
The proposal to suppress the navspapers of this countiy that are printed in
foreign languages on the ground that no faith can be placed in their loyalty
to America, brought forth many protests from prominent people and national
leaders who are well acquainted with the I'oreign- language newspapers and are
convinced of their loyalty.
In V/ashington, Gongressnan Adolph J. Sabath represents a district that v/as
virtually settled by foreigners • He knows how loyal these people, as well
as their compatriots in other parts of the country, are to America, an attitude
that is reflected in the newspapers that are printed in their tongue, and
which they read. He therefore had a conference in l7ashington recently with
the Honorable George Ci^eel, chairman of the Committee on Public Information,
to discuss this question, llr. Creel requested the Congressman to submit in
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - JEI7ISII
III A Daily Jewish Courier, June 19, 1918.
TV writing the reasons he had for asking that the nev/spapers in
IV (Bohemian) question should not be suppressed* Here is the contents of a
letter that Llr. Sabath later sent in on this question:
*1.Iy attention has been called to tba attempt being made to suppress the neivs-
papers, magazines, and books printed in foreign languages.
'♦The number of foreigners who read only in their own language is, with certain
reservations, approximately four or five millions of people. Unfortunately,
the nature of their work is such that although they may, v/ith great hard-
ship, try to learn to speak ::i;nglish, they can never learn to read or write
English. To clarify for them the purpose of this war which v/e are carrying
on against a brutal enemy, to familiarize theia with the democratic spirit of
our government, and to teach them how highly important it is that everyone
here should be patriotic, we not only dare not suppress their newspapers, but
we must encourage them, since they are the only means of propagandizing among
the foreigners.
II B 2 d (1) - 3 - JEV/ISH
III A Daily Jewish Courier, June 19, 1S18«
IV "The newspaper in the foreign language is the only means by
17 (Bohei::ian) which v;e can inform them of all the disastrous incidents which
talze place today. The people who do the great .vorlc in our
mines, factories, iiills, plants, and other similar establishraents, could never
give such wholehearted support to the government's preparations to win the
war, if they did not read their newspapers v/hich rouse them to their duty and
obligation to the land in which they live; thus the v/orkers work with greater
diligence and we, directly and indirectly, benefit thereby.
"Personally, I am able to read newspapers in the Bohemian, Polish, Slavic,
Jevjish, and Gear.ian languages. And for the last six months, I have derived
.r.reat pleasure from following the strong appeals that they print daily to
help the government in all its undertakings.
"I believe that it would be an unl*orgivable . mistake to suppress any one of
the foreign nev/spapers at this time. I believe that such a step would be
directly in opposition to our present national needs, and would be a great
II B 2 d (1) ' . 4 .' £272^
III A Daily Jewish Courier, June 19, 1918.
IV loss to our^best interests. I believe that the newspapers in
IV (Boheiiian) the Toreisn langua^^es prevented hostile croups iTom spreading
hatred for governirient enterprises. I urge therefore, v/ith all
my heart, that, for the reasons enuiaeruted aoove, the nev;spapers in question
shoTild be left alone.
"Instead of being restricted, they should be encouraged and praised so that
they may continue their patriotic instruction.
"Respectfully yours,
"A. J. Sabath."
Concressnan Sabath is prepared to fisht in Con<::ress any bill tiiat will be
proposed for the suppression of foreicn-language newspapers. He also knows
that such a bill, if passed, will particularly harm the Jewish press in
II B 2 d (1) - 5 - J:^:a3H
III A Daily Jev/ish Courier, June 19, 1918.
rv America, and the spiritual sustenance of the Jewish reader
IV (Boheraian) ;vill be ta]:en av;ay.
He expresses his hope, however, that such a thing will never happen. Never-
theless he is already busy winning other congressuen and senators to his side
so that, if such a bill is proposed, it ;vill be voted down.
Sx-president Theodore Roosevelt and the head of the national Security/ League
are among those v/ho want the newspapers in foreign tongues to be suppressed.
They v;ant only jlnglish spoken and v/ritten in America.
II B 8 d (1) JEiOSH
Dally Jewish Courier, June 17, 1918.
All the details of the work being done in Washington in behcLLf of our boys
who are **over there" helping to win the war against the world* s foe, Germany,
will be announced for the readers of the Courier once a week. This news will
appear under the above-mentioned caption. The first installment will appear
tomorrow on this page, translator's note: No caption is given here; however,
in the succeeding issue, the caption appears as ''What Our Government Is Doing
if'or The Countryjy •
II B 2 (1 (1) JuSWISII
I G Daily Jewish Courier, June 17, 1918.
J. Leibner
I^m beginning my v;ork as associate editor of the Courier, I vi?ish to say to all
of you that I realize iny responsibilities in this capacity, and that I hold
in great esteem the honor v/hich the publisher of this neivspaper has accorded
I did not come here to install new policies, to collect debts, or to do any-
one a favor. I came here for the mutual interests of myself and the Courier —
v/hich means also the interests of the reader. I came here to make the Courier
a better, finer, and richer newspaper both in content and significance.
I have been a journalist since my youth. I have always been active and have
often joined in the demands made by Jewish interests in every aspect of human
endeavor, both through the periodicals to which I contributed and through the
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - J^IYISH
I G Daily Jev/ish Cou3.''ier, June 17, 1918.
organizations with which I ;vas connocted. Tlius I obtained a broad per-
sonal acquaintanceship v;ith prominent people, and generally gained valuable
ideas not only pertaining to Chicago, but to other parts of the country as
well. The advantages thus gained I will gladly share with the readers of the
Courier through my articles.
The present V7orld V/ar causes many changes, in business, in- politics, and in
social conditions. It will be my task to observe these events, and to dis-
cern where and how they affect the interests of the readers and the advertisers,
then to state the facts as they are. I shall discuss problems as impartially
as possible and will fight for all that is just.
As a journalist, I wish to say modestly, that I am very well known to the local
Jewry, I an also known to non-Jev;s. I know everyone, and ever^^'oiB knows me.
I knav all institutions and organizations from the ground up; I knovi what
they have and what they lack. I kna^v their usefulness and their shortcomings,
J mi
II B 2 d (1) - 3 - JSinSri
I G Daily Jewish Courier, June 17, 1918.
They shall all receive ny due consideration.
I believe in encou3?aging and helping every worthy undertaking. I v/ish to see
the businessmen more successful, and the workers more satisfied. I shall
agitate for the observance of the sacred traditions and high ideals of the
Jewish nation; and I v;ill seek to effect a better understanding between our
various elements so that opinions shall be respected and principles shall not
be attacked with insults and threats •
Henceforth I shall dedicate my loyalty, time, energy, experience, as well as
my pen, to the Courier. I shall serve no one group, but rather v/ork for the
"benefit of all. It is therefore in place, here, to unite eveiyone in our
community to consider me as their friend, and to assure them that their voices
will be heard and their opinions v^ill receive their due place.
A new life, a nev/ interest in the Jewish community, is approaching. My pro-
fession, as a journalist, compelled me to take an interest in every department
II B 2 d (1) - 4 - Jlii'TISH
I G Daily Jewish Courier > June 17, 1918.
of the publishing business. I know everjrthinG, Tron the xvhere and how
of getting nev/s, to the distribution of ths newspapers to the nev^sstands. I
have studied and analyzed the latest and best methods in the non-Jev/ish news-
paper v/orld, methods that make possible the utilization of each department
to the greatest extent.
I am not a stranger to the Courier. I .vorked here for almost six years. Since
I left, it has grovm to be one of the biggest Jewish industries in the country <
It ranks vriLth the most successful of our nev/spapers; in its circulation it
includes Jev/ish Chicago and most of the cities of the I7est; it is the highest
Jewish platform in this part of Aiaerica and its voice resounds every^^here. I
know all this; and because I laiow it, I shall consider my task even more
sacred as long as I am working for the Courier.
I do believe that this newsDaper, even though it is a Jewish nev/spaper, should
also deal v/ith /problems of^" general interest. Don*t forget that besides
Daily Jewish Courier, June 17, 1918.
II B 2 d (1) - 5 - JSCTSH
being Jews we are also Americ€in Jewish citizens, citizens of a glorious
republic—America I As such, we hava other duties as well* I shall write
about all of this. I only beg (of my readers) a little patience. My heart
is in my v/ork, and my solo aim is to make myself worthy of my profession as
a writer in the Courier — the newspaper of and for Chicago.
II B 2 d (1) JEWISH
Sunday Jewish Courier, June 15, 1918.
After an absence of about ten years, Lir. Jay Leibner has returned to the
Courier as a co-worker on the editorial staff. iJr. Leibner is one of the best
known men in Jewish newspaper circles. He lias an eye for local interests and
knows how best to present such material to the public.
lir. Leibner knows Jewish Chicago and its institutions very well, and his re-
turn to the Courier will, without doubt, prove to be to the best interests of
the Chicago public. His first article will appear tomorrow.
II B 3 d (1)
Daily Je^/isli Courier, Jun^ 10, 1913.
( rid vert ise::i3nt)
.wherever you nay o on your vacatiorr thin sa^uner — to the seasiiore, to die
inountains, or to a auiet oe^iceAil /ouatry place — see to it that your paper,
the Courier, is delivered to "ou every day that vou Goend there. You <.ill
feel loneso-ie and cut off fro;;, vour hoine vathout \' jur na-jer.
*^® '^Q^^JQ^ is seat out on the early :orni i:r trains, and is delivered in
most of the sujrciier resorts of :. iciii-:an and .;isconr>in on the same da:/. -©
v\/ill send the Courier to you daily to '-niy place you ..Ish for only thirty cents
a month, ^~>ayabl8 in advance.
II I- S d (1)
Daily Jevdoh Courier, June 10, 1918.
I.lail us your remittance for the sur.i;;ier subscription, in sta.ips, or brin-:it in
to our office.
Dail-" Jev.ish Courier
1214- oouth i.'alsted Jtroet
Chicac^o, Illinois
II B 2 d (1)
The Sentinel, Wk. of March 8, I9I8. Vols. 29-3O, p.lS,
3. B. Loehner is the editor and general manager of the Jewish Records
He has achieved a great reputation as hoth a critic and publicist and many
of his articles have heen translated and published In the English press.
Mr. Loebner was bom In Bomanla and when only seventeen became editor of a
native humorous magazine* Seventeen years ago he emigrated to this countiy
and for five years served as city editor of the Jewish Courier. In I909 he
and Leon Zolotkoff began to edit the Jewish Record. Incidentally, Mr. Loeb-
ner has done considerable work toward the furtherance of the Progressive
II B 2 d (1)
**'*' ■,
The Sentinel t Wk. of March 8, V^\Z. Vols, 29-30* p. 18,
The Jewish Hecord occupies an xinasual position In Its field. It Is a ^^
weekly newspaper, printed In Yiddish, and is the leading literary publica-
tion In that language In the West, !• Shapiro, commissioner and secretary
of the West Park Board, Is the publisher.
Its regular contributors Include K. Marraor, editor of the Chicago Dally
World; Dr. Uorrls Helnhart; S, Qreenblau, formerly editor of the Dally
Jewish Press; Israel Blum, the poet; Dr. Israel Marcus; J. M. Wolfsohn,
formerly, editor of the Dally Jewish Courier: Eoman 0. Lewis, and S. H.
Album, the foremost orthodox rabbi In Chicago.
11 2 2 6. (1)
^l 4 •■^ ■
The Daily >^orld, Janupry 8, 1918
THE COU-RIEH'S ?QG?C:;S C:! jr:S. (Sditorirl.)
Several of our reocers ^ill perhrps wonder anrrily v/hy ^ve continuplly brin^
to their attention the existence of the Courier. They must not for^^et thr-t
the reactionary elements in Je^-^ish life rre rich in material resources and
are ahle to publish a paper even thouf;:h it iif. respised "by the Jerish masses.
The Je^vish Press actually exists in Chica^^o, edited by Abe lieblir^, and the
Courier bv Leon Zolof'ioff. Both are "t)a.triots" end. "-oro-^^r" until the end*
The difference betv/een them is that the Courier has the power to h^.n^notize
the Jewish nas'^es in tirie of election*
The Courier controls the Vad Hara.bonin (organized ra'^-bis), the Central Helief
for war victims, the Marks ITathan Hone, and oth<=r ch? ritahie institutions,
Hebre^v schools, presidents of the synagof.-ues , e.nd the entire Zionist m.ovenent
of Chica-TO. The Courier takes advantav^'e of these ora-anizations for its politi-
cal, financial, and "social" purposes*
The Courier recently made a. sandv;ich of Jack Loeb's Christmas-Zionism end
"war until the end patriotism.." It reiterates all the reactionary editorials
II 3 2 d (1)
_ n _
The Drily '"or Id, JanuuTy 8, 191
from the caoitalist press and disguises its vile :"orm under the blue-white
"banner of Zionism.
The Courier is a brd actor s^nd only ir'iots "believe its? "pr>triotism,*' "Juda^-
isn," and "Zionism." It has greater success in the role of a Purim actor
thpn by declarin*^ thpt its Zionists do not recognize the government of Trot-
sky s-nd Lenin anc? they did so on the sane day thnt mir2;hty Enf^land hinted
that she Trill reco/^nize then.
The Courier i? a rrepter crip .le vrhen it 'vants to tlirow a stone at the
Socialists in aji indirect manner. Bein^ in constant fear that the Jewish
Socirlists \7ill succeed in terrin-^; off its mask of "American Patriotism,"
"Jewish Social ^ork," and "Zionism," the Courier, t;iereforo, seeks to dis-
credit the Jewish Socialists, who vrant to clean;^e the Je^vry of Chica:P*o from
the ola/me from which it wishes to become free. The Courier is too much
of a cowarcl to Dublicly attack the onranized Jewish Labor of
Chica^r:o, so it seelcs to discredit it indirectly by spreading false rumors
about it'^ comrades.
* II B 2 d (1)
The World, October 22, I9I7.
^■'^') PROJ. 3Q2?i,
The conference for a dally la1)or periodical in Chicctgo that finally real-*
ized the old dream "by publishing The World > at a meeting yesterday, held
in the lAiited Hebrew Trades Hall, IIU5 Blue Island avenue, terminated that
gloxlous chapter of its work, by creating the Jewish Socialist Publishing
The Jewish Socialist Publishing Association is an organization of repre-
sentatives from three sections of the Jewish labor movement in Chicago -
Socialist branches, trade unions, and the Worlcmen's Circle, and this asso-
ciation has now officially taken the paper under its control, guaranteeing
its success by that great undertaking* After adopting the constitution,
stating that every Socialist or Progressive organization may become a mem-
ber of that body, the association immediately took up the question ae how
to enlarge The World to meet the great demand of the masse s» It was
tuiderstood that above all* it is important that our paper shall possess
its own press, so that it should not be printed some where else, which
creates considerable difficulties in publishing the newspaper in regular
k . .'^ ^ ^ ■ . - . _ '--^■i.'^ij- Jli-^S.' jl_-,■•J?i.Jll.^"i?.1.^«lJt;
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - JEWISH
MfPA (ILL.) PROJ. 30275
The World, October 22, 1917#
time* Tor this purpose, the association determined to Issue loan certifi-
cates at five dollars and higher, for a general fund of $5,000#00 -
The Jewish Socialist Publishing Association expects all workers and organi-
zations that are in oynpathy with the workers, as well as individual per-
sons, to participate in the loan and help further the success of The Worlds
The certificates can he redeemed within one year after its Issuance, i*e«
the association borrows $5,000 from the friends of The World for only
twelve months time and then everybody will receive his or her money back
for the certificates at maturity •
The following were elected officers of the association: Hyman Schneidt
president; Sam Diamond, secretary-treasurer; H, Snyderman, recording sec-
retary, and I« Sllverstein, sergeant at arms. Members of the ctdminlstra-
tlve council are: E» Witt, U* Lemer, A. Stem, I* Blumen, A. Alport, and
L« Hanock*
II B 2 d (1) JEWISH
^VPA (ILL) PRO.; ^0275
The World. Octoter 17, 1917,
The Jewish Courier moves convulsively In despair; It sees and feels that
Its reactionary doctrlnest In the Jewish districts, comes to a quick ending*
In the course of three days, the fact Is affirmed that the readers of the
Courier will cease reading It as soon as a new dally newspaper Is published*
The World has coinpletely demonstrated It*
Thousands of readers of the Courier of yesterday are readers of the World
today* This hurts the owners of the Courier and they seek to terrorize the
advertisers and the standkeepers* They have also attempted to write
warnings to the printers* union, against the publishers of the World. The
great success of the first two ntunbers of the World was surpassed by our
third number and the burning wrath of the publishers of the Courier also
ascended In proportion* They actually lost all patience; they threatened
the standkeepers by saying that they would post news-boys at the stands
and drive them out of business If they keep the World*
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - JEWISH
The World. October I7, 1917,
The tnith, however , is that the standkeepers cannot be involred; they are
merely workers seeking a livelihood 1^ selling papers that the public de-
mands and the public now demands the World* The owners of the Courier are
greatly mistaken if they think that hy threats they can compel the readers
to read their paper. The great masses of advanced men and women of Chicago
do not recognize the Courier and longer; they have now their own "World*"
The publishers of the World, the labor organizations of Chicago, are highly
pleased that the paper received such enthusiastic reception from all strata
of the masses. The contrivances of the Courier will not help* Fate deter-
mined that the World shall replace the Courier for the Jewish masses of
Chicago* The advanced laboring masses have now their own periodical*
II B 2 d (1) JBWISH
WPA (ILL) PROj. 30276
!ghe World, Octoter 15, 1917#
The old revolutionary melody that once inspired and carried the armies
of liherty to the great triunqph over the Bastille, the "Ifarsellaise,^ with
the song of the revolution, the "International,** is announcing the glad
tidings, Saturday evening, that a new ''World*' was bom; that the Jewish
workers of Chicago have finally found their "World;" that the local
organized working class has finally succeeded in establishing its own
organ -* that our daily paper The World is already published! Uore than
3tOOO men and women, representatives from all branches of our movement,
filled the gigantic hall of the Second Regiment Armory and extended greet-
ings to the birth of our daily paper, with indescribable enthusiasm^
Comrade Earl D« Sandburg, on behalf of the Cook County Socialist Party,
extended greetings by presenting $100 and promising further support to the
paper; Professor Scott Hearing, chairman of the Peoples Council, spoke
about the power of a labor press, and a few other greetings followed, with
a donation of $25 from the Bialy stock Branch 127 » Workmen's Circle* Sev<-
eral copies of The World were later auctioned* The first copy was bought
for $23* The auction sale cleared a total of $1^*
- <
II B g d (1)
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30275
The World. October 14, 1917,
The organized Jewish working olass is the publisher of the Daily World*
It will be the paper of the Jewish masses. It is published with their help
and for their interests*
The labor organizations struggle for the abolition of capitalism and for the
reoonst ruction of a social system in which every aant irlthoat discrimination
on ground of rellglont race or sex*«e« shall receive the full fruits of his
The principle task of the World shall therefore be to help the Jewish Masses
In the struggle for a better standard of living* It will honestly enlighten
them on all problems of the day and on the views and demands of the organized
working class; the trade unions; the Socialist Party; the Workmen's Circle
and the Cooperative movement*
^ ^ i
II B 2 d (1) ' -2- JEWISH
I H ^p;^ (ILL,) PROj. 30275
The World. October 14, 1917.
The Worldt is above all, interested in the life of Chicago* It will devote
a greater part of its oolumns to the local Jewish and general welfare* It
will not only be limited to labor problems* It will also disclose to Chicago
Jewry the defects and the necessary improvements in the children's eduoationt
the conduct of the public institutions and every thing else pertaining to
social life*
The World is not interested in fooling the public nor in flattering it* Its
news will be compiled honestly and will give a clear picture of actual life*
The World will not only supply its readers with dry facts, but also with
an explanation of the facts* It will illuminate them with the beacon light
of the ideology of Socialism* It shall enlighten them with editorials and
articles in which the events of life shall be discussed from the standpoint
of the organised working class*
II B 2 d (1) -3- JEVflSH
WPA (ILL) PROj. 30276
The World, Ooto er 14, 1917*
The World will furnish its readers with popular scientific articles on the
nature of mankindf countries and races; easily comprehended articles on
hygiene and health of the individual as well as the whole of society; it shall
also devote much space to art and literature; good novelSit instruction and
poems; through which* it shall enrich the minds and ennoble the sentiment of
its readers*
In order that it may be in a condition to fulfill its task, the World shall
have the following sections:
NewSf Jewish and general, domestic and foreign, espeoially of the laboring
masses* S ditorials and articles* Consideration on the most important pro-
blems of life, which shall interest every reader*
II B 2 d (1) -4- JSY/ISH
WPA (ILL) PROj. 30275
The World. October, 14, 1917.
Sooiali8m« (l) The teachings of the sooialist theory, its history and
derelopaent* (2) Contributions, reports and news of the S. P«, Jewish
Socialist Federationt and of the Socialist Movement in general, domestic and
foreign. (3) A weekly survey of the socialist press from all currents*
Trade Unionism* (l) Popular articles on trade-unions written by well known
labor leaders* (2) Communications and reports from the local labor organi-
sations* (3) Correspondence and news of the labor movement in the United
States and all other countries* (4) A weekly survey of the Jewish press and
other languages.
Periodicals and Magazines, (l) A survey of the Jewish papers: The readers of
*he World shall be informed with the problems dealt with there, what opinions
are being voiced and the opinion of the Daily World* (2) Everj/^thing that
the Non- Jewish papers speak about the Jews, aboutthe workers, about socialism
and about other things which should interest the readers of the Worlds
II B 2 d (1)
WPA (ILL) PROJ. 30276
The World. October 14, 1917
Correspondenoe from United States and other countries* 5elles LettreSt
novels, essays, poems, feuilletons, and humor*
Critquet Criticism on literature and art* Review of books In various lang-
uages, especially on such books which are written In Yiddish or have a Jew-
ish or social content*
Scientific Division* Hygiene, (health, cleanlinaee), astronomy, biography^
history and so forth*
/ Peoples Voice. Every reader may contribute to this colu?Tin, his or her opinion
on any problem, which the rules permit to publish*
Social Life* The editor will accept, in this column, short announcements on
social activities and public gatherings^
^' t
II B 2 d (1) -6- JEWISH
IE ^
^ ^ WPA (ILL.) PROJ. 3027b
The World. OotoTDer 14, 1917.
Almanao* ConTentlons and speaohes of every day»
Letter Box* In this section, the World will answer all questions submitted by
its readers*
These are the main features of the program of The Worlds Now, we will not
promise anything else, but we can assure our readers that we shall always
attempt to improve the contents stnd to bring The fforld, to the standard to
which we strive*
E ditorship
(This is the first edition of the World ^
II B 2 d (1) JICVISH g.
The Sentinel, Volumes 23-24. 'Teek of October 27, 1916. Page 2A. ^ >
Peter Boyarsky, who occupied p. leading place in the field of Jev/ish
iournalism under the nen name of "Ikele Mazik,** died on October 20 • He
was born in Grodo, Russia 51 years ago, and came to Chicago from New York.^
Shortly after his arrival here, he started the Jewish Daily Courier and
for 13 years, was its editor.
II B 2 d (1)
I 3 3 a
I 3 3 b Daily Jo\;ish Courier, Sept. 15, 1915.
TEE] ::e:I3L of lite
start in;: next Sunday, the editorial off ico of the Courier will feature a
nev; colui.m for its readers entitled: "The ..11061 of Life". Cur readers
thenselves v;ill be the sole contributors to this coluinn, its editors, if ^
you will, because all v;ell-v;ritten hurnan interest stories \rLll be ■!')rinted 5
there. Tliis column will be an honest reflection of life; one can ercpect >ci
to find joy, as vrell as sorrox;, depicted there. p
"Je ;vish to take this opportiinity to speak briefly about /^the vicissitudes o
ofT" life. Life has been likened \into a r;heel. Life does not remain static ^
any inore than a wheel does. It /life/ is constantly inoving and chanc^ing. S
IlYer3rthing that happens is iiomentarj', and soon disappears. Other incidents en
take their place; these also are subject to change by still other events^
Tlie life of an individual is like a v/heel; its spokes are the joy and sor-
rov;, the hope and disappointment, the love and hate, the belief and despair
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - JI.;iSil
I 3 3 a
I B 5 b Daily Jewish Courier > Sept. 15, 1916.
/y/hich he e:q)eriences7'» Thousands of voices call upon inan to enjoy his
life. The sun shines brightly upon hin. :J1 of his energy is avjakened.
His soul is filled vath joy, and melodies of love ring in his ears. From
thousands of ivonen, a mn selects but one and vice versa.
Wiien a couple marry, who are as happy as the^T-? 'The vjorld appears to be a
paradise to both the husb .nd and vdfe. xJ.1 difficulties are minimized. -^
They cannot believe that they will ever have to boar a heavy burden. F
But life is not what it appears to be in one*s dreams. V/hen the wheel o
/itfel begins to turn, it often becomes so complex that it becomes a dif- • i^
ficult burden for man to endure. Life is chanf^ed into a v:ell of tears, an S
abyss of profound suffering. ^
llany j^^ears after marriage, when a man and xdfe have brought children into
the vx)rld; v/hen they have become accustomed to each other, the wheel of
II B 3 d (1) - 3 - ic:nsH
I 3 3 a
I 3 3 b Daily Jev/ish Courier, 3ept. 15, 1916.
life begins to spin. Occasionally a serpent coi:ies betv/een them, in the
form of an intrigante, and a quiet, peaceful family life is shattered.
Both the Tiian and woman begin to look at each other i;ryly. This arouses
hatred in then^ which poisons their souls, or jealousy, ivhich disturbs their
consciences, /md their peaceful life becomes an unbearable hell»
iind what about unfortunate love affairs? These also v/ill iiave their place ^
in the "Viheel of Life". There v;as a time v/hen an unfortunate girl, for- C
saken and uncared-for, v;hose heart v:as broken, and v;hose life vjas ruined, ^
vias the sole ideal of some young man. ^t least, tliat is v/hat the girl thought. 2
Her path in life v:as covered with roses and blossoios. The perfuiied air ex- ^
haled a fragrant aroma all around her. Ecstasy pursued her and good fortune C3
smiled upon her. irno else could attain such happiness? She would call her
loved one, "m^'- happiness," "my treasure," "my friend," "my soul." \Iho said
that the v/orld vns bad, or that life vjas horrible? Probably they v;ere peo-
ple who had never been in love. This is what the innocent girl thought. She
did not realize that the wheel was constantly spinning. She was duped by
II B 2 d (1) -4- J^;/ISII
I 3 3 a
I B 3 b Daily Jewish Courier, Sept. 15, 1916.
her Sv^reetneart* Her lover v-'as untrue to her* \Ihen he vasn't v/ith her,
he was unfaithful to her. ;uid at a time v/hen he had pronised to be
eternally faithful, v;hen he took her in his arns, he was either think-
ing of someone else or he vjas only satisfying his physical desires* iind
when she realized the truth, she felt bitterly defeated* She vx)uld cry,
and mumur, despondently, "'./hy am I so unfortunate? \Jhy vjas I bom into
this \7orld? \[hy is fate so horrible, why am I tortured?** p:
A shadowy cloud covers the life of this young soul* She strikes the §
chords of lamentation and despair on the harp of life* Tears stream from ^
her eyes and her soul is enveloped in sadness* It seems as though she S
can never again attain peace, and she despairs of finding love and fortune. ^
Even among elderly people, those v;ho have passed their youth, and have
lived through all the liopes and disappointments, all the joys and sorrows
of youthful love— even among these people, changes take place* Each time
II 3 2 d (1) - 5 - Jir^/ISH
I B 3 a
I B 3 b Daily Jexvisli Courier > Sept. 15, 1916.
that fate spins the v;heel, the poor suddenly become rich and the rich,
poor; the hope of receiving liap:;^iness fron children is shattered by the
bitter realization tliat children can also bring crief and trouble to
their parents. Parents face many hardships v;hen they raise children.
They v;ork constantly in order to make their c/.ildren*s lives comfortable. :^
Tliey give them an education and teach then either a trade or a profession. ^
z^re the burdens of life too heavy for a father or nother? IIoI Tliey carry ~
their burdens jo^/fully, disrenardin^T their v-^i^ht. But the ar-ed nother C
and father trust that their cliildrcn v;ill respect then and repa^/ them for ^
the hardships they have endured. But ^reat disappoiiitnents often occur. 2
The v/heel of life, X7hich is constantly opinnin^:, turns and the liappiness oo
of parents is shattered v;hen their children icnore then. The parents of §
such cliildren are brokenhearted because the latter are ungrateful. ^
Such events cp on without stoppinr;. ,.ho can enunorate and count so many?
These incidents v:ill be reflected in the nev; column, ^'Tlie ..heel of life,"
vmich v;ill becin next Sunday in the Je.ash Courier.
II 3
-3 o
1 si
3 b
*) -J dH JL'^l^^
13aily Jevrish Courier, Jept. lij, 1916.
The readers of the Courier v:ill be tlio autliorn -^nd editors of this coliLin,
and everybody v. ill be ^:iven a cliance to record liis or her eicperiences.
I^ach villi receive an appropriate ansv;er to all questions.
II B 2 d (1)
WP/^ {ilL.; PRuJ, 30276
The Dally Jewish Labor V/orld, April 28, 1916.
A oonferenoe was held Wednesday night in reference to a local dally publl-
cation, and the following resolutions have been adopted:
To recommend Comrade Lltvak as editor of the daily paper, to the publisher of
the Jewish Labor '.Vorld; to Inform the workers that the Daily Labor World will
have its first appearance on Labor Day, Monday September 1; to raise a fund of
two thousand dollars by Labor Day; to immediately send an appeal to all Workmen's
Circle branches and trade unions in the country for the Dally; and to inform
the Forward not to come to Chicago to publish a local newspaper; and to or-
gguiize a large publishing association*
It was also determined that this conference shall hold its meetings every
Second and Fourth Sunday morning at 1125 Blue Island Avenue.
II B 2 d (1) -2- JP^TISH
The Daily Jewish Labor :7orld, April 88, 1916. ^^' ^'^-^ ^^Oj. 3027b
Tv/elve new organizations have joined the conference making fifty-five organi-
zations represented and all the delegates are full of enthusiasm for the v/ork
of raising funds for the dailynewspaper# All organizations appoint delegates
for the next confarencet Sunday morning May 14 •
II B 2 d (1)
II B 2 d 13)
Daily Jewish Courier^ June 22, 1914*
THE NE;/ JE'WSH directory IN CHICAGO •
Mr* !♦ M» ffolfaon's Chicago's Jewiah Direct orvt for the Jewish Year 5675,
is now ready for publication and distribution. It has been augmented,
and now wii;. contain names of many Jewish organizations, lodges, rereins,
unions, synagogues, etc., of men and women in the Chicago suburbs, not
listed in last year's directory. This directory is to be forwarded to
the Daily Jewish Courier for its immediate publication.
Even among those organizations mentioned in the older directories, there
have been Mooiy changes in the names of officers, etc., and hence we are
including each and every organization with names of the new officers and
their addresses*
II B 2 d (1)
Daily Jewish Courier. Liar. 23, 1914.
Among the nian:^ nev/spapers expecially the i\nglo-Jev/ish weekly periodicals,
which deluge a newspaper office and v;hich a journalist is subject to pe-
ruse, we have found this v/eek the Sentinel» This weekly periodical, v/hich
is published in Chicago, is new to us.
IVhen opening this periodical, with the usual yawn which a writer is v/ont to
give v;hen he is about to look through the large stack of papers and journals,
we become intensely interested in it. V/e immediately notice that the
Sentinel is somewhat different from all other Anglo- Jewish v/eekly journals. It
is a novelty in the i\nglo- Jewish newspaper world.
V/e have in mind the literary side of this journal. The nev/s items are treated
much the same as in all other periodicals. As far as obituary notices or
social announcements are concerned, the Sentinel is no exception to the rule.
II B 2 d (1) -2- J^V:iSH
I C Daily Jev/ish Courier > Liar. 23, 1914.
Naturally, the Anglo- Jewish periodicals are organs of the editors. Most
of the editors of the Anglo-Jewish periodicals are rabbis, /uid in most
cases the rabbis* articles are merely a repetition of their sermons.
Therefore most editorials appearing in the /inglo- Jewish newspapers are
along religious lines and not secular.
The Sentinel is distinguished from all other newspapers because its edito-
rials do not only correspond with but are rather diametrically opposed to the
views of tho editor. In this respect, the Sentinel is almost like the daily
Jewish newspai)ers. ITie editor of the Sentinel is Rabbi ..braham Hirschberg,
a Jev; uuo "believes" that every Jev; who is a Zionist ought to be deported
from America. Yet the Sentinel is adorned with the Star of David and its
associate editors are constantly disseminating the principles of Zionism.
Upon looking at the Sentinel, ,.ith the Star of David and Rabbi Hirschberg
as editor, all this caused us to cease" yawning.
II B 2 d (1)
II B 2 d (2)
American Jewish Year Book, 1916-17 - Pg* 272-273
New Jewish Periodicals - Chicago o
Jewish Provision Dealer ♦ Yiddish-English* Weekly. First issue, November 12, ^15.
Unser Wort. Yiddish. Monthly. First issue September, 1915. Organ of Jewish -
Socialist -T^rritorialist Labor Party of America.
Yiddish Art Companion. Monthly. First issue January 7, 1916. Established as
Zion Messenger. English. Monthly. First issue September, 1915. Official
organ Knights of Zion during 19th annual convention.
Bnai Brith News, 1228 Tribune Building, Chicago. Monthly. Established 1908
P. 329.
The Chicago Israelite, 440 S. Dearborn. Weekly. Est. 1885. P. 329.
The Daily Jewish Callt 1107 S. Halsted St. Yiddish. Daily. Established 1900 as
•T)er Taglicher Yiddesher Kol**. P. 329. (See also Sunday Jewish Call.)
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - JEWISH
II B 2 d (2) 4
American Jewish Year Book, 1916-17 - Pg* 272-273 ^
Daily World t 1128 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Yiddish. Daily. Established Oct#J27
14, 1917. Est* 1007 as ••Jewish Labor World*** P. 329. -tj
Observer, 1258 W* Taylor, Chicago, 111. Monthly* Established 1912. P. 333 la
(See questionnaire)* Official Organ of the Chicago Hebrew Institute.
The Reform Advocate, 7 S* Dearborn, Chicago* Weekly, Est* 1891* P* 333
The Sentinel, 14 W. Washington, Chicago* Weekly* Est* 1910* P* 334.
Der Sonntag Courier, 1214 S. Halsted St. Yiddish* Weekly. Est. 1887* P* 334
Sunday Edition of Der Taglicher Judischer Courier.
The Sunday Jewish Call, 1107 S. Halsted* Yiddish* Weekly* Est* 1907 as •Tjer
Sonntag Kol*** P* 334*
Der Talicher Judischer Courier, 1214 S. Halsted. Yiddish. Daily. Est. 1887. P.
334. English title, •TPhe Daily Jewish Courier**.
Unser Wort, 195 E. Broadway, New York City* Yiddish. Monthly* Est. August, 1915
in Chicago. P* 335* Organ of the Jewish Socialist-Territorialist Labor Party
in America*
II B g d (1) - 3 - iBM
II B 2 d (2) *'P4
American Jewish Year Book. 1916-17 - Pg. 272-273 y z,^
Der Yiddisher Record, 1127 Blue Island. Yiddish. Weekly. Established 1910.
P. 335.
_. ^. .»..»--••'' -•""■ ■
II B 2 d (1) Jg//ISH \
II B 2 d (2)
American Jewish Year Book, 1913-14., pp. 414 - 420. \^
3*nai B'rith News^ Monthly. Established 1908. The Chicago Israelite.
Weekly. Established l885« (Chicago edition of the American Israelite).
Jewish Daily Press » Yiddish. Established 1901. Jewish Press.
Yiddish. Daily. Established 1888. Jewish Progress. Yiddish. Weekly.
Established l888. (Weekly edition of Jewish PressTT The Reform
Advocate. Weekly. Established I89I. The Sentinel. Weekly. Established
1911. Per Sonntag: Courier. Yiddish. Weekly. Established I887.
(Sunday edition of Per T&glicher Jttdischer Courier). Per Sonntag Kol.
Yiddish. Weekly. Established I9OO. (Sunday edition of Per Tgglicher
Yiddisher Kol). Per Taglicher Ju&ischer Courier. Yiddish. Paily.
Established 1887* Per. Taglicher Yiddisher Kol^ Paily. Established
1900. Yiddishe Arbeiter Welt. Yidcish. Weekly* Established I908.
Per Yiddisher Record. Yiddish. Weekly. Established I9IO.
II B 2 d (1) JEWISH
Daily Jewish Courier, January 1, 1913 • YJPA (im pn,^
Although many Jews of Chicago, adhering to the class interested in the
Hebrew language, will not approve of everything that Ur. 1. Suballsky,
the publisher and editor of the Hayahudi, stated when appealing to
Chicago Jewry, to help him establish a newspaper, printed in Hebrew,
in America, there will be many who will contribute, no less than one
dollar to such a fund and there will apparently be several who will
contribute an honorable sum.
The Jews of Chic8.go will not contribute toward this fund because of the
reasons expressed by LIr. Suballsky in his appeal* The conception,
that the American, or the Chicago, Jews are mendicants or parasites be-
cause they aru .satisfied merely with Hebraic newspapers from abroad is
not only ridiculous but also very naive* .
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - JEv7ISH
Daily JewiBh Jourier, January 1, I913. WPA (iLL) FROJ. 302/5
If Mr* Suballsky will oublish the Hayahudi in America, and if he will
have as many subscribers as the European - Hebrew newspapers have in
America, he will not exist very long.
Lovers of Hebrew, nationalist ically minded Jews, rabbis, shochtim,
cantors, and Zionists have no more reason to subscribe and to render
aid to an Hebraic newspaper than the common layman, especially when the
editor confesses that his ne'vTspaper will be an impartial one# The
newspaper will hold the interests of nationalists, if the paper will
be nationalistic; rabbis - if city publishes biblical liter-iture; cantors
- if it publishes musical liter ture; it is not the language in which
a party man is interested, it is the matter which is being treated.
II B 2 d (1) - 3 - JEWISH
Daily Jev.-ish Courier, January 1, 1913 • ''^PA (ILL.) PROj. 30275
It is neither pitiful nor disgraceful that tv/o million Jews are unable
to support a small Hebraic press; they can support one should they want
to» They fail in their support not on account of meanness, but merely
because it is a Jew, holding reactionary ideas, v/ho appears disguished
in the word "Kebraic Press** and wants to impose his opinions upon the
great masses •
The reason why Ltr. Suballsky will receive the support which he requests -
and from the non-Hebrew patriots - is due to the fact that we -^re well
off materially and everyone will do his best to give Ilr. Suballsky, or
others an opportunity, to establish and support an Hebraic newspaper ♦
II B 2 d (1)
II 3 2 d (2)
The American Jewish Year Book^ 5673t Septeaber 12, 1912 to Cctoher 1, 1913. \^
— •* Edited by ""^
3'nai B^rlth News> English I.'onthly, Established 1908. ( p* 263)
Chlcar.Q Hebrew Institute L^esrien^er^ En-lish ^lonthly^ First issue, Koveniber,
1909* (p. 263)
Organ of Chicago Hebrev/ Institute, Chicago, Illinois.
The Chicago Israelite, English 'eekly. Established 1354. Chicago edition
of the American Israelite* (p. 263)
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - JE-IGE ^
II B 2 d (2)
The American Jev/lsh Year Book. 5^73$ September 12, 1912 to October 1, 1913. ^^
Edited by ^^
Independent Order Free Sons of Israel. Established 1903.
Ors^.n of the Order (p. 269)
Jev/ish Press. Yiddish Daily. Established 1383. (p. 270)
Jevdsh Proorress. Yiddish ^Veekly. Established 1333. (p. 270)
V/eekly edition of Jev/ish Press, (p 270)
Jev/ish Sentinel. English ".'eekly. Established (?) (p. 270)
The Reform Advocate. English ^Veekly. Established 1391. (p. 272)
II B 2 d (1) - 3 - JEWISH ^^^
II B 2 d
The American Jewish Year Book> 5673f September 12, 1912 to October 1, 1913*
Edited by
Herbert Friedenwald*
Per Sonntag Courier ♦ Yiddish Weekly • Established 188? •
English title. The Sunday Jewish Courier t Sunday edition of Per Taglicher
Yiddischer Courier > (p> 272^
Per Sonntag Koll> Yiddish V/eekly* Established 1900,
English title. The Sunday Jewish Call» Sunday edition of Per Taglicher
Yiddischer Kol^ (p> 272)
Per Tagl Icher Yiddischer Courier^ Yiddish Daily • Established l887*
English title, The Paily Jewish Courier^ (p. 272)
II B 2 d
II B 2 d
- 4 - JEWISH
The American Jewish Year Book, 5673f September 12, 1912 to October 1, 1913#
Edited by
Herbert Friedenwald,
Per Taglicher Yiddischer Kol> Yiddish Daily. Established 1900.
English title, The Daily Jewish Call, (p. 272)
Yiddische Arbeiter Welt, Yiddish Weekly. Established I908.
Organ of the Jewish Socialist Publishing Association. English title,
Jewish Labor iVorld. (p. 273)
Der Yiddischer Record. Yiddish Weekly. First issue March 4, I9IO.
English title, The Jewish Record (p. 273).
II B 2 d (1)
The Sentinel. Wk. of April lU, I9II. Vols. 1-2, p. 2.
West Park Ho* 2, will issue its first Journal on April lU, under the title/v*
Tor Better Haiaanity» This is the first newspaper to he published iQr any
of the public parks •
!• Albert Aisenstadt has been chosen editor in chief • Advisors will be
Sidney A* Teller, on the park, and C» H« Xnglish, on athletics* There will
be four departments - the literaxy, under Sajouel Jacobson; social, under
Xdward Harris; athletic, \mder Edward J* Joyce; and fine arts, under
Isaac E* Sockel«
II B 2 d (1)
Jewish Courier> November 29 > 1910 •
Dr# K. Forenberg, a well knovm Jewish writer and former editor of the
Future, is back in Chicago to taJce charge of the editorship of the
Jewish Workers World» We hope that Mr» Forenberg will have better
luck than he had in his last editorship; that he will understand this
undertaking to better advantage, and that he will have this published
in a workers weekly, 7/e mean not only a newspaper with Jewish letters,
but a real Jewish workers newspaper* Success to you, Dr# Forenberg,
Resp* ••Sochet Ben Harav"
II B 2 d (1)
WPA (ILL) PRO. 3U276
Courier^ November 8, 1910 •
The New Union Weekly Jewish publication is beginning to show up at the various
news stands in the city^ and we are sure that it will be welcome in every
workers home, for it will have all the necessary articles written in reference
to Jewish workers in the clothing trade and ladies garment workers.
The trade union pages will be furnished by the International Garment Workers
Union and will be edited by some of the best Jewish writers in America* A
publication of this kind is certainly worthy of the support of every one con-
nected with a union and to see that it should be read by all Jewish workers in
the land.
I \
II B 2 d (1)
T . V c. ^ ;, w o ^r.r.r. ^™ (ILL) PROJ, 302?S
Jewish Standard, May g, 1909,
Mr. Abraham J, Lietling, son of Mr. Liebling, publisher and editor of
the Jewish Daily Press was reappointed as a meraher of the Small Park
Board Commission for the ensuing year.
.^. j.^'.*
II B 2 d (1)
I B 4
Daily Jewish Courier. Dec. 27, 1908
The Jewish public of Chicago should be grateful to Rabbi Shloime-Chaim for
his decision to investigate many very important matters. Rabbi Shloime-
Chaim is the most honest and most Orthodox rabbi in Chicago and in the
whole world. He has recently shown that he is the most efficient rabbi—
the most suitable person to take charge of meeting the needs of all the
Jews in America, Russia, Poland, Lativa, etc* His uncompromising fight
against intermarriage will go down in Jewish history as outstanding. Rabbi
Shloime-Chaim offered a prize of $5.00 for an article on the subject of
intermarriage. This alone proves his great deeds.
According to the Jewish Standard, which is published by Rabbi Shloime-
Chaim, he will, in the near future, investigate the Carmel Kosher Sausage
Company and determine whether it is controlled by the Carmel Wine Company.
— J
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - Jir.VISH
IV Daily Jewish Courier, Dec. 27, 1908.
We have over 100,000 Jews in Chicago; we have rabbis and she hat im — and no
one ever thought of establishing this fact. The scandal is far greater when
we consider that Rabbi Simon Harry Album, who issued a permit to the Carmel
Kosher Sausage Company, had failed to establish this fact but left it up to j
Rabbi Shloime-Ghaiml
Rabbi Shloime-Chaim also started to find out whether the proprietor of the \
Vilno Sausage Company owned the Vienna Sausage Company — for if two companies,
one kosher and the other nonkosher are run bjr the same proprietor it is very
doubtful whether the so-called kosher company is really kosher. At present
everybody, beginning with Congregation Anshe Smeth and concluding with
Kehillath Anshe Kayriv, knows the distinction between the vilno and Vienna
Sausage Companies.
Rabbi Shloime-Chaim was also v/orried about the ^♦tens of thousands of dollars**
II B 2 d (1) - 3 - Jg./ISH
I B 4
IV Daily Jewish Courier, Dec. 27, 1908,
which the Courier gets from various Jewish institutions — and this is no
trivial matterl Why should the Courier get thousands when there is a Rabbi
Shloime-Chaim who is willing to accept huadreds? After all, any child who
knows addition and subtraction knows that hundreds are less than thousands.
We recognize the importance of these investigations and we would like to
recommend to Rabbi Shloime-Chaim that while he is investigating he should o
also investigate who was the Orthodox rabbi who was mistaken for a gentile 'r^
because of the views he expressed about Orthodoxy? — who was the rabbi who per-r,^
mitted himself to walk into a drug store during the Day of Atonement to drink ^
a phosphate before he went to make his speech? These are the things he should
investigate* The Jews of Chicago will certainly be grateful to Rabbi Shloime-
Chaim if he would enlighten them about these matters — especially v/hen he
requires no remuneration for his work.
While speaking of the Jewish Standard we cannot help but express our regret.
II B 2 d (1) - 4 - JgrflSH
I B 4
17 Daily Jewish Courier, Dec. 27, 1908*
together with those of other readers of the newspaper, that while the publisher ^
and editor were celebrating Hanukah they could not write the Jewish news. How- rr
ever, their consolation lies in the fact that next v/eek they ^/the readers/ will p
again be in a position to read the beautifvil language and thoughtfully composed —'
news of the Jewish Standard.
II B 2 d (1)
WPA (III.) PROj. 30^/5
The Jewish Labor .Vorld, October 9, 19C8*
Last Saturday night our entire family of the Jewish Labor ^.Torld assembled
at the Metropolitan Theatre for the benefit of our paper, the Jewish Labor
World» ?/hen the audience came, we noticed that we have a big family. The
theatre was filled to its capacity, hundreds of people v/ere turned away«
Tlrie performers did all in their power to make this benefit a success, each
actor played his part to the best of his ability. The public left perfectly
satisfied. Comrades Ziskind ajid Litman held short talks. A collection v/as
made to cover the deficit that the paper had, and everybody marched out of
the theatre with the orchestra playing the Marseillaise, feeling satisfied
that the Labor Vforld will continue to exist.
f ■ ■ V . . .H-^wr- T-'% -^..t^^^'^-^r^'-^v^v^^'- ' ;'^^^^^^
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^ • ■ ■ " --" ■ '■■*•' ■ '^■
V ■ ■ . ■
*t«^-v • --,v-; -■ ■.■■■■■,
*^;"'-:--' -v' 'V^.': ;,'-2-''-.v-: ^ ■ ;. ;■: '. .■..:': :---r-i. -' , jej/tish
.v« ■ . •• »
The Jewish labor Worldt October 9, 1908. ' . W^ (ILL) PRO],3027i ^
It now remains to our oomrades and friends to take a little more interest
in the Labor World» Eaoh one who realizes the necessity of having such a
weekly papert should get to work and get subscribers* This is the main-
thing and easy to do« V^ ^^ - - v;- f
■:'iX'- r ■•■
Eaoh one of you have frienda and acquaintances who read papers, talk it over
with them, show them the importance of having a labor paper in ChicagOf then
you will get their subscriptions, especially now when the public is commencing XtW:fh
to stay more and more at home and read more* That should 'medce it very easy ^
for our readers to obtain two thousemd new readers in a month* ^ vt? :
\ "
A jr-'-i,^ ^ :
.14 •'',.--».
v>' .••:•■:•. . ^--.--v-- ,. ^^
.'^/, >■■■ '- V: ■'-'■■ -. i;-
i*-. v--- -•*^.. -y-' ■•:.'-■• v■r^'-■^-•- V. ?-;-;,>•-
3 - jmim
The Jevrlsh Labor V.'Orld, October 9, 1908.
If every one will do all he can, each one shall act as a free, willing,
ap^ent for for our paper - for your paper* This must be done without fail,
if we want our paper to exist and to fulfill its mission*
V/e have no capital, and we all know that our income is limited* ITe do not
have the income which any one of the capitalist papers have, and for that
reason, we appeal to you again*
Comrades, you must take more interest in the paper than you heve in the
past* To you Socialist organizations, appeals the Jewish Labor '"orld*
The publishers of the Jewish Labor V.orld ask that you read our appeal to
yourself, and act as your heart and mind dictates*
II B 2 d (1)
II B 2 d (2) "^
The American Jewish Year Book» 5668 •
September 9, 1907 to September 25, 1908* '\
Edited by Henrietta Szold.
August, 1906 to July, 1907,
The Chicago Israelite - English weekly, established 1854.
Chicago edition of The American Israelite, (p. 461, )
Chicagoer Wochenblatt - Yiddish weekly, established 1887,
English title. The Chicago Weekly. Weekly edition of
Per Taglicher Judischer Courier, (p. 461). Suspended
Independent Order Free Sons of Israel - Established 1903. (Organ of the Order)
(p. 461).
Jewish Press - Yiddish daily, established 1888. (p. 462).
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - JEWISH
II B 2 d (2) :*
The American Jewish Year Book# 5668#
September 9, 1907 to September 25, 1908.
Edited by Henrietta Szold.
The Reform Advocate > English weekly, established 1891# (p. 464).
Per Sonntag Courier - Yiddish weekly, established 1887, English title. The
Sunday Jewish Courier « Sunday edition of Per Taglicher>
Judischer Courier^ Tp* 464).
Per Sonntag Kol - Yiddish weekly, established 1900* English title. The Sunday
Jewish Call. Sunday edition of Per Taglicher Judischer Kol»
Per Taglicher Judischer Courier - Yiddish daily, established 1887. English
title. The Paily Jewish Call, (p. 465).
II B 2 Q (.1)
I D 2 e. (5)
The Ucrld, July 17, 1908. ^ ■ ■
The J0v;ish Le.bcr Viorld is leinr; published by workers fcr the pur jcse cf help-
in.^ tc inprcve the materiel ond spiritual ccnditicns ci the Jev;ish v;crkers
of* Chica'TO and other lar^::e cities.
As a labor newspaper struggling for the v;crkers» interests, the Labor Vi^orld
vrill aid end assist v;ith all her night, the trade unionist n]C veruent , who s e
aim is to abolish slavery for the workers in the factory and s?:eat shop« Vie
will help to enlighten the v;crker as tc hov/ sacred the union nxist be to riim,
always - be it in time of p'^ace or in time of strike; hc\7 much ^.is fate de-
pends on the power of his union, depends on his loyalty and devcticn» In
time of a strike or any ctlier trouble with his bosses, the worker will always
find as a true friend, a defender ajid supporter - cur newspaper. V/e will
often have sections devoted to litero.ture and art, of prominent critics sjid
judges* Articles of history and philosophy and science, va'ituen so clearly
that sjiybody will be able to underst&jid, will also appear in cur paper. In
short, the program of the Jewish Labor V/orld vd.ll be a nev/spaper teaching
oocialisn, science end literature.
The Socialist Publishing Association - publishers of the
Jei/ish Leber V/orld.
II 3 2 d (1)
Jewish Labor .7orld, January 25, 1908. y^p^ (ILL) PROi. 30275
All intelligent Jews, orthodox and radical understand what an ugly and
harmful effect, the Jewish Courier has upon the Jewry of Chicago.
For the time being the masses are not yet familiar with the character of
the Courier and there are people who believe that tbe Courier is a helpful
organ for the Jewish community. In order to show these orthodox masses
what a bad bunch of hypocrites are connected with the Courier - I will
write a few articles*
The writer of these lines is an orthodox Jew, that has sought and studied
the methods of the Courier and the characters of its bosses and its few
petty writers. I wish to inform the Chicago Jewish public what a dis-
ease the Courier is uoon the orthodox Je\7ry»
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - crarnSH
Jewish Labor V/orld, January 25, 1908. WPA (ILL) PROJ. 3027d
The intelligent Jews of all parties, who understand the dangers and the
falsehoods of the Courier have no idea of its insolence. The boasting,
the nerve of the Courier, are knovm only to those v/ho come into close
contact with its gang.
Very often the Courier brags of the good it has done, but never did
they brag as much as in the issue of December first, where the braggart
of the "Jewish Labor Ghetto** stated, **There is not enough money in the
v/orld to pay me for writing anything against my v/ill, that the o^vner
of the Courier is more liberal, more respectable than is the Jev/ish
Socialist Publishing Association, giving freedom to all the v/riters, to
write without censorship; that there are many writers in the Courier
and that the least of them is a professor in comparison to the greatest
of the Jewish Labor iorld.** '"'
II 3 2 d (1) - 3 - JS.;iSH
Jewish Labor V/orld, January 25 > 190 8.
WA (ILL) PHOJ 30275
iThether the Courier writers can v/rite as they please will be discussed
later* Leanwhiie, I want to draw the readers' attention to the insolence
of the statement that there are enough writers on the Courier and that
the least of them may be a professor in comparison to the greatest of
the Labor .Vorld* According to these statements, you are told that the
Courier has 2,288 writers, but I will let you in on a secret, the entire
Courier staff consists of two ignorant treacherous little anarchists,
that is all the writers the Courier has and no more.
The Labor World has a much larger staff than the Courier and publishes
more reaaing matters in one issue than the Courier prints in six
II 3 2 d (1) - 4 - JE'VISH
Jewish Labor ■'/orld, Januan' 25» 1908.
issues. L-ost of the articles and sketches printed in the Courier are
stolen^ Original articles are printed only when they can make a few
dollars by either flattering or insulting someone.
The articles now appearing in the Courier are being stolen from old
European sheets, the Freind^ Yud^ magazines, etc. The Courier needs
no good writers, and no respectable honest person can work there.
llr. Zioni, v;hom the Courier brought from Europe and engaged as their
editor, barely escaped from them. The bosses o^ the Courier figured
on using Lr. Zioni as a tool to F;xtract more money from the Jewish
institutions and politicians, but when they saw that he refused to trans-
form himself into a tool, they began to make things so miserable that he
ran away from the editorial room before even supolying himself with another
II 3 2 d (1) - 5 - JE^SH
Jewish Labor Vorld, January 25, 1908. wp/^ ^j^^^ p^^^
The owner of the Courier goes to the synagogue to pray, because it pays
him in his business, yet he forces all his wvorkers to work Saturdays which
is againjt their. will, even Yom Kippur, Atonement Da^r, they write for
the Courier and the pious boss knowing this very well, goes to the synagogue
and plays the role of the pious Jew» Even the o\'^Tier's only son is
forced by his father to work on Saturdays •
This article is v/ritten to inform the Jewish institutions and the entire
Jewry of Chicago the true colors of their representatives in the press.
II B 2 d (1)
The Heform Advocate, Vol*33,Wk. of Mar. l6tl907f P.U^. %
She Jewish Standard^ a new weekly publication, has Joined the ranks
of the Chicago Jewish press » Julius Bappaport is the Editor*
II B 2 d (1)
The American Jewish Year Book» 5666 • -y
September 30, I905, to September I9, I906. <
Edited by Qyrus Adler and Henrietta Szold.
August 1905. In Chicago, Illinois.
Per Amerikaner - Yiddish and English weekly. Established, I90U. (P. ISl) .
The Chicago Israelite - English weel-ly. Established 1S5^. Chicago edition of
The American Israelite. (P» 1S2).
Chicagoer Wochenblatt - Yiddish weekly. Established 1887. English title, The
" Chicago Weekly, Weekly edition of Per Tagil cher Judi->
scher Courier. (P. 182).
Independent Order Free Sons of Israel.^ Established 1903* Organ of the Order.
^ (P. 183).
The Jewish Conservator - English weekly. Established I90U. (P* IS3) •
Jewish Press and Progress - Yiddish semi-weekly. Established 1888. Formerly
"^ — — Per Blumengarten, (P# 18U) .
II B 2 d (1) - 2 - JEWISH
The American Jewish Year Book, 5666.
Septemher 30, 1905, to Septemher I9, 1906»
Edited "by Cyrus Adler and Henrietta Szold.
1 •:-■*
•■ "So
- 5
The Reform Advocate > - English weekly. Established 1S91. (P. 186) • 03
Per Sonnta^ Courier - Yiddish weekly^ Established IggJ* English title. The ^
Sunday Jewish Courier, Weekly edition of Per Ta^licher
Judischer Courier. (P. 127).
Die Tagliche Stimme - Yiddish daily. Established 1896. English title, The
Daily Jewish Call. (P. IS7) .
Der Taglicher Judischer Courier - Yiddish Daily. Established I8S7. English
title, The Daily Jewish Courier. (P. 187).
Zion Messenger - English monthly. Established I90U. (First issue in August).
Organ of the Order Knights of Zion. (P. 187) •
II E 2 d (1)
The American Jewish Year Eook> 5663 .
October 2, 1902, to September 21, 1903*
Edited by Cyrus Adler*
In Chicago. (Pp. K^g-iyi.) o
Per Bliimenj^arten - Yiddish weekly. ^:i
Chicagoer Wochenblatt - Yiddish weekly. Weekly edition of Per Judischer Courier.
The Chicago Israelite - English weekly, Chicago edition of The American Israelite,
Die Judische Presse - Yiddish daily.
Per Judischer Courier - Yiddish Daily, English title, The Jewish Courier,
Der Judischer Kol - Yiddish daily, English title, The Daily Jewish Call,
The Reform Advocate - English weekly.
II B 2 d (1)
The American Jewish Year Book» 5662. ^
Septem'ber 14, 1901, to October 1, 1909.
Edited by Cyrus Adler,
In Chicago, (pp. 178-180.)
Chicagoer Wochenblatt - Yiddish weekly. Chicago weekly edition of Per Judi-
scher Coxirier.
The Chicago Israelite - English weekly, Chicago. Chicago edition of the
American Israelite.
Per Judi scher Courier - Yiddish daily, Chicago. English title. The Jewish
Per Judi scher Kol - Yiddish daily, Chicago. English title. The Daily Jewish
The Reform Advocate, - English weekly, Chicago.
II B 2 d (1)
The Beform Advocate. Vol,21tWk*of May 1+,1901* Pp#368~369»
A new Jargon dally and weekly \inder the name of "The Jewish Call" was
started here a few months ago In the Jewish Settlement on the Vest Side. Morris
Rosenfeld, the celebrated poet of the Ghetto » was engaged by the publisher to
assist in editing the new paper. He wrote a number of editorials and poems for
the journal. The name of Hosenfeld and his poems gained for "The Jewish Call"
a wide circulation*
II B 2 d (1)
The Heform Advocate, Vol. 21, Wk.of May U,1901, Pp.367— 36^^
The first Jewish paper published in Chicago in the Xnglish language
was the "Occident*** It was started in the beginning of the seventies by
Hoffman and Silversmith. Ur. Hoffman soon retired and Mr. Silversmith
became the sole owner. 7or a number of years he was the piiblisher and
editor. Dr. S. Schreiber and Herman Sliassof have also been editors of
the '^Occident*'* This paper has been discontinued.
About the same time the '^Occident'* was started, there appeared another
Jewish paper^in jargon, under the title of **Israelitsche Presse". It was
published on South Claxk street by a Mr. N.D. Xttelsohn. At intervals an
article or two written in Biblical Hebrew would appear on the pages of this
little weekly. This paper was also discontinued in a short time.
y -
• . /
• n.v
II E 2 d (1)
The Reform Advocate, I'ay 4, 1901. WPa (1lt\P^(n ^r"7'
"The Chioagc Isrr elite" v;as issued Ly Lee. Vi'ise cf Cinoinno.ti, publisher of
the "iiinericeji Isro.elite". Dr. Julius Vase, sen cf the late Dr. Vi'ise, is licv;
in charge of this po.per.
II B 2 d (1)
The Occident. April 6, 189^* ^ >.
Tour newspapers deToted entirely to Judaism are published In Chicago^, They
are all Issued weekly « Three are published In English and the fourth Is
issued In Hebrew characters In the Russian and Polish dialect* Prior to
1889 there was but one paper published In the city In the Interest of Jews
and Judaism* The Occident was the first paper to espouse the cause and was
started in 1873* ^^ Jews then numbered about 20,000 in and about Chicago,
and the Occident being the being the first venture of its kind west of New
Tork Cityt it rapidly acquired a large clientage «- for those days* The
psgper was first. Issued and edited by its present owner, Julius Silversmith*
Besides being the first Jewish pcqper published in the West, The Occident was
also the first Jewish reform paper to come into existence in the world* The
next Jewish pcqper to make its s^earance in Chicago was the Chicago Israel-
ite* This was founded about five years ago* Babbl Isaac M* Wise is the
editor and the pcqper is edited in connection with the American Israelite
published at Cindnncat* The Israelite is also in a measure a reform paper,
althou^ the Rev* Dr* Wise still favors the Saturday service* Three years
ago the third Jewish paper, published in English, made its appearance under
II B 2 d (1) - 2 • JEWISH '^^
The Occident, April 6, I89U. %
the title of the Heform Advocate » Squally as radical in refom is the Advocate
as The Occident, and its editorials are supplied entirely from the pen of its "^
founder, the Rev« Dr. Sail &• Hirsch« Some few years ago a paper called the
Juedische Courier (Jewish Coturier) made its appearance on the West Side,
published in Hebrew characters, in the Bussian and Polish dialect. The pa*
per was owned and edited l^r Leon Colotkof for three years, when Sarasohn and
Son of Hew York City bought him out« The Courier circulates among the 23 1 000
Bussian and Polish Jews of the city who speak no language perfectly, but who
have a smattering of Hebrew, Bussian, Polish and German. The Jewish Courier
is issued also in Hew York City on the same day that it eqppears in Chicago^
Thursday evening, l^on selling the Courier, Ur. Colotkof immediately started
another organ, calling his new venture the Heue Welt (Hew World), but after
a year of hard struggling the paper went out of existence; Mr. Colotkof being
convinced that the Bussian Jews of Chicago and the West would not support
more than one paper • the Chicago Becord.
.:• a:
' I- II B 2 d (1)
The Oocident, January 13, 1893« -tt
Our young friend* Leon Zolotkoff , late of the Jewish Jargon weekly, oj
Jewish Courier « it seems has had some bitter experience with one Houvitz, j
to whom he intrusted the management of his venture^
The rotter turned traitor, sold out the concern and left Ur* Zolotkoff
high and ^ry» But, it seems that the Jewish World, a new Jargon Jewish
paper, has Just appeared with llr* Zolotkoff as editor*
The Sacasohn and Son of the Courier » will find it hard to combat the new
f-^- r ^
II B 2 d (1)
The Occident, November 25, 1887 •
The Jewish Courier, will be the title of a new (Jargon) Jev/ish newspaper
to appear on or about December 2, inst^, at 422 S» Canal Street, under the
auspices of Messrs. L. Zolotkof, I. Segal, and M. Mintz, and will be an or-
gan devoted to politics, literature, and the sciences.
We understand that the form will be the size of the Occident and for the
present will consist of four pages. The leading object of the Courier will
be to inform the Russian-Polish citizens of country who are as yet unacc uainted
with the English language in reg« rd to the history, customs, laws and political
systems of our country in the Jargon and thus educate this foreign element in
all that relates to the United States. But aside from that object» the
Courier will contain foreign and domestic news relating to Jews and Judaism*
t.^- J\
IT B 2 d (1)
The Cocident, February 20, 1885.
Cur Jewish reformed congregations of Chicago, with their progressive Rabhis,
will now have to look to their honors. The Jev.ash pontiff of Cincinnati,
(l. M. Wise), has invented a new coup d'etat. He has tr&nsferred his Cin-
cinnati I sraelite into a Chicago edition*
II B 2 d (1)
The Occident. May 25, 1883.
The Israelitische Press heretofore published in Chicago in the interest of '<2*
our Rus^o-Polish citizens in their idiomt by Mr. N« B# Ettelsohn, has started '^^
for Nev . York City where he will continue the Presse under greater advantages. ^
/' \
, I,
' ■;■
THE OCCIDENT. July 8, 1881
Exit Jewish Advance
As we go to the press the news reaches us that Henry Gersem* with
his Jewish Advance will become non est after this week and that organ
will cease to grind. The gods be praised*
The editor and publisher, we heart goes to St# Louis to preside
over the columns of the Tribune*.* .. .The little mephist come neer gobb-
ling up the Occident. The Jewish Advance was a losing concern since it
startedf as Max Stem can testify*
• -■<J
'~if'*k.''i.^i..: ; v«. .'
II B 2 d (1)
The Oocident> April 18, 1879
Again we change the figures on our title page and The Occident enters
into the seventh volumeof its existence* This time we have reason to
congratulate ourselves that the precarious life of our journal is happily
past and the Occident assumes its place among the journals of Chicago as
a firm and well established newspaper enterprise* We had hoped that as a
Jewish theological organ in its infancet we might conduct it with profit
and advantage, but in that we labored under misapprehensions* Vve trusted
to awaken an interest in our readers for science and philosophy, and for
that effort we ¥rere sadly berated*
We profited by this our latest course to make the Occident a purely Jewish
Society organ---Prom every section of the Union and even from great lot-
ham* The news is portrayed throusrh these columns* From that auspicious
moment on, our subscription rose to a respectable list of names, and the
Occident is now read by Young Israel in Washington Terr, as well as in wilds
of Minnesota to the States bordering along the Gulf of Mexico*
, S '-■ '. \' '■■■■'■■■ ■
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f t^'--' ■ ' - ' ■
^^^Hr'7' '
^ ' S. ' ■;
B. Avocational and Intellectual
2. Intellectual
d* Publications
(2) Periodicals
t .!-
■-.- f
... . .,-. ■^■^!..-Jlii:^^,>^. ^^^^^. ....^ >::...
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Afcj;->,^,...j^i^,-. ,-:^.^j,.,v^;-"/.>:j, .■:..ii.Aj.f.; >a
II B 2 d (2) J:::.iisii
17 Pail/ Je\7ish Courier, j^\Ji[:. 6, 1922*
Jp:;i iLJBiuj i^xGA^iiw III c;iiia.Go7
Dr. 3. r.. IJelaned
I have before i:ie the first issue of the HebreT/ najazine Barkai (Loriiing 3tar) ,
a four-pu^e pcx...phlet, ordinary size, prir.ted in Ghioaso. There is a "Declaration ^
of Policy" on the front pa^^e, which "Declaration" says: "If v;e v/ill it, there 5
can be a daily Hebrev; newspaper in Chicaco". I look at the barorieter (sic) and ^^
see that it is only ei(:hty-fivG, so that it is not the hoj.t of the sun that f^
has affected i.iy mind, A d:iily Hebrev; nev/spaper in Chica;^o i;here there are about ^
three and one-half dozen Hebraists — I wonder hov/ the Jov;3 can be so innocent and g
In the magazine there is a translation of the proclaiiiation issued hy the ^ionist Sn
leaders of Chicago, which \/as published a few days ago in the Courier* The Kebrev/
translation was done in the office of the Barkai. The translator is perhaps a
very fine i:ian, but he does not 'mow Hobrex;, The tern ^rLea.i^ue of hations" is in-
correctly translated. The sentence "open the (iates of Palestine" is incorrectly
II 3 2 d (2) - 2 - Ji:.;iSH
Daily Jev/lsh Courier, Au{^. 6, 1922.
translated. In r^eneral, the translation './as very poorly done. The translator
deserves, for this translation, nine thousand blov/s, but the author of the
article "Theodore Herzl'* deserves not nine but sixty thousand blous because,
while it is bad to tall: nonsense in Yiddish, it is still vjorse to tall: non-
sense in Hebrev/.
To sum up: if one cannot, if one does not understand and does not ::nov;, one -o
should not underta-^e, or el^e one is a fool froiv. the land of fools. o
11 B 2 d (2)
JTward, April g, 1922.
Kew Jewish Journal Pu'blished in Chicago.
The New Star was published yesterday by the Verein
Culture Home.
The journal was registered by Mr . M . Kauf mann and
Mr.Kagan, and will contain articles by Meyer Kaafmann,
I. Mann, Jacob Kagan, A.Bruno, 7. Bixico, S. Miller,
Joseph Kapilow, D. Alexander, and M« Katz.
II B 2 d (2) Jll^nSH
III C Daily Jewish Courier, Nov. 15, 1921.
The East and "Jest Publishing Company, with offices at 138 North La Salle
Street, has issued the following statement: The "iJast and "Jest Publishing
Company aims to publish a national Jewish weekly in English for the educated
section of the Jewish population in America, and particularly for the Jews
who do not read Hebrew or Jewish and who have to be enlightened about our
The new Jewish weekly, Sast and ;Test, will, like a mirror, reflect the entire
life of our people in the 2:ast and the v;est. Its platform will be:
1. To preserve historical Judaism.
2. To fight for Jewish Solidarity.
3. To enlighten our readers concerning all national Jewish problems in all
the lands of the Diaspora and in Palestine.
/, ^ V! 0 J O
o f.r.n o
II B 2 d (2) - 2 - JE?n:SH
III C Daily Jewish Co\irier> Nov. 15, 1921.
4. To acquaint the educated Jewish groups in America with all the tendencies
and currents in the life of our people and with the spirit of the new Hebrew
culture •
5. To fight against all the destructive tendencies in the spiritual life
of our people.
Dr. S.M. Tlelamsd has been entrusted with the editorship of the Sast and Test.
P.S. Rudens is associate editor. The following will be the steady contributors
to the aast and .Vest:
Israel Zangwill, Max Nordav, Hakam, Dr. Moses faster, Nahum Sokolow, Dr. Abraham
Lipski, Louis Lipski, Dr. Frank Rosenblatt, Professor H. Sloninski, Dr. Isaak
Ivlilner, Dr. M. Berenfeld, Dr. Nahum Groldman, Dr. Jacob Klatzkin, Dr. Joseph
KLausner, Dr. David Star- Jordan, Dr. Abraham Levinson.
\ 6 i'U o
II B 2 d (2)
- 3 -
Daily Jewish Coxirier, Nov. 15, 1921.
The first issue of East and West will appear in December. VJith the appearance
of Sast and West, Chicago will become the greatest center of American-Jewish
Edward Katzinger, presi'^ent,
Max Shulman, vice-president,
Alex Kisenstein, treasurer,
David Pollack, secretary.
II B 2 d (2) JMISE
II B 2 d (ij
Dally Jewish Courier, Sept# 20, 1921,
There are seventeen thousand Jewish students in i^merica, and only a very
small nunber of them can read Yiddish or Hebrew; there are twenty-five
thousand Jewish nan and v;omen with an academic education, and only a amall
nuinber of them can read Yiddish or Hebrew; there are also a large munber of
intellectual Jewish men and women who are unable to read fiddish or Hebrew#
Thero are, in /imerioa, about thirty Jewish weeklies printed in the English o
language. These weekly newspapers serve canmunal and social pur]:'Oses, and ^
help in the development of the local institutjons cind communities, but they S
are not good reading material for the educated. For the m.ost part, these
Jewish v/eeklies are entirely colorless. They lack outspoken views on
Jov;ish q.uestions, because they wish to have the s^Tiipathy of both the
Orthodox and Reforr.i Jews, and not having any outspoken views on Jewish
n 3 2 d (2) - 2 - J^iilSH
II B 2 d (1)
Daily Jewish Courier, 3cpt« 20, 1921.
problems, they are only a {rathering of general Jewish nev/s» They still cling
to their old grind organ — by combating anti-Semitism — by constantly
complaining that the anti -oaTiites are not fine people. This will net
attract the J3wish intellectuals in ^erica to Jewish work, nor will the
seventeen tliousand Jewish university students in ijnerica become more
educated or more sagacious Jov;s» ^
Many of the Jewish weeklies in the Unglish language are not only colorless, >::::
but they are positively assimilative, and openly preach national apostacy^ P
They are appealing pretentiously to /Americanized Jev/s and to the Americanized ^
Jewish youth. Just as the Americanized Jewish youth, and especially the o
intellectual youth, knows very little about Jewish literature, Jewish ^
history, Jevrish ideals, and Jewish life, so it accepts the assimilative g
propaganda as the teaching of American Judaism, and thus the circle of cr
assimilation becomes steadily wider and deeper.
There isnH, in America, a sirgle Jev/ish organ in the iJnglish language that
II B 2 d (2) - 3 - JEWISH
n B 2 d (1)
Daily Jewish Courier, Sept^ 20, 1921.
serves the interests of historical Judaism ^ nor brings the Americanized
Jewish intelligentsia closer to Jewish life said Jewish worldly thought«««««
Merican Jewry is the only large Jewish group in the world that hasn*t a single
Jewish organ in the Jewish and American sense. The great Jewish daily ^
newspapers in America are national organs, but they are read only by Jews ^ |
able to read Tiddish. A national organ for Jews unable to read Tiddish ^.
does not exist, and the establishment of such an organ is an absolute p
necessity. Such an organ is needed to attract the Americanized Jewish ^
intelligentsia to Jewish life and Jewish worldly thought, and is also S \
necessary for the enlightenment of other people. ^
When an American statesman, politicism, or editor wishes to know what is ^
going on in the Jewish camp, or ?diat the Jewish brain thinks about certain
questions, he is unable to get this information from the thirty Jewish weeklies
because they are colorless and devoid of subjects of interest to the Jews.
II B 2 d (2) - 4 - JEWISH
II B 2 d (1)
Daily Jewish Courier, Sept. 80, 1921 ♦
The English Jews, only a quarter of a million in number, have three great
national organs: The London Jewish Chronicle, the Jewish Guardian, and the
Jewish Review ♦ The German Jews, only a half a million in number, have
several distinguished national org^ms of various propensities, and even the
poor Rumanian Jews have a national organ, but the iimerican Jews haven »t any*
Today, when the Jewish nation is living through such a hoi^ible crisis; ^
when all the Jews of the entire universe are dependent upon American Jewry, 5
a great Jewish national organ in the English language is a twofold -r.
necessity. V/hen the rtoericanized Jews, who do not read Yiddish, fulfill p
their duty to our people, they must be acquainted with the Jewish problems ^
and needs* This task — the work of enlightening the i^ericanized Jewish o
educated classes about the problems and needs of our people, is that of a ^
national organ in the English language, which should serve the interests of S
historical and national Jevny* Such an organ must naturally have a double «^
function, to wit: to arouse the Jewish minds and hearts, and to fight against
everything that is indifferent or disruptive in our life*
II B 2 d (2)
II 3 2 d (1)
- 5 - JKVISH
«. o —
Daily Jewish Courier. Sept. 20, 1921.
.__ « J — __ ^R ^___ ft. __-»A^___ 1__
Witliout such an organ, ^erican Jewry must witness a heavy loss of its
forces. Ihose who would participate in Jewish life stand aloof , because
they do not know anything about Jewishness and are not acquainted with
the problems and needs of our people •
Such an organ, onoe established, will be of great value, and will not be
dependent on subsidies, because it will be unique through the fact that it 5
will appeal not only to the local Jews, tut to the educated Jews throughout .^
America as well*